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Evening all


Very belated happy anniversary to Tony & Aditi.


Lots about cycling - my tuppence - it feels dangerous here in Edinburgh when cars and even trucks go by very closely. We have cycle paths which are great and yes I obey traffic lights when riding my bike or driving truck or car. The cycle lanes are usually shared with buses and taxis so it can be tricky at bus stops - either you wait for the bus to move or move out into the stream of traffic and overtake, but it'll only overtake you again in a minute or two anyway. If Stockholm and Copenhagen are able to build special cycle-only lanes alongside main roads why can't we do the same when building new roads? Just a thought.


Andyram - we all get demotivated from time to time, dinnae fash yersel, it's ok.



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Morning all!


Tony and Flavio - can I hopefully cheer you up a little bit?  The Long Utopia isn't the penultimate Terry Pratchett book.  Before Terry's death, he and Stephen Baxter had completed the fifth and final volume of the Long Earth series for release next year. (Source: The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jun/12/terry-pratchett-daughter-fans-shepherds-crown-last-discworld-novel)  Or at least that's my reading of what it says in the article!


Congratulations to Tony and Aditi too. [HEAR, HEAR].

Thanks for that info, Herr SexNulAchtSexNul. Something to look forward to for 2017. I purchased The Long Utopia today when I was in town on the way to the orthopod. Not hard back, alas, but the large format "export" paperback. It'll serve until I can sneak in the proper hardback edition past Mrs iD. I dipped into the first few pages and so far (puts on stoner voice) "most excellent"

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Today I reasoned that my very limited success in herding unicorns was down to a lack of available virgins.




You must live in Blackpool............. (with suitable apologies to Blackpool - other virgin free zones are also allegedly available)


Had an excellent day out today with some classic Class 37 haulage. Will sort a few pics out and post later after I've had my late tea.




Edited by newbryford
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Today I reasoned that my very limited success in herding unicorns was down to a lack of available virgins.



Caesar! Caesar! The March of the Virgins has had to be cancelled! One has a cold - and other refuses to march alone!

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Evening All,

See I love Monstrous Regiment, right up there for lambasting idiot jingoism; but Unseen Academicals, now that is total dross, what's it even about? (Not bothered with Nation.)


Good Omens is fun. Disentangling Neil and Terry is an endlessly engaging sport.

I've read it about 3 times (a low read count for a TP book) and it had some good bits but I don't think it compares with Thud, Raising Steam or Snuff. Thud and Raising Steam made some very good observations indeed on "religious loonies"


I saw my Orthopaedic Surgeon today. The supposedly loose screw was nothing of the sort, there is a change of bone density around the screw which looks wrong but is actually often seen and is OK. What was interesting to learn was that the two screws inserted into my Tibia are now completely non functional. Their only purpose was to hold the prosthesis base plate in place, tight against the bone so that the bone can grow into the micro mesh of the underside of the base plate prothesis. Both L and R knee prostheses are in great shape. Less so the right patella, the degenerative arthrosis has so eroded the underside of the patella that my surgeon will have to open me up, flip the patella, shave off the "corrosion" and insert a nice smooth high tech plastic button into the patella, flip back the right way up and then sew me up. The surgery will take about 45 - 60 minutes, 4 - 5 days in hospital ten home. No PT! No Rehab!


To conclude an adequate but wet day, I completed ordering a nicely specced Dell Inspiron 17-5000 (with English operating system software and a QWERTY keyboard). Now all I have to do for my small little business is get my website up and running, order some business cards, sort out some telephony matters and then "do" paperwork for the authorities. I've also started hiring (but I'm keeping it in the family: Mrs iD is ad interim CFO and COO whilst Lucy and Shotty provide "security services"). I, of course, am owner, Chairman of The Board and CEO.


Well G'Night All I'm off to read brochures from LearJet, Airbus, Boeing and Embraer... what should I get for the company jet? decisions, decisions.....


G'night All



Edited by iL Dottore
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Well I found the motivation to cut the track piece to size ready for joining the extension board to the original scenic section. A small job, but progress all the same. Then caught up with my depressed mate with an online gaming session, shooting plenty of zombies.

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I have had two visits to the SVR. One was utterly miserable. We took my parents there (it must have been about 1989 or '90). My mother was doing her "you just go off and enjoy yourself while we sit here..." routine that had made every family holiday joyless before. Aditi had told me it would be good for them to get out. I think afterwards she believed me. Aditi was kind enough to invite Mum on a couple of holidays after Dad died but it was hard work. She was fine just visiting here though.

The second visit was last year when we stayed with my brother. We went along the line, visited Bridgenorth, spent much time in a pub that brewed its own beer, visited the railway museum and got back in time to go out to another pub for dinner! It is a pity really that my Mum seemed to try and keep my brother and I apart while she was alive.


One benefit of marrying a woman fourteen years my junior was that I was nearer her immediate family's ages than to my own family, which made it easier to get on well with them. In particular, daughter Helen's great-uncle John, who lives not too far from the SVR, which we visit regularly.


I always enjoy days out on the SVR; I treat them like visits to places of worship of deities who are not mine, and admire the strange architecture and settings. I might dutifully snap a something xx engine, but it’s the pretty countryside, the different styles of buildings, the upside-down signals etc. that appeal – if Walt Disney had decided to build an English country railway, it would have turned out something like this...




Edit: spelling - tut!

Edited by bluebottle
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Congratulations Tony and Aditi...


Late here today (almost TOMORROW already for you folks!!)


Was up at o' crack sparrow fart this morning (0530) as we had a meeting at the Mayo Clinic - yes THE MAYO CLINIC - this was work/business though, nonetheless was out of here blasted early, with two associates, to go help provide a presentation to Mayo related to upgrading their ERP system.

What "prat" (was a vendor we work closely with!!) plans an ALL DAY meeting to start at 0815 at a location and hour and 30 minutes drive from here, knowing everyone from HIS and OUR company are driving down in the AM!!!!?!?!? :jester:  :O


OK enough of a rant - too tired to post much else...sweet dreams everyone <yawn>

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Evening/Morning all,

Polly, some lovely images as usual - looks like you and Ray had a few really good days. Thanks as ever for sharing them with us.

Dom, terribly sorry to read about Elise's accident, there are some real clowns out there, incapable of using rear view mirrors. I do hope she has a suitable outcome! As Dave(TG) mentioned, there are quite a few thoughtless cyclists out there as well - whilst staying with no1 daughter in Somerset last year, we got 'trapped' behind a group of twenty or more, riding the country lanes two or three abreast whilst chatting and ignoring any other road users! Our biggest problem in Clacton is those that use the pavements as cycle tracks - with the aged population here, it really is an accident waiting to happen! Pete(trisonic), sorry to hear of your SiL's incident - sounds just like the sort of event that the early Bob Dylan would have penned a song about! Ed, that was an awful accident and we can only hope that facial reconstruction can make them presentable again - what a despicable act on the part of the driver!

Ian(OD), thanks for bringing memories of Hamish Imlach back to mind.i loved the guy during my 'folk period' and fully agree with Stewart and Gordon's comments - I still marvel at his influence on popular stars like Billy Connolly! I often wonder if the word 'trencherman' was invented for him?

Stewart and Flávio, I wish the 'stocking' type protector had been available when Archie the Westie had his cojones removed (Although he has a very lengthy pedigree, this was done after one breeding tilt, and on the advice of the vet as the breed is prone to testicular cancer) - poor beast had to suffer the 'lampshade' and when you consider that Westies spend most of their life with their nose close to the ground, he really struggled with it!

34C, so sorry to read about your fairly rare type of astigmatism - it must affect all aspects of your life. Hopefully some sort of cure, or at least relief, will be invented soon.

petethemole, it truly is sad to read of the family feud over your stepson's choice of partner. Brings it in to perspective somewhat when you consider what some of those people above have had to face through no fault of their own!

Sherry, we are both glad that the funeral went as well as such an event could. Your comment on gulls reminds me that visitors to our house often comment on the noise from the large number that roost/nest on the flat factory roof on the other side of the railway tracks! Joanna and I, having lived here for around thirty years, don't notice them, just as we don't notice the passing trains! The same happened to me when I lived in Dunbar near Edinburgh - a large Kittiwake colony populated the castle rock at the harbour mouth, but after a few weeks, we didn't notice the noise. The guano on the car was a different matter however!

Ian(roundhouse), sounds like a really busy weekend ahead at the GCR show - guess it might require plenty of liquid refreshment?

Hope Poet's day, which I note we've now entered, works well for you all - I've had a busy one planned for me so might be catching up again late tonight!

Kind regards,


G'night all!

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Back to it again, had a very good sleep today so feel a lot more refrwshed than i did last night!


Dentist tomorrow for a check up then off to trident trains to collect my non sound Hornby colas 56

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Morning all,

I see a lot of trains appearing here; clearly some people like to live dangerously. She may not say much but she is about....

Sleepless night so I got up and started work. Not such a bad thing as my team may get a sense of urgency if they see emails requesting project planning info at 04:00 in the morning. :jester: Of course, now it's light, and I have to start thinking of getting breakfast on the go and folk off to school, I'm ready to zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Night all!  

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Morning all! Looking dreich outside and, of course, I left my umbrella at work...


Thanks again re all your good wishes for Elise. She obviously still is in pain, though I keep thinking, it could have turned out a lot worse, too.



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Damp morning in carlisle, had a bit of drizzle en route this morning between shap and penrith but other than that nothing so the rain must have been heading south


Waiting for the 05:45 back to crewe (with a change in warrington) should be back in bed for 08:30

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Morning All,


It is a bit on the cloudy side this morning.  Showers are forecast, but it is currently dry.


More software testing to do today, so I had better get on!


Have a good one everybody...

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Good morning all!


Bit overcast but hey ho time for a mug of tea and shopping at moreasons.


Busy day yesterday and managed a T20 game last night. Some fearsome hitting and I ends up umpiring with youngest Herbert bowling. If only the rest of the bowlers had bowled as well!


Have a great POETS day!



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Morning all. Another bright day again. Making sure I have plenty of caffeine before setting off for my course today.


Mick & Jim - Some excellent photos.


I should get time to look in later during breaks.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all, a bright, crisp morning here on the riviera. But Carol says it will cloud over later...


A few jobs to do today, some political others involving the loft. Then possibly a visit to the Waste Recycling Facility. Frabjous day.


Finding the labeller was a great relief. I didn't tell you about that, but it was the Great Drama of yesterday evening. It was where I left it, of course, at the back of a drawer. Now the great plastic box project can be completed. That's the project to get all of my modelling stuff into a set of plastic boxes (neatly labelled, natch) so that I can stick the lot in the car and do modlyn (remember him?) when we go to France. It also makes my work area neater. Or will, when the fallout has been cleared up. A bit like the loft, really, cleaning out the carp and getting the remainder neatly arranged. Come to think of it, that's the political as well...


Have a positive day all, best wishes to Elise, Dom. 


Live long and prosper.

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