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When I lived in Livingston in the seventies, the local clubs (Craigshill Social and Cameron Iron Works) used to book a lot of turns whose Top of the Pops days were largely over. Some, like Del Shannon, would be off like a shot as soon as they came off stage, and Tim Hardin turned up half-stoned. Marty Wilde (and Kim, then in her teens) would join the punters on the dance floor while the house band played, and I asked Billy J. Kramer why on earth he'd just sang "White Christmas" in the middle of June: "Well, people seem to like it". It was nice to be noticed by Dave Berry: "I know you.." "Mucky Duck, Sheffield?" "That's it. Does your kid still play?" "No, he's an artist now". "Well, if he decides to come back, tell him to get in touch". Happy days.

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  • RMweb Gold

Some, like Del Shannon, would be off like a shot as soon as they came off stage,

The game-changing arrival of the Beatles put a lot of acts out of effective business. DS would certainly have been one to see his career vaporise.

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Morning all...


iD sorry to hear the work problems, hopefully they'll be sorted somehow, though even 70% pay for a year or so isn't that bad, maybe?? Been through that turmoil a couple of times myself, so I do sympathize.


Glad to hear Sherry is on the ball (I'll wait for the inevitable comments :jester: ) and got the wedding date re-arranged already, way to go!


Well, the weekend was "acceptable" in that the Saturday family gathering was actually rather more reasonable than I originally expected and had some decent conversations with several attendees. Even though it did take all of Saturday, what with prepping, and cleanup added to the event itself, it wasn't the worst way to spend a day.

Languished in bed Sunday before we had a decent eggs and bacon breakfast, THEN, I managed an afternoon of modeling and got some way with a full length retaining wall and backscene as well as starting to create some platforms for the terminus - those folks have had to step off into mid-air long enough!!


So, rumors of gardening, flowers, bonfires... PAH!

Minnesota Winter has a nasty habit here of REFUSING to leave even thought it's technically supposed to be spring, the view out of the house this morning is as follows...






We got about 3-4 inches of snow starting early Sunday evening and overnight, so much for SPRING... though the snow will likely be gone by Wednesday, oh well.


Currently -1 and overcast.

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  • RMweb Premium

Fabulous video, not sure about the song but I loved the F1 action - the late braking six wheeler is sadly unlikely to have had Jackie at the wheel as he retired in 1973, whilst the car was launched in 1976!


 Petrol head alert .


 He might not have got to race it but he did get to drive it ,


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A mate of mine owns Ted Molt's old Moggy Minor convertable!

 I once owned Owen Brannigan's  BMW 2000 Turing Reg. OB X111. It had been sitting in his daughter's garage for four years after he died and was in a sorry state so we picked it up for a song. A little TLC and it was as right as rain. Lovely car but fierce expensive on spares. Broke the gearbox when away for the weekend in the Yorkshire Dales and had to get BiL to come up with a trailer!

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  • RMweb Gold

I saw Liz and Phil drive through Hereford in the back of a car a couple of years ago. Phil was wearing a distinct "OMG not another bloody town full of flag-waving plebs" expression, and wondered if they every actually see any towns devoid of jubilating masses lining the streets. On the same trip I also espied one of the Miliband brothers on the train from Oxford to Paddington, though Mrs. Squid was singularly unimpressed ("what's a Miliband?").

Very pleasant couple Mrs Queen and her hubby, I had morning coffee with them, er, 30 years ago this year (crikey was it was that long ago?) and I'd been 'presented' to him a couple of times before that in one of those meet & greet line-up type things - he is (or certainly was) a very bright chap - fantastic level of knowledge of all sorts of things  and he asked some very sensible questions and they both had a great sense of humour.  I've also been presented (again one those line-up type things) to the eldest son, came over as rather a shy sort of bloke and not as 'on the ball' as his dad.


Mind you in all their cases it was far pleasanter than spending 30 odd minutes travelling in a train compartment with Harold Wilson (by then a sometime retired politico) and his good lady although it might well be that his Alzheimers, or whatever it was, had started to take effect by then.  Only trouble was with his missus and another passenger present I never got the chance to ask him about the hushed-up divorce case he was reputedly involved in at the time of the Attlee Govt - although it might not have gone down too well of course :O .

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I am nursie at present because SWMBO is laid low with the tummy bug doing the rounds in the locality. Possibly the result of working with children (baking) on Saturday morning.


...strange dreams.... Let's say if the contents of my dreams were to be transformed into celluloid I'd either become famous as a purveyor of truly weird Science Fiction (think Phillip K Dick)...

There's a market for that! There's a market for lots of other stuff too. I took a voluntary redundancy when my employer majorly screwed up the business, and wish I had done it ten years earlier, when the first VR opportunity came around! I use the analogy that working in a technical field in most large businesses is like being the digestive system of a panda. You are expected to work miracles with poor supplies, to support a big flabby and lumbering organisation that looks good from the outside. On your own, or with a couple of well matched associates, you can be a tiger and gorge on lovely red meat, then sleep it off in the sunshine for a week.

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Better get my posterior in gear and get the place cleaned up. I'm picking Lorna up at the airport in four hours (takes an hour to get there). She's been gone for over a month, first in Scotland arranging a nursing home for her mum (now 94), then visiting our daughter in NJ.


Aaarrrrgh! Where did I leave the hoover?

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Evening All


Again, no time to get caught up, but having a quick lurk - noticed in the way through that ID has received very bad news about his career, and I can only offer sincere commiserations.


Washer is still not mended, and I have now sent a pretty scathing e-mail to the CEO of Indesit, as my missive to their customer (lack of) service department elicited a phone call at a time when I said I'd be out, and then no callback since, despite two calls back to let them known that I was now at home.


I'm off now, and have yet another two days of not being able to update all the threads here that I'd like to - sorry all.


Regards to All


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Evening all, as they say at old work.


Sorry to hear your news iD, got that T shirt myself once, and had the threat of it causing jumping before pushing twice since!


Celebs - ten a penny here of course due to the low tax environment, but I did meet Rick Wakeman when he had a music shop here, and more recently James May, a nice guy, and Dave Myers (hairy biker) another nice guy.  I also told Nigel Mansell to move his car, after having asked him nicely and been ignored.....not entirely politely, after he parked me in years ago, when he lived here.  Not a man much loved on Fraggle Rock, to put it politely.  In the slightest.....I think he understood the Naval language I resorted to, he moved his car anyway!

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I have just read on the BBC website, that Taylor Swift (apparently she is a bit of a singer) has purchased taylorswift.p*rn and taylorswift.adult web addresses.


One presumes she had done this to either:


a. Protect her image.


b. Prepare to expand her business empire.


(In my best 'big brother' style Geordie accent)


You decide!

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Afternoon from The Andes.

A highly informative tour of local Inca sites. One if them was called sexywoman or something similar. ..... I'll look up the correct spelling when I do my photos later.

Looks like the station I visited yesterday is not open anymore. I knew there is another nearby and that's where I'm off to now whilst MrsNB has her afternoon nap.




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The invalid is now in rehab in a care home, paid for by the local authority.  Still wanting to get home, has been given exercises, but won't do them because they are "ridiculous".  Most of the inmates are GWR (*), but she has found one man capable of rational speech.  I tracked him down and asked him to keep an eye on the invalid for me.  She needed to write two cheques, there was only one cheque in the book at her house, I had found another part used book and took them both in, but apparently this was the emergency book and so would I go back for the unstarted book.  Er no, I wasn't going to waste an hour of my life, so she had better escalate to emergency.  GWR = god's waiting room, what did you think I meant!


Packing for the holiday.  Written down addresses of three Hamburg model shops and a shopping list for Buseck.  Will ring Tetsudofan, then clean the"Weathered wood" paint smudge off my cheek and go to bed.  Reckon you guys will be on page 3600 by Sunday night.


Flavio, Mike did consultancy work, I took up charity work (treasurer of Lewisham Bereavement Counselling).  The important thing is to keep those brain cells active.  Best wishes.



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  • RMweb Gold

The invalid is now in rehab in a care home, paid for by the local authority.  Still wanting to get home, has been given exercises, but won't do them because they are "ridiculous".  Most of the inmates are GWR (*).  GWR = god's waiting room, what did you think I meant!



Sadly I'd say Gone With Regret, (mentally if not physically).

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