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Evening all,


A reasonable day. The Abx are starting to make inroads on those oh-so-friendly pathogens camping out in places no man wot of. I


I completed tiling one roof and the little louvre "hut" for the yard office. A bit "Arthur Daley" I'm afraid: one of the lines of tiles/slates went askew half way up the roof. I couldn't correct the error itself (short of stripping everything off and starting again and I don't have enough laser cut tiles to do that) but I was able to compensate for the error, once in place and weathered it will look acceptable (the reference photos Jamie sent me show the roof in terrible condition, so a step up from that then). I may re-do the roof of the louvre hut as I am not entirely satisfied there, assuming I have enough materials left over. I also have to redesign the interior, as the chimney stack I found out sits right of the illuminated interior, but I have a cunning plan... I hope to complete the second roof tomorrow and spray the etches with undercoat.


Terrible the events at Shoreham, I think, thanks to cheap mass market flights, we have become blasé about flying and we tend to forget how inherently dangerous flying actually is. Accidents like today, which are thankfully very rare, are a reminder that the laws of gravity and aerodynamics are merciless and unforgiving of error.


Well time to put on some earphones, fire up the Ambiance app on the iPad and have the soothing sound of rain, thunder and wind lull me to sleep.


G'night All



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On the movie I saw it looked remarkably close to Lancing College - but that may have been due to foresthortening - it's been a very long time since I was last there.


Flavio I never go to sleep to the sound of wind, my wife always elbows me out of bed.


Best, Pete.

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Regarding the Shoreham disaster this afternoon.

I've noticed that there is the usual speculation about both the cause and uninformed statements from the press such as:

'It stalled half way through the manoeuvre'.

Apart from my deepest sympathy to all those affected by those horrible event. I would like to make the following observation.

I follow aviation incidents closely, not from some macabre sentiment, but to try and understand where it all goes wrong. I 've been doing this since I lost a friend in the 1994 Chinook crash on the Mull of Kintyre.

Over the years aircraft of a certain age and classified as vintage seem to be involved in a spate of accidents in a reasonably short space of time. As the airframes are retired so that only a small few remain flying, then the accident rate reduces again. Tiger Moth and Auster are two examples.

Now we have the 1950's generation of monocoque fuselage aircraft that seem to be in the limelight.

Today's Hunter, and the Gnat a few weeks ago. Both flown by highly experienced ex military fast jet pilots, so I feel pilot error is unlikely.

Perhaps we are going to see a serious review of the flight status of vintage aircraft that are approaching the expected airframe life?

As we all know, the decision to ground XH558 at the end of this flying season was taken because of the inability to accurately predict what was likely to happen to what is an already over hours airframe

Edited by Happy Hippo
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well we started at Rotherham, got the first inning in , had tea and started the second innings. Then it got darker and darker and a  lot of thunder going on, we didn't see any lightning but then it rained, thunder, lightning, absolute torrents ... so that was it!


Tomorrow I am umpiring at Headingley  - the game starts at 9:30 so no pub for me tonight!


Terrible news on the  Hunter crash.


Sleep well everyone.



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Sympathies to all those involved at Shoreham.


Thunderstorm passing overhead and the dog is indoors sheltering. (Bob is very much an "outside" dog.) Although we're a two-cat family, we regularly dog-sit for BiL's collie as he's old and not too well. Bob that is, not my BiL.


Hopefully on a lighter note.

Last week I posted that I would try and get a picture of Duchess of Sutherland as it passed me on the golf course. I forgot to post this


We were running a few minutes early and it was a few minutes late, so this was the best I could get without running across two fairways.....




Friday evening's golf was a comfortable 5&4 win in the mixed doubles league. Compared to last night, today's golf was Jekyll & Hyde. Made more apparent by one of my playing colleagues today being one of opponents from last night. He did enquire if I had an identical twin that could play better than me...........


A working afternoon and then a trip to see my local ice hockey team open their pre-season with a friendly against a team from Finland.

"My" team were unbeaten in the 2014-2015 season in league and playoffs and have changed a few players due to retirement/other commitments such as university. One of those not rejoining for the new season was the league's top scorer. The second highest top scorer is in the team for 2015/2016 but wasn't available for tonight. Third highest scorer and player/coach has retired.

It was a fast, close game with an empty net goal with less than one minute on the clock to seal a 4-2 win fro the Blackburn Hawks. Four of the new squad were on the scoresheet which hopefully bodes well for the upcoming season.


More work tomorrow, with another pre-season friendly in the evening, against a team from the next league down.


I may and go do some modelling as I'm in a good mood.


Enjoy the rest of the evening.











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Evening all from the village.  Having a quiet sit down after a very tiring afternoon taking the layout down followed by  good meal out.


The Shoreham news is terrible and Richards comments are well thought out.  Dave who was helping me today is a former test pilot who is also involved in vintage aircraft restoration but is always very wary about commenting n such things so soon after they happen.  He used to do displays and used to display Vulcans and always says that display flying s very difficult and many pilots underestimate the skill required.




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The first radio news report I heard this afternoon said that the plane broke the sound barrier and flew supersonic past the crowd before pulling into a "loop-the-loop". I did wonder. As Richard says, let's wait for the results of the inquiry. Thoughts are with the bereaved and injured, hope the pilot recovers.



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I have not been watching the TV or listening to the radio this afternoon so that I have only found out about the events at Shoreham in the last hour. My niece lives and works in the area so I was a little concerned when I heard the news, I can't phone her as she is a paramedic and is bound to be busy at the moment. Managed to bag a couple of bargains today but its time for bed so goodnight all.

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Morning all,

My day changed as often happens and I've just crawled in to bed with the iPad. I will have to catch up and comment tomorrow at some point, but I did go back to read Richard's post which was very well put. I don't know if you have the BBC News 'app' on your device Richard, but there is a very informative amateur video running on there which actually shows the plane performing the loop and flying in to the ground as it came 'off the bottom' of the manoeuvre. No ejection is visible (they have just run the video on the BBC News 24 programme as I type this!) and so it is amazing that the pilot survived though critical in hospital. The plane certainly was still in one piece as it disappeared into trees skirting the road. I would be interested in your views once you've seen the video Richard. Seven confirmed, but possibly more yet to found, is a terrible price to pay and our hearts go out to the bereaved families.

I'll try to get time to look in during the morning,

Kind regards,


G'nigh all!

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On the movie I saw it looked remarkably close to Lancing College - but that may have been due to foresthortening - it's been a very long time since I was last there.

Flavio I never go to sleep to the sound of wind, my wife always elbows me out of bed.

Best, Pete.

The college is very closeby, Pete. A few hundred yards at most. The pub can be seen in 1 photo.

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It's 3 years today (23rd) since I had my last cigarette.


Back to yesterday, Durham seemed to be full of yobs and tourists and so I only stayed about an hour. . . .A couple of reasonable buskers were displaying  their talents.


Our version of the Donner und Blitzen , and torential rain lasted from about 6 ish till about 11 ish, resulting in a lake for a garden . . .No mowing tomorrow then.



Goodnight all . . .Sweet dreams.




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We landed about 90 minutes late then o LU one immigration officer to deal with non US citizens. Luckily we were in the front part of economy but took an hour to get through. Not taken that long at this airport before. On to the light rail along with a load of viking fans who also changed at the same stop as us heading for St Paul. We had a brief stop at the hobby store and glad that we did. Could have spent a small fortune in tbere but managed to resist apart from quite a few BLMA N scsle detail packs.

Onto downtown St Paul and after checking into the hotel we are now on Great Waters Brewing Co for a sample of each of their beers which includes three cask ones. Very windy outside and tornado watch in force. Two more bars to try yet!


Edit it's chucking it down here. Looking at the local forecast there's lawn mowing one. Think it should say fit floats!!


Edited by roundhouse
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After the thinderstorms eased we decided to head to Tin Whiskers Brewery a few blocks away. A real proper craft brewery and tap room where we were just staying for one but ended up in A long conversation (in between home serving others) with the barman about th local brew scene, brewing laws etc.

So much so that we had a few samples of an up coming brew etc.


A really good end to the evening and a fantastic, if very long day and looking forward to meeting Ian Abel tomorrow afternoon.

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Rick, I was moved to read how you use your own life threatening experience to help others deal with such illness.


Jock (and others) - you are most welcome.  I am fortunate enough to be able to offer that support.  Others not so.  I cannot turn my back and I cannot alter history.  I'll talk with anyone who may be in need of support.





Dormus interruptus last night following the news arriving here.  A dreadful turn of events within earshot, apparently, of my folks at the eastern edge of Worthing.  Brother-in-Law was unlucky enough to have been on the train passing the airport and watched events unfold on his way to the soccer at Amex Stadium.  His account was chilling and the sense of helplessness when "trapped" as a spectator on a moving train (nothing to do with Southern door faults as per posts above - Shoreham Airport Halt was closed many years ago!) must have made it worse.  


With most of my immediate family and their friends in that area, not to mention a couple of modelling mates, I'm still hoping there is no bad news to come.  Thoughts are, of course, with all those directly affected and the many who witnessed this tragedy at close quarters.


The full loop and crash have been captured on video apparently shot from Truleigh Hill above Shoreham and are posted to the BBC news page.  The A27 will remain closed for some considerable time, current advice from Highways Enland is that they hope to reopen it from 6.00am Monday though local sources suggest that is optimistic as once the wreckage is removed the road will require some rebuilding.  The A259 and Shoreham town centre have been reported at a standstill with traffic queuing from Brighton and Worthing at busy times.  The aircraft came down on the road right outside the Sussex Pad Hotel and close to but well clear of Lancing College.



And in other news


Not a quote but used as a separator.  Mrs G. has been very unwell this week requiring much of my time to care for her needs rather than attending the computer.  I'm pleased to report she is feeling somewhat better today and should return to work tomorrow after a week in bed.


Best wishes to all.  It's a sunny day here with a hint of Spring in the air.  I'm off to enjoy it outside.

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Morning all


Difficult to be upbeat this morning but the storm of last night has passed, as all storms eventually must.

This afternoon I think I will try and return to the loft after a couple of weeks away. I'm still looking for the floor.

I wonder if I do some sort of critical path analysis/Gantt chart/ To do list, whether this would speed up or hinder the new layout progress.

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Morning all. Opted for a quiet day yesterday and will do so today as well as I'll need to be up by 2 am or so. Dreadful news from the Shoreham air crash indeed, so may I just echo the thoughts for those affected...


Positive vibrations to anyone under the weather, and do try to have a good one!

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Morning all.

Sunny blustery weather now and forecast to rain later. Our tomato plants look as if they could benefit from the rain.

Aditi wants some garden tidying/pruning to be done today. I am needed for some things she can't reach. I bought her some telescopic loppers from Aldi yesterday. I think she was pleased.


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