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Great news from Ian (OD), it is somehow easier to face a problem when you know what you are up against, but it is still a major procedure which as Pete75C said, shouldn't be underestimated.


Before I had mine done the consultant described it as a "small procedure".


Six weeks later he was happy with me. Three months after that I was describing to him my recovery and worrying that it wasn't proceeding noticably fast he said "Well. you've just had a major operation."


Apparently I was confusing the words "small" and "minor".


A year down the line and I'm walking between four and seven miles a day and complaining that the students a third of my age can't keep up.

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Managed to get out of the shopping trip, so spent a quiet morning reading the papers and catching up on news. Short bike ride across town this afternoon to spend a gift voucher I was given at Christmas!

Took the dogs for a walk at the beach. Very windy, if we had stayed much longer, the van would have turned into a sand dune!

I think we are off to the cinema tonight, that will be a novelty!

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With the greatest respect, I'll disagree with that a little bit. Jock has had time to come to terms with things and endures with good humour because that's just the way he is - stronger in character, I'd venture, than a lot of us, certainly me. Likewise, Louise has been in ill-health for the best part of 15 years now and again has had time to come to terms with it. Her resolve and good humour puts me to shame. I'd hazard a guess that you're not a regular inpatient and you have every right to be a little apprehensive (whether you admit it or not) and as such, you'll always have the support and good wishes of those around you (including us lot). I've never spent a night in hospital in my life and would be lying if I said that I thought any procedure was a "walk in the park" - I go pale at the thought... I think what I'm trying to say is that I really appreciate the good wishes of ER folk, none of whom I've ever met, so don't be too surprised or modest when a lot of those good wishes come your way.

Wot he say

Evenin all

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Lazy meal tonight - salmon en croute (bought), new spuds and salad. 


Wind springing up - collecting the caravan tomorrow so hopefully it will have sprung down a bit by then. Then it's a week of (Sandy) getting it ready and off to Wales on Easter Monday.


Modelling on hold for the moment - other duties call more loudly.

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Definitely "Clyde Built". Colonel Mustard would certainly appreciate that! (What on earth does it weigh?)

Not all that heavy - about 700 grams (pound and a half in old money). It's only four and a half inches tall.

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I was just wondering if it would be such a good idea to outfit model coaches with "Interior Lightning Kits", as one of my usual sources for Japanese N scale advertises them...

It's just a flash in the van.

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An excellent day at Ally Pally. This is the first big show I've been to and enjoyed the atmosphere. Met a few RMWebbers and a couple of ER's. It was really good to put some faces to some of the community. I took lots of photos which are going to take a bit of sorting through. I also behaved myself and my wallet was pleased that I only bought a book.

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Not all that heavy - about 700 grams (pound and a half in old money). It's only four and a half inches tall.

Still, not something you'd want to get clonked on the head with :)


I was looking at it again, and there is some tricky turning involved. The stack of eccentric disks are not terribly difficult, but the radius at the bottom of the column where it meets the base is interesting. I'm not sure how he did that. It's difficult because it is inside the flange at the edge of the base, and I don't think it would be possible to get a radius tool in there. He may have taken it down as a progression of cuts with a facing tool and tweaked the bumps out later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Avoid Opium dens.....and Owen. Is he still alive btw?


Best, Pete.

Was Limehouse still called Stepney East when you left for America?

As for David Owen, to be honest I had to Google as I wasn't sure. He is and apparently sits as a crossbencher in the non elected bit of Parliament.


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Evening all,

Tired after making a family size lasagne from scratch this afternoon - I'd quite forgotten how long it takes to produce a proper 'bolognese' sauce!

Nightcap and sleep now called for as I have to drive to Epping and back tomorrow to help number one daughter and family eat the said lasagne! Easter eggs will be delivered from all the Clacton members of the family, and no doubt return with those destined for the children here!

Neil, I appreciate how difficult it must be to absorb what depths of despair that person must have been driven to, causing them to take such action. The brain is very complex and we are all affected by 'influences' in different ways - "whether it is nobler in the mind..........." as the bard so cleverly put it! Like you, I hope that those responsible realise their culpability and have to live with it for the rest of their days.

I think the 'station cat' photographs are lovely - thank you for giving those of us unable to go, a taste of the show. Feel free to show some more or perhaps you could talk the Stationmaster into posting some of his.

Our Sky+ box is set to record the F1 and the MotoGP this weekend so I will have plenty to amuse me as the week commences. Hope Sunday brings what you hoped for and all being well, I'll look in again tomorrow night as the early start will make an am post unlikely!

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night late lurkers!

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  • RMweb Gold

No, I remember “The Highway” - that goes thru Limehouse, right?


Best, Pete.

The only reason I knew it was now The Highway was that I had looked up Radcliffe Highway as mentioned in a folk song (The Deserter) wondering where it was.

Of course the Bard of Barking mentions the A13 starting in Wapping in "A13 Trunk Road to The Sea".

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For some reason I have Mike The Stationmaster’s town on the Thames as my link point on The Weather Channel’s website to check on weather around London  - so today I take a look and notice that Mike’s lovely home town has a photo backdrop of Rio de Janeiro...... shome mishtake shurely?


Ah, I think I chose it because it is relatively close to LHR.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold



For some reason I have Mike The Stationmaster’s town on the Thames as my link point on The Weather Channel’s website to check on weather around London  - so today I take a look and notice that Mike’s lovely home town has a photo backdrop of Rio de Janeiro...... shome mishtake shurely?


Ah, I think I chose it because it is relatively close to LHR.


Best, Pete.

Don't choose Benfleet as typical. We enjoy a micro climate in our little enclave twixt Basildon and Southend.
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  • RMweb Premium

Just got in from the formal dinner with the outlaws(and about 80 0ther). My tux has had it's annual outing and I even managed to tie my own bow tie, with a little help from YouTube.  Beth enjoyed herself despite having an arm in a pot so a good evening has been had by all.  


Goodnight all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quickie. 


New sink arrived Thursday.  Started sorting and moving cupboards (The recycle yard is going to have a field day...) and Ray has started on the plumbing. 


Wishing you all well so don't lose too much beauty sleep tonight if you're coming into British Summer Time.


G'nite. Sleep tight.

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I know there are several of you domiciled in France, and other parts of Europe where this might be relevant; to all others I apologise.


Have you any experience of fixing volets roulants (roller shutters)? Or of having them fixed, for preference. We are thinking about having our old-fashioned wooden shutters replaced by rollers. That would be over double glazed PVC windows. The current weather is focussing our minds!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a land where Sunday is so far living up to its name albeit it's not a Warmday.


May I also wish Ian all the best for his forthcoming works and trust all will be well and relieved shortly afterwards.


Our normal Sunday breakfast in a local cafe of choice was followed by our equally normal parting of the ways.  She to the market and I to the supermarket.  Her haul was a huge bunch of credit-card flowers (glad I owe less ;) ) and I scored a $20 gift voucher for nicely pointing out that those bags of salad leaves on the shelf were four days out of date, slimy and very unappealing.


Minor skirmish with the Dragon-in-Law yesterday as SWMBO and DiL had taken Godson to the "Walking with Dinosaurs" event in town.  DiL took exception to SWMBO being present (!!!) and turned into her manipulative and nasty alter-ego which upset the others.  Life, eh?

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