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  • RMweb Premium

Anyone heard from GrandadBob recently? 

Had an enquiry as to his whereabouts/health from one of his friends, whom I met at the Alton show the other week.


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Back in Donegal after a very blustery drive back from Kerry. Gale force side winds most of the way, lovely!


Went to see Suite Francais last night. Good film.


Had a quick trawl through rather a lot of pages. I hope I haven't missed anything important!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon guys,


I'm back from Germany. Tetsodofan, with a longer journey from St Pancras, will undoubtedly be joining us later.  Meanwhile I have 65 e-mails and numerous pages of ER to catch up on.




Afternoon guys,


At the time that Bill was posting his message was just arriving home. Eurostar was 15 minutes late (due to waiting for a path to enter the tunnel at Calais) but despite arriving at St. Pancras at 16:20 was able to pop into Starbucks to collect a Caramel Frappachino (my usual beverage for journeys on HS1 back to Folkestone) and be seated on the 16:37 Cl.395 back to Folkestone just after 16:30. Can't complain at that.


Had a good trip, saw my beer consumption increase drastically above the norm, did not get any O-gauge stuff at the Busesck Spur Null Show but did manage to make a couple of HO purchases at the model shops in Altona and central Hamburg.


Looking forward to next years trip to the Spur Null show (which is moving to Giessen where we stay) plus a few days in the old East Germany - plenty of trams to see there!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin all,


fairly new to ER's so not really sure how best to join in.......



Just jump in and away you go - we discuss just about any general purpose twaddle here.

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Oh, and the bribes for long-standing members


I don't think I've ever met a member of ERs who could stand for very long.


A monsoon just arrived in Willington.


Welcome to the hadmouse Andy. Which Willington would that be?

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, but it's extremely erudite twaddle.



Afternoon All


Again a very busy domestic day and a hectic weekend for both of us, so not a great deal of time to get on with important matters like RMWebbing.  Currently sitting listening to the painting challenge, which seems to be a little counter-productive.  Last evening, I had a call that "the hoover's not picking up" and I started to have a look, to find that the belt was off.  So after a bit of a "Lie in" after the clock change, I started to buckle in, and found that it had at least four problems - blocked hose due to dog hair, belt off, and when I took the top off, found that the hidden bit of the bottom hose was split, and finally, the plastic spur holding the front wheels in place had fractured.  Amazing stuff Duct Tape and Epoxy - if the tape had been black, I could have done an invisible mend, but I couldn't find the black, so I had to make do with white which is not too popular - I guess a trip to the hoover repair shop is called for tomorrow, and hopefully they'll have the correct spares - I have an online supplier to fall back on if necessary, but if I can get the parts tomorrow I'll have the machine back in action properly, and won't have to incur a delivery charge almost equal to the cost of the parts!


Andy ID - You mentioned being a Buddy (Paisley resident for the non-initiated) and I lived there for some time while at what was then "The Tech", and lived in digs off the Barrhead Road before moving to a better billet in Renfrew, which had the advantage of being opposite Izzy's fish and chip shop on Paisley Road, and I used to visit the folk club which was in a hotel on Renfrew Road.  I also used to be quite friendly with one of Paisley's better known sons, the late Gerry Rafferty, as I used to book The Humblebums for another folk club with which I was involved. 


leopardML2341 - we discussed your webname on another thread some time ago, so I know where you're coming from - a lovely vehicle, though it was just a tad later than the Leopards that I travelled on with the old Western SMT all those years ago - the ones I remember were a slightly earlier body, but I think the same chassis.  Most of the Leopards that I knew were KL series and the fleet numbers were well below 2000 - if you visit Culreoch thread of this parish, ISTR that Jamie has a Dumfries version on his layout.  They really were flying machines compared to most of the other vehicles that Kilmarnock garage maintained - except the coaches for the GLasgow-London, which oddly were not shedded at Mearns.


Sun is now shining, though it is still windy, and it was chucking down just about the time that I was deciding whether to start the car boot season or not - NOT, maybe next week.


Generic greetings and commiserations.


Regards to All


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Andy ID - You mentioned being a Buddy (Paisley resident for the non-initiated) and I lived there for some time while at what was then "The Tech", and lived in digs off the Barrhead Road before moving to a better billet in Renfrew, which had the advantage of being opposite Izzy's fish and chip shop on Paisley Road, and I used to visit the folk club which was in a hotel on Renfrew Road.  I also used to be quite friendly with one of Paisley's better known sons, the late Gerry Rafferty, as I used to book The Humblebums for another folk club with which I was involved. 


Ah! Then you'll probably be able to understand my attempts at humour.


Mother-in-law (now 94 and still in Paisley) was a librarian at Paisley Tech for quite a while. When we got married our first house was a wee flat in Mary Street, just off the Neilston Road, and conveniently situated for a bookies, chip shop, butcher, MacMillans the bakers, etc. If it wasn't raining, you could nip out in your slippers and get anything you wanted.


I went to the new Glasgow Tech (these days sometime referred to as "The University of the Coocaddens"). I really miss Glasgow humour.


The house I grew up in was conveniently situated close to the Canal Line. From about age five I would wander down to a bridge on Patrick Street (barely a street) and watch ex-Caledonian Jumbos shunting the Saucel sidings. One day I was amazed to find a beautiful green locomotive there, and it actually had a name on it! IIRC it was "Invincible". We used to see quite a lot of Clans and Coronations hauling "The Paddy" up to St Enochs. City of Salford put in many appearances. The curves were wicked there. You could hear the flanges squealing on the check-rails from a great distance.

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A monsoon just arrived in Willington.

 And just found out the barefooted way that the french windows seem to have let about a gallon of water in and the carpet is soaking, towels and weights applied.

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Long day at the cricket. Players were fed for free, the umpires weren't...


All went well. A visitor from nottingham decided that the umpires were wrong .. as a Premier League umpire he saw that this that and the other was wrong. A colleague asked him if he knew the rules of the competition.. his answer was "why?" cos the umpires are following those... but he still went on and on.. what a pain(!)  Eventually teh organiser took him to one side - gave him a set of rules and said - read these....... silence!


Now enjoying a nice glass of red wine. Very nice Chianti!


have a great evening all. Welcome aboard Leopard!



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I don't know where the rest of the afternoon went.


I did the recycling (and next doors as they are away) then I did some sort of tidying operation in the in workshop.  (Got to as there is another small lathe arriving soon)


I rebuilt a poorly chest of drawers which will now see new service as a OO storage site. (Another reason to make space in the workshop)


I helped make the roast


6417 got a run in both directions on the rolling road.


I just sat there watching the wheels going around.


It certainly beats watching the goldfish opening and closing it's mouth.


Elsa is now fully dried out after a roasting session in front of (not in) the fire.  (Snoring as usual)

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We used to see quite a lot of Clans and Coronations hauling "The Paddy" up to St Enochs.


Not on the Canal line, surely? The Paddy, I thought, ran by the Glasgow and Paisley Joint. It certainly did in the early 1950s. We lived by Cardonald station then, and the Paddy from Stranraer used to come through close to midnight. Some crews used to whistle passing Cardonald Junction box, and there were some complaints about whistling at that time of night. Of course, after the complaints, ALL crews whistled past the box!

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Continuing the Paisley theme, later we owned a house that backed on to the Canal Line a bit to the west of the station. Unfortunately, the track had been lifted by then.


The house was built in 1869 at which time the canal was still a canal. Anyway, at the bottom of the garden there was a curious stone structure not unlike a bridge parapet projecting from the embankment. There was no evidence that it had been a bridge. I suspect it was a sort of "deck" where the owners of the house could sit and have afternoon tea while watching the goings-on at the canal, and, of course, be very visible to anyone on the canal.




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  • RMweb Gold

Anyone heard from GrandadBob recently? 

Had an enquiry as to his whereabouts/health from one of his friends, whom I met at the Alton show the other week.



I'm still around but not been firing on all cylinders for a while  and also been away  for a couple of days.......I will be back..........

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Quick look in - busy dealing with my ex-team members grief and confusion, as the current managers don't seem to be very effective at supporting them.  You can check out, but you can't leave.


It's nice though, that my ex-colleagues look to me for personal support in times of need - I'm there for them still, as they would be for me.  We were so much more than just a team....WERE being the operative word.  A lot of grief around at the moment.

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Semi caught up.  There was an e-mail from Andrew Burnham, including the Continental Modeller article.  Höchstädt has buffed up pretty well, probably due to Andrew's photographic skills.  I need to send copies to my (soon to be ex) friends, whom I have libelled in the article.  Have a squint if you are in Smiffs from mid-April.


Keith (Tetsudofan) only acquired HO models and quite a few books; meanwhile I purchased three books and rather a lot of Spur Null.  Most of my purchases comprise the items that can only be acquired at trade shows, like Prellbocken (buffer stops), Kartoffelsäcke (potato sacks) and Grenzzeichen (fouling point indicators).  I bought some beer bottles from a 3D manufacturer last year and mentioned that maybe he could produce beer glasses - lo and behold, helles beer glasses, dunkles beer glasses and empty beer glasses.  I have a supply for the Höchstädt beer garden.


Keith has been introduced to several styles of German beer, including Weißbier, to which he took a fancy.


I need to spend some dedicated time on Höchstädt (including gluing down beer glasses) as it is at the Romford show on 25 & 26 April.



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