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Morning all. Frosty here as well this morning, so I'd best watch my step on the way to work. Need to be in for a 9 o'clock Monday meeting. Something I swore I'd never schedule and then had to... :angry:


Pics when I get chance (and when I work out how to add them - not done that in the new forum yet!).

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Hi Dd,

The woggle is still definately a part of Scout uniform here in South Africa.

The standard as bought in the Scout shop is plaited leather, but for some special occasions (e.g an International Jamboree) a Springbok skin woggle is worn.

At such functions woggles might be swopped as mementoes, but I have never heard of anyone collecting them

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Do Scouts still wear the little ribbon around the top of their socks?

When I were a very young lad, we had them as House colours at school.

Of course, as the socks crumpled around our ankles, the ribbon added a little something.

Especially mine - it was magenta.

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  • RMweb Gold

Do you reheat/cook the previous day's porridge or do you manage to consume a 'huge' amount at one sitting?




If I make too much I put in the refrigerator and microwave it the next day. However that won't be necessary today as it has been eaten (and I don't think Goldilocks or the three bears were visiting). Matthew made a rather risky statement that he preferred my porridge cooking to the version produced by his mother.


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In my (ex) Troop the Troop colours, (green over black) are knitted into the khaki sock tops. Even though the sock tops are elasticised, garters are de rigeur, so other than after a rough activity the socks stay up. No ribbons in my time.

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Do Scouts still wear the little ribbon around the top of their socks?

When I were a very young lad, we had them as House colours at school.

Of course, as the socks crumpled around our ankles, the ribbon added a little something.

Especially mine - it was magenta.



In my (ex) Troop the Troop colours, (green over black) are knitted into the khaki sock tops. Even though the sock tops are elasticised, garters are de rigeur, so other than after a rough activity the socks stay up. No ribbons in my time.


Alas here in the UK the sock top - colours have gone. Woggles are still going, and are actually quite good fun if you can find someone who will mould you plastic - or can emboss leather, and so yes, some do collect them

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  • RMweb Gold

Err.. afternoon all


Terribly Wintery here this morning! Low laying mist around and only 5 deg C with one of those biting winds to boot! It made cycling in thos morning a "Character Building" excercise - So Jam, you have been warned!


I've already had one cold cycle (nothing to do with a washing machine) last week into school without a jumper - oops! Luckily I can delay it for one day, best get the thermals out... mind you it is suprising how quickly you warm up once you are out and about on your bike.


Sorry to hear about your woes Jam. Hope it all comes right!

I am following your Blog.

Thanks Don, I'm sure it will all be fine in the end! I'm going to sand it all down and then with any luck scribe it. I also need two spotlights as well.


I was once in scouts at some point, can't remember whether I wore shorts or not, but I remember this colourful tie? (Sorry I'm not sure what they are called - with that circular bit holding it together). That was quite a while ago!

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Thought the best way to make fire was to rub two Boy Scouts together. Mind you, these days, there's always the danger they might enjoy it!:icon_redface:


The tie-like thingy, IIRC, is the neckerchief with its two loose ends held together in front of the neck by the woggle. I recall also the garters with the flashes of material on; only ones I ever saw were green, however.


I'll leave the Swiss Army knife out of this for now; you know, the one with the gadget for removing Boy Scouts from horses' hooves!

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A Cub scout always does his best, thinks of others before himself and does a good turn every day.


I promise that I will do my best, do my duty to God and the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Cub Scout law.


I think that is more or less right from memory - I loved Cubs. Scouts was less fun for me, and I ended up leaving but that's another story. We did have garter tabs, and woggles which matched our patrol colours. Seems like a very long time ago in someways, but in others like yesterday. I even remember finding a photo of myself in Cub uniform relatively recently. We also carried sheath knives - but were taught how to use them.


Back from Karlsruhe now - the weather is absolutely foul today. Coming up the A5, I felt more like I was driving a boat than a car! :blink:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good job I only used ONE then :lol: I don't ever remember lighting a fire in scouts though...


I quite enjoyed being in the cubs but on the day I went along to the "proper" Scouts they all seemed to be running around the scout hut with rolled up newspapers on fire. I decided they must be crazy and decided not to continue my association with Scouting and went home. I stopped going to Sunday School at the same time.



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I quite enjoyed being in the cubs but on the day I went along to the "proper" Scouts they all seemed to be running around the scout hut with rolled up newspapers on fire. I decided they must be crazy and decided not to continue my association with Scouting and went home. I stopped going to Sunday School at the same time.


Were they running around with flaming bibles??

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  • RMweb Gold

Were they running around with flaming bibles??



The people at Sunday School were very nice but there just wasn't any point going any more. My brother in law stayed in the Scouts for ages doing all kinds of Duke of Edinburgh stuff and then went on to BTCV and other conservation groups.



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