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In the words of Captain Mainwaring, I was wondering who'd spot that one.

I heard of those avian wonders and many other strange tales and songs in the company of Edinburgh University under- and postgraduates at Kings Buildings or in "The Digger's" or other hostelries in Edinburgh, largely from the vast repertoire of one Robin Thomas - a long, lean cross-country runner who could drink any rugby player under the table ...

The Diggers being actually called the Athletic Arms, very close to the Heart of Midlothian FC ground at Tynecastle. So called as it's right by the graveyard! My new gf lives just one street away from the Hearts ground.


Anyway, morning all! Ian, sorry to hear you're tout seul for a little while - hope Sherry is back with you soon.


On TVs - I have a Toshiba 32" flat screen (bought about 6 years ago). It works fine except for an annoying habit of refusing to turn on. When this happens I unplug it, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in and it will turn on fine. Though it then turns on at Freeview channel 800. This is fine now (I think it's STV) but for a while it would reset to the rather more risqué channels (more STD than STV...) which could be very embarrassing if you had company!


I bought a Panasonic hard drive smart box at Christmastime, 1TB hard drive, which I'm very pleased with so far. I've set it to record the rugby (all 3 games) as I'm going to be out all day. Fingers crossed for England!

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Regarding TVs, we have had a Samsung for five years, good picture and had no problems. As all new tellys it is a slimline model and as such a far cry from our previous set which was a Sony with a huge cr housing at the back. It weighed a hundredweight and I struggled to lift it when we had to dispose of it. The Sony had been a good set but after many years the picture seemed to deteriorate, or it could be that we became accustomed to watching more modern sets with better screens. Either way we never regretted the change to a newer, bigger set.

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Morning all from that most boring of boroughs. Today I shall be mostly hobbling. I feel a rant coming on.


Bloody GP surgery is full of asshats, assclowns, cockwombles, and douchecanoes.


First they tell you to register for their online appointment service. Then they neglect to put any available appointments on it. So you can't actually book anything with it. I'm not talking short term or immediate bookings but the whole bloody calendar for the next 3 months is empty. So I phone them. Their "office" is a tiny cubicle with room for 2 people. Their phone service makes it sound like I'm ringing a BT call centre. Press 1 for this, 2 for that, etc. More options and sub-menus than any normal human can get through. Stupid thing is they are open from 7:30 but you can't book an appointment until 9:00 and not after 1:00 but you can book on Friday between 3:00 and 4:30. Test results, only between 11 and 1 except on Tuesdays. Utter madness and stupidity. After nearly 45 minutes of trying to get an answer for the appointment booking option, I manage one for Monday. I ask the "nice" lady why there is nothing showing in the online booking system as that would have saved both of us a lot of time. "Oh, we don't put all the slots into the online system as that wouldn't be fair to people without the internet" What the actual F**K!!! Totally idiotic. No you stupid moo, you don't put any slots on the system, then you have the nerve to put "please use the online appointment system" repeatedly on the waiting message. Not only that but the woman seems to have been trained at the Basil Fawlty school of customer service. One thing that did strike me was when I was looking up their phone number through Google (other megacorp search engines available) I came across the NHS review and rating for the practice. When I first signed up there, they had a rating of 3/5 stars and mostly positive comments. Looking yesterday, they've dropped to 1 star and most of the comments over the past 2 years have been scathing to say the least. Time methinks to search out another GP. Hopefully one that has support staff and infrastructure that is fit for purpose. Arsebadgers the lot of them.


Did anyone else read Mick's statement of "Lima tour" and think it was a long gone Italian model railway manufacturer's factory tour?


TVs. These days most of the components come out of the same group of factories regardless of the brand. We've got a pair of LG LED tellies and have no issues with them. One is 5 years and the other about 18 months. Always liked Sony but ran into a series of bad luck with them. Clock radio that died one day after the warranty expired. Large CRT screen that went pfft after 2 years. Car stereo that ate CDs as the mechanism failed.


Enough doom and gloom from me. I'm going to sit back and watch videos of sparkly unicorns for a while. Have a good one everybody.

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On Sony TVs, I have one in the kitchen. It's a 14" CRT one that's had one repair (can't remember whyfore) in its lifetime and it still works perfectly. I got it 25 years ago in 1990, when I was 13 as a present for passing my scholarship exams to get into senior school and it's been with me ever since!

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More re tvs: my mum has a 4-year old Sony 40" which works very well - BUT each time it's switched on goes to a Sony logo before the programme - we know it's a Sony by now and the start-up ident just wastes time.


Has anyone any advice for good value dual-fuel electricity/gas providers? Our fixed term deal with Scottish Power ends soon and I don't want to continue with them.



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Thankyou, a new word for my vocabulary.


Did anyone else read Mick's statement of "Lima tour" and think it was a long gone Italian model railway manufacturer's factory tour?


Glad I'm not alone.


The James the Red Engine I previously mentioned failed after a few rounds, so I applied some lateral thinking in the form of a strategically placed coupling spring to prevent a bit of the internal gubbins slipping and disconnecting the motor from the worm drive. (If anyone wants to see what it's like to be pursued at speed by a "fictional anthropomorphic tender locomotive" - as described by Wikipedia - here you go: https://youtu.be/5SNUQ_dgi3s )


Saturday evening beckons, time to head off for a pub for a long overdue chance to meet people I'm not related to by blood or marriage.

Edited by railsquid
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  • RMweb Premium

Thankyou, a new word for my vocabulary.




Our TV is a Samsung 40" one with internet connectivity but neither webcam nor 3D or voice control (FiL's does have the latter two) which we got in 2012, I think it was. I do like the DLNA capability as I can stream music and videos from my NAS device located in my room!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I am fortunate that I am only a couple of minutes walk from my GP surgery and its easier to pop in in person to make an appointment, having said that the staff I find are very helpful anyway. Mel, I would recommend Co-operative Energy, I changed to them about three years ago (from British Gas) and immediately by bill was down by a third. Off to the model show at Hornchurch shortly, see you all later.

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In 2004, shortly after we landed here, film-buff Deb conducted her usual thorough research into tvs and bought a 43" Pioneer. It weighs a ton, cost more than £3k - but still works more than adequately, despite logging a huge number of hours until Deb died. It has a separate piece of kit to control it, which looks like a DVD player but isn't. Only problem has been with the sensor on the latter, which seems to have gone a bit off-centre, and only responds well to the remote control being offset.

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On Sony TVs, I have one in the kitchen. It's a 14" CRT one that's had one repair (can't remember whyfore) in its lifetime and it still works perfectly. I got it 25 years ago in 1990, when I was 13 as a present for passing my scholarship exams to get into senior school and it's been with me ever since!

We have a Sony 14" Trinitron purchased 1982 still in occasional use. It has to have a cheapo digibox between it and the aerial now but still works well. It is incredibly heavy. It was originally purchased from Keddies in Southend to attach to my BBC micro.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all. Have been enjoying newbryford's pictures in South America. I have been a little surprised at how tall "primitive" people could build with clay bricks without they bottom layers being crushed. Those old cultures knew a lot more than we give them credit for. It must have taken ages to make all those bricks, unless the Huancas stole them from their neighbours.

Stay safe all.

I do hope the "H" in the tribal name is not pronounced in a similar fashion to "W" - mind you, if they did nick them, that may well be what the neighbouring tribes called them!

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Morning all. Overcast and a bit chilly this morning.


Mick - Keep the photos coming please.


AndrewC - The problems with your GP seems to be more common than most people realise. As for uploading the appointment slots, they've either not been trained how to do it or can't be bothered to check taht it actually happens.


Time for another coffee before some shopping so I can spend the afternoon doing some modelling for a change while watching the rugby.


As far as I'm concerned the results should be a massive win for Wales, Scotland to win against Ireland and France to draw with  England (Other opinions are available elsewhere)


Most of the chores can wait till tomorrow.

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Receptionists, secretaries and PAs in all walks of life trade on their boss's influence. Not all of them, of course, but enough to be a known factor in the success and popularity or otherwise of the organisation. My last doctor (now retired, with no replacement in the practice) worked entirely alone. Mind you, her cleaner was completely trustworthy, would happily accept a phone booking and write it down. My new practice has a lady who shakes my hand when I arrive, positively reeks helpfulness. Another in the same town is managed by a dragon, so other Brits tell me - and yet that practice is "full" and not looking for more patients.

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Up early this morning.


A much shorter trip than Mike today!!



Train to Oxford and now having breakfast in Wetherspoons. Trains running fine although there is engineering works between Banbury and High Wycombe. Will have a few beers whilst waiting for the Reindeer to open. Then a train to Oxford to top up with a few more pints.

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Morning all, I am surrounded by kittens we let them out yesterday for the first time.... they returned though not in the order expected they were not as keen this morning. I wondered why Mick had gone so far to tour an abandoned factory... great pictures though. Good luck Gordon + see PM. Ian I hope your difficulty is quickly sorted by drugs if possible. Mel Cooperative energy has left me £70 a month better off compared to British Gas so far. Pete I hope it is a successful stay in hospital and life improving. Stuart I sympathise it is a side effect of bean counters all theatres must be used to the max leaves no room for RTC's or other problems. Have a good day all.   

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Sometime between making tea earlier and answering a phone call from Matthew (Dad, do you think my letter requesting some documents from Leicester uni makes sense?) my left knee seems to be demanding attention. Robbie may get a shorter than usual walk today.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I am fortunate that I am only a couple of minutes walk from my GP surgery and its easier to pop in in person to make an appointment, having said that the staff I find are very helpful anyway. Mel, I would recommend Co-operative Energy, I changed to them about three years ago (from British Gas) and immediately by bill was down by a third. Off to the model show at Hornchurch shortly, see you all later.


Is there still a model store at Roneo Corner (Romford) do you know?


Snow back covering everything......white is the new black. Good job natural gas is cheaper than water here in New Jersey.


Someone has commissioned  a painting from me after seeing a computer shot of “Gone for an ice...” Perhaps I ought to drop Scottish castles as a subject matter and concentrate on the Jersey Shore, instead? Did Van Gogh ever have a request to include their dog in it? He may have sold more.  "Trisonic sells out”? Why, certainly!




Have a good day everyone, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Is there still a model store at Roneo Corner (Romford) do you know?


Snow back covering everything......white is the new black. Good job natural gas is cheaper than water here in New Jersey.


Someone has commissioned  a painting from me after seeing a computer shot of “Gone for an ice...” Perhaps I ought to drop Scottish castles as a subject matter an concentrate on the Jersey Shore, instead? Did Van Gogh ever have a request to include the dog in it? He may have sold more. "Trisonic sells out” ? Why, certainly!




Have a good day everyone, Pete.

I appreciate your artistic talent every day. One has to support Essex artists wherever they are. I even have a Grayson Perry limited edition shopping bag.
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Morning all,


Commiserations where due - seems like too many of our number are suffering in some way or another, let's hope the arrival of spring will bring some cheer.


As far as GPs go I get the impression that an awful lot depends nowadays on the Practice Manager and the way they run the admin side.  Jane, the manager at our practice in Tilehurst, was excellent and so was the service we received - and that was from a wife & husband pair of (Indian) Doctors who between them had three surgeries spread across Reading, ran a couple of clinics in other local locations, did the odd bit of minor surgery (the husband), gave everybody who asked for one a flu jab irrespective of age, had only a couple of other Doctors working in their practice but could always give a same day appointment.  Totally different from our present bunch where the surgery seems to have more Doctors than you can shake a stick at.


Won't say too much about tvs - the 'cold spare' living in a wardrobe is a small Sony and about 10-12 years old, the two small flatscreen Phillips we bought for bedrooms after moving both only lasted about 6/7 years,  the Samsung relegated to the dining room is at least 10-12 years old and has outlasted 3 digi-boxes while the living room set is a Panasonic which works quite well but is somewhat over-complicated with menus.


Have a good day one & all and may all your sporting events bring the result you are hoping for (no Italians on here are there?).  BTW Mick glad to see you missed the last big earthquake over there by a couple of days - hope it stays that way for you.

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The Diggers being actually called the Athletic Arms, very close to the Heart of Midlothian FC ground at Tynecastle. So called as it's right by the graveyard! My new gf lives just one street away from the Hearts ground.


How does the CAMRA real ale guide describe it these days? It used to to be referred to as "Mecca" or "The finest pub in the universe, if not even farther afield", etc.

I remember one particularly enjoyable evening there (at least I think I remember it ...), part of a friend's stag night. After x number of pints, another chap commented: "Andy says you're a runner, but you don't seem to be in training just now".

I indicated a man nearby: "See that guy there?"(finishing one pint and reaching for another) "His name's Colin Youngson. He's the Scottish marathon champion, and fifth or sixth in the British rankings just now. He's a long way ahead of me, but I'm doing the best I can. Whose round is it?"

Reminds me now of Woody Allen ending that argument in "Annie Hall". 

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the Samsung relegated to the dining room is at least 10-12 years old and has outlasted 3 digi-boxes while the living room set is a Panasonic which works quite well but is somewhat over-complicated with menus.



FiL once gave the Entertain IPTV package offered by Telekom a try, but we soon found the mandatory receiver box was pure cr4p with similarly overcomplicated and illogical menus, as well as near-total absence of individual configuration options. He's now back to cable, which works perfectly.

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Oh dear. I can ring up the surgery in the morning and get an appointment for the same day. However, with no free healthcare, it does cost 50 euro a visit. Mind you, I tend to only go as a last resort, apart from my annual medical and to have my ears flushed out!


Our new TV is a 32" Panasonic (size isn't everything!). Strangely, it comes on automatically from standby when you turn on SKY but does't go off when you switch Sky off. Turning it off completely entails going round the back and hunting for the switch! Our old Sony TV had a fantastic picture but one day it just died after 14 years fault free service. The guy in the shop told us not to expect the new one to last that long! It's only when you have to move those old TVs that you realise how heavy they are.


Coffee break over, I think I had better go and do some shopping unless I want to starve!

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The Sky box being able to turn on an HDMI connected TV was part of the last sky box upgrade.

Sony devices connected to our Sony TV do interact properly with each other.

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