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Pete (Trisonic). Happy Anniversary. Do you have a celebratory meal with the extended family or just a quiet day at home?




Just the three of us went to Clinton, NJ to the cleanplatekitchen.com for a healthy, filling and tasty lunch - I bet Aditi would like it... . Wandered around Clinton then went onto Frenchtown, NJ for the Bastille Day celebrations, which were fun!


It was sunny and about 90f but no humidity.


Thanks, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Afternoon all,


And it is good - it has rained several times and actually almost enough to fill one of the waterbutts.  It is now raining again - which should definitely fill the whole complement of water butts, we also have rain promised for tomorrow.  


Hmm, typical British summer, can hardly remember when we last saw the sun, no - sorry - that was yesterday.

Lucky you...rain sorely needed to dilute the Green Thumb lawn feed granules.Our larches are hoovering the moisture from the lawn.Soon we will be a Gobi desert lookalike.Rain please...soon...and lots of it.Hot in the loft this afternoon.Great refuge from Wimbledon.As Dylan Thomas said..."Come to a bad end....very enjoyable "...even when dealing with a Hornby King Arthur which did a spectacular pole vault off the layout and lived to tell the tale...intact...would you believe it ? "Pick Yourself Up,Dust Yourself Down etc...".A great model,Hornby 's King Arthur.Bomb proof as well ,it seems.

The great Jon Vickers has passed from us....a tenor of heroic style and voice.Oh for a voice such as his.Coincidentally,on BBC 4 last week,Antonio Pappano used hin as an exemplar of a great tenor voice.Tonight,he has a programme on the mezzo soprano voice.

If you love good music,watch this.Pappano is one of my icons. John Eliot Gardener is the other...especially after a weekend at Snape Maltings when he performed with the Monteverdi Choir on two evenings a chocolate box selection of Mozart and Bach.Violinist Isabelle Faust supplied Bach Sonatas in between. Perfect Heaven.

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Survived the game today (just)


Yorkshire won but we did have a nasty injury to one of the Notts players.


Weather was warm enough to umpire in shirt sleeve order.


Enjoy the rest of your day!


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p.s. I think googling one's own symptoms and self diagnosing "X" can also lead one into emphasising the wrong things when talking to the Doc - which can delay a correct diagnosis.


This used to be a fault of mine; I would mention to my GP everything that I thought might somehow be relevant, to the extent that he described my list of symptoms as an unhelpful "mish-mash".

I was helped by the purchase of a "Home Emergency Guide" published by Dorling Kindersley, a fascinating book which, besides telling me what to do in the event of a tsunami or spillage of red wine on the carpet, has admirably clear flowcharts for self-diagnosis of medical problems.

I had misidentified a painful calf as a pulled muscle which for some reason wouldn't heal - a few minutes with the DK book led me to a probable diagnosis of claudication due to narrowing of blood vessels in the leg. I recited the relevant symptoms to the GP, and he triumphantly pronounced: "Intermittent claudication due to narrowing of blood vessels in the leg!"

I was referred to the Northern General Hospital, where I was lucky enough to be included in a national trial designed to compare the efficacy of femoral angioplasty plus exercise classes with that of exercise alone, which meant that I received early angioplasty and a stent and was included in a sociable exercise group. The results of the treatment were and are life-enhancing


Good old NGH - and DK!

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Why would you buy a house for a broken down Rover?



You wouldn't. The house would be for the mechanic.



There was a joke that used to go the rounds here:


Q: Why can't you get ice in your drink in the UK?


A: Because the refrigerators are all made by Lucas.



OK, OK! No need to shove. I'll have you know I've been thrown out of far better establishments than this!

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had to shoot off early-ish this morning as I had decided to visit the Sevenoaks show. Not a bad little show and some interesting layouts. One of the layouts was using an interesting uncoupling device for tension lock couplings made from the plastic spoons found in the cartons of Magnum ice cream (the ones with the shovel shaped spoon and the horseshoe shaped handle, about 3 inches long) an old fuse in a glass tube as found in plugs and a one penny coin. The fuse was glued at right angles to the top of the spoon where the handle meets the 'shovel' and the coin is glued to the back of the 'shovel'. To uncouple the train is drawn up with the couplings in tension the 'handle' is placed beneath the coupling with the fuse parallel to and against the rail, the train is then 'buffered up' to release the tension and the coin acts as a counterweight to lift the couplings and the rest of the train is moved away. It looks far easier than a piece of bent wire on a stick. Other items can be used as a pivot and counterweight instead of the fuse and coin, another device used a piece of metal rod and an old metal wagon wheel.

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I didn't make it to the Sevenoaks show today. I will try to go to the same organiser's New Cross show as I enjoyed that last year.

B&Q's in store stock doesn't seem to match what their website suggests but I found an alternative to caustic soda for my drains. Apart from that I have just felt tired all day. I wasn't expected to do much else apart from taking Robbie out. His well groomed appearance was noted which was nice.

Aditi and Matthew have both been busy writing stuff all day. She is really looking forward to the holiday now. Matthew taught me some words that might be useful in Slovenia and told me a few not to use! Where we are going is a major resort so I expect we will cope anyway.


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Evening all,

I regret that the exertions of the last three days (in the garden as well as partying!) have left me totally exhausted and so I've got no alternative but to catch up on my sleep rather than posting tonight! I will try to get back on in the morning,

Kind regards,


G'night all!

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Evening all. I hope this Sunday evening finds you well. Today has been quite a pleasant way to end an enjoyable weekend with a very nice pub lunch followed by some time in the garden. I took the opportunity to build another 4ft x 1ft baseboard. This one is planned to become a small shunting puzzle type layout, and is likely to be built at our new local model railway group. post-13478-0-35519600-1436738599_thumb.jpg


This evening we took a stroll around the edge of the our new housing estate. The footpath skirts the edge of the new duck pond and runs parallel with the Midland Mainline for a while. The walk allowed us to deliver a new house card to an old school friend who has just moved into the area with his new partner. Just had a Facebook message from him to invite us around for a few drinks to meet Paul, his new partner. So nice to receive a pleasant Facebook message, much nicer than the one I received on Friday. I still feel quite sore over that one. Mind you I feel pretty sore in other ways after my first game of football in six weeks. I think my body is reminding me I am nearly 40.


Hope your week goes well.

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The Olympic mountain biking event was held near here at Hadleigh Castle.


More accurately referred to in MTB circles as:


The Olympic sort-of-a-bit-of-a-hill biking event...............




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Well with Ed's and ID's advice ringing in my ears, I've just got back from Cromer hospital. I'd forgotten about Cromer hospital. Zero waiting time. Better than a 50 mile round trip to Norwich.

Subconjuctival haemorrage.

Clears up in a fortnight or so. Blood pressure and blood sugar tested. Apparently I'm "normal". My wife disagrees and wants a second opinion. Cheek.


There are two types of people in the world.


Those that are normal.


And those that think they are................




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Mawnin' awl. I suppose the last week of getting up in the middle of the night has left its mark, so by about 5 am, I could no longer stay in bed. Sat here with a cuppa and some Vangelis being streamed to the TV from my NAS drive.


Enjoy what you're up to today!

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Morning All,


It is a nice mild morning here today.  Supposedly, the temperature is going to get up to 30°C later on - but at the moment it is a little cloudy.


We had quite a reasonable weekend.  Our new garden gates and fence are finshed at last!  I just have a bit of plastering to do now.  To be honest, I am very glad that we got someone in to put the gate up.  It turned out to be a lot more involved than I thought, and I would probably have taken months to get the job finished properly!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. A grey wet day forecast today which I don't mind as I'm inside all day being ejumacated.


Have a good day everyone


I had that done to me once too :nyam: ....... oh ....... ejumacated  :angel:


Morning all.  Winter continues wet, cold and dull in this upside-down land.  One line was flooded last night but is open again this morning.  Something like 3" of rain fell in 24 hours.  Not so unusual but that sort of downpour is more common in Spring than Winter.


Recovery continues very slowly.  Definitely less coughing today.  Midday finish every day until Friday will mean a little domestic engineering modelling-related activity gets done at last :D

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A belated good morning... the chill (relatively, it was below 20ºC at one point) rainy season has vanished and temperatures are up in the mid-30ºCs. However tyhpoon No. 11 is barrelling straight up northwards through the Pacific rather than looping westwards towards the Phillipines as they usually tend to do, and could make landfall anywhere between Kyushu and Tokyo.

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Mornin' all,


A belated happy birthday to Jock


A 'between the showers' calorie burn around the short anticlockwise to kick off today....too warm for a jacket. Household chores to attend to this week with the bathroom to paint as well as the garden fences and window lintels....although the weather will need to cooperate for the latter. This also applies to a planned sign painting session in school on Thursday. Oh, and hospital with Is tomorrow, collecting mum & dad from the airport on Wednesday and a friend has invited me on a cycling tour of a local hostelry or two on Friday....where did the week go?


We're slowly working our way through some smashing honey flavours collected from various parts of the UK during our trips....surprising how the wildflower based ones vary according to the make up of the local flora.


Now music by Frankie Valli and the four seasons....Walk like a man


Feathered ones provided for 


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all from a damp north Leeds highlands.


Lots to do today apart from earning a crust the kitchen needs to be prepared for the great kitchen rebuild. Eldest Herbert is moving out for three weeks to ensure he eats properly (!)

Have a great Monday everyone.



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Mornin' all,


A 'between the showers' calorie burn around the short anticlockwise to kick off today....too warm for a jacket. 


Lucky you. No breaks between showers here this morning. I sweated round the dunes and beach in full waterproof gear, phew! I was not alone, we had a new 'runner' on the beach this morning. Much as I admire people doing something to lose weight/get fit, I would debate whether it was sensible for her to be indulging in such strenuous activity as I would guess she was well in excess of 20 stone and I could hear her laboured breathing over 50 yards away. I think she would be better off starting off with some brisk walking, it would certainly be a lot kinder to her knees. Maybe body hugging lycra wasn't a good idea either.


Judging by the amount of standing water and the state of the rivers, we must have a lot of overnight rain. I'm hoping the five day forecast was correct and it's going to head over to you lot and leave us with some nice dry weather and I can get out on the bike. Plenty of other chores to get done indoors first anyway.

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....are you suggesting that she wasn't easy on the eye?....there are many overweighties storing up future joint problems by running and often running badly....spose running on sand lessens the impact somewhat but the heartrate is going to be high. The advantages of swimming/cycling have been trumpeted many times.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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