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Happy Birthday Debs.


And NHN, women are better at coping because they're genetically programmed to take more pain. Childbirth I am  informed does tend to sting a little.


Quite how one explains Jock's fortitude I don't know. Makes it even more remarkable I guess!

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...women are better at coping because they're genetically programmed to take more pain. Childbirth I am  informed does tend to sting a little...

I believe the evidence is now in that if anything they are less tolerant of pain than men. Could it be that they are braver, but only in a truly essential cause, rather than for glory?

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I had mentioned that I have trained Lucy to wear a muzzle. It's very much for her protection. We think that she was abused by kids and by men who probably were dressed in dark or black clothes, the three triggers for her defensive behaviour. Once her fears have been triggered, the poor little mite launches herself at the individual to chase them away. Unfortunately, as we found out, she can nip as part of her self defence behaviour - and in Switzerland they don't make a distinction between a nip and a bite! So to protect her from getting herself into serious trouble, she is now muzzled when out on walks. However in this case, for Lucy, every cloud has a silver lining: when I put the muzzle on, adjust it and take it off she gets lavish praise (being called a "pretty lady" and the only time I use those words with her) AND a generous squirt of pate for dogs (which she absolutely goes crazy for and gets at no other time). Here are some photos of Lucy in her "I'm a mad, bad, bitch" guise

post-123-0-51627000-1429102575.jpg post-123-0-36180100-1429102593.jpg

Interestingly, the muzzle makes her look rather vicious (and she isn't. She's a real sweetie once she gets to know you...)

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Talking of Utrecht, whos going to Eurospoor this year?


We thought we had a show that weekend but its moved to another date (location etc) so in planning stages of booking flights trains and hotels to pay our first visit.

The East Riding group will be represented by Alan Price's* layout based on the Wisbech & Upwell tramway. He will be assisted by Rippers (one time RM member) and their respective wives.

* No, not that Alan Price, another one!

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The East Riding group will be represented by Alan Price's* layout based on the Wisbech & Upwell tramway. He will be assisted by Rippers (one time RM member) and their respective wives.

* No, not that Alan Price, another one!

No dancing bears?

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  • RMweb Gold

I've just finished a baking (for me) marathon.


Included in this extravaganza was a carrot cake.


I'm pretending it's a birthday cake for Debs :no: 


Well it was a well intentioned if not fleeting thought.


Even as I write this, I can hear the clatter of crockery and cutlery as a feeding frenzy erupts in the kitchen!


Wait for meeeeee.....................

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday to Debs!


Regarding the carrot cake; presumably Debs can enjoy the essence of the cake, while HH and family consume the earthly husk.


Glad to see Ian can cope with the ride-on mower; things must be improving.


Lucy looks gorgeous even with the muzzle on.


I haven't been out today, for a change. Some desultory gardening happened.


Have a good evening,



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  • RMweb Gold

A particularly Happy Birthday to our lady of the collies! Great to see you, and we would all like to see you here much more often!


Very hot here - 26 or so was forecast, and it's probably made that figure.


Just found the source of the buzzing in my study - a very large bumble bee which showed no interest in being escorted out. He/she eventually took refuge in the lampshade, which I then detached and took outside. Result!

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  • RMweb Gold

Apparently I've been a good boy today so have been rewarded with a lovely meal, some Old Speckled Hen, a couple of large glasses of Rioja and several looks of undying affection.

The last part is probably an exaggeration - I may have been looking in the mirror with rose  Rioja tinted glasses.


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Happy Birthday Debs and many more of them! When you are only 21 you can expect many more  On a more sombre note has Jock posted anything?

I've just read through all of todays posts and haven't seen anything.


A bit late in the day, but, Happy Birthday Debs

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I didn't know Debs was actually The Duchess of Abercorn! Shouldn't we address her "your ladyship" or something?


A Duchess is addressed as "Your Grace".


Apropos of nothing in particular(ahem), Spike Milligan used to address anyone of his children who was putting on airs as "Your Bumship" ...


Edit: grammar.

Edited by bluebottle
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