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Andy/Ian A.


I probably will not become a US citizen. If I go back and live out my days in the UK  (possible) the last thing I want to do is to continue paying US taxes. My accountant  has informed me that  my finances now will be unaffected if I do not also.  


So I cannot see much of a benefit as the one employer I do have, which is a local Police Dept pay me enough to keep me in shoes only. I actually perform my duties because it is fun - and due to a fit of altruism.    


Best, Pete.                 

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Mick,  I'm lovong your pictures from Peru,   for info here's a rsoter of the current loco flee that I found.


Road No.  Model & Date Bldr Nmbr Notes

300           DL531 (8/58) Alco 82990 Built for FCS Peru

350-360    DL532B (1/63) Alco 84669-79 Built for FCS Peru

483-485    DL535B/RSD39 (1974) MLW M6078-03 to 05 Built for Peruvaian Corp.; narrow Gauge (3'-0")

487           DL535B (9/63) Alco 84676 Reblt and re-#d from 357 500-505 DL500B / FPD5 (1956) Alco 81735-40 Built for the FCS Peru; all have been retired

500 (2nd)   GR12 EMD D/B equipped; ex-FNM ?

510 (2nd)   G22C EMD D/B equipped; ex-FNM ?

550-552      DL543 (11/61) Alco 84040-42 -

553-555      DL543 (12/61) Alco 84055-57 -

556-557      DL543 (1962) Alco 84731-32 -

558-559      DL543 (1963) Alco 84681-82 -

600            DL560 (1963) Alco 84740 Ex-FC del Peru 600

651-660      DL560D (11/74) MLW M6076-06 to 15 Built for Peruvian Corp.

751-755      GT26CW-2 (9/81) GMD A4078-83 Built for ENAFER Peru

756-757      GT26CW-2 (9/83) GMD A4282-83 Built for ENAFER Peru


Hope this is of some help.



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Morning all from a dull and overcast Estuary-Land, don't know what the weather has in store today as the breakfast show has been replaced by the F1 practice sessions, i.e. a lot of talking heads. Although I am interested in F1 I'd much rather know what the weather has in store for me than who was faster by 0.001 of a second. I hope all those going to Ally Pally have a good time and best wishes to Ian with his op. I sometimes have the opposite problem but everything checked out OK in that department when I had it all tested following the kidney stone problem six months ago.



Bet that caused a bit of a stink, hat, coat, gone.........................

In other news, the webbing straps broke and a couple of portaloos fell off the back of a truck as it went round Sheringham roundabout this morning. Sh*t happens, I guess.

Enjoy your weekend.

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Home again. Got to hospital at 8.45 (pathology opens 9.00) got my ticket-number 48! the place was heaving. No problem, I'll sit in the cafe and have a coffee and a bun. Not on a Saturday I won't! Opens at 10.00 today. I bought a thing that claimed to be a cappuccino from a machine. Got stabbed at 10.00, so another 2 hours of car park to pay. That's one of my main expenses these days.




BTW, not reassuring to hear the patient in front of me shouting Oww in a loud voice. The phlebotomist said he didn't like having his blood taken. We chatted about the new F1 season

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Due to an attack of weariness, I've just frittered away my time watching F1 Qualifying.

I haven't learned much although I'm pleased that my suggestion of making the cars more identifiable has been followed through.

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A very early good morning from Leeds.

The birds are singing and, for reasons best known to my head, I am wide awake.


Hope you have a good Saturday!


Now, purchance a mug of tea or back to bed? Mug of tea wins!




PS as the passport is for the UK and if the Scots had devolved then the passport issue would have had to be solved. Not currently a concern but you never know...

Barry, I'm sure you will understand, when the question is raised about dual nationality I refer folks to the Dutchman in Holland (or the Netherlands) asking me if I was English. I replied, "No, I'm Yorkshire!".

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Morning all. My GP surgery can't do blood tests (until the much larger new building happens), but I can get INR tests done by giving the yellow card in to Pathology at the local Hospital-that's where I'm going soon. I did look at getting a machine but they are a tad pricey at the moment. I suspect they will come down as did BM machines. When my Diabetes was first diagnosed I had to compare the colour the blood had made the test strip to a colour chart on the side of the packet.



My doctor did say he would get me my own machine for my INR testing but I'm a bit wary. My wife is a retired nurse and I'm sure she will take any chance of piecing my skin!

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Morning all,

Taken some time to catch up, especially with F1 qualifying taking place!

Great news from Ian (OD), it is somehow easier to face a problem when you know what you are up against, but it is still a major procedure which as Pete75C said, shouldn't be underestimated. It would seem that you have found a good consultant and with your evident fortitude, the expected benefits far outweigh the risks. I do hope Sherry can keep us updated whilst you are incapacitated and you can be assured that all the ERs will be thinking of you throughout! On that point, we mustn't forget how worried Sherry will be - the worst part of any such problem has to be the helplessness felt by those who love you so I'm certain that the thoughts of ERs will be going out to her as well!

Pete75C, I agree with Stewart that Louise is probably in the best place at the moment, because there any drama can be addressed immediately, please send our love and hopefully the medics will be able to relieve her suffering soon!

Neil said it all in his post about the supportiveness of this thread and I speak from personal experience when I say how uplifting it is - bizarre feeling to be considering this in relation to Ian(OD) as it was he that first pointed out this element of ERs to me when I joined RMweb. What goes round.............

Dom, sorry to hear that you've been hit by yet another bug - not been a very good year for you so far? As the song goes, things can only get better!

pH, what a lovely example of what apprenticeships were all about. I mourn their passing in the UK, having two younger brothers who both prospered thanks to the time they served with the Water Board. Youngest brother is shortly to become chief engineer of the one he currently works for. Years ago he presented me with a working miniature vice, made as part of his apprenticeship, (ideal for model making) which I have used and cherished since I got it!

Mike(60860), I hope the magic of Lindisfarne works on the GF, as it has on anyone I've taken there over the years. If the timing is right, you might be able to take in the Grace Darling memorial in Bamburgh as well - always an emotional experience! Enjoy your trip and I hope the Northumberland air blows away your sniffles.

petethemole, it is terribly sad to hear of such family feuds, I guess Joanna and I are just lucky to have such a close knit bunch. Hope the protagonists soon learn that life is too short for such idiocy!

Hope all the lucky folk going to Ally Pally over the weekend will remember to take their cameras. I'm off to prepare a family sized lasagne which Joanna has elected me to produce - we are lunching with daughter and family at Epping tomorrow and it looks like we are supplying the lunch!!

Kind regards,


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Afternoon all. Breakfast, shopping, etc out of the way. Knee decided to go on strike again. Got the appt for my MRI. Not until May 1 @ 19:00. WTAF!!! 5 more weeks of pain before they even start to look at the cause. Joy unbound. I was actually hoping to make Alley Pally tomorrow as things have been ok for the past few days. Just walking the 300m from the Morisson's to the 'spoons for brekkie was too much. Codeine, naproxen, and an icepack are to be my companions for the rest of the afternoon. Meh!


On a happier note, my modelling mojo seems to have returned. Not sure where it was hiding but I've managed to get more done in the shed the past 2 afternoons than in the previous 4 months, hobbling aside. SWMBO is treating me to a nice new folding stool from Argoooooooos. That will make working on the layout even easier.


Have a good one all. Enjoy the day. Don't forget Earth Hour tonight. (Patio, candles, snacks, and Pimms are planned)

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All the best to those with medical problems. After an unexpected morning of running the touchline (because it appears most of the parents couldn't be arsed to turn out for their kids) it was great to see how the young are as full of pep as ever. Away with gloomy thoughts of flabby underactive kids, these were all whippets. Quick lunch and off to the next events.

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Sorry to hear your knee is not getting better, Andrew. I find it baffling that no-one in the system appears to be prepared to speed things up because surely, leaving patients in persistent pain for weeks on end can't be what healthcare should be about, can it?  :O


Have a good one all. Enjoy the day. Don't forget Earth Hour tonight. (Patio, candles, snacks, and Pimms are planned)


I sense digestion problems coming!

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Afternoon all from drizzly 'ampshire.

Commiserations to all those who are poorly or whose loved ones are. Been tricky keeping up with all the posts as this awkward thing called "work" keeps getting in the way! :)

Just 3 1/2 days till the Easter holiday. The weather has been fine over the last week here, so the children have been getting plenty of fresh air running around outside. 


Youngest seems to have developed his first "crush"  :tender: which is lovely to watch from the sidelines.

I've lost count of the number of times he's asked "Has she said anything about me?"

"Erm, nope, you'd actually have to go up to her and talk to her?"  :wub:


Modelling mojo still AWOL; please let me know if you see it slinking around. 

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Looks like this has turned out to be a fine holiday, Mick! Thanks for having kept those photos coming.


Thought in an idle hour: I wonder if the people of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aarschot have ever had to suffer from punning related to their city's name...

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I was just reading Jock's last post and thinking how right he was - I first came on here when I was ill - and got some odd text messages from pre-retirement ex-colleagues, which lead to me finding out one of those ex-colleagues has killed himself.  Mainly seems to have happened as a result of the machinations of the 'new wave' management I was happy to leave behind last June. I'm really in an odd place now, the person was far from my favourite, but to be driven to that when they are supposed to be looking towards stopping young people in trouble from similar thoughts.....


Two young kids (not with him by his own choice) and at least a dozen young 'clients' now wondering who if anyone at all actually cares for them and their futures.  I am really having trouble coming to terms with this.  There are some difficult questions to be answered, I hope those who put such pressures on staff are taxed with this, but I somehow doubt it.  I'm off for a rant somewhere, after thanking my lucky stars I got out when I did. 

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Well. it's now official - I am chronic, confirming your long-held suspicions! I see the anaesthetist on Monday with a view to surgery on Thursday for Chronic Retention. I expect to be in 4 or 5 days if I'm lucky. The urologist is absolutely smashing, has a sense of humour, as does his lady receptionist. So I almost enjoyed my visit. And he could not be more sympathetic. He even told me there are a lot of Brits in the area - and none speaks better French than me! Mind you, perhaps it's good form to be nice to a bloke before you stick your finger you-know-where.....


I have to be terribly impressed with it all, as the outcome of today's consultation far exceeded my expectations. Oh - and if things become impossible over the weekend, just call at the clinic, he is available and will have me catheterised at once.  

Bit late in the day reading this, Ian. Will be thinking of you, mate!

Chin up (and everything else out of the way)....


Best, Pete.

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Afternoon All


Again, it's taken ages to catch up, and many ERs have posted with less than happy news over health, state of mind, etc and Ne, your post is quite thought-provoking, as it just shows how hellish some work situations have become, when somebody can go so far to get away from it. And the galling thing is that many managers having created this situation will still sit on their backsides and telling themselves that it is somebody else's fault, as their manageement style and procedures are all fine and dandy.


As to getting appointments for blood tests at a GP, it does appear that a postcode lottery into the quality of care certainly takes place.  Here in Lancaster, we are blessed with about half a dozen GP surgeries which are well above average for patient ratings, in nearby Morecambe, there is one practice which people are queueing up to leave, and we have a hospital which is rated as unsatisfactory by the powers that be, and is on special measures.  Luckily, I am with one of the 4* plus rated GPs where we can normally get appointments when needed for blood tests and the like, and a management that listens to patients and acts on their issues where it is possible so to do, as well has having periodic patient groups at which many and varied matters can be, and are, discussed.


Have any of the dibetics on here who use insulin had the same experience as I have, that ALL of my hardware was changed to a new brand, apparently at the "suggestion" of the health authority.  I was changed to Gluco Rx meter, test strips, lancets, and needles, and the excuse given was that we needed to use meters which met some new standard that has been established.  However, as all the new stuff appears to be from Korea, I wonder how much cost is also the driving factor here?


Anyway, generic greetings to those who need/want/deserve them,


Regards to All


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May I just post a "me too" with sympathies and commies to everyone currently under the weather for any reason. I seem to have been too frazzled this morning to have been able to respond earlier…  :sorry:

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Modelling mojo still AWOL; please let me know if you see it slinking around. 

It's probably keeping company with mine although Ally Pally today might just have given me a chance to find it

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