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Morning All,


The weather is a little brighter this morning - which is nice.  Having said that, we really needed the rain we have had over the past couple of days.


Congratulations to Baz on your anniversary!


Interestingly enough, we were having a discussion on the price of milk in the office yesterday morning.  I popped out to the Supermarket across the road to get four litres of milk.  Two for me, and two for a colleague.  I got the semi-skimmed (1.5% fat), and he wanted the whole milk (3.5% fat).  There was a slight difference in the price, but the whole milk was just 55 cents. 


A few years ago, we went to a holiday cottage on a dairy farm down on Lake Constance.  At that time, the farmers were partitioning government for 50 cents a litre - which they claimed they needed to keep their head above water.  If this is true, then the future will be very bleak.  Milk will be bought from other countries - where safety standards, testing, and quality of life for the animals is lower.  That's a fact of life - saving money in one place, means squeezing it out from somewhere else.  Not a pleasant thought.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning ERs!


Card found...yep in sock drawer!


Despite agreeing no presents herself has announced that a parcel will be arriving in the post...plan B is now in operation!


I am off handing over some trains today so will collect a gift voucher en route.


Pete, its good that I like music and she likes model railways and we both like cricket. It's not always been harmonious but have we had some fun!


Just enjoy today everyone!



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Happy Anniversary to Mr & Mrs O!


It looks like a sunny morn here which is lucky as I'm attending Ladies' Day at Newton Abbott Race Course today with the Red Hatters.


Enjoy whatever comes your way!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from sunny**** red dragon land and Happy Anniversary to Baz and SWMBO.


**** I wonder if that means it's summer,  today.  :mosking:



On that wishful note, I hope our day turns out better than yesterday's and you have a good 'un, also.

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite cloudy here but pleasantly warm.

Various little tasks for today include haircut and some shopping.

I am glad my suggestion of the sock drawer was helpful to Barry! I think sock drawers cause disturbances in the space time continuum.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Quite cloudy here but pleasantly warm.

Various little tasks for today include haircut and some shopping.

I am glad my suggestion of the sock drawer was helpful to Barry! I think sock drawers cause disturbances in the space time continuum.


No Tony, not the drawer, it's when it's contents get put in a washing machine that the space time disturbance happens, what other explanation is there for the odd sock that's always left at the end of a wash. They have to go somewhere and I think that there is a planet somewhere made entirely from odd socks.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather a dull start but there may be some sunny intervals.

Many congratulations to Baz and Mrs O on 36 not out.

I'm supposed to be doing a couple of things today but I'm not in the mood. There may be trouble ahead. :whistle:

Have a good one.


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No Tony, not the drawer, it's when it's contents get put in a washing machine that the space time disturbance happens, what other explanation is there for the odd sock that's always left at the end of a wash. They have to go somewhere and I think that there is a planet somewhere made entirely from odd socks.





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Three days absence, and about ten pages to catch up - I'm aftraid it isn't going to happen....did notice that it's Barry and Mrs Barry's anniversary - congrats...

Generic wishes are again all that I can offer to the others. 


I did manage to get the second train display cabinet which was heavier, as it has a mirrored back, and also needed much more work to fettle it than I expected, and also needed a lot of thought about hanging it, as many of the walls here are plasterboard, but I managed to find some very heavy duty fixings, and it finally went up, but when I started to put the rolling stock in, it all started to roll down to the other end.  A check with a spirit level showed that despite checking twice, I'd managed to drill one of the holes a few mm low.  Am I correcting this - NO.


Yesterday was a nightmare of a day, with the fridge man due to return to fit the correct door seal, and the car also going in for a few things to be looked at. 


So here's the catalogue of the day's disasters.

- Fridge man phoned to say that the wrong part had arrived AGAIN so he wasn't coming (well as he was coming from Darwen, there was no point in a 60 mile drive just to tell me).  I have now raised a formal complaint, and the outcome is, apparently that if they can't source the correct door seal, then they'll send a new fridge - seems a bit drastic for a part that probably costs about a fiver.

- Car went on time, and came back with the faults sorted, but when returned, had a scuff on the bumper which was not there before, and I'm waiting to hear what the solution is there.

- I was sorting out the recycling, and pressed the foot pedal of the kitchen bin (which is an expensive two compartment jobbie) a bit too hard, and the entire mechanism broke, and the lid flew off as well, and I had to bodge a repair but it will never pedal again - hard plastic gone brittle over the years - DOH.

- Went up to the new train cabinet, and opened the door to move things about, and the door caught one of the resin buildings on the top, which fell about seven feet floor-wards, and broke into three pieces. 

- Got the hoover out to do some cleaning up, and the wheels fell off as the plastic has also gone brittle on that - and the part is not available from either the local hoover shop, or online.  New hoover on order for today.

So the only solution was to get myself a bottle of something wet and hoppy...


Shopping today, and the rest of the week is looking very busy indeed, so possibly limited visits this week.


Regards to All


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.....Tomorrow her indoors and myself will attain 36 years of marriage. We have had bad times and good times and survived it all so far.


Il dottore..you seem to miss out on some of the food served up in the UK. Not everything is pre processed. Good quality fruit and meat can be obtained at sensible prices. What I would say is that the pace of life does drive eating habits. As an example tonight all 4 people in the house were not sure of when we could eat. Moreasons fresh pizza bought and cooked as required meant we had something we wanted when we wanted it without too much prep.....

Congratulations. 36 years, wow! You make me feel like a rank amatuer - just 21 years married, me.


I agree with the fact that the UK has great ingredients (sometimes at almost give-away prices [which returns us to the original talking point]) yet the spread of places like Iceland and Lidl and Aldi (who carry a lot of processed food [as do all UK supermarkets - from what I've seen in London when I've gone into one to stock up on essentail supplies - like proper English mustard]) suggests that processed/ready-made food plays a significant role in feeding the UK

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  • RMweb Gold

My socks tend to get holes in them after being washed. I wonder wether they form black holes somewhere :sungum: .


Well it was cloudy when I got up, sunny when leaving home and now very overcast and quite chilly round London Bridge, the Shard making it a lot breezier when near it.

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Morning all.


A relatively sunny start, off for coffee, and then off to Jane's Trains. Then a Sainsbury's delivery and possibly a roast dinner. That's it. Unless anyone's got any idea of how to put a Kadee coupling on a Dapol Terrier, that is...


Have a good day, all, may Fortuna smile on you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather looks OK but pollen levels are predicted to be high. Congrats Baz on your anniversary, are you quite sure you've got the date correct? :girldevil: Interesting bit on the Breakfast show this morning about the new Hollywood pic 'Interstellar', the science used in the film has led to new discoverys in physics.

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Well, the day started with a clear blue sky but unfortunately it has now clouded over (as forecast). What shall I do with my last free day (travelling up to Holyhead tomorrow)? I suppose, as the fridge is now empty, I had better go shopping. That's about a ten mile round trip on the bike, so that should wake me up and maybe the sun will have reappeared. It seems a shame that I haven't really used the camera for nearly a week.


This time last week I was lugging camera and tripod to the top of Bredon Hill to take a panorama for the backscene on Worseter. I managed to choose one of the hottest days of the summer for this adventure which included a thirty mile round trip on the bike to get to the foot of the hill! Two days earlier I had done the same thing on Cleeve Hill, a lot of which was climbed on the bike, phew! Hopefully the final result will be worth it.


There's a great view from the west end of Bredon Hill .........



That's The Malverns of to the left, Worcester is just out of picture on the right. This was taken on my pocket camera, I used my SLR for the panorama.


May the sun shine on your day, wherever you are. Enjoy your day Baz.

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My fridge-freezer is starting to make funny noises. It's still working at the moment but for how long? Seeing as its at least 15 years old its about time for a replacement, has anyone got any recommendations? maximum width of 50 cm.

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Happy anniversary to Baz.


Great to hear Ian's news of an extended Sherry visit.


Father's Day turned into a real treat for me - having noted that kids were in bed/at work, they all surprised me at teatime with a bottle of malt (18yo Glenfiddich which I hope was on special offer at the supermarket) - and for the first time they all clubbed together and bought me a 32GB iPod which really is fab, although it's taking a while to get used to. Used to have a mini-iPod which was great until my daughter fell over while running and crunched it; by then it was obsolete so couldn't be repaired. But with this new one I can do almost anything except phone, which is fine by me. A wonderful, unexpected gift.


Il Dottore - know what you mean about food here in the UK - in France even the smallest Carrefour seem to carry really unusual items, and we have nothing like the weekly/twice weekly markets that most French towns seem to have. You can find good food in Britain if you look, though, but usually at a price.


Weather here still chilly for June, but 400 miles further south in London it looks good at 24C, 10C higher.


Have a good day



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A brief stop by to wish you all well and congrats to Mr and Mrs Barry O, I tried to abbreviate that but it came out as B.O. which didn't sound at all right.


SWMBO is doing a grand job looking (running around) after me during my incapacitation, she must be quite concerned as, being a nurse, sympathy is usually at the sparse end of the scale :D for most spells of undertheweatherness.


I'm temporarily exiled at her place, fewer stairs to negotiate!


Weather in Bedworth, white fluffies with lots of sun. See y'all later.

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Congratulations. 36 years, wow! You make me feel like a rank amatuer - just 21 years married, me.


I agree with the fact that the UK has great ingredients (sometimes at almost give-away prices [which returns us to the original talking point]) yet the spread of places like Iceland and Lidl and Aldi (who carry a lot of processed food [as do all UK supermarkets - from what I've seen in London when I've gone into one to stock up on essentail supplies - like proper English mustard]) suggests that processed/ready-made food plays a significant role in feeding the UK

I agree up to a point re processed food but our local Lidl here in Torquay and the branch in Bonnétable, near Ian's home, sell excellent fresh meat and fish. We both seem to thrive on their products, including their fresh fruit and vegetables.


And Ian's horses like the carrots from there!

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  • RMweb Gold

 I think sock drawers cause disturbances in the space time continuum.


ISTR a maybe-Roy Lichtenstein mural somewhere. A guy is saying "Our love is like a lost sock in the Laundromat of oblivion!" while his girlfriend thinks "Geez - what a straight!"

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My ex got some gadgets from Lakeland to keep pairs of socks together. They had vicious plastic teeth that bit your fingers and wouldn't let go. I've still got some (new and unused) in the sock drawer.




When I say the sock drawer, I mean the one where I put socks that are


1) too small-in case my feet shrink?


2) have lost their twin-in case it turns up


3) have a hole in-but not too big and they would be OK in an emergency


I did try to operate a policy of only buying the same sort of sock so I wouldn't need to do pairing. Do you know how many shades of black there are?

Edited by edcayton
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