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Apparently Amazon are testing their 'delivery drones' in a secret location in our province - http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/technology/amazon-tests-delivery-drones-at-a-secret-site-in-canada-here-s-why-1.3015425


Unmanned devices, carrying possible valuable items at slow speed and low heights - what could possibly go wrong with that?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. A very sleepless night due to strong wind gusts. No we didnt have beans last night!!

Trains up creek (quite a few showing as delayed now) due to signalling problems South of Haywards Heath plus a cancelled Vic service from Horsham so our train from Littlehampton to LBG is going to be very cosy. On time so far but I am not holding my breath.



With the preceeding two trians heavily delayed, ours could keep to time. A lot busier than usual but ours was close to time into LBG so we were the lucky ones!!

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Morning All,


It is a rather blustery morning in this part of the world.  We had another fairly stormy night - but it is currently dry.


Time for a cup of tea!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Clinging to the side of the North Leeds uplands with the wind trying to blow through the house. Its a rest thin wind.


Mick b.... Drink lots of water ....send me forms... Stay awake as much as you can.

For our silver wedding we went to Australia. Great time had by all (we took the kids along).


Hope everyone has a good day, hospital visits to be exemplary, man flu to be gone etc.



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Morning all. Think I'll get my purchases done before the storm front that's been predicted hits so that I can then batten down the hatches. It's turned to being chilly already...


Generic congrats and commies as always!

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Morning all. At work again today, the good news is they have finally appointed someone to replace the lady I have been covering for since November. We are all a little sombre here today; we have heard that one of our students has been killed in a traffic accident in Iceland. Her parents in Hong Kong must be devastated. If you are wondering why a Lancaster University student is in Iceland it is out of term time for UK unis and students from overseas take the opportunity to travel around, mainly in Europe.


Stay safe all.

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I read the Telegraph article on Eric’s Birthday: "Just how good is Eric Clapton anyway” - something like that anyway - I tend to agree with the “fluidity” of playing, the most beautiful of “phrasing” etc.



If you should ever get to “jam” with EC he is gracious and gives you plenty of “space” and “time" to improvise in solos. BUT should you ratchet it up by being too flash or start quoting some of his early “licks” then be prepared - he will wipe the floor with you with stuff that you never imagined. It’s like being gently  taken by the hand into a dark Soho alley and being coshed. They don’t call musicians like that “sandbaggers” for nothing.


So far as I’m concerned he deserves all the accolades heaped upon him over the years not least of which he was the first with THAT sound which my local handyman (not a player) calls “Angry Guitar” when I break it out.


Surely overdue for a Knighthood? Seeing some recent examples of “new”  Knights maybe he has already turned it down...........



The only possible critical point on that version of “Stepping’ out” recorded when Eric was 21 is that he peaked one verse too early.....



Best, Pete.


That John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers album was a must have when I was a 'youth'!


It would appear that 'our' weather has arrived on the mainland! It is still blowing here, strong gales forecast for the next 24 hours with wintry showers thrown in for good weather.


A very sordid murder trial that has been going on for weeks came to a conclusion last week with the defendant being found guilty. Not only did the gutter press devote two or three pages to it each day, one of them produced an eighteen page pull out supplement at the weekend devoted to not only what had been published before but also that which they were not allowed to print during the trial. A good friend of ours was a partner of the defendant twenty years ago and has a child by him. She was called as a prosecution witness (having had no contact with him in the interim). She was hounded by the press after she appeared in court and has now had to change her phone number following the verdict. It's not over yet as he is bound to appeal the guilty verdict as the jury took two days to reach a decision based on circumstantial evidence. They were directed by the judge to only consider the facts of the case and ignore all the other evidence that was given in relation to the guy's character and sexual deviations. As the latter amounted to over 90% of the evidence, why was it allowed in the first place! The reporting was so explicit that, if on TV, it would most certainly have been shown after the 9.00pm watershed. What is our world coming to? Rant over for now.


Wrap up warm and stay safe.

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p.s Any suggestions for a Silver Wedding anniversary trip in two years time?


We went to Moorea in French Polynesia. Very relaxing, and snorkeling in the lagoons was fantastic.


It's a bit of a haul from Europe - bad enough from here!

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  • RMweb Gold

I remember tales of Spike Milligan sending a telegram downstairs to ask for a marmalade sandwich.


Times change - no Spike Milligan and no telegrams.

You can still have a marmalade sandwich!
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  • RMweb Premium

I decided that dinner will be fish au four with a creamy ginger and curry sauce and rice. Blustery weather outside with intermittent showers creating a somewhat oceanic mood, so now listening to Vangelis' "Oceanic" album.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Rather sad tonight as I discovered earlier that we have lost another great guitarist in John Renbourn, who with Bert Jansch (who died in 2011) formed 'Pentangle' which most will doubtless know became a kind of super-group in the sixties and seventies. I was lucky enough to see them at the Cambridge Festival in 1969 and was really taken by the lovely Jacqui McShee! He was a stalwart of the folk scene but also an accomplished classical guitarist. His particular style of picking is thought to have influenced Eric Clapton (strange that Pete,(trisonic) and I should mention him on his birthday yesterday!) and Jimmy Page as well as many others. He was 70 but still performing and sadly, he was discovered in his home in Hawick having failed to show up for a 'gig'. A heart attack was suspected! Anyone who doesn't know his music should type his name on You Tube and, even if it isn't your favourite genre, you won't fail to be impressed by his artistry. RIP John, and thanks for the memories. Pete, wonder if you ever met the man?

Neil, I hope you can avoid getting involved too deeply in a situation that looks like it could escalate into a mess. Hope Debs is getting better, it will soon be the biking season again and she'll doubtless want to be fit by then! Be nice if the 'man-flu' disappears as quickly as it came.

Hope all our digital friends on the Island, Ireland, Scotland and the West Country are prepared for the next series of storms heading their way.

I need to finish the nightcap and get some sleep so I wish you all,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all really early risers!

I met all of Pentangle a couple of times, and they were very accomplished and stylish, John was a lovely guy.  After they broke up, I used to see Bert and Ralph McTell in the Half Moon in Putney, and I once travelled all the way to Glasgow from Euston in the company of Danny Thompson.  Many of my fellow Scottish folkies struggled with the subtlety of Pentangle's music, as they were much more used to three bearded blokes in chunky sweaters belting out Jacobite anthems to the pounding of three guitars played in unison.  I hadn't picked up that John had passed away, and that means one more great musician has joined the great gig in the sky.  RIP John, and thanks for the drinks and inspiration.

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Good morning all. Wet and very windy here. I hope all the various building equipment is well secured around the building site that still surrounds our still new home.

Best wishes to all who are suffering ailments or more serious problems.

I do not know the guitarist Jock mentioned perhaps I will venture onto Google later in the day. On the subject of great guitarists, the topic can't pass without mention of Brian May. During the concert in January, a camera attached to the end of his guitar beamed his genius to the whole arena. We have played many Queen CD's since that night. Not only does our three year old daughter know some of the words, she even recognises when Brian May is playing!


Have a good day!

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Times change - no Spike Milligan and no telegrams.


Apparently you can still send a telegram. BT sold the service a number of years ago to a company that sadly now seem to promote it as a way of sending "retro" greetings. According to the website 2 million were sent in the UK last year.



Oops. Nearly forgot, morning all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a sunny but draughty village that is still North of Ikea unless the big shed has been blown to the other side of the A62 overnight.  


I suspect that this morning will be spent at some sort of hand clinic as Beth gets her hand re potted again as the 2nd one has come loose.  However we are caught in a turf war between A & E and the Hand/fracture clinic both of whch say that she should go to the other.


Neil, can I add to the words of advice from Pet and others.  Having cared for somone with suicidal tendencies for a period of many years I discovered that it is affected many very complex factors and the final straw is often not the main reason.     I'm not sure which side of the 'emergency /caring services you worked in but I was a police officer for 30 years and had to deal with such matters at work as well as at home.   My advice is that you let your ex colleagues know that you are there for them and let them come to you.  I do hope that you gain some peace over this situation.


Anyway its back to the rest of the day, some modelling, a doctors appointment then a meal with the only ex colleague that I keep in touch with and his wife this evening.




PS   Hand clinic gave less than useful advice so I've taken the bandage off Beth's pot and re done it making sure it was tightest round the wrist.  Things are already more comfortable.  Just simple mechanics.  We will see how things go.

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Morning all from a blustery Borough Market Junction - blue skies and white clouds. Wind is at a lower level than the clouds - despite the wind they are not scudding across the sky. No fences down in our neck of the woods though I watch them rattle on their posts. The panel at the bottom pinned in place with a selection of garden canes was holding though.


Saw the badly ordered item at home yesterday evening. It's massive and hence a trip to the post office to return it has been delayed until I'm off on Thursday. Hopefully I'll have time for a trip to pick my E4 from Invicta as well.


Receive a letter from the doctors inviting me to book an appointment - all follow up on the eye problem.


Best wishes to NHN, and wise words from our resident hippo. You'll need to take at some stage or you'll run out of give. Good that Mick is back safely, and best wishes to everyone else

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Morning All


Back after a quick memory about John Renbourn  after reading Jock's post - anybody who hasn't heard of him should do some homework.  He had an ususual and delicate style, not to mention a versatility,  Try this one for size.



Off to Morrisons and Aldi soon, and hey-ho that WILL be fun, as they are both on the sea front at Morecambe. 


Hoover shop couldn't idnentify the part and said I need to bring the machine in so they can check the details - so it's still working with a bandage on it for now.


I'm at last fully caught up, but will be off the air tomorrow, as I HOPE to have the treatment that I've been waiting for all those months.  Generic greetings to those who need them.


Neil - I think that HH put things so much better than I could, and I won't even try to add anything to what he's said.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from a windy but bright cloudy bright Estuary-Land. The wind fair rattled the roof tiles last night but a quick inspection of the attic showed no sign of damage, when I had the loft ladder installed I also had the insulation 'topped up' and I found two complete unused rolls of insulation up there as well. The entire area of the loft had been covered so it must have been left over from the job and not worth removing. Niel, there's not much more I can add to what has been said already, I've come across a few of these cock-wombles during my career, luckily I've been able to deal with them but I was always aware that some of my colleagues had become very stressed by their actions, not going to such extremes but a few quitting a job I know that they enjoyed.

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Well that didn't take long - full marks to St. Helier Hospital - only about half hour wait for blood test and the same for X-ray. Not so many marks for the idiot plonker called Rodney Bob who drove to the hospital, parked his car and then decided to check that he had his paperwork with him whilst walking across the car park. He didn't have it!   :banghead:  Luckily the hospital is only a 6/7 minute drive from home.  I'd left the forms under my car keys so I wouldn't forget them!!!!   :senile:

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Well that didn't take long - full marks to St. Helier Hospital - only about half hour wait for blood test and the same for X-ray. Not so many marks for the idiot plonker called Rodney Bob who drove to the hospital, parked his car and then decided to check that he had his paperwork with him whilst walking across the car park. He didn't have it!   :banghead:  Luckily the hospital is only a 6/7 minute drive from home.  I'd left the forms under my car keys so I wouldn't forget them!!!!   :senile:


I know St Helier well. Apparently there was a bizarre event there in 1967 which was likened by my Mum to the catastrophic arrival on Earth of the Devil himself. Yeah, you guessed. Thanks Mum, I know you were only joking (?)...

Does the hospital itself still look like a forbidding art-deco asylum or has it been prettied up over the years?

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  • RMweb Gold

I know St Helier well. Apparently there was a bizarre event there in 1967 which was likened by my Mum to the catastrophic arrival on Earth of the Devil himself. Yeah, you guessed. Thanks Mum, I know you were only joking (?)...

Does the hospital itself still look like a forbidding art-deco asylum or has it been prettied up over the years?

I wouldnt say its been prettied, if anything looking even worse with aerials stuck all over it when we went past it last November to exhibit at the Wimbledon show.

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I wouldnt say its been prettied, if anything looking even worse with aerials stuck all over it when we went past it last November to exhibit at the Wimbledon show.


Just Googled it. Fascinating stuff. It was painted green during WW2 to protect if from enemy bombs. John Major was born there in 1943. Apparently he went on to hold some junior government job...



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