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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Fascinating thing Herr Blatter's 'resignation' - a sort of 'I'm leaving but it's going to take an awful long time'  (and leaving unsaid the bit about spending much of that time shredding files and carefully removing any and every trail of evidence which might lead in his direction although presumably in his view that would be part of 'cleaning up' FIFA).  One can but hope that someone somewhere will pin the bloke well & truly and hang him out to dry - one of those nice US prisons sounds like just the place for him. 


Anyway back to teh less mundane the good Doctor arrived in Zagreb yesterday evening after the long, slow train journey from Sarajevo, I think Nurnberg must be coming up soon in her itinerary.  Anyway as she's still away I have no choice but to consume today her share of yesterday's asparagus soup as I'm sure it won't keep until she gets home.


Much sunnier today, and even more is promised for tomorrow however it looks like we'll be back to normal summer weather on Friday.


Have a good day one & all.

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Rick, I hope your next shift (in the early hours of our morning!) is much less dramatic than yesterday's- five going sick on you has to be rotten luck!


Thanks Jock.  All was well today.  


Something about not being over until a fat lady has sung is echoing around the canyons of my mind.  It seems I might not be squeezed out of the current location after all but nothing is yet signed off.  Apparently my presence has proven more popular than that of others who have a less persuasive argument when it comes to relocation ...... we'll see what happens.


Morning all.  Snow has fallen here to about the lowest level it is regularly recorded and very early in the season.  More forecast for a cold, windy morrow.  Think I'll pop the thermals on and try to get the chickens to roost inside their house for tonight - something they have never been keen on for reasons they are unwilling to explain.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny and less breezy than it has been here.

A day of minor domestic tasks beckons. Bin bag depositing, food shopping and laundry.

Aditi told me she had been researching resignation letters. I have an opinion about such letters. The suggestions online seemed to have more in common with emotional thespians receiving Oscars.


I will be resigning from my post as overworked and underappreciated general factotum wef (date of choice)






All you need

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  • RMweb Premium

The sun shines on the Hundred of Mansbridge and all is well with the world (ish). The promoters of the Light Railway have finally realised there is absolutely no potential traffic. The paper mill closed and the Navigation traffic went to the big railway. The surveyor became distracted by the discovery of what he thought was a Saxon canal but was probably a medieval mill leat. The fact that the chain boy was swept away in the floods of 2014 (he was rescued downstream but was docked pay for losing the chain) finally sunk home and an expensive causeway and bridge were recommended. The posturings of the Kaiser and his generals have led the potential backer to put their money into armaments manufacture; they have great hopes for the potential profits from a steam cavalry horse.


The foregoing relates to my thoughts about a possible small project based on the local area, because the big one is going nowhere fast. However it really makes more sense to tackle the mental and physical blocks that are getting in the way of it. Maybe I should get that Round Tuit....


Martyn's throat is a bit better so he's gone in today. His first maths paper is tomorrow. Mrs mole is good at sums (unlike me) so she checked what he did at home yesterday and was very pleased, which is good.


A run out to Eastleigh beckons, after an early lunch.


Have a good day.



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Morning All,It is a very sunny morning here today. The temperature is due to get up into the high 20's this afternoon.Tomorrow is a bank holiday here in Germany, and I have booked Friday as leave - so today is effectively Friday for me!The moon was incredibly bright last night. Sadly, I don't get to do much skywatching these days. There is just too much light pollution around us.Ever seen anything really interesting while looking upwards, Jock?Have a good day everyone...

Morning Robert,

I find everything in the night sky interesting, having dabbled in astronomy as a hobby since I was quite young. I have my own reflecting telescope (portable and not very large) and have spent ages locating and viewing the significant objects visible from our garden. Joanna and I can often be observed, in the early hours, out watching for meteors and the like, whilst nursing mugs of hot chocolate! The most significant sight of the last few years has been the appearance of the 'Hale Bopp' comet which was clearly visible for some days. We were also delighted, summer before last, when conditions were ideal to view the transit of the 'International Space Station' across our section of the night sky. Both these were visible with the naked eye, although I managed to track the latter on my telescope. Joanna was astounded by the speed at which the space station was flying, and also impressed that I was able to tell her the exact sector of the sky to look in at the specific time it appeared! By subscribing to the digital edition of 'New Scientist' and referring often to the Telegraph science pages, I can glean the information I require (on direction and timings from our location co-ordinates), to enjoy such things to the full!

As a matter of interest, I spend quite a lot of time on the 'Lunester Lounge' and 'KL2' threads which were started by Jeff(physicsman) who taught astrophysics, and amongst all sorts of nonsense there have been a great number of very interesting discussions on 'extra-terrestrial' matters. My dad was something of a polymath as I've mentioned before and passed to me his thirst for knowledge about all that goes on around us here on earth as well as the rest of the universe!

The next significant 'space' event for anyone who is interested is the arrival of the 'New Horizons' spacecraft at Pluto scheduled for July 14th this year. Not visible obviously, but hopefully we will learn a lot from it. There are a few web-sites available if you simply type 'New Horizons' in Google. You may be surprised how long it has taken to get there, and how fast it is travelling!

Sorry to ramble on so long but it is a subject dear to my heart!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Sunny/cloudy/possibly rainy (probably, as I've just pegged out a load of washing) here in North Lancs this morning. 


Again, I'm missing in action, due to trips to garage to see if they can help with a few minor things on the car (they couldn't as they were short staffed in the workshop and it wasn't something that the sales staff could help with), a trip to Morreasons, and going to the bank where the queue was out the door.  They keep cutting the number of counter staff with the argument that almost everything can be done without visiting a counter (cash points, automated deposit tills, online, automated account servicing kiosks) - if these options were so good, there'd be no queues at all - when will the penny drop with them, I wonder that some people like to deal with a human being.  Of course it would help if PetPlan would pay Lily's insurance claims straight to the bank rather than posting a cheque.  I for one have a distrust of the automated machinery for deposits, as I was once told that a deposit had not been made via one of these devices, when it had, and it turned up days later, presumably having been left lying around when the deposit envelope was opened).  Luckily it was a cheque and not cash.


I've tried my best to catch up over the last day or two, but it's a struggle, to say the least.  Still, we seem to be almost all present and accounted for.


Jock - noticed in passing a couple of days ago that you were asking about my operation - the date is still up in the air, but as my pre-op assessment is on 2nd July, I'd think that it would be within six weeks, as that's the validity of the test results, so I'm told.  So probably by August.


Holiday wishes to those going off on their jollies, commiserations to the ailing, and congratulations to those celebrating.


Regards to All


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It's the only pleasure I get these days.

I seem to be mired in other people's misery.


On another matter: Road markings.

Wittering Moor is badly in need of such things - particularly white lines.

As it's N size and there are lots of delicate obstructions, I don't fancy painting them on.

What would be ideal is some sort of Letraset transfer I could apply and spray with matt varnish.

To clarify, I don't need to buy ready made roads - it's just the white lines.

Any ideas please?

Try here DD:



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Morning - well afternoon all - late on parade today as I had blood tests at the docs first thing, so straight into work.


Glad Blatter has gone - but IMO the FA had better not crow too much. We tried to cosy up to Warner too.


Have a good day all.

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Glad Blatter has gone - but IMO the FA had better not crow too much. We tried to cosy up to Warner too.




Really. That’s very interesting. Though I expect the Warner/FA link will wait until later...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

The next significant 'space' event for anyone who is interested is the arrival of the 'New Horizons' spacecraft at Pluto scheduled for July 14th this year. Not visible obviously, but hopefully we will learn a lot from it. There are a few web-sites available if you simply type 'New Horizons' in Google. You may be surprised how long it has taken to get there, and how fast it is travelling!



Probably on a better schedule than some of Bachmann's releases.......




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  • RMweb Premium

Does it allow you to take the brakes off so the car can be moved?




in an emergency I mean

Yes, that is for emergency holding brake release. You need to insert the point lever (colloquially called "spear") there, which is carried in every cab.

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Morning Robert,

I find everything in the night sky interesting, #


Sorry to ramble on so long but it is a subject dear to my heart!


Feel free to ramble!  I am fascinated by astronomy too.  When I said "anything interesting", I was referring more to the sort of things like the ISS, Iridium flares, comets and so on.


Concerning the more esoteric things spotted in the night sky, as a child, I was absolutely fascinated by the UFO subject, but as time has gone on I have become more and more disillusioned with UFOlogy.  I have now reached the point where I pay passing interest to the subject but little more.  There are too many people in the field who seem to spread disinformation, if not out and out lies and even some of the more plausible stories have been embellished to the point of being ridiculous.  I explored the idea that this was intentional - to muddy the waters, but the long and short of it is that there just isn't enough really compelling evidence.  What it boils down to, is the only way to be sure is to see something with your own eyes, and even then you aren't (or at least I wasn't) absolutely sure what I saw.


The extra-terrestrial hypothesis is a fascinating one - I am certain that we are not alone in the universe, but the idea of life developing in a similar way to that here on Earth (ie: humanoid), that their technology allows them to fly at faster-than-light (which they would have to be able to do to get here) and then they crash in the New Mexico desert is rather hard to believe.


Having said that, I have seen and heard things that I cannot explain (both in my private and professional life) and that does make me wonder.


I haven't visited the Lunester Lounge, I glanced in once, but it said "Railway related topics only".

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  • RMweb Premium

The key?

Just stop the nearest Challenger tank and borrow theirs.




PS, Inserting the point lever sounds as if it could be painful

Edited by jamie92208
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