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  • RMweb Gold

Kids now here and doing homework. So far this has entailed me giving Gemma some advice on Maths and then getting Joe's computer connected to my router

so he can log on to the school's website to do his Maths! How times have changed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Congrats to Dom and Elise - she looks really nice!


Commiserations to Jock - how much crap can one man attract in life?


Sherry and I clearly need to live together full-time. This business of making TIB every damn day isn't on!


Up and about early, so was in Castorama at Le Mans by 0920, coming away with a new strimmer (same model as the last one, but seemed cheaper) a toilet-roll holder for the new bathroom, and a new dirty-water pump, to replace the 10-year-old one that has packed up. Again, I'm sure the new pump is half the price we paid then. I don't use it much, but for pumping out the horses' trough etc it is a necessity.


Some sunnier days in prospect, but I must ring MiL next, before tackling more garden. The backlog from my being out of action is considerable!


Hope your weekend sunny, too.

Edited by Oldddudders
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I sympathise with the nose bleeds. I seem to have them frequently for a while and then none for years. Some of my medication affects clotting so it can be spectacular!

Pumpkin pizza, did you pay extra for that ingredient. An Australian colleague once said that while she liked working in the UK it was impossible to get a good pumpkin here.

Nose Bleeds can be deadly.


I was supposed to have an operation on the cartilage/bone up my left hand nostril. The ENT chap put me off by saying “You mustn’t fly for 6 weeks” - I thought that it was something to do with low air pressure but no. He went on to say that “you must not be more than 20 minutes from an A&E Dept because any nose bleed could kill you".


I decided that 40 years with my crooked airways was good!


Congratulations to Dom & Elise! 


Best, Pete.

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Not a good start to the day - wet outside and me with a thumping headache.  I cant even blame the headache on alcohol, as I didn't touch a drop last night.  Now gradually perking up as rain has stopped and blue skies are approaching from Fraggle Rock, and the headache is responding to paracetamol.  Some friends visiting later who I haven't seen for 40 years, so I am looking forward to that.

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Mornin' all,


All the best Dom & Elise


Just about de-lurgyed now, although 2 Nurofen req. nightly to make leg muscles sufficiently comfortable to get to sleep....just glad that I didn't get the full on version. New use (to me) for Carrs weathering powders is to mix with Polyfilla from a tube to match the wall shade in church....obviously for small areas such as covering screw/Rawlbolt holes.


Looking forward to getting back into constitutional mode


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Up and about early, so was in Castorama at Le Mans by 0920, coming away with  a toilet-roll holder for the new bathroom 




I did tell you that no woman, especially Sherry, would put up with torn up pages of Le Monde on a loop of string...


Best, Pete.

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Well, everyone, something you should know: After having sorted out all preliminary formalities, I'd like you to know that me and Elise are to be married on 18 July this year. Here's hoping, of course, that the weather will be suitable for the occasion, as it had been during our trip to London last year! 




(Photo taken in Kensington Gardens!)

Ah, that's just wonderful, I hope everything goes well on the day and into the future. Here's something for you to think on, as you get wed, my wife and I will be celebrating 50 years and 1 day of our own wedded bliss.  

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Morning/Afternoon all,

Again I have to thank you all for the best wishes and the 'preventive' medicine appears to be working at both ends for now! Phew! What a catch up task this morning, most of the news good for once!

I make no political statement when I express my embarrassment at living in the only constituency with a UKIP MP! (My family have truly enjoyed e-mailing me to take the wee!!). I have seen some real changes in the demographic profile in this town in the last thirty+ years and I noticed a significant increase in customers at the garage who were happy to expound their racist views. Not being that way inclined myself, I often had to 'bite my tongue' - quite a large number of retirees from East and North London in particular informed me that they had moved here to get away from "them" when all along, I suspect that the real reason was actually that the house prices tend to be less than half those in the boroughs! So the result came as no surprise, although I still find it odd that the majority can 'like' a 'turn-coat' Conservative who is on public record as apologising for 'mistakes' in his expenses claims! Rant over, and as I said, read no political meaning in this paragraph and I apologise in advance if I have offended anyone!

Jamie, thank you once again for a lovely set of nostalgia inducing photographs, I really do hope that Beth and you enjoyed your time there. Some years back, one of Joanna's workmates did just what Jack and you were discussing - his wife and he holidayed near where you have been, and driving North over the B9176 (one of my favourite routes for eagle spotting) which leaves the A9 at Alness and takes you over the mountains towards Bonar Bridge, they came across the 'million dollar view' (so dubbed by the American oilmen I believe!) as they cleared 'Struie Hill'. It was love at first sight and, having had their children flee the nest, they upped sticks and moved North! The postcards we receive at intervals would suggest they are very happy. Hope you have an uneventful trip home.

Dom, what fantastic news - I hope Elise and you enjoy as many happy years as Joanna and I have!

Dick, lovely image of Rose - I'm pleased that all seems to have gone well. Don't forget to advise the kids to start a small savings plan for the wedding expenses (says one who didn't and had to fund two weddings within a year!). Assume a 'head-wetting' bash is on the cards and Tony has given us further good news on the baby front to raise a glass to!

Ian (roundhouse), I think you made a wise move getting the car properly sorted - you certainly couldn't replace it for that amount and if that is all it costs to give you another year of service......... Hope your current trip goes well.

Mick, best wishes to the lass, all of ours have enjoyed the ice cream medicine at one time or another!

Bob (grandad), good to hear that young Abbie coped well with the exams - I've only dabbled as a hobby myself but serious professional photography can be both enjoyable and rewarding! Have you shown her John(Killybegs)'s work which can be reached from one of the links below his posts?

Pete(trisonic), love the bike link ; I've only ridden an Indian once (careful you usual suspects!) and it handled like a five-bar gate, very like most of the Hogs (Harleys to the uninitiated!) that we had an agency for at Motorcycle City! Wonder if Richard equips the family cars that way?

Good news on the nose-bleed front from Lisa, hope it stays away, and good news on 34C's father in law health wise as well!

AndyiD, I could almost hear the 'hum' emanating from that superb image - didn't know you got that species so far North, is it a local or an occasional visitor?

Ian(OD), pleased to hear that you are taking care not to undo the surgeon's recent workmanship! Great news that Sherry arrived home safely, even if it was to a less Liberal environment than before! I hope the days till the 26th fly by for you both!!

Been musing on VE Day and remembering those to whom we undoubtedly owe so much. I wonder if any of our American domiciled friends can tell us if the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war was celebrated as much in the U.S. as we are set to do for VE Day over the next three days, and then later in the year on VJ Day?

Hope Tex is OK, I'm missing his posts, and a timely reminder that Trev is still conspicuously absent!

Hope the weekend works for you all,

Kind regards,


PS Happy anniversary (belated) to Mr and Mrs Judge!

Edited by Jock67B
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Absolutely delighted for you both, Dom. I hope you both have a long and happy time together! :-)


Well, everyone, something you should know: After having sorted out all preliminary formalities, I'd like you to know that me and Elise are to be married on 18 July this year. Here's hoping, of course, that the weather will be suitable for the occasion, as it had been during our trip to London last year! 




(Photo taken in Kensington Gardens!)

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Does anyone have an opinion on Aviva car insurance? I've got a quote which is about half what I'm paying at the moment.


The only comment I would make was that a great number of my senior clients at the garage complained of difficulty in understanding or being understood during any dialogue with the 'call centre' when it moved to the sub-continent. Quite a few would probably have been confused in any case! It is of course now over two years since I was forced to give up work due to illness so things might have changed. The only advice I would offer, which I'm sure you would do anyway, is to carefully read the schedule as many companies equate reduced price with reduced level of cover!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

....something that sounds too good to be true probably is. Get quotes from e.g. Saga & another similar and compare them with your existing one.




Totally agree, I'm with Saga and every year when I get my renewal notice I then visit Compare the Confused Meerkat & Friends and get umpteen cheaper quotes. However when I check what they're all offering I usually find that they've left off things like No Claims Protection, Legal Protection etc etc (which I'd asked for!) and bumped up the "Voluntary" excess to something ridiculous. By the time I sort that lot out I always end up back with Saga. Last time Saga actually reduced my premium so I didn't bother with that rigmarole.

Edited by grandadbob
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....something that sounds too good to be true probably is. Get quotes from e.g. Saga & another similar and compare them with your existing one.



I'd agree with that generally, except that my present insurers, through my bank, are clearly taking the wossname at almost £700 a year - no convictions or claims in the last 5 years, European comprehensive cover included. I used to have a teachers' policy through Frizzells, which was excellent.

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