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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hot and sticky here this morning, almost enough to make you want the predicted thunder storms to arrive. Not a lot to report, the postman doesn't arrive until about 11 so I don't know if my parcel will arrive yet.

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  • RMweb Premium

I forgot to mention, thanks Tony for liking my post on Facebook, I would love it as an avatar despite being a 'dog person' rather than a 'cat person', I'm not even sure though if I can use it because of copyright.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all. The forecast rain and thunder has yet to arrive, although we had a shower overnight; not of meteors, it was too cloudy.


I've been lurking again so good wishes to all.


Mrs mole just phoned; she appears to have had a major bust-up with the new bloke. Probably terminal. No doubt I'll hear all about it later. At great length.


I'm beginning to hear faint rumblings to the south so the weather is on its way.


Time to suggest to sleeping teenager that vertical is now the preferred mode. The time taken to engage that mode does vary.


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

I forgot to mention, thanks Tony for liking my post on Facebook, I would love it as an avatar despite being a 'dog person' rather than a 'cat person', I'm not even sure though if I can use it because of copyright.

Perhaps you could ask for a Grumpy Cat style face paint at any event that does such things?

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Sofari so goody. Both trains on time so far and now on way to Waterloo station and then St Pancras. Looks like bus is favourite as it doesnt involve too much luggage manhandling or stairs/escalators/elevators. We are exporting Scotch eggs, pork pies, cider, Pimms and a plethora of grandkids treats. 3 cases will hopefully be 2 on the return to Blighty, except of course Pat will be buying in Belgyland.

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Morning all, just.

Wet and dismal here in Carshalton-sous-Pluie.


I am in awe of Flavio's determination to detail...


Nothing happened here yesterday, and I expect today to be much the same. I may do some modelling and try to find out why the camera in the repaired laptop isn't working.



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I think you must be getting our weather on the mainland as we now have yours, beautiful sunny morning and hardly a breath of wind. Just in time for our visitors to head off home. I'm sure the weather will be just as good in Kerry. It's very quiet here now. A short respite then get ready for the next lot, all those beds to be stripped and remade.


I ought to be getting on with a bit of outside painting but I might give it a miss today.


Welcome back Mike. So it was you we were tracking in the Irish sea after all!

Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, nothing exciting to report I made a trip to the tip yesterday and my back had a twinge afterwards but it has worn off. As the forecast rain hasn't arrived yet I may get more done soon. Feels a little strange not having a child worrying about A levels but they are all passed that bit now.

Pete the music played fine from reports in Private Eye maybe more shouty and sweary moments should be added. 

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Morning folks.


Good news and mediocre news:


Good news, leg vet passed me fit, in fact surprised at recovery time - must change mi avatar.


Mediocre news, black dog vet refers me to another department (again) so another estimated 3 months in limbo before that assessment. :(


Tea to be drunk now :)


Hope today is what you would like it to be.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from red dragon land. It was sunny earlier, blanket of cloud passing over now.
Phone on charge and hopefully I'll get a chance to post a few of yesterday's pics later.

Morning all
The sky is grey with a hint of drizzle over Borough Market Junction.
I'm glad Mr and Mrs Stationmaster have had a good trip. I had no idea such holidays were available until the trip this time last year.
Did anyone see any perseids last night? The clouds came over nicely just about 11 last night so I didn't see any.
We received a letter yesterday addressed to:
The Occupier
Lurker Towers
On the back it said, "If you are not the addressee, please return this letter at once".
Presumably that message was there for the more helpful sort of burglar who redirects your post whilst relieving you of your electronic goods and other valuables.
In it was an opportunity to register to vote.

When we moved to our village some decades ago, we had black skies just outside the front door.  Not these days.  Street lamps everywhere including one next door!  Despite that Vega was clearly visible directly above (special star, that, as our second yacht was a 27ft Albin Vega with a star logo on the sail - swapped it for another 27ft boat with more headroom so that we didn't keep bashing our heads on the cabin door frame).
Back to stars and things.  Seems there was a lot of high cloud around but I saw a few short feint flashes north and south but one cracking streak in the south east.  Ray saw that one and at least one at the back of the house.  Happy with that but not quite the display we were expecting from all the hype.


More later, be good.

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  • RMweb Gold

My visit to the horses last night was a bit odd. I found a fledgling kestrel - I think - in their water tank. Still alive, so I helped it out and it hopped around, then just sank on the grass. It looked at me as if I was mum, and where was dinner, please? Not sure it will survive, but they are everywhere here.

Good news. A return visit this morning revealed no sign of the birdie, nor of any feathers etc, so I assume it recovered rather than being attacked by others.

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  • RMweb Gold

What are the depths on the chart, Mike? Looks a little shallow round there to be playing with submarines if those depths are in Metres!



Dave the depths are indeed in metres.  There seem to be submarine exercise areas all over the place and some considerably deeper than that which seems like a very good idea - but on Monday's advice from whoever issues it there were no submarine exercises  planned although there is supposed to be some live firing taking place off Cape Wraith (which seems to be another way of spellling Cape Wrath?).

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  • RMweb Premium

Well my parcels arrived, looking good. Its the 1/43 scale AEC Regal III with Harrington 'tail fin' body from Atlas. I purchased it from E-bay so probably paid a bit too much for it but I don't care. Haven't taken it out of the blister yet but looking good.

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  • RMweb Gold

MESSAGE FOR FLAVIO  (sorry to shout).


In my time messroom teapots tended to be of the enamelled metal variety (more robust) and were usually brown, big and had a handle - as illustrated on the second line in the page hopefully linked below linked below -



enamelled teapots


In addition if traincrew used the room they would inevitably bring in teacans to obtain some hot water - a large kettle would be permanently on the go unless the messroom had an urn (unlikely in your case I would think).  Usually china cups or mugs were in use, drinking hot liquid out of a metal mug is not always a popular way of going on, and it was not at all unusual to find cups 'borrowed' from station refreshment rooms - cups seemed to be far more common than mugs in the 1960s and the pic below gives a flavour of the times (albeit an extremely clean flavour!).  Benches were far more common than chairs - the latter usually being 'throwouts' from home etc



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Back to stars and things.  Seems there was a lot of high cloud around but I saw a few short feint flashes north and south but one cracking streak in the south east.  Ray saw that one and at least one at the back of the house.  Happy with that but not quite the display we were expecting from all the hype.



I always expect to be disappointed, so I was quite happy when I stepped outside about 4am to see the best one I can remember; a bright ball trailing sparks across the sky.

When I first met Liz, at a party, I was surprised when she said she'd never seen a shooting star (I can't remember how that came into the conversation). I happened to know that the Orionids were near their peak, so I suggested that we went out to the garden, where it was nice and dark. As a Kelt, I said, I could command such phenomena, and she followed willingly (we'd both had a few drinks by this time). "Right, face in that direction, and up about 45 degrees". Sure 'nuff, ten seconds later, a silver streak  made its brief appearance. We'd both made a wish, and were in no hurry to rejoin the party...

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Ah, the joys of Central Air.............


Thanks for trying the link guys - I’ll have another go tomorrow with a different toon. I’m seeing if I can embed it....


Best, Pete.

Morning (here) Pete,

Downloaded the App this morning and managed to play it on my big screen TV for better sound - I was very impressed and it brightened up the dull day that we have here! Was it a composition made just for fun, or some sort of sound track? I'm fascinated about the way you put these things together - did you do it all entirely using electronics, or did you and others play instruments and record them? Sorry about all the questions but I'm now awake. You are indeed, as I felt when I heard the requiem you posted ages back, a very accomplished musician. Thanks for sharing your talent with us,

Kind regards,


PS Pete, I've just caught up to and read post #99585 which explains all, and the music fits the requirement beautifully - should have read through first DOH!

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning all from Scottish HQ! (just!)  Sunny morning here, hopefully will stay that way.


My Dad reported that over three nights he observed several satellites, but only a couple of brief flashes of meteors.  I've not been out in the dark the last couple of nights so no sightings in Edinburgh.


Hoping to head out on the (push)bikes tonight with a bottle of wine and some baguettes and brie. Have a nice picnic along at Musselburgh.  Last night we went for a little walk and tried the new Pimm's cider cup at my favourite local.  Unfortunately it's not as nice as it sounds (I could drink it but GF wasn't impressed as it has a hint of cucumber in it).


Have a good day, all!

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Dave the depths are indeed in metres.  There seem to be submarine exercise areas all over the place and some considerably deeper than that which seems like a very good idea - but on Monday's advice from whoever issues it there were no submarine exercises  planned although there is supposed to be some live firing taking place off Cape Wraith (which seems to be another way of spellling Cape Wrath?).

Cape Wrath is derived from Old Norse hvarf ("turning point"). In this context "Wrath" is pronounced /ˈræθ/ (to rhyme with "path"),[1] in contrast to the ordinary English word "wrath", usually pronounced /ˈrɒθ/ in British English (to rhyme with "Goth"). Vikings are believed to have used the cape as a navigation point where they would turn their ships

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