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Morning Again,


Gloom and Doom at Schloss iD. My boss just called me and informed me that, as of end of the month, formal notification of redundancy will be issued, from which time (April 1st) I will have 3 months notice and then I am unemployed. Bummer. Basically the company is broke. However, I was informed that there are a number of upcoming projects that should come to fruition before the end of the notice, at which point the notice of redundancy will be torn up. We'll see, we shall see....


So it would appear that I would be on full salary for the next few months and then it's off to the unemployment office. Fortunately. the Swiss unemployment office (RAV) appears to be much more competent than the UK equivalent AND I would get 70% of my previous salary for up to 2 years.


Will need to set out a strategy with Mrs iD tonight. Early retirement may beckon (but not, alas, on my terms).


Still, I have the dogs, more than enough modelling supplies, books and DVDs to see me through.


So it goes, so it goes



I can only imagine they have a real orchestra playing the hold music when you phone up as well... not the same bloody recording of Vivaldi :butcher:


So cheap they couldn't actually afford the whole piece either, just one bit looped and then a message saying 'sorry we're not sorry you're waiting please continue to hold while we drive you little more insane' they are a set of restraints, some eye drops and a film of people waiting in line at a job centre away from having fully implemented the Ludovico technique to drive people away from trying to claim what they're entitled to.


maybe a bit early to be watching A Clockwork Orange but its a nice film.

Edited by KCR
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Morning all, a good nights sleep but still aching in various places after moving all those baseboards. Lots to see in these pages this morning.


Mick, great pictures,looking fowrard to seeing some other train ones.


As to famous people I agree with ID'scomment about old and new money.   I once helped drive a steam roller into a large estate and we were greeted personally by the titled owner who insisted on shaking hands with all the crew to welcome us.   (He did comment that he'd got used to dirty hands commanding a tank in the western desert.)


I also nearly got a tray of bacon sandwiches tipped over Margaret Thatcher and had to lend my pen to Prince Charles for him to sign a visitors book.   A mate of mine though did have to get Maggie back from Bardford to Leeds in the snow when the armoured daimler woudn't go up the hill.   They ended up putting her in the rear cab of a pacer and she went bouncy bouncy up the hill backwards out of Bradford.  To her credit though she insisted that the adjacent compartment was left full of the local people and that her staff had to mingle with them.




Now, I thought she had never travelled by train. If her only experience was in a Pacer it's no wonder she had her famous dislike of railways.



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  • RMweb Gold

I trust things will work out ID. It is usually nicer to retire when you are ready but maybe being pushed would be good for you. Does the redundancy offer a lump sum?


On a different note spring flowers are out in the mini orchard




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a cold but sunny Estuary-Land. On the subject of knowing famous people, my aunt (honorary, actually, a very old friend of my mothers) lived in Blackpool, her next door nieghbour was an actress from Coronation Street. I can't now remember her name or the character name but she was one of the three old biddies, the one with the beret who 'died' in the Rovers Return. Just around the corner was the actor who played the cafe owner in 'Last of the summer wine' again I can't remember his name(s). Pete may have known her (my aunts) son as he was a professional musician playing guitar usually at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool. His name is Terry Pack and he also had a music shop in Blackpool and produced his own guitar under the 'Pack Drill' name. The music shop was very near to the Tower Models shop IIRC.

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I trust things will work out ID. It is usually nicer to retire when you are ready but maybe being pushed would be good for you. Does the redundancy offer a lump sum?


On a different note spring flowers are out in the mini orchard





Are there many bears in Minehead?



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sorry to hear your news iD - sometimes redundancy can work to one's advantage (my income in the first couple of years after redundancy greatly exceeded that in the couple of years beforehand due to picking up insultancy work but that doesn't happen for everyone regrettably).  On a brighter note Mick's holiday seems to be going well with some very interesting pics emerging to delight us.  and I see the 'Clarkson' thread has at last been locked - regrettably after becoming somewhat politicised, the only surprise being that it wasn't locked a day previously.


I've been instructed that the garden is beckoning - but the weather is starting to look rather changeable ;)


Have a good day one & all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Sorry to hear your news iD - sometimes redundancy can work to one's advantage (my income in the first couple of years after redundancy greatly exceeded that in the couple of years beforehand due to picking up insultancy work but that doesn't happen for everyone regrettably).  On a brighter note Mick's holiday seems to be going well with some very interesting pics emerging to delight us.  and I see the 'Clarkson' thread has at last been locked - regrettably after becoming somewhat politicised, the only surprise being that it wasn't locked a day previously.


I've been instructed that the garden is beckoning - but the weather is starting to look rather changeable ;)


Have a good day one & all

That sounds like a great job, what qualifications do you need? :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sorry to hear your news iD - sometimes redundancy can work to one's advantage (my income in the first couple of years after redundancy greatly exceeded that in the couple of years beforehand due to picking up insultancy work but that doesn't happen for everyone regrettably).  On a brighter note Mick's holiday seems to be going well with some very interesting pics emerging to delight us.  and I see the 'Clarkson' thread has at last been locked - regrettably after becoming somewhat politicised, the only surprise being that it wasn't locked a day previously.


I've been instructed that the garden is beckoning - but the weather is starting to look rather changeable ;)


Have a good day one & all

I havent looked at the Clarkson thread (not being a fan of his) but not surprised by the nature of the situation that its got locked!!


Talking of gardening, I had a great time last night with my first bonfire of the year. I only have one when its dry but cold enough outside that neighbours dont have windows open. We dont like it when in the height of the summer when having windows open to keep cool is a necessity but then loads of bonfires around. Most of the old fence panels now gone but still need another bonfire to clear th back of the garden

Edited by roundhouse
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I’ve edited my post on George Harrison to make it more to the point for Nidge - including the video of “Faster - great shots of then current piloti, cars and the circuits as were.

Note how good Stewarts 6 wheel car braked hard.


As ever: Turn it Up!



Best, Pete.


Fabulous video, not sure about the song but I loved the F1 action - the late braking six wheeler is sadly unlikely to have had Jackie at the wheel as he retired in 1973, whilst the car was launched in 1976! Some fantastic action nonetheless and how young they all look. Love the shot of JS as chauffeur to George! Saddest thing is to try to work out how many are dead now! Thanks for taking me back to a most exciting time in my life!

Kind regards,


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Morning All,


I'd rather not talk about strange dreams.... Let's say if the contents of my dreams were to be transformed into celluloid I'd either become famous as a purveyor of truly wierd Science Fiction (think Phillip K Dick) or I'd be locked away as clinically and dangerously insane... (I blame the succubi, actually)... or both.

. . . . . .


Wierd's a bit weird, iD.


... had to lend my pen to Prince Charles for him to sign a visitors book. 


My Uncle Tommy saw action under Field Marshal Montgomery's command in North Africa and in Europe during WWII, and was present when Monty accepted the unconditional surrender of the German forces in the Netherlands, NW Germany and Denmark in 1945.

When it came to signing the documents, he turned to Tommy:


"Haw, Tam, sees a lend o' yer pen."

"Aye, Monty, there ye go."


"And do you know - Ah nivver got that pen back!"


You never got stories like that in "The Wizard".


Edit: typo.

Edited by bluebottle
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very sunny here.

I woke long enough to say "have a lovely day at work" to Aditi this morning. I was however awake at 9.30 when she telephoned to see if I was awake.

My delivery of the day should just go through the letterbox so no need to stay in, though I probably will anyway. It is a dvd and does have a Clarkson connection.


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Ahh celebrity encounters. I once threw Noel Gallagher out of my reserved train seat. He was very polite about it. I've also seen Ian Duncan Smith and Nigel Worthington (then manager of Norwich City) on trains. And i'm sure I saw Damian Lewis in Tesco a couple of months ago.


Anyway, onto the slab laying. Or not. The card fraud paperwork has finally arrived from my bank.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Again,


Gloom and Doom at Schloss iD. My boss just called me and informed me that, as of end of the month, formal notification of redundancy will be issued, from which time (April 1st) I will have 3 months notice and then I am unemployed. Bummer. Basically the company is broke. However, I was informed that there are a number of upcoming projects that should come to fruition before the end of the notice, at which point the notice of redundancy will be torn up. We'll see, we shall see....


Sorry to hear this, Flavio. If it were just for the company, I guess you could leave it at saying they had it coming, based on what you reported some days ago. But of course, for someone finding themselves out of employment as a result of, shall we say, questionable leadership, it's not that easy… 

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Morning all, light cloud hiding blue skies over Borough Market Junction. What a lot of catching up on ERs.


I've seen but never met various "celebs", especially when working over in the West End. Patsy Palmer and Martine McCutcheon of Eastenders were walking up Baker Street. Gary Glitter (before he was notorious) in one of the streets near Manchester Square. Sir Alex Ferguson catching the Heathrow Express at Paddington. David Ginola was a client of the accountancy firm I worked for - all the secretaries wore extra perfume whenever he visited. And Angus Fairhurst the artist (now sadly deceased) was in my year at secondary school. Not that I had any contact with him after school.


Nice to see the Smithereens get a mention. There was one song in about 85 that I absolutely loved but I have never got around to exploring their music much further. I'm afraid I was seduced by the Leeds goth scene around about that time....and that's still the core of my music tastes even now!

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After I posted earlier I was convinced i could hear an unusual noise. After reassuring myself that it wasn't tinnitus, I eventually tracked it down to the downstairs loo. The cistern float was stuck down. The overflow vents into the garage (where the train set lives}. I have fixed the cistern and have a nice clean garage floor. No trains were harmed.

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Pete's comment about meeting Leopold Stokowski reminded me that I have met some celebs. When we took Matthew to Disneyland (the French one) we met Mickey, Minnie and Goofy.

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I saw Liz and Phil drive through Hereford in the back of a car a couple of years ago. Phil was wearing a distinct "OMG not another bloody town full of flag-waving plebs" expression, and wondered if they every actually see any towns devoid of jubilating masses lining the streets. On the same trip I also espied one of the Miliband brothers on the train from Oxford to Paddington, though Mrs. Squid was singularly unimpressed ("what's a Miliband?").

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Afternoon all


A glorious sunny Spring day, and the garden will see some of me after lunch.


Very sorry to hear of Flavio's misfortune, and hope something turns up soonest.


I've met a few famous folk, but the richest person I've met probably wasn't one of them. His surname is Wake, as in Hereward of that ilk, from whom he is descended, apparently, although his elder brother holds the title. My last boss and I did some preliminary work on a proposed station and development with their large estate near Northampton. Rich? It was his throwaway remark about selling a couple of cars to Arnold Weinstock that got my boss thinking - they owned Jack Barclay, of Berkeley Square, Roller dealers....


In my haste this morning I was unable to view Trisonic's video but will do so later. I do recall a GP at Brandy Hatch in the late '70s where we noted George Harrison in one of the paddock hospitality tents(!). He was standing with a bald headed young man, who we couldn't identify, but realised later it was Gunnar Nilsson, Lotus F1 driver who had been diagnosed with testicular cancer, which sadly consumed him not long afterwards.


My day, after the pleasure of a chat with Sherry, took an unexpected turn with Alison emailing to say she'd baked me a loaf and did I want to collect? So we sat in the garden over coffee, while her young volunteer (Portuguese, 19) did some garden tidying. We then walked the couple of miles to collect her kids from skool, where she'd left her car first thing. While the two elder boys just emerged from their classrooms, Alison was required to go into the maternelle classroom to collect Sammy, 5.


Late news is that clever Sherry has booked us another date to be married! The end of October gives the medics time to get me fighting fit again!


Hope your week goes well.

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Gold

... On the same trip I also espied one of the Miliband brothers on the train from Oxford to Paddington, though Mrs. Squid was singularly unimpressed ("what's a Miliband?").

Aditi's brother has been mistaken for Ed Miliband. Rajan has changed his hairstyle now. However one of Rajan's patients was convinced that he was chatting to him on a train when he realised he was engaging Ed Miliband in conversation.

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Ian, as John killybegs says, Cusco is now very civilised from a tourist view. As we're doing the proper tourist stuff, we've had no language issues and our holiday Spanish course from 15 years ago is coming in useful. We get the impression that tourism is a rapidly growing industry here and they're working hard at it. In Cusco, there appears to be a lot of Peruvian and other South American visitors as well as the usual US, UK, Aus, Japanese, Chinese, German, etc....


Visitor numbers are limited at Machu Picchu and there's a suggestion that they'll be restricted even further by making them morning or afternoon only. We should be arriving there mid morning in a couple of days, but we're staying there the night and hoping to see it at sunrise.


Hopefully we've got the right day for the tour bus and it's a half day trip round the Inca sites near Cusco.


The hotel is superb and there's a nice breakfast beckoning. Local time 7.50am




Edited by newbryford
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