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  • RMweb Gold

There's no script for this is there! It is messy to the point of irrationality. But somehow it seems to be working...

I think ERs is more free flow, stream of consciousness than scripted...

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I have no problem with that, in fact one of the worrying things I see happening is that PC is stopping people from expressing their views no matter how unpleasant and therefore forcing such things, as you indicate, into the shadows and under the carpet,  I've always believed in knowing as much about your opponent as possible, not only to learn what they are thinking/believing but also to see if there could be anything of value in the midst of all the dross. If you read Das Kapital you should also read Mein Kampf, Read Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems as well as The Origin of Species. Knowledge is not only power, but freedom.

Some historical texts do have relevance for us today. What Marx wrote about capitalism still rings true; and his pal Engels' writing about the housing conditions in Manchester in the 19th century is still interesting for social policy studies and has messages for today's housing crisis.


Great number for your post, iL Dottore, ... 92200



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Not me Pete - the next time I visit that emporium will be the first time - it's Smiffy that's having that particular torture.

No, I just got to sit in the car and listen to Seasick Steve. Result.

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The wonderful thing about science is how it informs us that reality is far, far stranger than anything humans could have drempt up. Perhaps that is why some find it a bit threatening.


BTW, the political alignment of the UK now has a distictly IKEA look about it ;)

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Happy Birthday Smiffy...




Had rather a busy day yesterday, first up Mothers Day brunch, we (Trevor, Jemma and myself) took Mrs and Mil out for brunch at a local establishment, delightful time...

then we had a brief rest before heading off to a wedding at 4PM - young lady same age as Jemma who we've all know and seen through various stages of life since she was about 7.

Very enjoyable, smaller group and the bride and groom adding some of their own flavor with few unique touches.


Home by 9 just giving us time to sort out the place before bed - whoosh, there went the weekend! :O


I'm starting to get "nervous" about our trip, the flight out specifically, as the available space is diminishing. At present there are still about 25 seats available BUT there are now 7 people on standby, including ourselves. Hopefully there isn't a rush of other folks deciding to go as we're lowest on the standby list far as we understand it! Fallback position is to leave Tuesday (tomorrow) if necessary, as there are many more seats shown, but that may mean making a hasty decision sometime tomorrow and packing rather quickly...


IKEA - hmmm, I KNOW I've found the exit there, I swear it..I mean..I don't THINK I'm still trapped in there...am I!!! There are shortcuts marked in the store here but I swear they take you back to the beginning of the store, it's like an evil trick to get you to believe you can get out faster... :jester:


Weather notes: There was  1-2 foot of snow west of us over the weekend in Rapid City and the Black Hills, South Dakota. We're expecting rain from that weather system the next couple of days, and forecast of some snow POSSIBLE in northern Minnesota!


11 right now under cloudy skies, only expecting 14 for a high, with rain off and on...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Started tweaking the 252 today:




New pans are on already. I do think I might just have a go at weathering this loco just a bit as the white in particular just seems a tad too fresh to me. After all, the Grandes Líneas livery is being phased out, so I don't think there'll be any full new paint jobs using this livery and any locos still wearing it should look more or less aged by now.

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  • RMweb Gold



Happy Birthday Smiffy...




Had rather a busy day yesterday, first up Mothers Day brunch, we (Trevor, Jemma and myself) took Mrs and Mil out for brunch at a local establishment, delightful time...

then we had a brief rest before heading off to a wedding at 4PM - young lady same age as Jemma who we've all know and seen through various stages of life since she was about 7.

Very enjoyable, smaller group and the bride and groom adding some of their own flavor with few unique touches.


Home by 9 just giving us time to sort out the place before bed - whoosh, there went the weekend! :O


I'm starting to get "nervous" about our trip, the flight out specifically, as the available space is diminishing. At present there are still about 25 seats available BUT there are now 7 people on standby, including ourselves. Hopefully there isn't a rush of other folks deciding to go as we're lowest on the standby list far as we understand it! Fallback position is to leave Tuesday (tomorrow) if necessary, as there are many more seats shown, but that may mean making a hasty decision sometime tomorrow and packing rather quickly...


IKEA - hmmm, I KNOW I've found the exit there, I swear it..I mean..I don't THINK I'm still trapped in there...am I!!! There are shortcuts marked in the store here but I swear they take you back to the beginning of the store, it's like an evil trick to get you to believe you can get out faster... :jester:


Weather notes: There was  1-2 foot of snow west of us over the weekend in Rapid City and the Black Hills, South Dakota. We're expecting rain from that weather system the next couple of days, and forecast of some snow POSSIBLE in northern Minnesota!


11 right now under cloudy skies, only expecting 14 for a high, with rain off and on...

Good luck with the flights.


Our neighbours daughter works for an airline. When they went to LAX to plan their daughters wedding they had to wait a few days to get the standby seats.


On the way home one of them had to use one of the jump seats or wait quite a few days.


For the actual wedding they didnt take the chance!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello .... erm.......


My name is Bod....... and .........


......well........ Erm......








I think I quite like IKEA.

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  • RMweb Premium


.  Whatever happened to the days when you popped down to the factors for the parts, ran the car up on ramps, and spannered around for a couple of hours, then job done. 




Manufacturers made things ' better ' .

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Hello .... erm.......


My name is Bod....... and .........


......well........ Erm......








I think I quite like IKEA.


At one point in time we had three homes scattered around the US - all furnished with a lot stuff from IKEA!


(Anyone interested in a bunch of metric Allen keys?)

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I've got a lot of metric Allen keys, thanks. Hundreds. Except for the sizes I need.


There's an IKEA in Caen in Normandy, about an hour and a half's drive from our place there. So far, we've never been, though we did take some IKEA chairs out when they became redundant in England. Julie keeps making noises about going there, but then gets an attack of reality that there's nothing we need, and if we did I'd probably make it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.. had a busy day not earning a crust but doing house jobs and listening to the cricket.


I don't do IKEA.. everything we have ever had from them has ended up back in its component parts once the herberts have worked on it for a while...(do the Swedes use IKEA -the last hotels I stayed in in Trollhatten and Jonkoping had furniture carved out of real wood....not compressed sawdust and ply...)


Been a  nice day here... nice warm breeze - hence no cricket for me today...


I wonder if Dr Oliver is a distant relative? He sounds like one of my Herberts (not in accent but in verbal flow!)


Have a nice birthday Smiffy!



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Thanks, Baz.

To be fair a lot of IKEA stuff is made out of proper tree wood, but often laminated. It's what it is, cheap, well designed, utilitarian. It's the store I can't stomach.

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Happy Birthday Dick


Ikea is tolerated by myself but only when I can't find what I'm after elsewhere.


I did have a nice easy day booked for today. A 2 hour job but with nearly 4 hours driving to and from. Finished the job and then had to go to Wood Green for another one. I eventually got back and then had to go to Staines. Oh well. At least it keeps me out of trouble.

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Birthday greetings Smiffy

My friendly for Lisa was for the comment that it was warmer in the fridge

When I was having the scaffolding removed from my finger the consultant remarked that allen keys come in two sizes to big and too small

Evening all

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  • RMweb Gold

We had a phone call from Matthew. He thought that his exam had gone well. The next one is in June. Hopefully tomorrow he will get the dissertation farce sorted.

I don't think he will be giving them 5 stars if there is an academic version of TripAdvisor!

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