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Simon-never mind "large bill". Their work was clearly not to a satisfactory standard. They should be compensating you for your time and distress (yeah, right). Seriously though I think they should put it right for nowt, as I'm sure you have already paid handsomely.



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On the computer front, I'd certainly agree with the iPad+keyboard. Add a mouse and you've got a little PC. What really got me when I bought my new Windows PC last Autumn was that I had to pay for Office 365-guess how long that lasts before they want more dosh? I'd been perfectly happy with Works from the dark ages for years. I'm now using Open Office which is fine, but I suspect the schools may insist on Microsoft.



She's got an iPad, we want to move to something similar to what she has in school. It isn't a 'little PC' and I don't see how you add a mouse. It's a very different thing, I want a proper keyboard, trackpad and middleweight software. Pages is a 'mare to use for serious WP on the pad.

I don't think schools insist on kids having Microsoft programs - we certainly didn't - and in fact it may be illegal to do so under equal access computer rules in education. The Libre software looks good. Better than Open Office as I remember it, but I haven't used that in years. As far as I know all software nowadays allows the user to save in .docx, .xlsx and so on. I think I might find a better browser than Explorer for her, though.

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Belay that. I've just tried to use both Libre and Open Office Database elements and they don't work on my Mac due to Java being carp. They may work under Windows.

The Libre WP interface is better than Apache, but that seems to be no more than a better skin.

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LibreOffice is not bad (and considering it's free it's pretty damn good), certainly an improvement over OpenOffice, though I still think I was more productive on an Amstrad PCW than on these new-fangled office packages. Actually if I have any large amount of text to write, I do it in a text editor first and format later. Haven't used the database part (I believe there are improvements afoot however).


As far as mobile phones go, Japan collectively decided in the 1990s to ostracise public mobile phone usage, and it's been very effective. Also you rarely see apparently crazy people walking around in public talking loudly to themselves and gesticulating into their bluetooth microphones. Alas, there are increasing numbers of foreigners unaware or unwilling to understand the rules...

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  • RMweb Gold

She's got an iPad, we want to move to something similar to what she has in school. It isn't a 'little PC' and I don't see how you add a mouse. It's a very different thing, I want a proper keyboard, trackpad and middleweight software. Pages is a 'mare to use for serious WP on the pad.

I don't think schools insist on kids having Microsoft programs - we certainly didn't - and in fact it may be illegal to do so under equal access computer rules in education. The Libre software looks good. Better than Open Office as I remember it, but I haven't used that in years. As far as I know all software nowadays allows the user to save in .docx, .xlsx and so on. I think I might find a better browser than Explorer for her, though.

Is Daisy mainly going to be using the laptop plugged into the mains electricity supply. The claimed battery life is four hours. I suspect not a problem if she is using it at home for school like activities. MiL has an Acer of very similar specification and it has been fine.


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Is Daisy mainly going to be using the laptop plugged into the mains electricity supply. The claimed battery life is four hours. I suspect not a problem if she is using it at home for school like activities. MiL has an Acer of very similar specification and it has been fine.


Yes. The idea is that it will be a fixed, but portable machine. We want her to be sitting at a desk, using a 'proper' computer. We think that's very important. The only hold-up at the moment is finding out if the camera can be turned off/disconnected.

Though as I've discovered, if you pay £500 for a repair they disconnect the camera for free...

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes. The idea is that it will be a fixed, but portable machine. We want her to be sitting at a desk, using a 'proper' computer. We think that's very important. The only hold-up at the moment is finding out if the camera can be turned off/disconnected.

Though as I've discovered, if you pay £500 for a repair they disconnect the camera for free...

Tape over the camera is quite effective!
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Evening/Morning all,

Rather tired after looking after the little girl today, but happy and sat in bed with the iPad and a drop of what my country is famous for. I still find the PC in the study easier to use than the iPad, notwithstanding the Windows and IE, but that is probably old eyes and old fingers finding a 24inch wide screen monitor and a proper key board easier to use. All my years at work I used PCs and so familiarity comes in to it! My brother is an IT security specialist for one of the countries biggest water companies, and when he heard that I had been given Norton 360 Professional for three years as part of my purchase deal, he recommended a couple of add ons which made it more secure. One was to run Spybot each time you do a scan, and also to use the free Microsoft utility which is available from their website and is I'm told very effective these days. There are others that I can't remember without going in to the study! Of course, Trojans or all sorts of malware can still circumvent all these security systems if you mistakenly open an e-mail from an unknown sender!

Flávio, I'm glad to read that you are 'listening to your body and slowly getting back to your old self, demonstrated by a couple of your normal erudite posts today! How is Lucy behaving with the dog walker by the way?

Andy(leopard), I think you would do well to follow the good Dottore's lead and 'listen to your body' as well, it certainly sounds from your posts that you might just be over-doing it a little. I wish you a speedy return to full fitness.

Duncan, sad news indeed that your sinus problems are incurable. It never ceases to amaze me how we humans manage to adapt to such adversity but it must impact on everything you do - especially sitting all day in a classroom!

'grandadbob', I wondered if you had tried the old fashioned method of polishing the glass, after it is completely dry, with rolled up newspaper - it certainly works on my windows and fully glazed conservatory?

Lurker, hope you enjoy the upcoming break. You will probably think me sad, but if I lived on the Biggin Hill flight path at this moment, I'd want to spend all day in the garden with my camera to hand.

AndyB, It sounds as if the weekend of 12/13th September is going to be a busy one from what you and others have said - pity for GWR fans that Swindon and Didcot clash then?

Simon, you must have been desperately worried about the 'lump', and you are doing exactly the right thing to get a biopsy performed - let's hope it is actioned very soon. Like others, I feel strongly that the dentist should look on this as a 'warranty' job. Things can only get better for you and Mrs G - strange how life smacks us in the face sometimes!

Neil(NHN), what a kind gesture to deal with Jayne's lawn in her absence - you really are a true friend as it surely would have underlined her bereaved status to have to deal with such a task on her own when she returns. Well done that man!

Just seen that the 'Hump' has arrived so try to get safely over it one and all. Its now lights out time here as the glass is drained,

Kind regards,


G'night all!

PS Gordon, I shall sleep with my fingers crossed that you get the result you desire tomorrow.

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She's got an iPad, we want to move to something similar to what she has in school. It isn't a 'little PC' and I don't see how you add a mouse. It's a very different thing, I want a proper keyboard, trackpad and middleweight software. Pages is a 'mare to use for serious WP on the pad.

I don't think schools insist on kids having Microsoft programs - we certainly didn't - and in fact it may be illegal to do so under equal access computer rules in education. The Libre software looks good. Better than Open Office as I remember it, but I haven't used that in years. As far as I know all software nowadays allows the user to save in .docx, .xlsx and so on. I think I might find a better browser than Explorer for her, though.


Does she need a "shlepable" computer, or is it going to be tethered in her room? If it's going to be tethered, one of the newer desktops might be a better bet. They are quite small and they are really quiet, and probably far more reliable. One of the biggest problems with laptops is that they are very vulnerable to accidental damage. To make them light and portable, everything has to be engineered with very little margin, and cooling them is an absolute nightmare (I used to do stuff like that for a living.)


The other advantage is that you can buy a good display that will probably still be working long after the CPU has been superseded.

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  • RMweb Gold

Some near neighbours have one of the new desktops with a monitor that contains everything except the keyboard and mouse. It (Hewlett Packard) is quite nice but it does also have a built in web cam!

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Some near neighbours have one of the new desktops with a monitor that contains everything except the keyboard and mouse. It (Hewlett Packard) is quite nice but it does also have a built in web cam!

Isn't that an iMac?

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  • RMweb Gold

And easily removed...

Well you will never stop a determined end user but the tape makes it difficult for someone remotely to observe the user without their knowledge.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

A better nights sleep this time, first in a few days.


Maybe the excercise  as had to walk home last night with a heavier than usual bag, due to train being late (again) so missed the bus depsite a so called over 10 minute connection according to the train timetable Our train is consistently late every day, sometimes only 5 minutes but often more. I think that those who used to go for the FGW reading service via the subway have given up these days (not so many people running for it) as they now only make it if the FGW one is late.


ALso had more exercise using mums chainsaw (its a little interchangeable one on a long pole so no Texas chainsaw massacre type thoughts :no: )  to  remove some tree branches in her garden then saw up a sheet of old MDF so she can lift it to take to the tip. Shes in her 80's and still manages to keep the large garden looking very good.


Jock - Further to your post a few days ago, I like WIndows 10 - much better than 8 and you can make it work very similar to Windows 7. Just need to make sure the Locobuffer DCC interface will still work before upgrading the two PC's we use on the layouts before I do these.


Big hump day for us today!


Camera bag packing has begun with spare batteries charged, passports and driving licenses packed. Flights hotel and train bookings all electronically saved but printed back up will also be sorted soon.


Cant wait. WIll be odd spending six nights in the same hotel - last time we spent that long in one place was the last NMRA convention back in 2011!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. We'll be starting a bit earlier today due to a technical briefing, which in turn means we'll finish earlier as well. Rain seems to have abated with only occasional showers predicted for the day. Caffeine intake must yet continue!


Have a good one, folks…

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A dry start and should be warmer than yesterday with some sunshine this morning. Possibility of rain later this afternoon.

Jock - yes  - I do do use newspapers on glass but at the time I'd spent about 3 hours up a ladder and my knees were suggesting I did something else.

Nothing special planned today although there is a railway to be built. Still not quite decided on the size and configuration of the boards. I don't want to rush it and get it wrong. Actually I don't rush anything these days which reminds me of the story of the two bulls. A young bull and an old bull were walking down the lane and the young one said "There's a load of heifers in the field  over there - let's run down and have one or two of them." The old bull turned and looked at his young friend and said "Nah - let's walk down and have the lot"

I bid you good  day


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Typical. Another decent day and back in the classroom. On my second coffee already in preparation.


Jock - Thanks. I have two main problems with my sinuses. The first one is sitting in air conditioned buildings which after a couple of days causes them to flair up. The other one is that I get quite severe pain 3 days before a big thunderstorm which proves to be more accurate than the forecast.


Have a good day everyone

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Evening all. On the subject of Carol....


Sorry but I was more excited by the appearances of Rachel Stevens, Rachel Riley and Alex Jones!


I can understand where you're coming from, but as the years set in you stop buying sports cars with their firm suspension and appreciate something softer for comfort….

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Morning All,


The temperature has dropped today.  It was down to a rather chilly 10°C on the drive to work.  Crazy weather at the moment!


A piece of tape over a webcam will stop casual observation.  Don't forget that the camera can be enabled remotely, and the lamp and the camera can be enabled separately - so you won't know it is on.  Quite why "they" would want to do that, I don't know.  I don't think society is quite as Orwellian as some would like to have us believe.  However, it is technically possible.


Don't forget, that where computers are concerned, if someone has physical access to a machine, it is always possible to do something.


Interesting to see mention of the Amstrad PCW and productivity.  They were a fabulous machine - and Locoscript (the word processor) was a truly incredible product.  Sir Alan hit the jackpot with that machine - cheap to build, easy to use and streets ahead of anything else that was available on the home market at the time.


Have a good day everyone...

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