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Neil, if I may be so bold, I can't pretend to understand what you're feeling, but I don't think that today is the day to say anything except what a good guy he was. There will be bitterness and anger a plenty, not unjustified but I suspect that you are better than that. I hope you take this in the way it is meant, and that the day goes as well as it can.



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Funny you should say that, Baz, so have I, but my doctor says that isn't the case - they are all identical. I'm not sure if you can specify a manufacturer, I think you just get whatever's available. I've also heard that sometimes there are quotas. Or so MedicX told me, but they were a disorganised shambles.


Apologies, NHN, missed you out for a sympathetic mention earlier, I think I must have missed a page!

Some generics can vary. I noticed recently that for epilepsy our surgery are specifiying which brand of generic should be issued.

Aditi used to have intestinal problems with metformin but the GP changed her to a slow release version of metformin (glucophage) and this helped a lot. Also she advises avoiding fatty food! When Aditi's blood sugar levels rose, rather than increase the dose of metformin then doctor added another medication called Januvia (sitaglyptin). This didn't seem to cause any problems for her.



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Morning all from a nice and sunny village. Off to the dark side today (Lancashire) to get some society books audited then setting up 3 boards of Green Ayre at Upton tonight. Not a bad day.

Andy I hope that you get your daughter sorted asap. I've sent you a PM about links and signatures.

NHN I hope that the day passes without incident and goes well for you.



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Morning all from a sunny and warm Estuary-Land. A walk into town this morning beckons, I have to visit Nationwide this morning anyway. Yesterday when I went to pay for my shopping at Tesco's auto till my pin number was rejected, so I tried it twice more making absolutely sure that I had keyed in the correct pin, it then came up that my card was 'locked' leaving me in a bit of a quandary as I did not have sufficient cash on me to pay for the goods purchased. The assistant called a manager to assist me who suggested I use the cash machine outside to unlock my card. I was a bit wary of this as I had visions of the machine swallowing my card and not returning it, however when I put my card in the machine it worked perfectly so I was able to draw some cash to pay for my goods. The manager said they were going to keep an eye on the machine in case it happens again (it could be a worn keypad) but as the chip on my card looks a bit worn as a precaution I will ask for a replacement.

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Morning all from a sunny and warm Estuary-Land. A walk into town this morning beckons, I have to visit Nationwide this morning anyway. Yesterday when I went to pay for my shopping at Tesco's auto till my pin number was rejected, so I tried it twice more making absolutely sure that I had keyed in the correct pin, it then came up that my card was 'locked' leaving me in a bit of a quandary as I did not have sufficient cash on me to pay for the goods purchased. The assistant called a manager to assist me who suggested I use the cash machine outside to unlock my card. I was a bit wary of this as I had visions of the machine swallowing my card and not returning it, however when I put my card in the machine it worked perfectly so I was able to draw some cash to pay for my goods. The manager said they were going to keep an eye on the machine in case it happens again (it could be a worn keypad) but as the chip on my card looks a bit worn as a precaution I will ask for a replacement.


I nearly locked a card having put the pin in and had it rejected tried again no luck was about to do it a third time an suddenly realised I was putting the pin for the credit card in when using the debit card Doh! Old age or just stupidity take your pick. 



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As Roundhouse reports, there is haze in town, the view over Borough Market Junction is diminishing as I type. I read that we are also due red rain this weekend full of Saharan sand.



The car is looking really clean but after the Sahara dust and then the gulls bombing the car down in Melksham this weekend I think it will look quite different :no:



Just had a  good half hour debate (arguement!!) on the election and politics with our directors which they started and brought me into the conversation - luckily they both have different views so I couldn't be against both of them all the time so I am still here!!!

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Morning all,


Off to do battle shortly with concrete, my finger are crossed.


1. As far as the cable ties are concerned it's interesting to work out those who might be aware of the contents (so I'm told) of a certain book about colour schemes ;) 

2. Metformin - we prefer a particular brand because the pills are smaller, it is correct that the active ingredient is common to all of them according to our ever helpful Polish pharmacists in Tesco but the 'fillers' vary.  I've not had trouble swith metformin but I have had major side-effects with other drugs when given cheapo generic versions hence I'm prescribed particular brands.


Have a  good day one & all

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Just a brief check in before going for food. Now in comfortable quiet hotel in Avignon. We seem to have a view of a courtyard rather than the railway yard or the city wall.

TGV seems to have more leg room than Eurostar but the food from the bar on TGV was crisps and chocolate. Glad we had a snack at Lille.


If you venture out onto the Camargue, watch out for mosquitoes, the stinging type not built by De Havilands! 

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If you venture out onto the Camargue, watch out for mosquitoes, the stinging type not built by De Havilands!


We won't be venturing far from Avignon this time. We have been to the Camargue before at about this time of year. Perhaps it was early for mosquitoes? We have mosquitoes at home in Benfleet. I think they head up from the marshes every pleasant evening to be irritating. It is rumoured that in less enlightened times that husbands wishing to dispose of their spouse would send them down to catch Pitsea Ague. Fortunately the malarial mosquito is no longer found in South Essex.
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Had a visit this morning from a very pretty little female cat - most unusual colouring  of black with a silver grey undercoat - it changes colour as she moves - very friendly, unlike most around here who run when they see a human being.-  quite happy to be stroked, and her fur is so soft it is like silk

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Splendid day of sunlight, happily just right for the roof survey I had booked this morning with the inspecting architect. Which light promptly revealed an estimate of at least £25k of necessary work, and an easy spend of £100k if we seize the opportunity to do the full job while the scaffoling is erected and bring the roof up as near to modern code as possible. I shall have to write some very persuasive articles for the church magazine.

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Well, that's over with, and Ed will be pleased to know I bit my tongue as the person who is mostly responsible was there - but a little, er, lonely.  There was a very good turn out, the Priest said the most he had seen in his 16 years in the parish, standing room only.  My ex-colleagues were very emotional as you would expect, my young 'daughter' in particular but she pulled herself together like the star she is.  She lost her real dad when she was 14 so funerals have a deep impact upon her, but it is also the reason she is a social worker/probation officer - she really does help people sort their lives out.


I've decided not to go to the burial, I can't take any more sadness.  As it is in our village church graveyard I will take a walk past later and say goodbye.

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I've decided not to go to the burial, I can't take any more sadness.  As it is in our village church graveyard I will take a walk past later and say goodbye.



Solitude and the ability to say goodbye when you have the peace and quiet can be much better that the queue at the graveside.  No one will think any less of you for doing this.  I have done similar on a number of occasions.


Oddly for me, whenever I walk past our local church yard, I always say hello to Laura who was 14 when she was placed by the wall.


I didn't know her or her family, but the grave is always well cared for, so if it has received a battering from the wind, I'll always do a bit of tidying up;  clearing away dead flowers, picking bits up that have been blown over etc.


I have no idea why I do this,  but I just feel that her parents would like to know that someone else cares as well.

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...I just feel that her parents would like to know that someone else cares as well.

This makes a huge difference in any burial ground or graveyard. It doesn't have to be pristine, but if the bereaved readily see that the place is cared for it helps enormously. A quick glance through any visitor book in such a location will confirm.


I cannot resist adding that even here the 'cup half empty' brigade can strike. I treasure an entry in one of the closed books: 'Couldn't find Nanny's grave for the snow'. February 1963....

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Well, that's over with, and Ed will be pleased to know I bit my tongue as the person who is mostly responsible was there - but a little, er, lonely.  There was a very good turn out, the Priest said the most he had seen in his 16 years in the parish, standing room only.  My ex-colleagues were very emotional as you would expect, my young 'daughter' in particular but she pulled herself together like the star she is.  She lost her real dad when she was 14 so funerals have a deep impact upon her, but it is also the reason she is a social worker/probation officer - she really does help people sort their lives out.


I've decided not to go to the burial, I can't take any more sadness.  As it is in our village church graveyard I will take a walk past later and say goodbye.


It's hard for me to say anything truly meaningful in comparison to what you wrote, Neil, so let me make this a kind of virtual pat on your shoulder, if I may.




Still feeling bleugh on this end and I don't think it'll do any good to down any additional caffeine. I guess just permitting me some slack and cooking us something nice for dinner will be the most helpful thing I can do. I decided it'll be pasta con pesto. Home-made, of course.

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Well, after I had some lunch I walked through the graveyard, as Richard said a more peaceful time for reflection is valuable.  Darren is at peace now, such a shame he had to take to such drastic measures to achieve it.


The whole churchyard/cemetery is well kept, the advantage of a small village I suppose, there are also many service graves as there were two flying schools here in WW2.  In fact our church tower was reduced in height to stop trainee pilots hitting it, it never got put back afterwards!  I like to walk through that part of the cemetery occasionally, to remind myself about the consequences of war, and to think of those who gave their lives (and still do) in the name of their countries - whatever that may have been.  In birth and death we are all equal.


That's a bit deep for me, but reflects todays rather maudlin mood.  You don't have to maudle with me, let the trains commence!  As the sun has re-appeared after a rather dodgy couple of hours showers, I'm going to sit in the garden and read.

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The saga of the pressure washer was finally sorted today. To recap it wouldn't work on Monday, worked fine yesterday when a cleaned the flower pots but refused today when I cleaned the patio. This morning it started for about five seconds and then stopped. Thinking it was the plug I cut the sealed plug off and fitted a standard plug; still no joy!


So I plugged it into the socket rather than the extension lead and it worked - patio now cleaned.


Seems there is an intermittent connection on the extension lead  so that's going to the dump this week. Only had it 30 years - things aren't built to last any more :) :) :)


Hmmm! ,,,, Got that wrong.


I connected the pressure washer to the garden tap. Naturally the tap was left half open throughout the winter with its stopcock under the sink fully closed as recommended by the plumber. So I opened the stopcock on Monday and brought the tap back into use.


SWMBO came haring up the stairs last night at teatime to tell me that the cupboard under the sink was soaking wet and the stopcock was dripping badly. My friendly semi-retired plumber was immediately called and came this morning - all fixed in 10 minutes with the stopcock being repacked and tightened. We spent longer chatting and drinking tea!


Just went and bought a couple of lavender plant and potted them in large pots jest outside the back door.


Best wishes to you all especially Neil for being supportive of his friends in their time of distress. I agree that a quiet few moments at the graveside later is frequently better than the emotionally charged graveside at an interment.


God Bless you all,



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My thoughts are with you Neil, time to reflect will be time well spent.



Quick check-in on this POETS day.

Actually going to get the POE done today as I will work till noon, then we're off for a quick overnight with friend in northern Minnesota. It's our usual foray to help with the maple syruping, but sadly this year, the season is already done. Too warm too soon, so the sap stopped running a couple of weeks back. Still great time to help boil some down, and most importantly eat and drink in a relaxing atmosphere :)

About a 2 hour drive, and will be mostly quiet this time of year. Have to come back tomorrow evening as I'm off on business to Atlanta, taking a Sunday flight.


Right now hovering around +1 cloudy and SNOWING! Yep, snowing, moderate, but won't last and definitely NOT sticking, the ground now is too warm. Expected to reach +10 anyway.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Afternoon, Phase 3 ( only thought there was 2 phases but I found out otherwise) of the garden has been done and I'm free as they say with brownie points awarded.


Whilst my car wing mirrors fold they don't on swmbos which has led me to have to place 2 carrier bags over them as a resident blue tit is getting excited by the image that she or he can see in the mirror and pooping down the door. Cant be a male one as who ever heard of a female not being able to answer back lol!


My thoughts are with you Neil.


Off for a shower then the shed to have some me time.


Enjoy whats left of the day

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Well, it wasn't SUPPOSED to do this! It's also settling which is very UN-SETTLING! Still will go away quickly though so we're told - the flakes are about 1 1/2 inches in size!!




and here we were hoping for a nice relaxing drive up north, still two hours o go so it'll probably either be a blizzard by then or sunny and clear  :jester:

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