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Early Risers.


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Good Morning All!


Things here a little warmer, and a lot drier than this time yesterday, thankfully for the cycle into work! Presently it's all 8 oktas here, overcast but dry at present!


Sorry to hear of the car window SixOh, I hope everyone else had a good last evening, the Scouts and I were out having a tour of the Local Lifeboat station, which I found particularly interseting (I hope the kids did too! laugh.gif )


Good luck today Mike, I hope that everyone else has a good day too, no plans for this evening thankfully!

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morniing all from a very grey and cold Manchester.


must remember to take a long sleeve jumper to work instead of relying on my body warmer.


this sort of weather is never conducive(sp) to getting d.i.y.ers in to the shop and spending reasonable amounts.


i had a fella yesterday who came in and wanted an M3 bolt, it was 'far too long' so i cut it down from 25mm to about 10mm. the so 'n' so then looked hurt when i asked him for money.


his argument was it was only 1 bolt. my srgument was thats stealing. he coughed up the 10 pence or so i asked for.


i love the general public


anyway mutter over have a great day everyone what ever you are doing.

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Morning all....Late on parade again. Somehow it's getting more difficult to get out of bed in the darkness of the early mornings. icon_redface.gif


Sounds like you had an eventful day Mike. Annoys me when you end up out of pocket for something that is nothing to do with you. A bit like the dents in your car door when some inconsiderate parker whacks into your door without anyone seeing and then just drives off....icon_mutter.gif icon_mutter.gif


Good luck today, Mick.


I see we did well againt SA yesterday in the 20/20. Doesn't bode well for the next few weeks.

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And it wasn't our first team either! :D

Thanks Don, that makes us feel SO much better...! :rolleyes:


Morning all. Went back to the car last night to drive it in to work and leave it in the secure car park. On my way home, stood on a one inch spike that went clean through the sole of my shoe, thankfully stopped at my skin and didn't puncture that as I felt it and didn't complete the step. Clearly not my day, yesterday.


Good luck at court, Mick - hope the builders have to cough up!


Tony - how much did you find under your pillow? Hope you remembered to check!


The world outside is a distinctly strange colour this morning - almost yellow/brown. There's 8 oktas, rain, a rainbow and there must be some sun trying to creep through somewhere. It almost looks like the world's partially enveloped by mustard gas...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It is much warmer and drier here today. Putting the bin bag out wasn't too arduous a task. Nothing special planned for today apart from a few household tasks.


The tooth fairy doesn't seem to have left anything but perhaps she has privatised the service and it will come by courier sometime between 8am and 6pm.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Was distinctly wet and misty when I walked the dog a hour ago but the sun seems to have burnt it all off and I can now see the oktas. Brightish at least.


Hope the legal system delivers for you Mick.




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  • RMweb Gold
The tooth fairy doesn't seem to have left anything but perhaps she has privatised the service and it will come by courier sometime between 8am and 6pm.



I found a card saying that I was out and I had to collect my pound coin from the nearest depot.

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Morning everybody!


Full set of oktas this side of Hampshire too.


Graham: your lifeboat station visit; was that GAFIRS?


The tooth fairy doesn't seem to have left anything but perhaps she has privatised the service and it will come by courier sometime between 8am and 6pm.


Probably just caught up in the postal strike! :lol:

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It was indeed John, what a lovely bunch of people they were! And from the point of view of a sailor, and a techno-junkielaugh.gif they've got some really swanky "toys" up on their bridge / control room biggrin.gif


I bet they have! IIRC, they're a private group not affiliated to the RNLI?


What puzzles me, though, is why Fareham needs an Inshore Rescue Service!


(For the uninitiated, GAFIRS = Gosport And Fareham Inshore Rescue Service)

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I bet they have! IIRC, they're a private group not affiliated to the RNLI?


What puzzles me, though, is why Fareham needs an Inshore Rescue Service!


(For the uninitiated, GAFIRS = Gosport And Fareham Inshore Rescue Service)


Yes thats right John, completely seperate from the RNLI. No government funding, completely run on contributions. Well, I guess Fareham has a little bit of water - in POrtsmouth Harbour right up the top left! biggrin.gif

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Well, I guess Fareham has a little bit of water - in POrtsmouth Harbour right up the top left! biggrin.gif


Whoops! Drive round the Delmi Arms Roundabout most days and I forgot about Fareham Creek! Mental note to self - open eyes next time!! :icon_lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

One saddening bit of news: German goalkeeper Robert Enke commits suicide . I'm not a football fan myself, but the circumstances of his death are most definitely tragic - especially considering that there are most definitely many more people in much the same emotional situation and who, theoretically, could come to the conclusion to leave this world as well :unsure: . I believe such things are doubly hard for prominent persons because I could imagine they will often try particularly hard to hide their suffering, so as to not diminish their image as a role model - unreasonable as this may be. After all, even celebrities are, basically, human beings like anybody else.

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  • RMweb Premium

Indeed. I admit the more detailed articles from today did bring tears to my eyes :( . Should I be worried about that? :unsure:


While we're at it, it is quite sobering to see how some people on German railway forums comment on the incident - like, "what an egotist, didn't he think about what he would be doing to the train driver and the emergency workers?" I, however, would assume that if one is so deeply lost inside his grief he is simply not capable of making a balanced decision about what to do next. Obviously, some people are truly ignorant about such things.


Of course, I can understand just as well that no train driver is keen on mangling human beings with his mount - very well indeed, having witnessed a couple of close misses over the years myself and knowing drivers who were involved in such incidents themselves. OTOH, this is not to say I would simply want to brush aside this issue as "professional risk" - but even when people were to take utmost care of each other's well-being there still would be no certainty that suicides would never happen.


Difficult and complex issue, that - and certainly not one which can be solved by simple and shallow arguments.

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  • RMweb Gold

8 oktas, wind, rain.

lovely weather for ducks.

You would not enjoy cycling in this Jam.

I had to do that yesterday! Today was fine cycling in, albeit quite cloudy.

On the agenda for tonight - geography homework...

Then some more modelling if I can, what do you guys think of that picture I posted earlier? Do you think it would be a suitable way for Calshot to progress?


Thought for the day: Why is it always the train that hits someone, not the other way around?

Answers on a postcard please!

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  • RMweb Premium

Thought for the day: Why is it always the train that hits someone, not the other way around?


Actually, a friend of mine who drives LRVs in Frankfurt once had an accident where a motorist crashed into the side of his train on a level crossing. Nobody was hurt, fortunately, and the impact did not cause a derailment either. So, it does happen.

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Morning all.

Still 8 oktas but not raining at the moment.

Jam, that picture really is not clear enough to judge anything!

Oh, oh. Sounds like the legal bill is still mounting Mick. I am still holding thumbs for you.

Ds, sorry you have been ill. We did miss you. Hope you are better soon.

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Morning All,


Rather a gloomy morning here - 9 oktas in that it is rather foggy with the temperature hanging around 3?°C.


Sorry to hear that little was achieved Mick - what is the next stage? Will you have to go to court again?


Dominik - I wouldn't worry about the issues bringing tears to your eyes. Your Girlfriend is away at the moment, which probably makes you more sensitive to these sort of things than you would be normally. The whole issue is a tragic story and while I agree to some extent with the sentiments of the people who are thinking about the driver and the emergency workers there is far more involved in this than egoism. Ego doesn't really come into it - and given that Enke was desperate enough to take his own life probably suggests that he wasn't thinking about much else at the time. Suicide is a decision with immense finality - and the feelings of everyone have to be taken into consideration. Yes, he was depressed and I can't imagine what he was going through - but to make the decision to leave his wife and child couldn't have been an easy one. The thoughts of everyone should be with everybody involved in this tragedy.


Time for some coffee!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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