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What a ridiculously high scoring final day to the championship.


Commiserations to Wales and England. Well done Ireland.


(Posted very late as I spent the evening celebrating)

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Morning all. Looking dull and wet outside, so sat here with the first cup of coffee which will doubtlessly be followed by others. SWMBO fighting off a bit of a cold presently.


Jock, hang in there!

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Morning all! Busy day yesterday and I didn't get to see the rugby but I was kept informed.


Met a friend at 10 who was passing through Edinburgh from Dumfries, heading for a spa day at North Berwick. Then met gf at 11.30 to take her surrogate dog for a walk (she walks a dog at weekends for a lady who can't manage it) and lunch including a giant plate of nachos (those friends on FB have seen it). Then to Blackfriars Street for St Stephen's Lodge no145 installation, where I was sat with an old schoolfriend for some of the dinner.


No swimming lesson for Jamie today - her block of 10 is finished, so a later start for me than since just after New Year.

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Is it Sunday?  London Pride has a lot to answer for.


Just had the running order for our next golf trip.  31 of us will hit the night spots of Chepstow in the next few weeks, so lock up your daughters, mothers or grand mothers...


Wishful thinking, as we'll all be in bed about 10pm…:-)


Some great, but very open Rugby yesterday.  Really exciting to watch.  I'm still mightily impressed by the respect for referees.  Addressed as 'sir' and no nonsense at all.  Cameras pick up on every instance and despite hitting seven bell of ###### out of each other, little or no dirty play.  Having cameras on the whole game just stamps out any nonsense completely.  


The sooner they bring it into football the better.  It will take one season to adjust and then we will be able to see the real skill in the game, rather than the pantomime tactics so prevalent at the moment.

Edited by gordon s
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Wishful thinking, as we'll all be in bed about 10pm…:-)



As will the rest of Chepstow...................................


Did I tell you that when I relocated from Harrow to Greensboro, North Carolina back in ’89 I lived on the Cardinal Golf Course - I was the only male there not to play. There are far worse places to live....

The house was a latter day antebellum Southern mansion i.e. about 5 years old. The owner - “B.J.” - had built a Granny annex the other side of the garage to the main part of the house and then his mother refused to live with him! So I did, rather like Fonzi in “Happy Days”. His wife was named Elizabeth and she was a beautiful mature MILF - in fact I was convinced she was really Betty Page of pin up fame having the same given name and she really looked like her, although I did admit to myself that the real Betty must have been quite a bit older.


BJ was suitably astonished when I started to receive mail from the UK with the envelopes emblazoned “On Her Majesty’s Service” - I hadn’t the heart to tell him that they were all (well, nearly) from the Inland Revenue.... though my cachet soared amongst the neighborhood.


Best, Pete.


PS The Cardinal Golf Course is now the Sedgefield Country Club - Dye Course, I literally just found out a minute ago. It has matured beautifully.

Edited by trisonic
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Jock, hope you're fighting off that lurgy.


As others here have said, what a wonderful feast of rugby yesterday. When I left for the pub at 1.25pm Wales were 13-11 down and when I arrived were 55 up, amazing. Ireland matched that by soundly beating Scotland and setting England a winnable goal. The England-France game was a wonderful points fest. If only both teams had played like that for the other games. Superb.


So well done, Ireland. Onto the Rugby World Cup in October, am going for a southern hemisphere team to win - was contemplating getting tix for Scotland-SA next October at St James Park but at £250+ :O think not.*  See you next February for the 6Nations 2016.


Hope you all have a good day




*could spend it on 4 Exeters when they're reduced to £59.99 at Kernow (allegedly) in a few months :nono: Only joking!

Edited by Purley Oaks
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What an exciting day's rugby, not that I watched all of it. I felt a bit sorry for eldest GS attending his first international with the junior members of Dumfries RFC. Maybe by the time he's a bit older, Scotland will have upped their game.


Woke early this morning so got up at 6.00am and spent two hours in the workshop before taking the dogs out. It was a beautiful frosty morning at 6.00am, sadly it's now overcast but a lot warmer. I'll finish my tea and then I had better get on with making the house look a bit more presentable as I will be picking Steph up off the bus after lunch. 


Pleased to report that my cold is a lot better. Commiserations to those that are still suffering.

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Morning all,


Bright & sunny out there but a bit on the nippy side.  Didn't watch anything on telly yesterday afternoon - busy mixing concrete and laying the first of the concrete edging strips around herself's veg patch, no more today as my Chief assistant (the good Doctor) won't be available as she is devoting her energies to the retail trade and it pays (I don't).  I was rather surprised to find on measuring one that the edging strips are exactly 1 yard long, presumably whoever supplies Jewsons is using ancient moulds and as they are doing the job they haven't bothered to make new ones to some sort of 'rounder' metric number.


Have a good day one & all - I'm waiting the competition results with baited breath, the prize doesn't really interest me very much but it would be nice to know how well I did, or didn't, do solving Mr York's fiendish clues.

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I did have a quick look at the birthday puzzle but as I only know the numbers of the locomotives in the first few Thomas the Tank Engine books I realised it was beyond my ability.

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Morning all from a sunny Estuary-Land, not too chilly either, well certainly warmer than yesterday as that cold north wind has dropped a bit. I'm going to test out the 'work station' I purchased yesterday, I can see one modification I will need to make, at the moment it rests on five small feet created by the tabs on the sides and back so I am going to glue a piece of MDF to the base to stop it sliding about or giving under pressure when using the cutting mat. The mitre block needs a bit of fettling, there is a fair amount of burring around the slots and ends, that will mean a very careful use of the needle files and emery cloth.

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I'm waiting the competition results with baited breath, the prize doesn't really interest me very much but it would be nice to know how well I did, or didn't, do solving Mr York's fiendish clues.

You were one of only three to get an Hon Mench - so, well done!

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Morning all,

Thanks for all the get well messages - I guess this bug is something nursie daughter picked up at the hospital, she visited a couple of days ago with the usual hugs and kisses that our lovely family always dispense! The trouble with such microbial infections is that you don't know you are carrying them until the symptoms show, and she is now off work with 'gastric flu' like symptoms similar to mine and now Joanna looks like she may also be coming down with it. Still, lots worse things have happened to our assembled digital company and complaining about something so insignificant smacks of 'man flu syndrome'! I also have an array of preventive drugs in my wardrobe and a specialist nurse on 24hr phone contact to advise me - precautions due to the reduction in the immune system caused by the chemo! Only downside is that I've had to advise No.1 son not to join us for his roast dinner today - he is due to fly to Switzerland on Tuesday and I didn't think he or BA would appreciate a flight in this condition!

Pete (trisonic), that is a lovely story about your stay in Greensboro, NC. Sounds like you probably still have dreams about Elizabeth, the 'Betty Page' look-alike? By the way, when you get to my age your attention sways more to 'Gilfs' HaHaHa!

Mal, how about the England v Wales match at Twickenham on Sept. 26th - only £1295.00 per person!!

John (Killybegs), I'm sure the young fellow will still remember the international event with joy in later years, and hopefully he will have picked up on the very serious issue that Gordon illustrated so clearly in post #87206, the respect for the referee and the minimal amount of what is basically cheating in that other popular game with the round ball! What a sickening spectacle when highly paid, and often very skilful, players seem to delight in getting a rival booked, or better still in their eyes, sent off. Why can't they settle for using their skills to beat the opponents fairly - they would surely gain more support and respect that way?

The issue of respect on the pitch has a direct connection to the conduct of the spectators as well. The rugby matches rarely have major fights on the terraces or pitch invasions. I recall being treated to a trip to Twickenham for a Calcutta cup match a few years back, and the obligatory few hours in the pub before hand was an eye opener - a visit to the loo showed several 'brick outhouses' dressed in white shirts and kilts, joshing one another, but without animosity. Any physical contact appeared to stay on the pitch and it would be a good lesson for the mindless gangs that call themselves football supporters to be taught, some of whom travel to matches specifically for the violence, showing no interest in the game whatsoever! I suppose the saddest aspect of this whole issue must be when you attend schoolboy matches and see the youngsters emulating their 'heroes'! I still remember with fondness the fact that my ticket located me behind the posts and in the midst of several English fans, but the hip-flasks were passed around in a most friendly fashion regardless of the score.

DD, that certainly looked like an 'interesting' experience - what production was it?

Have a restful remainder of Sunday all,

Kind regards,


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You were one of only three to get an Hon Mench - so, well done!

Thanks - however some of them were even more fiendish that I thought they were - although oddly I did complete the grid and all with numbers which not only fitted the grid but also fitted each other and the clue.  Mind you there's some distinctly dodgy information about modern day numbers on the 'net -steam was easy, dmus aren't my thing.  BTW it has now transpired that the winner announced as 100% correct has himself pointed out that he got two wrong! 

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DD, that certainly looked like an 'interesting' experience - what production was it?



Sorry, Jock, I don't know - I wasn't listening!

Some rubbish about teenage angst and parenting problems.

The lady on the left voiced a little girl with a lisp.

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6.50am local time and this is the view from the hotel room.



Off for some breakfast and a bus tour this morning




Edited by newbryford
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BJ was suitably astonished when I started to receive mail from the UK with the envelopes emblazoned “On Her Majesty’s Service” - I hadn’t the heart to tell him that they were all (well, nearly) from the Inland Revenue.... though my cachet soared amongst the neighborhood.





Even more impressive when in Japan I received letters from the British Embassy proudly announcing "On Her Britannic Majesty's Service"



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Keith, don't forget the TICKETS! Don't forget, you have the rail tickets, I have the accommodation and the Minatur Wunderland vouchers. Oh and bring your holiday insurance certificate and your European Health Insurance Card.


A good reason for catching the 14:25 is that 14:30 is a nice time to be starting on the alcoholic refreshments.




Don't panic Mr B, don't panic Mr B,


Got my tickets to the non-existent station of London Intl (CIV) and printed out copies of the On-Line tickets issued by DB - one copy for my person and spare copies in hand baggage and suitcase. Other documents already in hand baggage.......  together with battery chargers and adapter plugs for phone and camera..... and, of course, spare socks.


Yep, by 14.30 should be off to the Buffet Car to get my first mini-bottle of sekt and a toasted ham and cheese baguette - can't wait for the conductor to come round and take orders!!



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Afternoon all, just up, believe it or not.


Jock - glad you're a bit better or at least no worse. I suspect you don't really have a robust immune system any more and any old bug gets you, and then takes ages to go. You have my utmost sympathy.


Weather here is overcast and was very windy, so much so that we closed the shutters yesterday evening which we normally don't do. In fact we got an email from our English neighbours asking if we were all right because they so rarely see them closed! Makes a huge difference, though.


Woken several times in the night by excruciating pains in my left ankle - this had started yesterday and I put it down to wearing an old broken-down pair of trainers. Looks like it may be a return of gout, or the biting goat as my friend calls it. I haven't had an attack for six months, and never in my ankle joint, usually in the toes or bones of the foot. I took my medication with a croissant at 8 (Colchicine and Naproxen for fellow sufferers) and went back to sleep. Julie just left me, philosophising that when you're asleep you can't feel the pain...

So walking is problematic at the moment, I'll just have to sit on the sofa and watch TV. Should be over in a couple of days.


So I've joined the ER Walking Wounded. Just when I needed both feet to mow the grass, paint the shutters, cook dinner etc.

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