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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all some oiks from next doors party woke us around 4.00 am quite why they were stood in our garden isn't clear even in daylight. Phil it sounds awful and reckless of them to throw you out in such pain but you start recovering as soon as you leave them. No doubt some woman will be along soon to tell you it isn't as painfull as having a baby, take care of yourself.

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Morning all.


Best Wishes for a satisfactory return to strength, Phil. Sounds horrendous but probably their equivalent of repairing a burst main! :unsure: Just look forward to the physiotherapist; hopefully (presuming they'll be female) she'll help take your mind off things!!


Happy Birthday, Albert!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, things seem a bit calmer this morning - thanks for all of the good wishes. It will take time but I have lots of toys to play with!! Unfortunately I won't have any fore and aft movement in my ankle joint, but the surgeon did explain that foot flexibility will adapt to this loss of movement. I will be left with a slight limp, but I had one anyway due to pain so no big deal.

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Guest Max Stafford

Glad to have you back Phil, hope the old ankle settles down quickly. Once you get the scaffolding off, things will go really quickly. That's how it was for MiL anyway.

Have a good day everybody. I'm going to do some more to the J36 chassis today and hopefully I'll have a 'runner' by the end of proceedings tonight ! :)


Dominik, I collected my new Roco Bybdzf control car from the shop yesterday. It's very nice although Roco coaches certainly aren't cheap any more! :blink: :D



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Sunday already. SWMBO is away for a few days so I am able to leave my toys out all over the place just for the heck of it. I suppose I really ought to do something with them.


... I will be left with a slight limp ...


Slight limp what? Glad to hear you survived the "grinding down to the bloody bone" bit of the procedure! No excuse for not practicing that banjo now you have 3 months off. :)





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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Firstly, Phil, what you went through sounds quite an elaborate procedure - let's hope that the pain goes soon. First couple of days I was on liquid morphine, and it is not as effective as it sounds, sometimes. It was once they got me on Tramadol that the pains came under control. Having just come out of an othopoedic ward, I can say that your in patient time was about average. My stay was prolonged because my operation was cancelled twice, then I also lost blood, and had to have a further day's bed rest and a transfusion before I started to recover - then it was only the intervention of weekends (no physios) that stopped them kicking me out sooner - in 11 days, some of the beds in the ward had four occupants, so it seems that NHS kick out times are pretty consistent. Hope you get used to the crutches soon - it's an odd sensation to start with, as is getting upstairs and down again on your bum!


Just learned last night that my brother has broken his ankle walking to his boat - slipped on a bit of seaweed! He's now waiting for corrective surgery.


Sat here at home, and Sunday just seems like every other day - at least I can look round and see my rolling stock collection, and drool over the days when it will run on a layout.


Speak to you all soon.

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Guest Max Stafford

Are you doing a 'mental build' of the layout Stewart?

That might help keep you occupied too. :)



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Six oktas and there's a possibility of rain as well. I'm having a feeling I am not quite getting enough sleep those days, so I'll try and go to bed earlier from now on. I believe Albert enjoyed his birthday, even though he spent most of the afternoon dozing, as usual :lol: . He's saying thank you for your good wishes, though - well, I am sure he would if he were could speak ;) .


Have a nice day all (even though it's a Monday)!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Hope this finds all of our holiday makers and recuperaters enjoying themselves/doing well *


I have one day left on my rover ticket and then it's back to ,,,,,,,,,,,


.....a list.


*delete as appropriate

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Firstly, best wishes to the recuperants, Stewart and Phil.

Phil, I hope the pain ceases very soon. It does sound as though it was a very serious 'rebuild'. I'm glad you are out of hospital and hope your daughter nurses you well.

Stewart, best wishes for better mobility soon.

BoD, enjoy your last day of roving.

Clear weather though still cool - 12C

Saturday started out very grey and miserable looking, yesterday was very pleasant and the forecast for the week is clear.

I'm too late to wish Albert. Any carrot muffins left?

Have a good week everybody.

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Morning All,


The weather matches my mood this morning - grey and gloomy.


I arrived at work in the dry, but shortly afterwards it started to rain heavily and looks like it might be set in for the day - at least at the moment.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Yes, I'm doing lots of mental layout planning, and also trying some plans on paper - problem is that I know the station that I'm planning to model so well that it doesn't need a lot of planning - double track mainline going to single at one end, two platforms, and a four road goods yard - the main problem is going to be how to compress it to fit the available space.


Sat upstairs this morning - still can't manage the stairs on my own, and I'm safer up than down - but waiting for C*rr*s to deliver the new hoover - having to rely on leaving a note in the window for the delivery man to holler up to me for a sgnature.


I don't see much from Phil H today - does anybody know how he's faring?


Cloudy and dull in Lancashire again today - since they declared a hosepipe ban, it hasn't stopped raining.

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I seem to detect an air of slight surprise in the "Good Mornings" posted every day.

Almost as if we didn't quite expect to be here.


As many ERs seem to spend their non-posting hours in hospital or recovering from injury, I suppose it's not so strange.


As you can tell, I'm really cheesed off.

I desperately want some foreign sunshine and I can't go because of In Law commitments.

They are gradually driving me bonkers.


However, my problems are as nothing compared to some for which I will try to be appropriately grateful.

Difficult when I look out of the window at the sky and the oktas are thick enough to chop up for firewood.

I remember school holidays as six weeks of unbroken sunshine. What happened?


I've recovered my usual serene exterior now, so, Good Morning all.

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I too seem to remember Summer school holidays as six weeks of uninterupted Sunshine, but then being at the Southern tip of South Africa, most of them probably were, or being of school age we didn't notice if there was some rain, we were outdoors anyway.

"Cheer up Do. It could be worse!"

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Are you doing a 'mental build' of the layout Stewart?

That might help keep you occupied too. :)




WOW, so I'm not the only one to think this way, I dream about this future layout quite often. It gives me strength during the mundane daily working pattern ;).


Hi PhilH,


Glad to see you are back in the land of the living, maybe if you do this "mental build" it might help you control the pain threshold, failing that you can finish off that Q1 that I bodged up :blink:. That will keep you busy through your convalescence B)


All the best for a speedy recovery, Martyn.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Some oktas in evidence but looks to be clearing a bit. Total chaos at home at the moment. SWMBO is a way for a few days which means I have the place to myself except for the two scaffolders building an access platform to the study window, two glaziers ripping out bedroom windows and the man from Autoglass fixing a chip in my windscreen. All before 9am!


As nobody I want to talk to work-wise appears to be available this could be a day of titivating the layout I fear.




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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, I'm doing lots of mental layout planning, and also trying some plans on paper (...)


So do I at this time :) . The only downside is that I tend to try and make several steps at once...

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  • RMweb Gold

I desperately want some foreign sunshine and I can't go.......


Can't you build a diorama?


As far as the inlaws, ours have already driven us bonkers, well when I say us it's mainly SWMBO who bears the brunt of it. We keep saying to each other "If ever I reach that state, please just put me down". We joke about it but it's very sad to see.


Fortunately my son and daughter live quite close so they are taking over duties and we are going to get away for a few days. No foreign sun (which we don't like anyway) but a nice quiet hotel where doing nothing is the order of the day for Mrs S.

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Morning all! ;)


Actually probably the earliest of the early risers today. I went to bed at 9 last night as I needed to be up at 2.30 this morning to get to Glasgow for 4am to go out with a friend to net and ring birds. Then went climbing after we'd finished ringing the birds.


Tally for the day:


1 Yellowhammer

1 Song Thrush

1 Great Tit

1 Swallow

2 Willow Warblers

A few dunnocks

Several chaffinches

Shed loads of house sparrows.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all have returned from a grand day out at the west midlands safari park. In car entertainment was provided by the sat nav trying to send us down the M6 toll route repeatedly alternatively up the M6 toll just for a bit of variety.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Leg's still hurting after I woke up last night and had a very painful cramp immediately <_< ... It would seem it was raining over night and the clouds due south look interesting. Nothing much to report as of yet, other than I now need a cup of coffee ;) .


Have a nice day all!

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Morning All,


I'll second Dominik's need for coffee!


It is raining around here - not a particularly nice morning to be honest. Still, it is supposed to brighten up later on.


One thing that I noticed this is that the mornings are starting to draw in now. It was still pretty dark when the alarm went off today. Admittedly that's partly because it is so cloudy - but it is still noticable that we are on the downhill slope!


Have a good day everyone...

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