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I probably shouldn't laugh - but the squirrel catapult is wonderful :lol:. The wretched things are an absolute pain. Thankfully, I never see grey squirrels in my garden. The red ones are common - but rarely leave the forests.


At a guess, I would say squirrel probably doesn't taste that good - probably a lot like rat (which is basically what they are - tree rats).


This is obviously not a good day for IT. I had the unpleasant experience of having to use a PC in one of our conference rooms this morning. It took 20 minutes before the thing was booted, I had logged in and could start the meeting. My boss phoned the "help line" and was told there was nothing they could do until the new PCs were rolled out later this year. :angry:


It now has a note stuck to it:


"PLEASE LEAVE ON - takes 3 weeks to boot"

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  • RMweb Premium

This reminds me of my C64 days, Robert. Well, granted...the computer itself was almost instantly booted, but loading programmes took half of forever :lol: .


On another note - for those of you who can read German, there is an interesting Spiegel article about penny-farthing enthusiasts, complete with photos: Click. I rather doubt I would want to ride one of these! :O :blink:

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On another note - for those of you who can read German, there is an interesting Spiegel article about penny-farthing enthusiasts, complete with photos: Click. I rather doubt I would want to ride one of these! :O :blink:




No brakes, and when in danger - jump off :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

I wonder whether a parachute might be useful in this kind of situation :lol: .


Probably this is why early "modern" bikes were called "Safety Bicycles".






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I wouldn't recommend doing it, but my iPod Nano seems to have recovered somewhat after a night in the airing cupboard. It turns on and plays. The screen's got a bit of condensation and the pedometer wasn't in full working order first thing but it's recovering nicely. And it's so soft to the touch! ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

I wouldn't recommend doing it, but my iPod Nano seems to have recovered somewhat after a night in the airing cupboard. It turns on and plays. The screen's got a bit of condensation and the pedometer wasn't in full working order first thing but it's recovering nicely. And it's so soft to the touch! ;)




I misread your Twitter post and thought you had spent a night in the airing cupboard!



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Guest Max Stafford

I think I should do the humane thing and finish mine off with the 'Kingmoor Screwdriver'...





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  • RMweb Gold

My sister dropped her phone in her cup of tea (it fell off the arm of the sofa and happened to land in her cup) and left it open, upside down on the radiator for a week. It dried out and works to this day!


I'm still on my first phone, my oldest sister is on her fourth and the sister mentioned above is on her third! My eldest sister ran into the sea with it in her pocket.


Honestly I have no idea how they manage to get through so many... laugh.gif

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I misread your Twitter post and thought you had spent a night in the airing cupboard!

Might keep me warm but wouldn't do much for a bad back! ;)


Jam - I didn't get my first mobile phone until I was in 3rd year at Uni (1997-8). No-one at my school had a mobile and they were rare at uni at that time. I'm now on my 10th (if you include my work phone that I had for 3 years). One was lost, the remainder were all in working order when I upgraded.


Emergencies excepted, I'm hoping to make this iPhone last a long time as I'm very taken with it! So long as I don't put it through the washing machine too...

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  • RMweb Gold

Mobiles in our house have been dropped in a bucket of water, been into the sea, in cups of teas and have had other watery adventures laugh.gif

I must admit that only about half of them have been in working order before they were upgraded!


I too hope I'll be able to keep this phone for as long as possible. It's not got many nifty features but it does everything I need. Of course, I'd love an iPhone, but I think I can live without one for now... wink.gif

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Guest Max Stafford

Checking with UK Ipod Repairs, it appears that the red cross means 'new hard drive required'. I shall fire it off for repair then and see what happens. I described what happened to the device as "suffering a heavy impact".

Under the circumstances, that's a bit like "He fell down the stairs, Guv'nor..." ;)



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Checking with UK Ipod Repairs, it appears that the red cross means 'new hard drive required'. I shall fire it off for repair then and see what happens. I described what happened to the device as "suffering a heavy impact".

Under the circumstances, that's a bit like "He fell down the stairs, Guv'nor..." ;)



I suspect replace will be cheaper than repair! For "suffering a heavy impact" read "suffering multiple heavy impacts with extreme malice and aforethought"!

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I suspect replace will be cheaper than repair! For "suffering a heavy impact" read "suffering multiple heavy impacts with extreme malice and aforethought"!


For some reason when I first scanned this post, I read the highlighted word as AFTERforethought! The reason happened after the event!! :rolleyes:

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I'm still on my very first cell phone. Bought +- 3 years ago for emergencies. Other than two calls to see that it worked when originally purchased it has been used only ONCE! Still on air time purchased with the phone.

Good morning all. Cloudy today and rain forecast for later.

Headline on the side bar on my computer reads

"Wide open US camp begins under coach"

You'd think they could provide proper accommodation!

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Morning All,


Looks like it is going to be another hot one today. Although the forecast is for cooler weather later - thank goodness!


I had my first mobile phone in around 1994 - it was a Motorola flip phone, gigantic by today's standards and with a stunning one hour of talk time - and eight hours standby. I bought it because I was commuting by train, putting in long hours and it was useful to be able to phone home when the trains were delayed/ cancelled. They were a bit of a rarity at that time, and there were no different ringtones! When it rang, four or five commuters would all stand up to check their briefcases! :lol:


I am now on my fifth phone. Which I guess, given the amount of time, isn't too bad!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Up until very recently I just got given hand me down phones.


Daughter gets new phone. Wife gets daughter's old phone. I get wife's old phone which is daughters old, old phone. Said phone goes into top drawer of desk along wirh a large pile of chargers most of which have no associated device. This process was repeated each time daughter replaced her phone which, to me, seemed, ridiculously often


Only now do I appreciate how younger siblings must feel at the start of a new school year.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Lovely day here, although it is supposed to rain later.

I have a phone contract that doesn't have an upgrade path but although my phone is dented and cracked it works perfectly. Matthew's phone looks in a similar state.I've been trying to sort out a new phone for my wife but all the possible tariffs and combinations of add ons just make me want to give up. I'll probably just change the tariff as she uses the phone during the day and 200 off peak minutes are not much use.


I'm off to meet the removal men (Mils stuff is arriving) in Enfield later today.



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Morning all. Full set of oktas but no rain here at the moment, though it was heavy during the night. I'm meant to be playing tennis at 1 o'clock so expect a cloudburst at 12.50.


Debating if I've got enough time to go for a haircut before work. I'm starting to resemble Nadal..

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I rarely use a mobile Tony, but have a deal with Vodaphone for a SIM only. £10 per month with 600 free minutes thrown in. I'll be lucky if I use 20 of them.....


Best deal I could find a few weeks ago.


My son and his mate were staying last night on their way to the US for a holiday, so I was on taxi duty to Heathrow this morning. There was a bit of conversation last night of which I understood about 10%. I think it was English based, but not as I know it.


Stop the world, I want to get off....

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  • RMweb Gold

I rarely use a mobile Tony, but have a deal with Vodaphone for a SIM only. £10 per month with 600 free minutes thrown in. I'll be lucky if I use 20 of them.....


Best deal I could find a few weeks ago.


My son and his mate were staying last night on their way to the US for a holiday, so I was on taxi duty to Heathrow this morning. There was a bit of conversation last night of which I understood about 10%. I think it was English based, but not as I know it.


Stop the world, I want to get off....




My deal is nothing a month and 200 free off peak minutes so I can see why there isn't an upgrade path. It was a special offer years ago, buy phone, pay for one year, then free forever. I mainly receive calls (examples include, can you meet me at the station, can you buy some carrots, where are you?).

While Matthew was studying A level Philosophy I understood very little of what at least he was able to discuss with his mother.






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The oktas are persistently leaking in these parts, even had thunder a while back. Nice to be back to normal summer weather.


I've had a few mobiles over the years but I only change them when they go wrong. Being a skinflint I always buy the end of the line now out of fashion handset so I get it cheap. I've also had the same SIM for quite a few years as it's on a cheap monthly contract. There are no free calls or texts but as I'm a grumpy old s*d why would I call anyone? In fact one of my favourite quotes is "If the phone didn't ring it was probably me". Can't complain at £2.99 a month.


Have a good one all.




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I rarely use mobile phones.

We have a couple.

Free sims from Vodaphone and £10 pay as you go if we ever make enough emergency calls to require topping up.


The buttons are too small and I don't like being 'available' to the world and his dog.


I like to know that SWMBO has one to use in emergency but that's about it.

Nor do I like 'phoning mobiles from our landline.

I have an inclusive contract with BT where I pay a monthly charge and don't pay separately for calls - except to mobiles.


Strange really. I probably had one of the first wave of mobiles and used it all the time.

Good for cracking nuts and hammering nails too.

Of course, the weight made me walk lop sided.

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