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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps useful for any of our British ERs: Emission stickers can be ordered through http://www.tuev-sued.de/auto_fahrzeuge/feinstaub-plakette/feinstaubplakette_ausland/england. You'll need Part I of your Vehicle Registration Certificate and can e-mail them a scan of it.

Thank you. That is very useful. Especially as I had just found the Tuev Nord website. They offer a similar service but you can only pay by bank transfer and that would cost me more. The one you found accepts credit cards.

There seem to be more Umwelt zones than when we last drove through Germany. I had a look at the Austrian regulations too. As well as the vignette for motorways there seem to be some tolls as well. It also seems they are going for pollution stickers as well but I think this is for vehicles over 3.5t.


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Ahh summer of 76. My first summer job and first employment besides a paper round. Mum was asked if I could "help out" in one of her employer's warehouses for the summer.. That officially meant sweeping and cleaning. Unofficially the lazy old coot that did all the shipping and receiving taught me to drive the forklift and the rest is history. Basically I ran the warehouse and he sat in his office for 2 months smoking 50 a day and drinking about 3 gallons of coffee. Sadly he died on the steps to the main office about 4 months later from a massive heart attack. Needless to say it was hot in YYC but not as bad as the UK. The warehouse was the retail side of the business, roofing materials. Next to my "office" was the tar and asphalt plant, behind was the fibreboard plant, on the other side was a large grain elevator, and across the street was the city's sewage treatment plant. My sense of smell to this day has never recovered.

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  • RMweb Premium

El Scorchio here this afternoon, so I have been bravely watching Mrs H dig out the new vege patch ready for raised beds.  I have assisted mostly by coughing a lot and directing dimensions from the comfort of a seat.  This apparently was no help at all, you just can't win.

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We've all followed vans and lorries with that sign "Well driven?" followed by a phone number. Saw a white van today where the phone number was "0800 GETALIFE"- amused me :)


Best wishes to you all especially those of you under the weather - what is sometimes referred to in Wales as "Bard in bed with a shawl on"




Plenty of vans have a sign proclaiming "No Tools left in this vehicle overnight". Today I followed a Peters Pie van which had a sign stating "No pies left in this van overnight".


I am sure you will all find that information useful,


Regards from a very sunny capital city of the Principality,



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1976 - Wasn't that the year of the ladybird plague?

Folk being bitten and shoals of them heaped everywhere.

Or "Killer Ladybirds" as the Mail probably reported it.

I seem to remember the fountain in Trafalgar Square was blocked with them.

Maybe I dreamed it.


2 x Results!

My Prairie Tank arrived and it's abolutely mint!

The loco that expired is now running (like a train). It was a fault with my track!

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  • RMweb Gold

1976. I remember that it was so hot and dry not even going faster on a motorbike made me feel cooler! This was the year before Aditi and I got married. We spent a lot of time wandering round the parklands of Ilford. The situation at Aditi's parents home was rather tense as she had refused to get involved with any arranged marriage discussions. Her Uncle and Aunt were visiting from California and asked her to accompany them to Scotland. Aditi said being stuck in a motorhome for 10 days with bickering relations was not fun. The vehicle broke down in Newcastle and when it was working her Uncle Vinay thought it was a good idea to give hitchhikers lifts. Aditi said he seemed to favour those with psychopathic traits.


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So here's a question for the knowledgeable and possibly "not so" who frequent shows - posted here to get a simple response from friends rather than a new thread that would be way more than I need, and I trust you folks for a more honest answer than the general "crowd";


Given I'm headed to the UK for vacation, and I want to visit a show or two (probably ONLY RAILEX in reality), are there folks/vendors there that would buy "for a decent price rather than rip me off" a couple of Wrenn locos?

I've two, like new never run, but maintained/lubricated and working, just no inclination to have them on my layout/converted to DCC - they're lovely but very dated/lacking detail that I want on the layout.

If there is a chance of a decent sale, I'd lug them over, but given they weigh rather more than the average plastic variety, I'm not inclined to haul them over and possibly back as an "exercise".

They are a #W2235 BR Barnstaple and a #W2269 Sir Keith Park "Golden Arrow". Both essentially new (well in the late '80's) and boxed.

Is it worth hauling them over??

Edited by Ian Abel
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Plenty of vans have a sign proclaiming "No Tools left in this vehicle overnight". Today I followed a Peters Pie van which had a sign stating "No pies left in this van overnight".


I am sure you will all find that information useful,


Regards from a very sunny capital city of the Principality,




My mate uses the tagline on his emails "I brake for pies!"

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So here's a question for the knowledgeable and possibly "not so" who frequent shows - posted here to get a simple response from friends rather than a new thread that would be way more than I need, and I trust you folks for a more honest answer than the general "crowd";


Given I'm headed to the UK for vacation, and I want to visit a show or two (probably ONLY RAILEX in reality), are there folks/vendors there that would buy "for a decent price rather than rip me off" a couple of Wrenn locos?

I've two, like new never run, but maintained/lubricated and working, just no inclination to have them on my layout/converted to DCC - they're lovely but very dated/lacking detail that I want on the layout.

If there is a chance of a decent sale, I'd lug them over, but given they weigh rather more than the average plastic variety, I'm not inclined to haul them over and possibly back as an "exercise".

They are a #W2235 BR Barnstaple and a #W2269 Sir Keith Park "Golden Arrow". Both essentially new (well in the late '80's) and boxed.

Is it worth hauling them over??


.....why not advertise them on Ebay, with the rider that you'll be bringing them over on said dates. 



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  • RMweb Gold

So here's a question for the knowledgeable and possibly "not so" who frequent shows - posted here to get a simple response from friends rather than a new thread that would be way more than I need, and I trust you folks for a more honest answer than the general "crowd";


Given I'm headed to the UK for vacation, and I want to visit a show or two (probably ONLY RAILEX in reality), are there folks/vendors there that would buy "for a decent price rather than rip me off" a couple of Wrenn locos?

I've two, like new never run, but maintained/lubricated and working, just no inclination to have them on my layout/converted to DCC - they're lovely but very dated/lacking detail that I want on the layout.

If there is a chance of a decent sale, I'd lug them over, but given they weigh rather more than the average plastic variety, I'm not inclined to haul them over and possibly back as an "exercise".

They are a #W2235 BR Barnstaple and a #W2269 Sir Keith Park "Golden Arrow". Both essentially new (well in the late '80's) and boxed.

Is it worth hauling them over??

My sole visit to Railex suggested this is not the right place. It tends to have very high quality layouts, and traders at the heart of the hobby, rather than the collectors' market where Wrenn sits. Reference to the website might confirm whether such traders have been invited.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Lat on catch up, even though early on parade this morning.  A trip to Morrisons' and other food emporia needed.  Seems to be that every time we buy food, it gets eaten, then we have to repeat the exercise - still it occupies a lump of Tuesday. 


Sorry to hear that Mick is also lurgified - can one catch these bugs off RMWeb?  Judging from the number of people in different areas going down with similar ailments, it does make me wonder.


Also really enjoying the Tasmanian geography and history lessons from Tex - most interesting, and I now know a lot more about a little corner of Australia than I was ever taught at school - thanks mate.


1976 - what was I doing in the summer of 1976 - ah yes, was into the second year of a job in central London (Chancery Lane) and as the weather got hotter and hotter, suffering crowded 4 SUB and 4 EPB units which were stiflingly hot.  Was also doing a lot of real ale searching, having joined CAMRA and tracking down the then rare outlets for magical fluids like Ruddles County, and  Fullers ESB, and (God forbid) Charringtons IPA.  Many pubs had real problems in keeping their beers in good condition in the very hot conditions, and more than a few ran dry due to the number of thirsty customers downing pint after pint to keep lubricated.  I do remember that they kept saying that it was so hot that you could fry an egg on the pavement, but it really wasn't possible, but yes it was HOT for a long time, and I also recall that they were talking about standpipes in the street as all the reservoirs were getting quite empty.


Pleased to see that Geoff's wall and gatepost are now looking as good as new (as far as I could see) following the ministrations of the young lad who ran into them. 


I'll not be back again until late tomorrow so hopefully won't have too many pages to read.


Regards to All


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I don't remember '76 being all that hot in Scotland, or maybe it's because we moved to Arizona in '82. Not so much culture shock, more a case of thermal shock! Our swimming pool had a nice fountain spray thingy that you could turn on.


"What's that for?" I asked.


"It's to cool the pool water down though evaporation."  :O

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold


They are a #W2235 BR Barnstaple and a #W2269 Sir Keith Park "Golden Arrow". Both essentially new (well in the late '80's) and boxed.

Is it worth hauling them over??


A quick look at Ramsay's British Model Trains Catalogue suggests a price of £110 for Barnstaple and £355 for Sir Keith Park (Limited edition of 512) These are guide prices for mint & boxed and could vary but it is obviously worth being a bit careful how you sell them.


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  • RMweb Premium

1976 - what was I doing in the summer of 1976 - ah yes, was into the second year of a job in central London (Chancery Lane)


I just wondered if there might be any unusual congregation of chancers of all shapes and sizes 'round there? :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening, just about recovered from my game of golf which saw me navigate the course on a zigzag basis. This tired me out or could it have been the three pints I had over lunch that made me sleepy this afternoon?


Summer of 76 out and about for the company I was employed by, the company car had vinyl seats which equated to sticky shirt time. I can recall making a juice bottle up and popping it in the freezer overnight, placing it in the car as I left home and then having a very nice cold drink about 11ish.


Off for more rest enjoy your evening.

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  • RMweb Gold

..........the fianl game being against UWIST on some army cricket ground on Salisbury Plain. 

So all this time the tourist board has been telling us they were ancient stones placed there by Druids when in fact they are just ruddy great wickets.

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  • RMweb Premium

Non-political, sort of political comment:


Can anyone tell me why when politicians visit NHS properties, they always tuck their tie into their shirt?  I was a suit in the NHS for quite a few years, and never once tucked, or was asked to tuck my tie into my shirt when on a ward, unit or clinic...or elsewhere in the hospital.  An odd affectation, is it supposed to make them look as if they know all about asepsis or something?


Just one of those things that's really annoying me today!  One other is we have to pay for a UK TV licence, but it's not OUR election......so we have to put up with it all without the pleasure of a vote!  So, are you all going to get 6 weeks of our election next year?  Thought not.  Just as well, you will fall about laughing!


Hope that doesn't break the rules - no party comments!

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