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....something that sounds too good to be true probably is. Get quotes from e.g. Saga & another similar and compare them with your existing one.



If you are a member of a professional body or a trade's union, you can get quotes there also. 

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The only comment I would make was that a great number of my senior clients at the garage complained of difficulty in understanding or being understood during any dialogue with the 'call centre' when it moved to the sub-continent. Quite a few would probably have been confused in any case! It is of course now over two years since I was forced to give up work due to illness so things might have changed. The only advice I would offer, which I'm sure you would do anyway, is to carefully read the schedule as many companies equate reduced price with reduced level of cover!

Kind regards,


Everyone that I've dealt with from Aviva were definitely from north of the border and very easy to understand

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Can I just add to the Greek Chorus: There’s no such thing as a free lunch - particularly with regard to Insurance companies.

Over here you do not get a No Claims Bonus - unless you ask for it and you’ll pay extra for it. 

It’s the way of the Insurance World nowadays. They will not be slow in jacking up premiums to ridiculous levels if you do make a claim.....and then canceling coverage for any minimal fault on your behalf. Of course every other insurance company will be made aware.


Best, Pete.

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.....I'm with Direct Line and have just gone through the cycle due to being hit up the rear in a classic roundabout entrance event. All was dealt with very smoothly, which is why I'm happy to pay a little more than I can probably get away with, until the company who supplied the courtesy vehicle (Quindell...subcontractor of DL) failed to listen when I explained that they needed to collect their car before 1pm any day during the week. After the second threatening message from them about charging me for extra days if they're unable to collect their car I got a little excited too and complained straight to Direct Line....the Quindell car had gone by the time I returned from work.


Sub-contractors or sub-standard?



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Heartiest congratulations to Dom and Elise, I hope you are as happy together as Debs and I have been in the last 32 years.  Looks to me like you're a lucky lad!


Jock too, hope the medication has settled things down my friend, you don't deserve that on top of everything else.


It would appear that in week 4 my chest infection is slowly receding, slow being the operative word - still coughing but less often!  I am shattered by this time of day, we have been out and about this morning doing chores then ended up at the other end of the island (again) for lunch at Cregneash tea rooms - very quaint.  After driving home I am so tired I could sneak a nap, but it's sunny out and Debs is in the garden making 'come and help' looks......

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Perhaps Aviva are giving Dick a "new business" discount. As I mentioned earlier we have insured with AA insurance services since the early 1980s. Initially because in those days they were not awkward about health conditions if you had a licence and no record of your health problem causing a driving incident. Very much like the law about such things now.

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Perhaps Aviva are giving Dick a "new business" discount. As I mentioned earlier we have insured with AA insurance services since the early 1980s. Initially because in those days they were not awkward about health conditions if you had a licence and no record of your health problem causing a driving incident. Very much like the law about such things now.

That's a good point, and one I had considered.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thank you all for your kind words, guys! 


While preparing the invitations for posting, I again noticed that there isn't all that much family left on my side. I did post one to my uncle in California and his family, though with him running several printing businesses and seeming to always be travelling, I can't say how likely he might be able to make it. I did want to at least show I thought of him, however.


The same thing goes for some family friends in Bielefeld we have had for more than 30 years. What is sad here is that she has been quite ill with severe early onset rheumatism for almost as long as we've known them, which is quite hard on her and her husband alike. I would, of course, be happy to see them again but I could, of course, understand if it were too much for her in particular.

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I know with house insurance you can keep changing each year and get a discount but I only change when I think the company are just being silly about prices. Robbie's pet insurance seemed to be getting pricey but after some quotes we decided to keep him on same policy we have renewed each year. Trying to get a quote for a 10 year old dog on a new policy was expensive.

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The only comment I would make was that a great number of my senior clients at the garage complained of difficulty in understanding or being understood during any dialogue with the 'call centre' when it moved to the sub-continent. Quite a few would probably have been confused in any case! It is of course now over two years since I was forced to give up work due to illness so things might have changed. The only advice I would offer, which I'm sure you would do anyway, is to carefully read the schedule as many companies equate reduced price with reduced level of cover!

Kind regards,


Best offshore call centre I've come across is Admiral's - oddly it isn't with their UK parent group but is in Nova Scotia due to some sort of Canadian involvement with the group. 

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Frankly I have no time for the insurance industry and I don't use call centres. I give them the loyalty they deserve and change suppliers annually - they are all so busy chasing new business that renewing cover is a mugs game. I use comparison sites mainly, with an occasional foray onto a direct only site to check I'm not missing out. As for SAGA and other so called discounts for over 50s, as there is no such thing as a price list of RRPs , there's no such thing as a 10% discount. The only figure that matters is the figure you end up paying. My opinion for what it's worth get a new like for like quote every year and change suppliers

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Jock - hope you can get back on top of that miserable time you're having soon, thinking of you and wishing you well


Dom and Elsie - congratulations, hope you enjoy many years together, with the right person it's fun and a delight



Quick noon check-in here, last night was much fun finalizing "plans" for our trip. My buddy Jerry discovered about another 30 places he'd like to see (ya right!!), so we'll have some fun figuring out how/when to sleep!! :jester:


Off out for some more "last minute" items, then practice "packing" as we're trying to go light as possible, so need to determine what we won't take after all...


Here's an annotated map I created for the "crew" to give them some idea of the work ahead :O on the canal portion of the holiday!


We're planning on "Fenny Stratford" as the first night stop, there's a pub right on the canal, "The Red Lion" and after 5 locks in 3 1/2 hours we'll probably NEED it, as we won't get the boat until between 1-4 that afternoon!


Still only 14 here at noon, but sunny with a clear sky high of 20 then down to 10 and raining for Mothers' Day tomorrow...managing only 14-16 for highs next two days.

Edited by Ian Abel
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.....I'm with Direct Line and have just gone through the cycle due to being hit up the rear in a classic roundabout entrance event. All was dealt with very smoothly, which is why I'm happy to pay a little more than I can probably get away with, until the company who supplied the courtesy vehicle (Quindell...subcontractor of DL) failed to listen when I explained that they needed to collect their car before 1pm any day during the week. After the second threatening message from them about charging me for extra days if they're unable to collect their car I got a little excited too and complained straight to Direct Line....the Quindell car had gone by the time I returned from work.


Sub-contractors or sub-standard?




I'm of the opinion that, in the event of a 'no fault' accident, the car hire prices are extortionate as they will recover the costs from the party to blame.

When SWMBO was in the Volvo hit by a crane, they supplied a car which cost £700+ for about 36 hours and no use by her.

It was in the same 'bracket' as the Volvo.

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....I pay my premium in full and on the date that it is due....I therefore expect the level of service which I've enjoyed over approx. 30 years to continue without any shinanigans. If DL choose to subcontract then it should be with no dip in standards....should they want to enjoy my future custom.



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AndyiD, I could almost hear the 'hum' emanating from that superb image - didn't know you got that species so far North, is it a local or an occasional visitor?


Hi Jock,


We get lots of them, and several different types too. Most are a bit smaller than those in California, and some are really tiny. I'll try to get a pic of one. Hummingbirds are quite common even in northern parts of the US. I think the one in the pic even migrates into parts of Alaska.


We are about 100 miles south of Canada here, but we are at the same latitude as Dijon and Zurich. (Wick is further north than Juneau, Alaska.)




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Evening All


Late on parade, as the rest of the day got in the way, and I nearly missed Dom's great news and I hope that you and Elise are very happy together. 

Also good news that many ailing are starting to recover.

Jock, I was a bit dismayed to hear that the medication was gracing the drains again, and I really do sypathise, so was delighted to find that you had made one of your typically long and comprehensive posts covering almost everybody else's news. 

Hopfully 30747 and I will soon be able to report a similar outcome to our current bug...


I look forward to a few warmer days (soon???) as I'm getting a bit fed up with exchanging large sums of money for warmth but it's pretty chilly here again, and we've shut the stove down for the summer as we've no logs, and also it has stopped drawing due to the need to have the lum swept (Scots will understand).


Forecast for tomorrow is a bit variable, but a trip to the car boot (or the local antique centre - comes to the same thing for quality but not for price) is probably in order.


Best go as Lil needs a walk.


Regards to All


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. When I went out to the car to do my shopping at lunchtime I noticed that a valve cap was missing, obviously from when I had the steering checked. So on the way back I popped back to the workshop and pointed it out, the manager simply took one off of another car parked in the yard, I asked if the owner would object he told me that the car in question was going for scrap. It was a perfectly good looking 08 reg Hyundai sports coupe that had suffered a terminal engine failure and rather than replace the engine it was more economical to scrap it.

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Well, everyone, something you should know: After having sorted out all preliminary formalities, I'd like you to know that me and Elise are to be married on 18 July this year. Here's hoping, of course, that the weather will be suitable for the occasion, as it had been during our trip to London last year! 




(Photo taken in Kensington Gardens!)

Congratulation both

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Congrats to you both!  May you be very happy for years to come….


Jackie is watching one of her dog programmes on TV, so I started wandering through YouTube and was staggered to come across this.  I'm now torn between moral responsibility/individual freedom and censorship…..



Edited by gordon s
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Congrats to you both!  May you be very happy for years to come….


Jackie is watching one of her dog programmes on TV, so I started wandering through YouTube and was staggered to come across this.  I'm now torn between moral responsibility/individual freedom and censorship…..




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He said have a look round and decide on a plan for your filming. Plan?

I think I would have been bored shirtless after 30 seconds.

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Congrats to Dom and Elise - she looks really nice!

..... And Dom doesn't ??



Actually, we have to assume Ian knows what he's talking about.

He chose Sherry.

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  • RMweb Premium

Congrats Dom & Elise.


Good to see Jock back on form and Andyram has been looking in.


One of my former driving pupils has just been on Britain's Got Talent - four yes votes. I had the feeling that she was good, but she was brilliant.




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