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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny and not so windy now.

Our road was closed last night from 8pm as the High Rd was being resurfaced. Of course Aditi arrives home at 9.30! The closure warning had been signed from the next road but for some reason on the day included ours. She stopped a couple of roads away and phoned me. I walked down and asked and all was explained. Some impressive machinery at work, I watched it while they escorted Aditi into our road.


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Morning all from a sunny Estuary-Land. Sympathies to Aditi, as soon as I heard that the QE2 bridge was closed I thought that she would face traffic problems. When I commuted on the A13 as soon as I heard that the bridge was closed I prepared myself for the worst. Of an evening there was often a queue of traffic eastbound going back beyond the old A13 junction, well over a mile long blocking all three lanes. This was mainly caused by the cock-wombles who can't be bothered to queue and try to force their way on to the front of the queue. On some occasions to get home from work (in Dagenham) I have resorted to using the A12/Shenfield/Billericay route to get home.

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Morning all


A very bright and sunny morning looking out across the Forth; was quite windy yesterday but overnight it calmed a little. All best wishes go to Ian and Stewart.


Haven't posted here lately because not a lot has happened - but do drop-by every day.


Looks like mum will be in hospital over Easter - chatting to the social worker yesterday, apparently SE Edinburgh has over 130 people waiting for social care packages. Edinburgh is a comparatively small city, too. If each of those 130 are in hopsitals, that's 130 beds. The NHS here has re-opened old hospitals to cope with this demand, so my mum initially was in an acute ward, then rehabilitatory, and now the waiting ward in a re-opened hospital - but the longer it takes to move people back home from the waiting wards, the longer it will be for rehabilitatees to be moved onto a waiting ward, and to free a rehab bed for an ex-acute patient.


And if a quarter of Edinburgh has 130 people waiting, how many will there be not just for Edinburgh, Glasgow and Scotland, but for England and Wales, too? Although the NHS is devolved in Wales and Scotland, all are having to deal with this. Quite a headache for the planners, but that's what they're paid for.


The employees in the social care packages have a tough job, often aren't paid well, and their travelling time between jobs often isn't paid. It's all priorities. Phew! apologies for getting so heavy at this time in the morning.


Cripes, Pete, Torchy was very twee...


Meantime, hope the day goes well for all.



Edited by Purley Oaks
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Mornin' All,


No wind damage at my place and a pleasant drive into work. Sun visor in car gets a lot of use on days like today - east in the morning and west back home.


Watch out for the 'April' Fools - they will swell the total of the generic 'fools' out there.


If you've read this far, I hope your day will be/is/has* been a happy one.


*delete according to time of day.


A bit 'windy' at work though - more, I suspect, to do with a colleague's ingestion of curry and beer last night than any weather system. :bad:

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 I have been shortlisted for the national teacher of the year award. Down to the last six! This year's nomination is the second one I have had, but didn't get shortlisted before. A night in London be beckons!

Fantastic news, Andy!

When's the party? Assume we're all invited... :no:


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  • RMweb Gold

I've nearly finished the telephone calls marked Urgent.


Mr C. Lyon was permanently engaged at the Zoo.

Mr Stopham Cummings at the Family Planning Clinic didn't seem pleased to hear from me.

Mr A. York refused to supply me with some of his chocolate bars.


Same here, trying to get hold of my Orthopedic surgeon Mr Seymour Bone, even his secretary Lucy Lastics isn't answering the phone.


Best wishes Stewart, back later its shopping time oh joy.


Enjoy your day folks



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Morning all from a bright and breezy Borough Market Junction


best wishes to Stewart, and congratulations to Andyram on the nomination


trouble came double yesterday. First the Mrs told me that the battery warning light came on and then a warning that it wasn't charging so drive around, As the drive back from Bluewater to Sidcup didn't turn the light off, there is a problem. The car's still on warranty so back to the garage at Ruxley Corner, but it can't be looked at until Wednesday - next week - so that's some of our Easter plans disrupted.


Then the wind blew some of the guttering off the back of the house and it needs new brackets etc. So I have arranged for someone to come and put that back up and while they're at it clean out the gutters front and back. And I've finally got someone to come round and give us a quote for the work we want on the downstairs bathroom. I really do need to get that old endowment policy sorted....!


Last day at work for a week!

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I've nearly finished the telephone calls marked Urgent.


Mr C. Lyon was permanently engaged at the Zoo.

Mr Stopham Cummings at the Family Planning Clinic didn't seem pleased to hear from me.

Mr A. York refused to supply me with some of his chocolate bars.

Year ago, there clients of a former employer who were the Ness Family. New starters were often asked to return a call to a Mr P.....

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.............I have been shortlisted for the national teacher of the year award. Down to the last six! This year's nomination is the second one I have had, but didn't get shortlisted before. A night in London be beckons!


Well Done and Good Luck

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Morning all,

Feeling a lot better for a good nights sleep!

Pete(trisonic), really very sad to read in your recent post that you are 'taking a break' from ERs - your sense of humour and expert observations, particularly on musical topics, will be sorely missed and I hope you might at some point reconsider your decision! I only hope that nobody on here has in any way offended you.

Rick(Gwiver), terribly sorry to hear about your friend - that has to be one of the nastiest places to have a tumour, close to the densest concentration of nerves in the body. Hope the medics have the pain under control! Please wish the good lady a happy birthday and many of them - I'll raise a glass of cider to her later in honour of your love of the West Country!

Neil, good luck with getting over what sounds like a nasty bug. Hope the ceremony goes well and that, with such formalities completed, Jayne, you, Debs and other good friends of Gary can get on with life while remembering all the good times - she really seems, as you have said, to be a remarkable young lady!

AndreC, it seems that you really are suffering at the moment, I hope that your spirit and sense of humour will see you through and that the medics get you sorted soonest. Assume you are applying a bag of frozen peas, wrapped in a towel, to the offending knee (I think mine is still in the bottom of the freezer, just in case, after years!).

Grandad Bob, hope the tests show nothing nasty, we could do with some good news on here - hopefully bulletins from Stewart and Ian will cheer us up as the week progresses!

Mike (SM), safe journey to the West Country, looks a bit damp down there according to today's forecast.

Belated welcome to David (dcordingley) - must be wondering what you've let yourself in for?

Good luck getting over the hump all,

Kind regards,


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Your post landed as I was typing - great news and very well done! Good to see you getting some recognition for all the hard work you put in and it's obvious that you are totally committed to doing your best for the children at an extremely important time in their education. Good luck and rest assured we will be rooting for you!!

Mal, I do hope that they get mum sorted as soon as possible because the longer it takes, the more difficult is going to be for her to adjust back to normal. Those statistics are scandalous - it's obviously an issue requiring urgent attention throughout the country. It must be a real worry for you and the family. Hope you are still able to enjoy Easter to the full.

Kind regards,


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Morning all! Haven't caught up since Monday...


Went shopping yesterday for all the food and bits I'd need for diy over the next week. Or so I thought.


Prepared the front door for painting last night, first coat went on before 9.30 this morning (as the door has to remain open I wanted it done early). Don't like the paint, it's too pink a red. Going to need to go and get darker red paint...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright with many sunny intervals today. The wind was not of damaging velocity here - condolences to those with damage. Sherry's bird-feeder was at 80 degrees to the ground instead of 90, but I've tried to fix that.


Catheter and I seem to be getting on better as days go by. While there were problems yesterday I still found it more comfy than Sunday before it was inserted. Today seems easier again.


Andyram's shortlisting must be a huge fillip, not least because it's the second time, so you are seen to be punching above your weight on a regular basis - well done! Having wooed (there's an old word!) a teacher for the last 11 years, I know a little of the pressures and extra-mural stuff some of you do. Marvellous!


Space 1999? Deb used to watch it, and Barbara Bain was bewitching! The appeal of the older woman!


Hope your shortened (in most cases) week is looking good.

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Manflu has beaten me again, I HATE staying off work, especially now I work for a small business, but this wasn't going to get better until I lay down and let my body catch up.  I was in bed until 10, 13 hours worth.  I haven't been in bed that late since the morning after my hip surgery, so this has to be a cracking manful bug.  Typical, I go all winter with no more than a sniffle, and fall with a crash now it's spring.


Jock, I was researching yesterday evening (before diving to bed!) for some parts for an old bike I have ('77 XL250K3) and came across a tuning article, recommending....Jock Kerr Developments!  Your dad lives on, in interweb world. :sungum:   If he could just send me a cam and followers, oh and a high comp piston......all for about £3/11/6 of course. :angel:


I'm slowly coming up for air now, I think a very lazy day is ahead, just let the internal batteries recharge before tomorrows duties.

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Morning all! Haven't caught up since Monday...


Went shopping yesterday for all the food and bits I'd need for diy over the next week. Or so I thought.


Prepared the front door for painting last night, first coat went on before 9.30 this morning (as the door has to remain open I wanted it done early). Don't like the paint, it's too pink a red. Going to need to go and get darker red paint...


You could weather it.



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Morning all! Haven't caught up since Monday...


Went shopping yesterday for all the food and bits I'd need for diy over the next week. Or so I thought.


Prepared the front door for painting last night, first coat went on before 9.30 this morning (as the door has to remain open I wanted it done early). Don't like the paint, it's too pink a red. Going to need to go and get darker red paint...



You could weather it.



 And if you still don't like it, you could sell it on eBay :sarcastichand:

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.....and Neil, don't go back too soon - it's never good in the long run.


You're not well enough and others can be infected.


Well no I won't, I'm off tomorrow anyway for Gary's memorial, then it's Easter, but I'm rostered as Brakesman/Guard at Groudle on Sunday on one of the trains, my driver that day is....John, my boss/friend!  No work until Tuesday, other that that. Hmm, not quite what you meant is it!  I'm feeling better with a belly full of porridge now, I won't be going out of the door until tomorrow lunchtime.


In  the meantime James Hill with his amazing ukulele skills is keeping me entertained on the intertube.

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