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Morning all. Hopefully a batter ER day. 35 degrees and possibly higher.


Congratulations Andy.


Don't forget plenty of fluids today please.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all, truly a dismal day yesterday you end up feeling helpless because words are useless people need a hug. On a more upbeat note up early to take Mrs B to the hospital to have her leg pulled under anaesthetic to see if her hip can be fixed and sort out nearly two years of pain.Young women they don't make them like they used to...... 

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Let's hope for a better month in the health stakes!


Umpiring later today so time to some earning of crusts!


MickB ...hope the stretching goes ok!


Have a great Wednesday everyone!


Tea beckons so see you later.



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Or my, hmm, archive - I've got one for the 1850s and it is a sort of 'combined volume' including the B&E as well as the GWR and various other closely related companies (although it rather heavy on coach connections into Cornwall from Exeter - that being the sort of coach pulled by several horses); one from the final year of the broad gauge, one from the early 1900s, 1938 summer, 1947 summer, and a couple of public timetables from the 1950s.



Don't be put off by my flippancy, Mike (and Lightengine) - I've perhaps read rather too many SF short stories about parallel/alternative universes - these gaps and uncertainties in railway history do need to be resolved by patient research.

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In all the years we have had ER's running, I have never known so may sad events all come together within days.  My thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones...


Congrats on your new job Andy!


Today is going to be a really hot one, so my umbrella will be put to good use in our mid week Medal comp.


Spent most of yesterday fitting my new UV.  What was going to be a five minute job ended up with most of the inlet and outlet pipework having to be modified as the unit clashed with the 1.5" plastic drain pipe from the filter.  Great to sniff the plastic pipe solvent though….


It seems the whole unit is made from a very unusual plastic.  It appears totally solid and opaque, but then looks like something radioactive once switched on in the dark.  With a 55W UV tube, the whole thing lit up like something from Close Encounters and now gives a very spooky green glow to the filter bay.


At least it's easy to see if the bulb is working...

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The bigger issues of sudden death, serious diagnoses & other concerns recorded here certainly put other problems in perspective. Every sympathy to those facing difficult times through bereavement or illness.


Congratulations to Andy on his promotion; you needed some good fortune!


Rumbles of thunder around this morning and a strange looking sky over Torbay.


Hope any storm clouds will soon pass by, in every sense!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Morning All,


It is a nice bright sunny morning here, and quite pleasantly warm at the moment.  However, it is due to turn into a scorcher later on with temperatures of 38°C forecast.  Too hot for me!


Some terrible news on here yesterday.  Why does the awful stuff always seem to come at once?


Congratulations to Andy.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


To hell with the weather report - what a disastrous end of June for ERPeople! Losing friends and battling illness on all sides. Is it something we said? As Sherry & others have said, it does provide perspective, to put it mildly.


I had another damp shoulder episode last night, as Alison had received a letter telling her that social security funding will stop in August. As she has no other income of any sort except the pittance I provide for cleaning & gardening this is a bit of a blow with three young mouths to feed. She & the ex arrived in France with £250k in the bank after buying their place, but did nothing to provide for their future except adopt green principles on their 17 acres. The chickens are now roosting. So I polished up my shining armor and went to sit in her garden while the day cooled. And her feckless lover seems to be so mired in his own misery that he isn't even providing the milk she has relied upon for years. Apparently theJCB he had ordered turned up as the wrong model and he is in dispute with the supplier. Lawyers are being instructed.....


OTOH arise Sir Andyram! Great news and well done. We can expect to see less of you, though, as you will now be even busier!


Mention of Tolworth and environs takes me back to my impressionable years, when these really rather ordinary '30s suburbs became somehow attractive as did much of SW& NW London, chasing trolleybuses & shiny new Routemasters. We'll skip over my musical taste, as ever.


Sincerely hope those bereaved can find comfort, and those with health issues, be they their own or a loved one, learn good things re treatment. If it helps, we want to hear about it. A problem shared and all that.

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Well done, Andy - a bright spot on a hard day.


Sun's already got his hat on. I'm off in a bit to a toy fair in Selsdon. No idea what to expect, but if that's where Gostude buys the overpriced carp he sells then maybe I'll have some as well...


But always at my back I hear

Time's winged chariot, hurrying near...


Have a good and positive day, all.

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You're a good guy - but please be a little selfish and think about your own and Sherry's happiness as your top priority, whatever you have to do.


Life, as most of us on here will be very much aware, is just too short.


That said I hope that Alison gets sorted soon, for your sake as much as her own. Difficult decisions lie ahead for her.

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Congratulations to Andy.


Sympathies to those who are surviving losses and those to whom it's close to home.


Today it's the last day prior to the first move - and it looks as if we're mainly ready. Two years of planning and stress now get to be proven.


But first we have to deal with the broken window - sixteen feet high and seven wide - about fifty feet off th e ground.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite warm with a gentle breeze

I will be repeating my trip up to the middle of London today to collect another load of Matthew's stuff.

I didn't get round to removing my train paraphernalia from his bedroom yesterday but I did buy some boxes from Staples. Staples staff seemed quite capable with that purchase but I also asked to see their range of digital voice recorders (Matthew needs one). This was not possible and I was referred to their website. I may as well just use Amazon.

Other excitements today include bin bag depositing.

Aditi was sorting out a jacket to take to work in what could be a very warm day. It will be really hot in the bit of the college she works in in but the QAA (like OFSTED for higher education) inspector is making his first visit today to see the college principal. Aditi is likely to be going and the executive office suites have air con.


Edited by Tony_S
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 I understand that Christine McVie has rejoined the line-up and so amazingly, the band is again as originally formed! 



Mmmm. Not quite, even if their own web site says so. What about Peter Green, I don't see him listed in the line up!


Having now read the rest of yesterday's postings, I see that PG did at least get a mention. Was the term Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac retrospective. I have albums from that period that are merely titled Fleetwood Mac.


Also I must now offer my condolences to those who lost friends yesterday and congratulations to Andy.


Warm and muggy again and no wind to keep the midges away (which is what happened yesterday). I have been told to take a rest from the garden today, so I may go out on the bike this morning. Torrential showers forecast for later this afternoon.


Take it easy.

Edited by Killybegs
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Good morning all,

Deepest sympathy to Ian on the loss of a dear friend.

Many congratulations to Andy on the promotion. It proves that hard work sometimes does pay off eventually.

Yet again I have to say what a fantastic supportive place this is. I'm not a member of any other forum but talking to people who are this one seems to be very special thanks to the people here.

Try to have a good one and keep out of the sun,


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations and congratulations where necessary. Not a lot happening at the moment at least one side of the house remains cool however hot it gets. Kettles on so be back later.

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You're a good guy - but please be a little selfish and think about your own and Sherry's happiness as your top priority, whatever you have to do.

Life, as most of us on here will be very much aware, is just too short.

That said I hope that Alison gets sorted soon, for your sake as much as her own. Difficult decisions lie ahead for her.

That is thoughtful advice, thank you. I can vouch for Ian's kindness and supportive listening skills; he's still around after eleven years of hearing about - and offering solutions to - the various issues in my life, be it work, family or social! Alison's daliance with François has left her with few friends locally to whom she can turn in a crisis.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from hot red dragon land.  Looks like it's going to be a scorcher.

I put out some recycling at 7.30 and came back in again to get out of the heat. :sungum:


Have a good month and keep kool.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


What a bummer of a week so far here in ER land.  Not sure if it's because there's more bad news, whether we're just mentioning more as we know just what a supportive place this can be, whether there's more of us, so more chance of one of us encountering bad news, or because we're all getting older, or perhaps a combination of all of these.


As Sherry rightly said, these events put our everyday problems into a true perspective.


Condolences Ian, and Bob and congrats, Andy.


Now to less heavy matters, shopping calls, and I got into bother today when I went downstairs to make the tea, and changed all the perpetual calendars to 31st June.


When I locked up last evening, the temperature in our glass porch was 102oF.  I am of an age to recall the summer of 1976, and will be intererested to see if 3rd July this year manages to match or beat the high on that date in '76 when it hit 35.9oC. 


Off shopping soon, and as the new car has air conditioning, I think that I might just be pressing that switch today.  This is the first air conditioned car I've owned, and it does make a big difference.


Regards to All



edit - missed a condolence to Bob - not meant, and no offence intended.


Edited by 45156
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Morning all.


Condolences to Ian and to Bob


And congratulations to Andy!


The trains were as predicted up the spout but I managed to get home in time for Mrs Lurker to go out with a one minute hello goodbye conversation


Younger Lurker is back at school today, his ear having improved considerably


The sky is blue and it's gonna be a hot one! Having said that there must have been a little rain overnight as there were drops on the car when I got up


Have a good day all

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When I locked up last evening, the temperature in our glass porch was 102oF.  I am of an age to recall the summer of 1976, and will be intererested to see if 3rd July this year manages to match or beat the high on that date in '76 when it hit 35.9oC.

Ah 1976, the tar bubbling up through the road that popped when you stood on it, the huge cracks in the lawn and the school serving ice cream every day to keep us cool......and the rain in Wales when we finally went on our family holiday!

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Ah 1976, the tar bubbling up through the road that popped when you stood on it, the huge cracks in the lawn and the school serving ice cream every day to keep us cool......and the rain in Wales when we finally went on our family holiday!


... and the plague of man eating Ladybirds!

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