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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Knock at the door last night and my oldest friend who I haven't seen for several months popped in for a visit and casually announced he's having a quadruple bypass op on Monday. Haven't seen him for a long time as he's been in Yorkshire and Scotland with his lady who's had a major cancer operation and is not too well but they're trying to be very positive about it. Once again my minor problems are put into perspective.


The sun has appeared and it looks like being a fine dry sunny day. The Boss has been deposited at work and is not very happy because she may have to get a bus home. This is because the scuffs and scratches on the car are (hopefully) being fixed this morning by a mobile car repair chap and it may not be done in time.

Nicki and family are currently at about 29000ft over the Channel approaching France en route to Majorca so we won't be seeing them for 10 days.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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DD, how lovely to hear of the kindness of the ladies in your village. I assume they were fully aware of the MiL situation? The only time I can recall trying to wear two pairs of trousers, alcohol was heavily involved! It is difficult not to sympathise as the words "there but for fortune go you or I" spring to mind - the whole situation must be terribly upsetting for Mrs DD and your good self. I for one think you are both marvellous, the way you have strived to make her break enjoyable with your caring attitude. Doubtless your sense of humour helps a lot?



Quite a lot to answer there, Jock.

(Sorry to hear that the meds are making you uncomfortable - maybe it will pass? I hope so).

Yes, they made special cakes and entertained each other and, I'm told, sang along to a laptop rendition of Paul Robeson and other old time favourites.

MiL's condition has really worsened with advancing age - she has always been a bit pixilated.

FiL's death was perhaps the final trigger, added to her refusal to entertain hearing aids, an inability to keep track of her spectacles and coupled with the activities of her scroat of a son.

Unbelievably a pair of her shoes recently purchased for her have disappeared. There will be a full scale hunt today.

As for the good fortune of avoiding it ourselves, there is still time!

I do find an occasional problem recalling a name or an apt word.

Thanks for your kind words - all the more valuable coming from someone who has the admiration of all ERs.

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Morning all - blowing a hoolie here today just now.  It is due to stay dry & calm down a bit, which is just as well, as I am on the Ratty for three round trips today.  Enjoy your day as much as I plan to enjoy mine!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very ER this morning, thats what happens when bleary eyes mis-read the time. Dom, what's that very interesting looking car to the right of number 500? No excuses now I will have to do something in the garden. :rtfm:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all from a rather breezy village.  I've got up first, fed the cats and am now waiting for an oven repair man to ring to tell me what time he will arrive to repair the oven. Not much on the agenda today apart from setting up a new (to us)  PC with Windows 7 for SWMBO and then transferring all the data and emails from the old one.  It could be a frustrating exercise. 

Yesterday went well and I was given the all clear by the knee surgeon who is very happy with the results. It was quite strange to see a range of photos of the inside of one of my joints.


Jock, sorry to hear that the meds are causing you such trouble, I hope that things get sorted out.

DD, The hunt for articles sounds very familiar.  My wife took one of her whist friends on a whist holiday and she is getting rather forgetful.  The highlight of the week was a 20 minute hunt throughout the bedroom for her false teeth.  They were eventually found,  in her mouth!!!.   I hope that you manage to retain your positive attitude to life.   The mention of the events that triggered the decline rings a lot of bells with us as that happened to our late neighbour after her husband died.


Anyway the engineer has rung and is due in the next half hour.  Regards to all and thanks for the mention of ear worms.  At the moment mine is one of the songs we sang at the wedding on Saturday 'Blessed be your name'



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DD, The hunt for articles sounds very familiar.  My wife took one of her whist friends on a whist holiday and she is getting rather forgetful.  The highlight of the week was a 20 minute hunt throughout the bedroom for her false teeth.  They were eventually found,  in her mouth!!!.   I hope that you manage to retain your positive attitude to life.   The mention of the events that triggered the decline rings a lot of bells with us as that happened to our late neighbour after her husband died.


 That's kind, Jamie - thank you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All (as Sgt. Dixon of Dock Green used to say)


Just popping in to record the safe completion of the polycarbonate roof job.  Seven panels all of which had to be cut to unique shapes and sizes to fit the required angles.


In the words used at the very end of The X-Files if you stayed for the very last credit "I made this"


And I'm happy enough with it too.






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Jock - yes I weathered it and I have a small pile of more Black 5s to weather, along with some A3s and Duchesses.


Waiting for joiner to arrive to complete fitting kitchen doors etc and then .. gas man for teh hob, plumbers for the sink and dish washer,  Could be we get the job done this week... depending on the plumbers!


Now off to the post office and then ... oooh err some modelling time. Unfortunately this is earning a crust modelling but hey ho it helps to put food on the table.



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I woke early, scratched my backside and there was a mighty thunderclap outside.


Par for the ER course, apparently,,,


Best, Pete.


Good Lord!

What meteorological phenomenon d'you get if you scratch your crown jewels, then?

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Mornin' all,


Overcast but warm with a few spots of rain for the 07.00 short anticlock constitutional. Head down calorie burn to offset those taken on during a smashing lunch at The Riverside yesterday....they even gave us our own dining room.....so much for Is feeling queasy before breakfast, she ate the same meal at mid-day that I did. Very pleasant drive around the Peak District too...much more sunshine than forecast.


Still on the anti-MRSA regime with Is today...ready for the PIC line being fitted tomorrow.


I've offered to take her back to The Davenport Arms, Marton, when she has the appetite, for probably the best ribs & fries available locally. Can't imagine that she'll take long to drum up the taste for them. 


Now music by The Houghton Weavers....Wild Mountain Thyme


Feathered ones provided for....another feeder stripped down for cleaning, disinfecting and damaged component repairs


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Thought for the Day:


No man likes to share his razor.


Best, Pete.

I suppose it depends on who the lady is!


edit:  Playing catchup on ERs now read through and have seen the other comments. Doh!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny again, despite a brief shower overnight, including a couple of claps of thunder. And, no, I wasn't scratching anything at the time.


Yesterday went well, and we made lunch in Sherry's cabin with salad etc bits taken from the fridge here. Coolboxes are really useful on a hot day. Dinner was also a success, despite the starter not pleasing the chef. It tasted ok to us. The flat in Alencon is right in the heart of the city, with rooftop views, and an open-air diner opposite, so we could look down on people having dinner. Very pleasant.


Dd noted Sherry's presence earlier. She has just had a phonecall on her mobile - from a lawyer in Manchester, apparently about the house sale. Has now called him back gratis on my landline. While incoming calls on mobiles when overseas are cheaper than they once were, it is still not to be encouraged.


More work needed on reclaiming the railway barn. Did I mention the discarded snakeskin? I have found some inexplicably dead sections on the layout that need sorting out.


Hope your week going ok.

Edited by Oldddudders
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And where she has been deploying the razor?


.....I once offered a girlfriend the use of my razor.....but she wanted to use it in a delicate, hard to reach area, so I said that I'd carry out the work for her....just to make sure that she didn't injure herself you understand.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Good morning, DD (belatedly!)


Trying to start the day, but rather difficult with large ginger cat on lap. After our extended absence yesterday (covered elsewhere by Ian), he is extra needy today.


Hope you're all enjoying a sunny day. Much fresher here after thunder overnight (and we're nowhere near Trisonic!!)

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