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  • RMweb Premium

Can somebody direct me to the doghouse, as I'm in it for a pretty grievous domestic faux-pas.


Last night I decided that I wanted a cold fizzy soft drink with my dinner, and as I had none in the fridge, I popped one into the top compartment of the freezer - then got on with making the omelettes which are one of many  the few dishes in my repertoire which actually need cooking and thought (I think I now stretch to four) and of course the effort of remembering what I was doing at the stove meant that when I was serving up, I got myself a glass of fruit juice, and the presence of the can want totally un-noticed and forgotten.  There was a sharp crack last evening, and I went to the kitchen and couldn't find the source of the noise, so went to bed.


You've all got there before me, haven't you. 


30747 found it a little while ago, so I've been off cleaning the roof of the freezer and the top shelf and inside of the door needed a very thorough clean to get the frozen cola off.


Hey-ho, such is multi-tasking.

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  • RMweb Premium

And even closer to the site of Dalry Road shed. It was on the other side of the graveyard. Going from Haymarket shed to Dalry Road shed, you went up Coffin Lane from Dalry Road to Dundee Street.

My dad's cousin took me that way many times as a "treat" when I wanted a shed visit.  He worked on the LMS and later LMR at a senior level, and was welcomed at any shed on the LMR or the ex LMS sheds on the ScR (except Hurlford for some reason - I think he upset the shedmaster when he was on the test run of the Crosti 9F up the GSWR, but could never get chapter and verse on that one at all - suffice to say that 67A was no problem, as was 67C, but I never got into 67B either by my own devices or with his help).  When I was in Edinburgh, I longed for a visit to Haymarket or St Margaret's, but these were enemy territory.

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What a day of rugby. Unfortunately Wales didn't win the six nations but put in a good performance. Ireland played a stunning game against Scotland who didn't (IMHO) play well at all and England v France was a points fest.


Congratulations Ireland. Now for the world cup

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening.


Busy day, had a meeting first thing with the guys opening this:




..as they had an interest in borrowing some property of ours for display - all organised.  Yes, it really is that big.  The owners are....rich. Very, very rich. With bells on.  And quite decent to talk to.  Also met up with one of the project managers who it turns out I knew a few years ago, had a nice look at his steam engines, and steam bike......yes.....clever bloke.  This is going to be a stunning museum when it opens - late May.


Then had lunch out, worked in the garage on my bikes for a while, fitted a decoder into a Bachmann Std 4 2-6-0 - tight fit!, then went down to Ramsey bay as this evenings low tide was the lowest for about 15 years - very weird to walk right out the Carrick (large rock) in the bay. 

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Many years ago my dad's Vauxhall blew its cylinder-head gasket while we were in northern France heading back to the Channel ferry. There wasn't much chance of getting it fixed quickly in France, so we limped back to Boulogne and caught a ferry to Dover.


On arrival, my dad asked the customs officer for the name of the Vauxhall dealer in Dover. The officer told us it was "Seven Alters garage".


Could we find the place? No! Eventually, we stopped and asked a local where it was.


"Never heard of it" he said. "What kind of car is it? Oh, a Vauxhall! You want Southern Autos garage."

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Yes Roneo models is still there Pete but I'm not sure for how long as they seem to exist by taking a sales stall at many local shows but they seem to be reducing their presence at shows/ taking smaller tables. You probably remember them from the 'sheds' opposite South Street, they now have a shop at the other end of the row of adjacent shops 'around the corner' in Upper Rainham Road. I went to the 'Southern Expo' at Hornchurch today and made a few purchases principle of which is a 'modelling station' which consists of an 8" X 10" tray with a cutting mat and a holder for paint pots and brushes and space for some small tools. It is made from laser cut MDF and comes flat packed in a natty wallet, assembly is quite straightforward with the parts slotting together but instead of stretching 'O' rings over the tabs to lock it together I opted to glue it together.  Another tool purchased was a 'Gyro-Cut' knife intended for cutting card and paper, you just 'draw' with it as if with a pen but instead of leaving a line of ink it leaves a very neat clean cut. Among the other things I purchased was ten (seconds) diorama bases for a pound! One is already allocated to be a solid base for the small mitre block I also bought.

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Hamburgers went down well. Steaks hachis with onion, Cajun spice a bit of mustard and an egg, fried and eaten in a baguette. Washed down with Gin Fizz. Real gourmet stuff...


Just watched the BBC2 doc on the first railway murder. Quite good, and you can see where some of Edward Marston's storylines came from.

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One reason for getting the 10:58 Eurostar is that it arrives at Brussels at 14.05 and connects with the 14.25 DB ICE to Koln - we made the same connection last year so, fingers crossed, we make the connection this year. Arrival at Koln is 16.15 which gives us time to have a butchers at the book store and other places before catching the 17.10 to Hamburg arriving at 21.13. Plenty of time for a nibble and a nightcap before hitting the sack.


Must think about packing my bags for the trip.....passport, cash, credit cards, clothes etc., not forgetting a change of socks....



Keith, don't forget the TICKETS! Don't forget, you have the rail tickets, I have the accommodation and the Minatur Wunderland vouchers. Oh and bring your holiday insurance certificate and your European Health Insurance Card.


A good reason for catching the 14:25 is that 14:30 is a nice time to be starting on the alcoholic refreshments.



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A question for our German colleagues. When do the clocks go forward? A bit of an important question, as Tetsodofan and I are travelling back from Gießen on Sunday week. We really don't want to step onto the platform in Gießen at the same time as our ICE is departing from Frankfurt! Trouble is, it is the sort of thing one forgets about when on holiday.



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  • RMweb Gold

Sometimes you forget and need to remember how much coal was mined and shipped



Is view Number 11reversed?  It appears to show Queen Alexandra Dock but various features are the wrong way round or on the wrong side.  Interestingly there is a warship moored at the coal tips and they seem mainly to have visited that dock rather than others from the limited information I have available.

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  • RMweb Gold

A question for our German colleagues. When do the clocks go forward? A bit of an important question, as Tetsodofan and I are travelling back from Gießen on Sunday week. We really don't want to step onto the platform in Gießen at the same time as our ICE is departing from Frankfurt! Trouble is, it is the sort of thing one forgets about when on holiday.



Unless someone has been naughty and ignored the European Directive it should be the same day as here - it was 'synchronised' in the EU on an experimental basis about 20 years ago (thank goodness) and was then made permanent without much further subsequent fuss.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well done to Ireland: Deserved winners of this year's Six Nations


221 points in the last day of play was a feast of rugby.


We are off to bed after a look at the floodlight Colloseum and a pizza..........plus experimentation with a bottle of limoncella and a can of squirty cream to make a lot of lemon licquer.....hic!

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  • RMweb Premium

Stick with it Jock.


After a c*ckup with the wifi at the airport, what a Huanca......... Cue endless fun with that word knowing it escapes the naughty word filter.


A nice short flight, up to 20000feet and landing at 11000. Had a chilled afternoon getting used to the thin air.


The picture up loader is being a bit temperamental at the moment, so I'll try again later. Off out for an evening meal.


See you later.




Edited by newbryford
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Morning one and all, had a very wet night here on the coast which we don't mind as in this area we are all on rainwater tank storage. Surprisingly there are still many areas here in Taz that are not connected to mains water supply. Can not wait for daylight savings to finish, sunrise at 0700 is horrible. Do all the milking cows get confused there as they do here at clock changing time, they have no idea what time to come up to get milked? Scotsmist has set in now so outside choirs are out and SWMBOB would like to change the living area around, so I have to move, will call back this evening. Cheers to all, Tex.

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