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Early Risers.


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather is as described by Tony and a bit muggy as well. Still undecided about where to go for the bank holiday but today I need to do some shopping so thats today taken care of. Congratulations and commiserations where required and have a good bank holiday all.

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Morning all,


The sun is shining but not to worry as it won't last so I might get chased into the garden but at least I can then manage to look very busy with a tape measure and square  (I have a setting-out square which measures c.3ft in both axes)) or on the other hand I might find something else to do (with luck).


Hope John's trip westwards goes well - I don't envy folk taking to the roads in that direction at Bank Holiday weekends which in many cases is also the start of Half  Term.  Our big adventure is set for tomorrow when the good Doctor and I will be off to Railex so no doubt we may, as usual, come across various other ERs taking breakfast.


Have a good day one & all.

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. I may watch Eurovision tonight. Aditi doesn't understand why I watch it. Matthew will be taking an evening off from revising to go to a Eurovision Song Contest event in the bar at at his hall of residence.



I understand that Australia are competing this year.



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Flash thought for the morning: It occurred to me that the English word "black" and Polish "biały" (white), both derived from the same proto-Indo-European root which translates as "to burn" or "to shine", might refer to two different states – the English word to the result of burning something and the Polish to the state of being ablaze.

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  • RMweb Gold

Flash thought for the morning: It occurred to me that the English word "black" and Polish "biały" (white), both derived from the same proto-Indo-European root which translates as "to burn" or "to shine", might refer to two different states – the English word to the result of burning something and the Polish to the state of being ablaze.

I shall discuss this tomorrow with MiL when she arrives for lunch. I have overheard her discussing things like how ablatives are expressed in Sanskrit and Latin. Not with me though! The person of Polish descent also at lunch tomorrow would be of no help. His ancestors spoke Yiddish not Polish.

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Afternoon all,

Been catching up for most of this very dull morning at the seaside - the usual fascinating mixture!

Neil (NHN), good to see that you appear to be well on the road to recovery, and I thoroughly enjoyed your museum posts. I amazed myself by immediately recognising the 'Facel Vega' but for the life of me, I can't think how I knew it! I am amazed that Citroën haven't tried to buy that fantastic pairing to show in their glass fronted museum on Champs Élysées - it was presumably prepared for a show at one time. You did mention motorcycle content - did you get any pictures? You also mentioned that you had some items in there and I am frankly curious! What a lovely picture of Jayne, she is far too young and such a vibrant personality to do a 'Queen Victoria' and both Joanna and I wish her every happiness in a future which will always be tinged with wonderful memories. The image gave me a lift! By the way, I also got in trouble for waking madam while viewing your 'mad biker' video!!

BoD, so pleased to read that your op appears to have been successful - my late mother in law had a similar outcome, as have a couple of friends. I take it we can look forward to some photography on here now that you can see the camera? I heartily endorse your comments on the NHS - my treatment from start till now has been nothing short of exceptional. Nice twist on the Kipling in your post relating to Sherry!

Dave(TG), thanks for the lovely video, it reminded me of a short spell with Scottish RSPB, helping to guard the famous Osprey nest from robbers at Boat of Garten in the seventies. Thanks also to Geoff for responding with the link to the Foulshaw Moss site - I've just spent ages looking at the videos on there as the Osprey has long been one of my favourite birds!

John(CB), and to think I was only referring to the foul taste of the 'tonic wine' - it certainly wasn't the first choice of those seeking oblivion when I lived in Scotland! Learn something every day........ Hope your break is an enjoyable one.

Duncan, thanks for the kind comment. I will be fairly busy on Sunday but hope to avoid any results and enjoy the recordings at my leisure.

AndrewC, I'm terribly sorry to hear that your knee is playing up. You really must get it sorted soon, before irreparable damage occurs. Since mine were done (Arthroscopy to both), I've had no reason to revert to the application of frozen peas. I do hope your weekend isn't spoiled too much and I know you must be enjoying(?) the time spent in Wales!

DD, I'm sorry but you've given me so much pleasure over many months with your particular brand of humour that I feel that I have to raise a glass to you and wish you many more of the annual events that you seek to deny. Sadly, the pace at which time passes seems to accelerate as you get older!

I mentioned some time ago that my nursing sister daughter and granddaughter are doing the 'race for life' to raise funds for cancer research, and citing my case, but she has decided to cancel doing a Facebook photo shoot as remarkably, they have already achieved pledges for sponsorship in excess of double her declared target. Proud isn't a strong enough word to describe how it makes me feel!

Sherry, so sorry to hear about the imminent demise of your aunt and as 'BoD' said, their is no need to apologise to your digital friends for mentioning it. I hope for her sake that it is a swift, painless and above all, dignified end. I'm sure that Ian of all people will fully understand and deem your eventual appearance worth waiting for!

John(KB), Safe journey back home - make sure you don't get stopped for overloading with all those wine purchases!

The weather appears to be brightening here now, let's hope the same goes for all the ERs wherever they live.

Kind regards,


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I mentioned some time ago that my nursing sister daughter and granddaughter are doing the 'race for life' to raise funds for cancer research, and citing my case, but she has decided to cancel doing a Facebook photo shoot as remarkably, they have already achieved pledges for sponsorship in excess of double her declared target. Proud isn't a strong enough word to describe how it makes me feel!



... and quite rightly so. Wonderful effort!

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At RAILEX red hat blue short sleeved shirt...here for an hour




Missed you.


Mind you I was helping a friend with his layout in Gravesend so not really a surprise!!!


Had a good day at this small show working Galatia KS. Managed to buy a Norfolk Southern high nose GP38 with 2 spare decoders very cheaply for a future layout.


Seems odd not having to unload a layout when I got home.


My other half was down on the coast seeing her mum in hospital. I will be down next week to see her parents.


Now we are sitting in our local Wetherspoons relaxing with some rather nice dark sales.


Tomorrow is a morning working on the layouts then out to a micropub inDorking that we have yet to visit.

Edited by roundhouse
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evening.  A nice day has been had here, busy helping friends move a load of stuff to the recycling centre with our trailer, then lunch out.  An afternoon gardening, car/van washing and watching F1 qualy followed!


Jock, Jayne is a pretty girl and looks prettier in the flesh than in that photo too, it makes her look a bit broader in the face than she is - she's not in bad nick for 51!  She has the most beautiful eyes, and a cut glass accent despite not being 'posh'.  No idea where she got it from her parents are broad Lancashire, and Jayne grew up from 5 - 11 on Cumbrae in the Firth of Clyde. Later moved to Brighton, then Whitstable.  She has an MSc (metallurgy) too.....clever girl.  Knows a lot about corrosion in aircraft!  To see that smile break through after a years absence was a real treat for us. We would do anything for her.

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We had to avoid the car park known as the M5. As we got further south the signs went from "DELAYS" to "LONG DELAYS" to "SEVERE DELAYS" to which point we diverted to the A40 and A48 then via a slow Bristol on the A38, rejoining the M5 at Taunton. The only other hold up was a queue at Exeter.


However the journey, including a couple of stops, took from 8:30 to 4;15. It would have been even longer on the motorway.


Arriving at the site we went to pay. They said let's pitch you first and come back later or even tomorrow. Can't complain at that at all. There was even an offer to tow the van to the pitch using their tractor and park it up for us, but as we've a motor mover we could easily do it ourselves.


Pitched and set up by 6, facing west, and now as I look out of the front of the van (9:30) there's waxing crescent moon in a gradually deepening blue sky above the orange and pink afterglow of sunset.


Did I say that my poetic licence has been renewed?


There's a restaurant on site. We had brought food but Sandy persuaded me (by saying "we're eating there") and as I wasn't in any position to argue we ordered. I know we were tired but seldom have we had a better meal anywhere. Salmon in a strawberry and champagne sauce with a substantial selection of different vegetables followed by pud and alcofrolic coffee, and alcohol. Service was excellent and there was a lot of change from fifty quid - but we left that with them - it was worth it. Now I don't usually eulogise about food but this, for an independent caravan park in the wilds of Devon, was totally unexpected. The setting was a conservatory where we could take the dogs - bougainvillea dripping from the rafters, plants of various types and trellis amazing it a sort of private dining experience.


Having been here about five hours I can see why the site has so many rave reviews. If the week continues like its started we'll be adding to them.


The dogs like it - there's lots of rabbits for Kerry and lots of other dogs - they advertise themselves as a dog friendly site. But it's quiet.


In case you're wondering, we're here - http://www.rossparkcaravanpark.co.uk

Edited by Coombe Barton
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A couple of weeks ago, I said that one of my former driving pupils was on Britain's Got Talent and had got through the first stage.


I bumped into her earlier this evening at the local Spar (other convenience shops are available) and asked when she would find out if she had made the live semi-finals.


There was a smile. "I was in London yesterday and they're announcing it on the TV tonight"

Obviously sworn to secrecy until the broadcast, I pressed her for details and all I got was "I'm going back there Monday" without any yes or no answer.


Just watched the programme and she's through to the live semis.


I don't normally vote for these talent shows but will be making an exception in this case.


So if you happen to be watching Britain's Got Talent next week and see Ella Shaw performing, please vote for her!




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An excellent day at Railex although my wallet doesn't agree with me. It's now gone into hiding.


Ian - Some how I missed you. Although I don't remember seeing any confused Americans or a Happy Hippo either


John - It seems like you've landed on your feet with the site. I hope that the rest of the time continues to be as good.

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I did my "Early Riser" bit this morning when Tappa collected me at the ridiculous hour of 8.15am  to go to sunny Bridlington to assist in operating "Hospital Gates" at the BARMATES* show for charity. It is the first show I've been to in any capacity since last August. I followed orders and sat down as much as I could but I will no doubt to be made to suffer in the morning. What the........it was all for a good cause.  

*Bridlington (Area) Railway Modellers and Train Enthusiasts Society. 

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Unhappy Hippo didn't make Railex as he received an emergency tasking elsewhere.


By the time I' d finished it was time to get down to Highclere.


Still, not all bad news as the Obergrumpenfuhrer has just informed me she's booked a week's holiday in July.


I'm included in this extravaganza. not told what it is, nor where it is, but it involves an aeroplane.


She has also agreed that we should go to RAF Cosford on 14 Jun to bid farewell to the Vulcan.

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For sale. One very dodgy knee. Answers to the name of ####ing hell that hurts.


Once again X-rays showed no bone loss or damage. It's all soft tissue damage. The MRI done a couple of weeks ago has been repeated. Trip to specialist has been accelerated and booked for the upcoming Friday. Muscle damage, trapped nerve, and borked ACL and medial ligament. Surgery almost certain.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop freebasing absinthe.

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For sale. One very dodgy knee. Answers to the name of ####ing hell that hurts.

Once again X-rays showed no bone loss or damage. It's all soft tissue damage. The MRI done a couple of weeks ago has been repeated. Trip to specialist has been accelerated and booked for the upcoming Friday. Muscle damage, trapped nerve, and borked ACL and medial ligament. Surgery almost certain.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop freebasing absinthe.

Well you've evidently done a thorough job on it, I just hope the medics do the same

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Evening all,

John(CB), I thought your journey West might turn out to be a bit of a marathon but it sounds like the lovely meal with added alcohol made it all worthwhile! Thank you for the link to the site - my caravan img days are well and truly over, but I'm sure a few of our members would be interested in a site which looks to be superbly run. Hope the weather is kind to Sandy, you and the dogs for the rest of the week.

'Judge', I hope your kindness isn't rewarded with too much pain after your charitable efforts today!

Richard, could you do me a favour, as I won't be able to get to Cosford next month, give the Vulcan a goodbye wave for me! An unforgettable experience when it flew at the Clacton air show, but my most vivid memory is from a 'Fighter Meet' some years ago at North Weald (where I learned to fly!) - I wangled a pass to take photographs inside the fence and as a Vulcan fan you'll know the noise I am talking about, the incredible induction roar as it took what was almost a wing-tip turn towards the crowd and opened up the throttles on full afterburner! Pretty impressive rate of climb for something that big and I don't expect we'll see the like again.

Neil, I agree entirely with your comments about Jayne - the beauty is obvious but the intelligence seems to gleam in her eyes. I obviously had an element of metallurgy in my engineering/thermodynamics course and to achieve an MSc in such a complex subject is no mean feat!

Andy(ram), pleased to hear that your clan seem to be on the mend - hopefully it will continue and allow you to enjoy the half term week. Any chance of posting images of the Duchess if you get to see it?

AndrewC, what can I say other than to agree with 'Station Cat' - you've certainly made a job of it this time! If there is a bright side, it has speeded up what hopefully will provide a solution to all your problems. Hope the medics manage to contain the pain as much as is possible. Please keep us up-dated!

Have a good rest of the weekend all, I'll be back tomorrow to share some good news,

Kind regards,


G'night all! C'mon Lewis!!

Edited by Jock67B
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didn't we have a luverly time the day we umpired at Cleethorpes!!!


Blue Skies, Great Tea!, well mannered players and Rotherham beat Cleethorpes by 8 wickets ... shame the wind had a wind chill factor of-20C!


And today Richard Kettleborough played for Sheffield Collegiate ... worst person to umpire is an umpire....



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