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That must have been exciting, I suspect!  :O


Any more than that and there was slight wheel wobble.  At well over 100mph that's something I can live without.  Plus the fuel consumption at that speed isn't great.  Oh - did I mention there are more camels in that part of Australia than anywhere else in the world?  Most people think of kangaroos if they think of Aussie creatures on the roads.  Camels are just as well camouflaged until one ambles out in front of you.  No roo bars on the camper van either though every other vehicle seemed to have them ;)


However I can say that I have legally driven over an extended distance at a speed faster than most British and all Australian trains are permitted to reach.

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Currently on holiday at Loch Lomond.  Trip scheduled on the Jacobite tomorrow. 


If you have time for the detour and you've not been there before, you might head down to the Crinan Canal. From there it's a short run down to Tavialluch - a magical spot I think. (If you do make it to Crinan, don't forget to listen for the Corryvreckan whirlpool.)

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Morning All,


Things are quiet around here this morning!


We have rain today - which we desperately need, but it is a bit of a nuisance because I cut the hedge on Saturday and put the paper sacks of clippings out for the dustmen.  Hopefully they will stay dry enough to move to the dustcart without disintegrating.


I am glad the hedge is done for another year, it is an appalling job - It is an ivy hedge which means pollen, dust, creepy crawlies and a day sneezing my head off.


Time for a coffee.  Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

Agreed. If no-one else is here by 7am, I shall have to start running around banging a saucepan lid with a wooden spoon. That'll be annoying...

I wish you had! Much rushing around here now! We both slept through two alarms. Fortunately the furry alarm proved to be the most reliable!

Weather is fine at present and I only heard the forecast for the rest of the country!


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Evening all. I can report that there is some downright scary driving in Bosnia. I went on a tour today and we went up a mountain to see the bobsled track. For most of the journey we were following somebody who was apparently oblivious to the fact that he was about to part company with one of his wheels. Luckily our tour guide was a safe driver in a well maintained vehicle.

Was it this one?



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I'd bin and gorn by 7am.


I went to look for the farmer's wife mentioned previously (link please - I'm interested in that sort of thing).

It reminded me of a rural story:


A farmer sold a cow with a face like a woman for a million pounds.

His friend was very miserable.

"You've just sold your cow with a face like a woman for a million pounds.

My wife has a face like a cow and she ain't worth twopence".

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  • RMweb Gold

I was up before 05.00 but went straight downstairs to work on a few locos. Workbenches a bit full over the weekend so trying to get things finished and it away.


A on eventful weekend really. Had a few bad nosebleeds Friday and Saturday which I have not had before so took it easy the rest of the weekend meaning the bath mixer, upgrading the CCTV and alarm system and any gardening didn't get dealt with.


Luckily sitting down doing modelling and more slide and negative scanning meant that I was OK yesterday. hopefully no more nose bleeds before we fly this weekend for a short break.


A couple of photos of OO locos that ar nearing coletion. 34092 just needs crew and weathering. Excuse the slightly wonky lol as they ar sitting on N scale track!!



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  • RMweb Gold

Had to take my daughter to the GP a while back in the aftermath of several nosebleeds which she'd never had before. Doctor advised cauterization and a follow-up appointment was duly booked. On arrival, I couldn't for the life of me remember the procedure's name, so I announced to the receptionist that we were here to get my daughter's nose pasteurised. Close enough.

well I suppose that your nose is past ur eyes!!!
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I heard about Solar Impulse 2 (round-the-world) solar-powered aircraft on t'wireless this morning. On Googling it appears that they may "run the engines up" before take off. It appears that they may use some device that puts energy into the engines. Does anyone know any more?



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Morning all!

Her indoors back at work but her first school is having an extra days holiday today so...a bit of a lie in. Woopppiddddoooo!


Off to test match later. May only get some play this am as rain and 40+mph wind forecast for later.


New kitchen ordered. I feel a shortage of modelling money coming along.


Have a nice Monday.



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Morning All


What is it that they say - it never rains but ...it chucks it down.  A couple of days have passed when I haven't even had time to switch on the computer, let alone use it for leisure/pleasure activities like RMWeb.  So, of course, I do hope that all is well with everybody here.  About twelve pages to read, plus the ones that I've missed over the last few weeks is not something that is going to happen unfortunately.


New car is still a learning curve and a half - found a stalk to the right of the steering which appears to be a limiter/cruise control, but the manual said that control where fitted is on the LEFT.   And still no user guide for the Clarion SatNav, though the dealer has hopes of getting one soon.  Still, we'll get there, I'm sure.  I think I may call in on the garage's local branch tomorrow to see of they can help me with a couple of things that the user guide doesn't seem to cover.


Also while Lily was having her ears flushed, the vets did a body examination as it was easier than when she's awake and they found a lump on one of her teats, so took a sample.  The results are benign, but it appears to be causing her discomfort, so it's coming off. 


New bed arrived late due to traffic delays, and it was a sight to see the delivery guys trying to get the bits up the stairs - it was quite a struggle.  Bed is taking a bit of getting used to, I must say - it's 6" higher and a bit firmer than the old one, but then the old one was 12 years old, so the mattress was getting quite saggy.  

Not only that, but when the bed was being delivered, we had to move a lot of other furniture, and remove pictures, and when we did, it revealed the truly tatty state of much of the paintwork, so of course, out came the brushes and tins, before order could be restored.  Mick, that it retirement - job after job after job. 


Weekend was a nightmare round Lancaster what with a royal visit on Friday (which is why the bed delivery was late as they were not allowed to deviate from the computer generated route, and were totally reliant on their SatNav having NO local knowledge at all, so sticking to main roads), and Saturday and Sunday, they closed the A683 again for work on the new by-pass, but this time they also closed another road between Lancaster and Morecambe, therefore guaranteeing traffic problems of the first order.


Got to go out soon, as I have to go to Morecambe for a meeting, and there is only one direct bus in the morning, and as I'm not sure that the traffic will be favourable on the way into Lancaster, I'm reluctant to use that route unless I have to.


Regards to All


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Morning all from a sunny but cool village.  Not a lot on the agenda for today but may get some modelling done in time for the 'All Your Own' evening at the clubroom tonight.  Hope that the weather remains good for the test match and that England are inspired.




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Jock, I read the Wamburgh book so long ago now that I’ve forgotten the story line!  I have been enjoying the whodunits (not the same I know but) by the woman that wrote “Vera” - but the ones set in Shetland (no we haven’t had that particular TV series yet).  I don’t often enjoy American Police “procedurals” but did enjoy and can recommend Dennis Lehane’s  “Mystic River” set in working class Boston, MASS.


Dr. SC. The first time I went to Zagreb was in 1979 and I drove from there to Belgrade. Worst driving I’ve ever experienced anywhere. Far worse than Eire before they had a driving test. We lost count of the number of accidents we saw - at least half of which contained bodies strewn all over the place. Can recommend the British Embassy in Belgrade (if it hasn’t been re-built) true James Bond style “clubby” environment....


Up early because of rain noise (who agreed to cathedral ceiling in the master bedroom)?


Best, Pete.       

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all. Another day of tedium hopefully relieved by some modelling if I get the chance.


IDL - With nosebleeds it's worth getting checked by your GP as it could be a sign of high blood pressure.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all, just a quick check in whilst having breakfast in bed. Would like to wish Ian Able a safe trip home and look forward to hearing from you again when you reach the other side of the pond.

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Morning all - with an unstated 'good' today, as the sun is shining.


I believe the solar-powered airplane was in the news this morning because it has been forced to land due to bad weather near Japan.

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