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Monday morning...

Had a very pleasant weekend at the cabin (4G access only no wifi, so I limit my time to reduce any excess charges on the ole phone bill, hence reading only no postings!)


Trevor rode up with us Saturday and helped me mow the grass - was almost a foot high in places, that's what you get for missing a week when it's raining a lot followed by periods of bright sun and warm weather. Almost went over the local farm and asked to borrow their combine!!!

Jemma came up late in the day Saturday as she didn't finish her 5-day trip until late afternoon.

Trevor made dinner, I supplied the wine/G&T's and we had a great evening - even played "Ticket to Ride" which sadly I came in third <sigh>


Sunday, a nice slow day, some sun-worship by younger members of the family, excellent salmon on the BBQ.


Today sees me back at work, everyone else NOT!


Have a city house inspector visiting for their annual "how much more can we charge these folks for their property" tax assessment, and a concrete contractor showing up (hopefully) to look at the front path and give us an estimate.


Other than that, I'm "working", that does include a show-and-tell for one client of stuff I've completed almost two months ago - they keep having turnover of staff and we have to re-explain all the items on the project, today is my turn.


Have a good Monday.

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I didn't suffer one break down in all the time I used them, possibly down to the skill of the mechanics at 'Cochranes of Edinburgh' who took care of the servicing.


Goodness me! I worked for Cochranes down at West Mayfield for a couple of years in the 80s. Still in touch with one of the guys from there. Long closed. of course, land sold for flats; privately owned company - there was also an outpost at Berwick-upon-Tweed.


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  • RMweb Gold


Regarding work, I have to see my almost-former-boss tomorrow about "my future". Reading between the lines I get the impression that I certainly will continue to be needed but how and how much.... The ideal (short term) solution would be to work 60% as an employee and 40% on my own business - the idea being to build up my business to the point where I can cast off my employee shackles...





I can foresee a potential benefit in this as being in contact with his customers and contacts could well be beneficial in helping you build your own client/contact list.  Often said in Britain that the main thing which gets you into consultancy work is not necessarily what you know but who you know (as potential clients/revenue streams).

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This is so embarrassing. I've kept those clowns purporting to be from Windows on the phone for an hour. I did the press on the window and the letter R trick (remember it is my church window on my screensaver), after which I was asked to go into the start menu and type "rforromeouforuniformnfornovember", so I did but without success, after which it was into Bing and instructions which started "wwwandasingledot....." Still without success, but I was occupying two of the ar5ecl0wns by now. In the end, my bladder decided it was time to give up.



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I'm currently sourcing the equipment for my business (not much: laptop, colour laser printer/scanner/copier and back up memory) and one thing that really does p**s me off is trying to find - here in Switzerland - the equipment evaluated as "best buy", "best in class" "value for money" as rated by PCWorld, CNet, What PC., etc. It's not that you can't get the big names here, but they muck around with the model numbering/labelling - so it's almost impossible (without a line-by-line review of the specs) to determine if the WhizzoComputer XLSFireball available here in Switzerland is actually the WhizzoComputer XLRFireball (rated by Geek Monthly as a "pile of steaming ordure") or the WhizzoComputer XLTFireball (rated by Geek Monthly as "the best thing since sliced bread, you'll be sorry if you don't get this model"). It drives me crazy...








It's the same here Doc. You try to compare John Lewis with Currys and the "same" model has a different letter as you say. The magazines (especially "Which?") seem to be out of date by the time you get them so it's very hard to compare.



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It's the same here Doc. You try to compare John Lewis with Currys and the "same" model has a different letter as you say. The magazines (especially "Which?") seem to be out of date by the time you get them so it's very hard to compare.


Yes they do that a lot, but past experience of trying to return stuff to either shop makes me know which one I'd choose for the ease that you can do it - and, yes, it's the never knowingly undersold shop. Course, maybe the other shop has changed its ways but I wouldn't know because I stopped shopping there after that... :no:


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all




I'm currently sourcing the equipment for my business (not much: laptop, colour laser printer/scanner/copier and back up memory) and one thing that really does p**s me off is trying to find - here in Switzerland - the equipment evaluated as "best buy", "best in class" "value for money" as rated by PCWorld, CNet, What PC., etc. It's not that you can't get the big names here, but they muck around with the model numbering/labelling - so it's almost impossible (without a line-by-line review of the specs) to determine if the WhizzoComputer XLSFireball available here in Switzerland is actually the WhizzoComputer XLRFireball (rated by Geek Monthly as a "pile of steaming ordure") or the WhizzoComputer XLTFireball (rated by Geek Monthly as "the best thing since sliced bread, you'll be sorry if you don't get this model"). It drives me crazy...


I've designed my business logo (could post here if anyone is interested, plus the alternatives for your feedback), I'm working on my website, my business plan and my preferred domain name is available.




Not sure if it has the capacity for your proposed business but I am rather pleased with my HP LaserJet color200 mfp M276nw. It communicates with all my devices PC and Mac (and even the Hudl2 android tablet), and has easily available consumables.

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Currently trying to get refund of dodgy tablet cables.  My missus bought 1 which worked ok and 4 weeks later bought me 1.  Mine worked ok for 2 weeks and then said "no".  The dealer said "we will send a new one out just send the previous one back".  Nothing ever arrived and therefore nothing ever departed here.  

A week later hers failed.  We contacted the company and they asked a few questions and said to send them both back and replacements would be made and that return envelopes were in the post, strangely never arriving.  The 1st one then revealed bare wires at the 13amp end.  

We contacted the online 'Shop' and made a complaint against the dealer.  Yesterday, over 1 month later and after another email we received notification of a refund on the 2nd cable.

Today I contacted them regarding the 1st cable that now had exposed wires at both ends.  I suggested that if they didn't want to pursue it, should I contact the tablet company about dodgy cables being sold with their name on or should I contact Trading Standards about dodgy cables?

The online 'shop' then decided we could make a complaint about the 1st cable.

2 questions.  Did I want replacements or refund?  I queried why I would want a replacement to a dodgy cable, and pointed out that I need a cable but not a dodgy one.  Complaint now in process. 

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Like most of us who reach some maturity, I have a liking for the finer foods.

However, every couple of months I get a yearning for a full English.

Living in an area where the restaurants close for lunch I have been fortunate in discovering the perfect All Day Breakfast at a modest-looking cafe.


There is a choice between a ‘Small’ breakfast and a ‘Large’ breakfast.

After a couple of visits I realised that the Large version is cheaper.

(I live in Wales).


First - and most important - the cleanliness is faultless.

The fried eggs are without the common black bits of lesser establishments which sometimes make them look as if they’d travelled down the motorway on their own.

All is perfectly cooked.

Great chunks of lightly toasted fresh bread are covered in something which I readily believe is not butter - but the jus on the baked beans covers this.

Rashers of good bacon, sausages (which do not feature on the menu in our house but seem perfectly in place here) and all one would expect on the overflowing plate.

The tea is good, too.


I’m not giving the name of this pearl in the oyster of mediocrity because it’s busy enough as it is.


Feeling a bit peckish now ......

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Afternoon all. The good weather has returned. A lovely day and the children enjoyed the sunshine whilst collecting bugs this afternoon. The professional issues I had to deal with last week are still lingering, but the way I dealt with it may well help my application for the internal promotion.

Nice to get back and be able to get in the garden at home. The weekend rain has certainly helped the plants shoot up, we have some colour now. Took a couple of pictures to show progress.



Amber decided to take a break from watering to eat the crisps. New cat seemed to enjoy it.



Best wishes to Sherry for the funeral. Hope it goes as well as these things can.

Jock's talk of the blonde bombshell in his household conjures up various images. I hope grand daughter has a good stay.


Back to the mountain of paperwork. It seems to be growing. I have two courses this week now. One is at Masson Mill which could be dangerous if I detour into the whisky shop or Hornby store.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all! Chuffed after first dose of driving theory, so let me just point you to http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/74/entry-16058-illustrations-of-german-tram-infrastructure-and-signals-–-part-3/ for a little bit of a techy update. Generic congrats and commies as appropriate, as usual!

Edited by 1216 025
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Like most of us who reach some maturity, I have a liking for the finer foods.

However, every couple of months I get a yearning for a full English.

Living in an area where the restaurants close for lunch I have been fortunate in discovering the perfect All Day Breakfast at a modest-looking cafe.


You had me there, until the bit about baked beans [soapbox mode ON] "baked beans at breakfast are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, and the sinner who fornicates with those legumes of Hell will spend eternity damned, condemned to trying to get tomato sauce stains out of expensive white shirts FOREVER. Red is the color of SATAN and red is the colour of the demonic baked bean as the blessed and Godly can tell you..." [/soapbox mode OFF].


What's even worse, you dismiss the sausage in a word or two - that foodstuff of the Gods, that manna from Heaven, that paradise on a plate - with nary a comment on quality and quantity (and let's not even begin to talk about Black Pudding, White Pudding, Kedgeree, Devilled Kidneys, Lamb Cutlets Reform, Boiled York Ham or Oak Smoked Kippers).


The "Full English" really used to mean something - not for nothing did a Frenchman observe, centuries ago, the only way to eat well in England is to eat Breakfast three times a day (and he wasn't talking about baked beans, either). Even in its current debased and reduced state, a "Full English" remains the King amongst Breakfasts.


French Breakfast? German Breakfasts? Italian Breakfasts? fine, if all you want is a bland, light snack, but hardly the stuff of Heroes (and let's not even mention that bowel lacerating concoction from Switzerland known as Muesli....)



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  • RMweb Gold

On a trip round Ireland I quite liked the hotel in Limerick that had a choice of Continental, English, Scottish and Irish breakfast. The colleague I was travelling with had the English (which annoyed her as she was, and still is, Welsh), I went for the full Irish.

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  • RMweb Gold

Seeing Dave's photos of Gondola really brought back some memories of holidays when Matthew was tiny. When he was about 11 months old we went and stayed in a cottage in the Lake District. We went to Coniston but didn't go on the boat trip as it was raining heavily. We went into a pub to shelter, even though we were dripping wet and had a child in a soggy buggy the nice barmaid insisted the carpeted lounge with a fire burning was much nicer for the baby rather than the bar!

We went back a year later and took my mother and her dog (a miniature schnauzer) and did do the Gondola trip. Matthew spent the whole trip staring at the engine, as visible in Dave's photo.

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Crikey, Flavio. I eat crunchy muesli every morning. Is that why I'm still only 69 kg?

Hmmm. I was relatively svelte (I said relatively) until Mrs iD made me give up my breakfast routine (orange juice, black coffee, aspirin [optional ciggie] and a Full English whenever available) in favour of Muesli and Yoghurt


I probably put on weight due to overcompensating at other mealtimes for the lack of an acceptable breakfast

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