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Early Risers.


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A setback tonight as the removal of Ian's catheter early this morning has not led to normal urinating service returning so it's back to having a catheter again and potentially another 48 hours in hospital.


The consultant broke off from his day off at tea time to visit Ian and gave him the option of going home with a catheter in situ or staying for a couple of days. Bearing in mind the awful time he went through earlier this week when a catheter was fitted (pre op) we agreed that he was far better off remaining in hospital.


We've also agreed that I'll have a "day off" from visiting him tomorrow as the 60 mile round trip to Le Mans along with the animal care commitment is tiring.


More anon.

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We eventually got out of Benfleet. I didn't think too many people would be bound for Southend's beaches but I was wrong. We had a nice meal with Aditi's mother. BiL and SiL arrived for afternoon tea. There was much discussion about finances but it got easier once MiL put her hearing aid in.

Just as we were about to leave MiL asked me to me explain something about her central heating system. Now I know that Aditi's sister has done so on many occasions and it is an irritating habit of MiL's to keep asking until she gets the answer she wants to hear. Every British Gas person gives her a different answer some of which to me defy the laws of physics.

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Evening all,


Hope all goes well for Ian after that slight setback.


Our friendly neighbourhood NT property was heaving - the queue at the cafe (20+ people outside the door plus those inside) meant revision abandonment of Plan A but the garden were as interesting as ever and we got some nice ice cream from Daisy who had her van there -



Anyway we duly went on to Tesco - and then realised why their car park was so empty - everyone was enjoying the NT Easter Egg Hunt!  But it made shopping easy although things were not necessarily helped by the distractions of what I can only describe as the local version of National Cleavage Day, seems that old adage about the effect of the weather might be right - but in Tesco, do these people think they're shopping in Walmart?


Anyway g'night all, 'The Titfield Thunderbolt' graces our screens in 14 minutes from now and then it's a not too late night as I have to be up to convey Mrs Stationmaster to Reading for her train westwards while I head for the RBH to try to find the INR clinic.

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Sandy's had the programme on about Genetic fingerprinting and Alec Jeffreys at Leicester - she's sat there enthralled.


She was working at a local (what used to be called) mental hospital at the time and she was fetching records of previous patients as part of the enquiry. And then, when we attended our graduation ceremony (both of us got our degrees at the same time) Alec Jeffreys was awarded an honorary degree at that ceremony. And we have a friend who's written of the peopling of Europe evidenced by tracing DNA. http://www.ancestraljourneys.org/

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Just back from Kelmarsh.


Who turned on the sun?


My muddy hollow, so loving crafted by countless hapless (gormless as well)motorists getting bogged in on Saturday,  was a dried out dust bowl by the close of play.

Don't worry about the dried out hollow Richard I found you one near Huddersfield this afternoon see my post 88745 on here.  Plenty of water flowing down the cut to keep it nice and damp.



Edited by jamie92208
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Evening all,

Still not very well but I suspect I'm not as brassed off as Ian right now, but I must ask Sherry to assure him that it isn't an uncommon occurrence according to our nursing sister daughter who also agrees that the sensible thing to do is to stay in hospital meanwhile as any necessary assistance is at hand if required. It took me two and a half days after the operation to remove my kidney and tumour - haven't had much trouble since. Sherry, I hope you can snatch some rest tomorrow but please send our best wishes to his nibs though I don't suppose that telling him to 'keep his p*cker up' would be a good idea in the circumstances!

Dom, why the wonderful Dylan Thomas poem in full? I recited that to my father and a very close friend in Cornwall before they died - the reason he composed it in the first place. I am determined to follow the guidance therein as close as possible!

Hope everyone achieved what they aimed for this weekend and I would like to thank all of our resident photographers for some lovely images - I'm really weary now so will try to catch up in the morning,

Kind regards,


G'night all!

Edited by Jock67B
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Our friendly neighbourhood NT property was heaving - the queue at the cafe (20+ people outside the door plus those inside) meant revision abandonment of Plan A but the garden were as interesting as ever and we got some nice ice cream from Daisy who had her van there -



"Daisy the Vintage Ice Cream Van" - wait, I'm almost as old as she is :blink:


railsquid feels suddenly old

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"Daisy the Vintage Ice Cream Van" - wait, I'm almost as old as she is :blink:


railsquid feels suddenly old


You feel old! That was the year I married Mrs ID.


(Mrs ID and I enjoy watching "Call the Midwife" because Mrs ID actually was a domiciliary midwife when we were married, except she didn't have to ride a bicyle. She went tootling off in the middle of the night (nitrous-oxide cylinder in hand) in our '68 VW.)

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Generic greetings and best wishes.


Some of us are experienced, even frequent, long-haul travellers.


In fifteen years of "commuting" (on average one a year) between Melbourne and London matters have improved significantly.


Our first trip via Dubai was through a series of Poratkabins in the desert while the new international airport was under construction.  Today's trip will land at the most recent addition, the dedicated A380 terminal which now makes the airport so large it requires a hop on the shuttle train to reach other terminals.  Dubai never even had a metro until very recently.  If you don't fly with Emirates these days you might be diverted to the "relief airport" at Dubai World Central so busy is Dubai International.


Fifteen years ago it was pretty much pot luck which seat you got and what you were offered to eat.  Now I can book a pre-assigned seat months in advance of check-in, and see whether it is a particularly good or bad seat before booking it, and at online check in for the comfort of home I can peruse the menu and entertainment on offer for the next 24 hours in transit. 


Just for good measure the flight from Dubai to Gatwick has been upgraded since I booked from a 777 to an A380 which should assure a little more comfort and space.






I'll check in with ER when I'm back on the ground and locate a piece of wifi.

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Thankfully not, Richard.  It's not all true what they say about sailors......... :O  :no:  :jester:

Bonjour, matelot!


Trust that Ian will get back on stream soonest.....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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A few one liners received this morning….


Due to the current economic crisis, Greece is cancelling all production of humus and Taramasalata. It's a double dip recession.


Jonathan Ross has been accused of shoplifting a kitchen utensil from Tesco. Ross says it was a whisk he was prepared to take.


Paddy says to Mick, "Christmas is on Friday this year". Mick said,

"Let's hope it's not the 13th then."


My mate just hired an Eastern European cleaner, took her 15 hours to hoover the house. Turns out she was a Slovak.


Since the snow came, all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I'll have to let her in.


I've been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper. To be honest I only intended to rough him up a bit.


Two women called at my door and asked what bread I ate. When I said white, they gave me a lecture on the benefits of brown bread for 30 minutes.

I think they were those Hovis Witnesses.


A mummy covered in chocolate and nuts has been discovered in Egypt.

Archaeologists believe it may be Pharaoh Rocher.


Just A Reminder to those who stole Electrical Goods in Last Year's Riots. Your One Year Manufacturer's Warranty Runs Out Soon.


Sailing results are in: USA took gold, GB took silver and Somalia took a middle aged couple from Weymouth.


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Morning all. Slept fairly well actually in spite of having been witness to this disturbing imagery of cephalopods on trams!  :O No plan made for today yet, though I might pop out and document tram services rerouted due to engineering works if the weather holds.


Dom, why the wonderful Dylan Thomas poem in full? I recited that to my father and a very close friend in Cornwall before they died - the reason he composed it in the first place. I am determined to follow the guidance therein as close as possible!


Jock, this was in reference to the film "Interstellar" which Andy wanted to watch last night and where this poem is something of a leitmotif!


Speaking of that, Andy, how did you like the film? I was particularly impressed by how it (to my mind) conveyed an almost religious sense of awe of the enormity of the cosmos totally dwarfing us humans.

Edited by 1216 025
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Morning to you all from the Diplomatic Services. 'Sir Les Patterson';(indeed!) a true diplomatic ambassador to our great nation Australia. Thankyou to all those who replied  to my last post, I tell people that when God had finished creating the earth, this is where he emptied and cleaned his barrow and tools. We named it 'Tasmania'. We owe a lot to our earlier explorers such as Abel Tasman (Dutch) who mapped most of our West coast of Tasmania in 1642. He named it  Van Die mans Land in honour of the then Colonial Governor of Batavia. (Dutch east Indies)  Tasman was followed by what we call the French connection, Admiral Bruni D'Entrecasteaux ( pronounced Dee cast row) and Freycinet (Fray sin aye), coastal areas bear their name.  In 1777 both Capt James Cook and the French were in a bay near Bruni (now Bruny Island) And a bit of a stand off occurred, so the British Flag was duly raised and proclaimed part of the British Empire.  It was not until 1803 that Van Diemans land was colonised, the name was changed by authority of Her Majesty Queen Victoria in 1856 to Tasmania, in honour of the first European who discovered the island. It may be said too that if it had not been for the excellent mapping of both the Dutch and French, Capt Cook may never had discovered Australia. Had the French taken it, the island would be the most southern of all French colonies, now that would be an interesting concept? I think the Dutch found it to (hilly). Land mass area 64,500sq km, population 500,000+. My thoughts of Ian(Oldudders)  is that of others so until later, Tex.

Edited by Tassie Tex
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Good morning all,

Dry but a fresh 4oC at 5.00AM when I took Chris to work. Should be a fine dry day with plenty of sunny spells.

A great time was had here Sunday & yesterday for Nicki's birthday. As usual I've eaten too much so I need to ease off for a few days. Don't think I drank too much though so that's alright!

Very envious of my son Steve who turned up in his brand new Discovery Sport. Looks like a beautiful car. I wish I could afford one but it would be a bit of a waste as these days I only drive about 3 to 4000 miles a year. 

Not much planned today apart from a couple of minor domestic tasks.

Have a good one,



PS Best wishes to Ian, Jock and anyone else under the weather.

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. I don't usually fit into the category of an 'Early Riser' these days, but pending delivery and fitting of a new gas cooker between the hours of 7am and 2pm I had to make an effort.


I will no doubt be sitting twiddling my thumbs until this afternoon now, knowing my luck... 

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Hope you at least enjoyed a bit of a giggle Tex.


For some reason your post reminded me of the time Mickey Mouse divorced Minnie Mouse. Unfortunately, the court transcript is entirely unsuitable for publication on a family oriented site like RM.


(Self-addressed stamped post cards only)

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Morning all! RHB is decked in sun shine ..the sea gulls are...making a lot of noise and I hope all is well in ER land.


Hope I an is out of hospital soon.


Today sees a trip to Scarborough and Whitby beckoning. Not too exciting for me..its clothes shopping time for her indoors.


Have a great Tuesday!



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........things were not necessarily helped by the distractions of what I can only describe as the local version of National Cleavage Day,


...... 'The Titfield Thunderbolt' graces our screens in 14 minutes from now......

Ah, I see what you did there, Mike.


Morning all.

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A Murky Morning in South Derbyshire today, such a stark contrast to yesterday - but forecast bodes well :-)


Hope all's well in your part of the world and best wishes to all with ailments and troubles.


Must start work.......


Must start work.......


Must start work.......


.....or least a cuppa.

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Morning, grey and misty here but with sunshine due later.


A very busy Easter weekend with both boys home and friends visiting, normality now resumed.


Looked in over the weekend pleased to see Ian's making good progress with a slight setback yesterday but he is in the best place and hopefully back home in a couple of days.


Tennis this morning then jobs in the garden this afternoon which might go some way to helping get rid of the excess I seem to have consumed in the last 4 days.


Enjoy your day folks

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A sports tractor! They wouldn't work well over here. Nowhere to hang the fluffy dice. Do you fit slicks in summertime?




I'll have you know you are looking at 23 HP of raw diesel power transmitted to all four wheels!


(The dice usually hang from the anti-roll bar, but I have to take them off periodically so I can harvest the lichen. There seems to be a bit of demand for lichen from model railway punters in the UK. You'd think they would be able to grow their own,)

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