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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


G/f has been taken ill, so I don't think we'll be doing very much today - save for getting her better. Quite cool outside at just 12°, but they're saying it is to be a fairly nice day.



That's a quiet day in some parts of Britain, Dominik! :lol:


I rather would have thought it would have been in the Old West! :lol:


Have a nice day all!

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Guest Max Stafford

After a tiring week at work (albeit with a very interesting course and exercise over Thursday and Friday)I intend to confine my activities over the next three days to dog walking, light domestic chores and tinkering about in the Man Shed (no Soviet paperweights....) ;)


Enjoy your F1 Mick!

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Morning all....


Hope we are all fit and well this drizzly morning. Young Phil would have had his op yesterday, so fingers crossed, that all went to plan.


Had a great few days playing with my new lathe....and no injuries as yet. cool.gif


Turned up some new plastic bushes from Acetal rod for Bachmann wheels, which were then set on new axles and finally turned true. Nice to see the wheels run with no wobble. Opens up a whole new world.


Daughter and boyfriend home for the weekend, so got to practice my yoof language..

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Have got tangled up in a wedding of folk I don't know.

Some guests are staying with a friend (whom I do know) and there is two hours between the ceremony in our village church and the reception in a local mansion.

So, what do the guests (togged in their finery) do in a remote rural village for two hours?


Obvious answer: Visit DD.

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Morning all! There's cricket to be listened to and like Mick F1 quali to be watched today.


Enjoyed my introductory climbing session last night, though I couldn't grip with my left hand afterwards! Suspect I'm going to be a touch stiff today!


Happy birthday to Albert too, and hope your girlfriend gets better soon Dominik.

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Morning All,


I don't really fall into the category of Early Risers this morning - but I was out late last night. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it! :lol:


Dominik: Happy birthday to Albert and hope your Girlfriend feels better soon. Nothing too serious I hope.


As for the neighbour being threatened for mowing the lawn - some people take the Rühezeit a bit too seriously <_<


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Premium

Enjoyed my introductory climbing session last night, though I couldn't grip with my left hand afterwards! Suspect I'm going to be a touch stiff today!


While I haven't done any climbing as of yet (and I'm not sure this would be the right kind of thrill for me), I do know this feeling from when we had several projects in the garden! One of these was to build a pavilion, for which we first had to bank up a little hill, meaning we had to carry buckets upon buckets of gravel from the driveway into the garden. I was barely able to do anything like typing on the computer afterwards as my hands just wouldn't obey!


Happy birthday to Albert too, and hope your girlfriend gets better soon Dominik.


She's feeling better already, but I think we'll stop by at the chemist's later on to see if they have anything which might help. As she'll be attending a painting class next week I guess it'd be best if she were back in shape until then.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ERs


Up early - for me at present - this morning, as waiting for a delivery from C*rr*s as the hoover went off bang on Thursday. So, got up, and ready as Mrs 45156 has to go out - then got onto computer to an e-mail confirming order has been sent and is in the carrier's Preston depot - and appears to be down for Monday!


Still - for Mrs 45156, no hoover=no hoovering, which is one task less for her this weekend. I feel really guilty that there is very little I can do round the house while I'm using a mobility aid, and I guess I'll be able to contribute more in a few weeks.


Anybody got any news on Phil's operation so far?


I hope it took place, as when I was in, it was soul destroying as there were a number of us slated for ops which kept getting postponed - the first guy in the bed next to me was admitted on a Wednesday for a morning op, and finally got done on the Saturday, I was slated for Thursday night, cancelled, slated for Friday (no time), and cancelled, and the op then took place on Saturday afternoon. The same happened to the next guy to occupy the next bed - cancelled twice! Lying there in a state of readiness, with no food or water in you, and just a gown on, then seeing the dinners come and go, then getting cancelled and winding up with a scratch meal, is not conducive to mental well being! On that ward, the staff heave a sigh of relief every weekend that it rains, as it cuts down the number of bikers racing up and down the A683 which is a well known bikers' death trap, and they are permanently on tenterhooks when the air ambulance goes out, as it is likely to mean yet another rebuilding emergency.


Happy first birthday to Albert rabbit and get well soon to g/f Dominik. Dave, enjoy a long weekend off. Likewise Mick, take it easy. Gordon - is it really necessary to learn yoof speak? Why not try getting the yoof to speak proper English? :lol:


Sitting upstairs now with all the essentials of life, and listening to Souds of the Sixties on Radio 2 while writing this drivel.

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  • RMweb Premium

So, what do the guests (togged in their finery) do in a remote rural village for two hours?


Obvious answer: Visit DD.


Let's hope that there's a fellow modeller among them DD then you can exchange ideas. Otherwise, you might have to grin and bear it.

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Happy Birthday to the mischievous-looking Albert - wonder what he's planning there??!!


No clue what's going on but I seem to have email notification back now. As I've oft said, IT = Infernal Technology!


Anyone sharing any Bushmills?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - touch of pain induced insomnia. A|s far as I know op went well although right this minute boy do I regret having it done. Pain is at warp factor 23, not even liquid morphine is touching it at the mo. They kicked me out last evening, currently staying with my daughter. Using crutches is interesting especially as the meds make me woozy.


Mind you I wasn't feeling so hot when the surgeon described what he was about to do - phrases such as 'grinding back to bleeding bone....'


The good part is three months, yes count them, three months off work (just like working for a well known US computer giant). I've to spend two weeks in a bandaged up metal form, this keeps the ankle at the correct angle, Then It's back to the hospital to ahve that off, check the scars are healing, then it's a cast for a further six weeks. During this time I can't take any weight on it while the bone grows around the screws and fuses the ankle joint, after that it's a month of building up muscle gradually taking more weight on the joint and learning to walk again.


Enjoy your breakfast chaps......

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Good grief, home already? I thought you'd be in for a few days, before they sent you packing. I suppose this is all part of reducing waiting lists.


Sounds horrendous but I'm sure they know what they are doing. Will you have no flex in the ankle at all now?


Hope the pain recedes soon.


No doubt they told you it may be "a little sore" afterwards or "there may be some discomfort".


Bloomin' liars....smile.gif



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  • RMweb Gold

Has the op altered your accent? Can we understand you now?


It sounds like a long road to recovery so look after yourself - or better still, let your daughter look after you and don't put the guitar foot pedals on e- bay just yet.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Ouch, Phil - all the best to you and I sincerely hope you'll be feeling better soon. In fact, I am confident you will :) .


Had some trouble sleeping last night and so I only dropped out of bed a few minutes ago. Very calm outside and it would seem we had some rain over night.


Albert's up and (literally) running already, and we will, in fact, do some carrot muffins later on :lol: .


More details as soon as I am more awake ;) ...

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Morning All,


It is a bit of a wet morning here - although looking outside now, I think the rain has stopped. The sun is certainly out.


Nice to see you back so soon Phil, but my goodness - that does seem incredibly soon to be letting you out.


Anyway - time for some coffee, and breakfast!


Have a good day everyone...

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