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Evenin' all,


Condolences to Alan


A few scenes from the hurried 'last dip in the sea' trip of the last 3 days (great bathing from Studland and Swanage beaches with good sea temps).....scenes of Minterne Magna....firefighting on the Swanage Rlwy with 'U' class 31806 dubbed by some staff as 'The firestarter' for causing at least one lineside fire on each trip.....Corfe Castle with Poole hbr behind.....our base for 3 nights 'The Kings' at Charlton Horethorne nr Sherborne (highly recommended)....Milton Abbey....Kimmeridge.....Swanage beach....Border Force vessels off Studland.....The Isle of Wight from Old Harry.....the new Condor catamaran passing Swanage bay on an inbound Channel Islands sailing to Poole



Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Evening all from red dragon land.

Nearly caught up but must go and do some dinner or I may get some disgruntlement from HWMBO (I let him think he is, anyway) when he arrives back from the new shed.  He does seem to like the new shed............ (hope that's enough punktuation and questionable speeling for now).

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to Alan and his good lady on their loss. When I returned from doing a bit of shopping, about 1.45 this afternoon I heard the distinctive sound of Merlin engines. Looking up I saw four aircraft flying over, two Spitfires and two Hurricanes. They were flying in a south easterly direction presumably on a BoB event somewhere in Kent.

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So, Phil the Greek told a photographer to 'just take the f****** photo'. Respect to you Phil for saying things that others dream of saying in similar situations. I'm not really sure that you should be saying it though.

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So, Phil the Greek told a photographer to 'just take the f****** photo'. Respect to you Phil for saying things that others dream of saying in similar situations. I'm not really sure that you should be saying it though.


I had a similar reaction. If I make it to his age, I'm sure I'll be saying much worse things than that :)

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  • RMweb Gold

What is this problem with full steps, ellipses, exclamation marks etc etc ....... is it because it's affecting the bandwidth or is it just AY having a personal thing against it???

Should we discriminate against postings that are spelt incorrectly, ones with LOL and HAHA in them, have smiley faces or such other and (my personal annoyance) where someone has written 'should of' instead of 'should have' .

I have never seen someone ROTFLMAO but if someone wants to...........

I sincerely believe Andy's post and the subsequent outbreaks of silliness were all profoundly tongue in cheek. A bit of friday fun with no malicious intent against poor punctuation. Given the current standard of typesetting and quality control on BRM, it couldnt be any other way ;)

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So, Phil the Greek told a photographer to 'just take the f****** photo'. Respect to you Phil for saying things that others dream of saying in similar situations. I'm not really sure that you should be saying it though.

I've met him a couple of times. It's nice to see someone who is prepared to speak their mind (IMHO)

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  • RMweb Gold

I've met him a couple of times. It's nice to see someone who is prepared to speak their mind (IMHO)

I've got a lot of time for him.  A good many years ago he detrained and later entrained at one of my stations so I had to do the 'meet & greet' thing - when he came back to rejoin the train he was 5 minutes early on our timings and he asked if he was on time so I told him he was 5 minutes early.  He then spent some time chatting to me - all relevant and intelligent stuff - until he finally said 'well I suppose I must be going' and got onboard, which the train immediately given the right-away it left precisely on time; brilliantly judged timing on his part and no peeping at his watch.


Anyway the next morning he arrived at another of my stations so yet again I was in the 'meet & greet' line up (last one, as usual) and when he got to the end of the line he took one look at me and said 'what, you again?' - in a nice friendly fashion and with a twinkle in his eye. 

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I'm reminded of Mountbatten yarning on the radio back in the early seventies and telling of an occasion when Prince Philip was a dinner guest of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

The President of the RCSEd had a gift for him:

"Your Royal Highness, we'd like to present to you this bleeding bowl, which dates back to the seventeenth century."

"Well, all I can say is, thank you very bloody much!" responded ra Chooky Embra.

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So, Phil the Greek told a photographer to 'just take the f****** photo'. Respect to you Phil for saying things that others dream of saying in similar situations. I'm not really sure that you should be saying it though.

That’s one of my favorite sayings!

I hate having my pic taken - what’s worse is that the most untalented snappers take the longest.


My Wife gets really p***** off  with me.....


Best, Pete.

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Condolences to Alan and generic like/agree/friendlies to all that require them.


I've been popping in and out of ER's like a bride's nightie over the past few days.




Rugby has it so much better.


Decision disputed - award a penalty.


Still disputed - walk 10 metres down the pitch, re-award penalty.


By this time, the captain will have intercepted the idiot and hauled him away.


You can expect the captain to request an explanation at the next breakdown and you give him brief details.  You can provide a longer explanation in the bar.




Football - a game for gentlemen played by hooligans.

Rugby - a game for hooligans played by gentlemen.


Ice Hockey is similar - any disputes and it's usually the captain that sorts it out.


6 rounds of golf in the past 8 days (as well as many hours of work) and I'm knack*red, although they do say practice makes perfect.


Last Friday - not bad. Sunday - not too good - the school report would say "can do better". Tuesday - a friendly doubles, but still a good 4&3 win. Wednesday - open 4 man team at Leyland - I felt like I carried the other three.......

Thursday - despite a rise in handicap from 14 to 15, I managed a nett 66 first place (in round 2 of a three round competiion) and a reduction back to 14 handicap. Saturday and a better score of nett 65 from my new handicap. 3rd place and a probable reduction of handicap to 13. Actually quite pleased to put three good rounds together in a row. Now for the 4th on Wednesday.


Just spent the evening in the company of a well known retailer of videos, books and RTR Class 143/144 units - some of you will know who I mean - and most of the evening was spent listening, not talking.............


Enjoy Sunday - I'm pretty sure I will.




Edited by newbryford
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Hi Pete,


When you say "we" I presume you mean the North-East US. It was one of the warmest winters in this part of the US, and we just had one of the longest/hottest intervals on record. It finally broke last night and we got some much needed rain.




Yes, when I say “We” I usually mean the family but actually the entire North East, Mid-Atlantic and as far as parts Mid West would more accurate...but more of a mouthful.


We haven’t had a particularly hot summer so far, just a couple of 90f days.


Today is our Anniversary. When we got married 22 years ago the temperature in New York City at 3:00pm was 106f - I nearly slithered out of my suit......





Cheers, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Well thats me off to sleep, just done a possession train in oxford and driven home, gonna sleep til 10 then take the kids to alton towers, a bit skint til friday (payday) so will be using our annual passes to get in and taking a picnic, heard its really quiet there at the mo in the aftermath of the 'smiler' crash so hoping today is too, we dont do the big fast rides anyway but its always nice there when you dont have to queue for anything

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Morning all. Looks a bit grey at the moment.


Crashed out early last evening after a long and knackering day at Barnes Fair, followed by a friend of Julie's Diamond Wedding party...

Now up at the crack, coffeed and watching Harry Potter on the box.


I tried but failed to catch up with 24 hours of ERs - so if I've missed anything important, my apologies, and my condolences go to Alan, too. It's getting to be a hard time. I'm away to France next week, and I'm going to have to miss the funeral of our member who died last week, which is very sad.


But life is for the living, so have a great day, enjoy yourselves, play a blinder.

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Morning all,

Woke at around 2:30 and a work-thought popped into my head.

So, having spent a couple of hours working I'm now ready for zzz zzz

Today's resolution: turn the computer off, clean the kitchen, go for a bike ride, do one (no matter how small) thing on the layout to make some progress.


Sympathies to AndyRam on his football woes.


Congrats to Pete and the Mrs on their wedding anniversary. 


Polly, like the photos. A friend makes those large locos (I guess there are several people doing that). No joke when he asked me to help lift one of his Class 20s on to the workbench.


Best. Andy 

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Morning all. Happy anniversary, Pete!


Frida the cat needs to be taken to the vet later this morning for a quick follow-up to an initial visit on Friday due to a stomach bug she had caught. Both kitties need to get antibiotics currently to make sure Kiki doesn't pick it up as well. Frida must have been quite poorly on Friday morning according to what Elise had messaged me while at work, but from her behaviour seems to be back in shape already. I can't bear seeing animals in suffering, so I'm particularly happy!

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