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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all!


Had a great night having a meal with some friends but a little bit of indigestion has women me up.


Tomorrow involves driving to Nottingham Show and helping out with Grantham. Hopefully all will be well..


Night, night everyone....


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  • RMweb Premium

As I am Scottish it's obvious that I am a close relative of Mel Gibson. The US is a very strange place. In many respects it is still locked in 19th century thinking. But I really don't want to turn this into a political thread.

Mel Gibson? That well known Aussie??





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  • RMweb Premium

Did the local Lima tour earlier today and learned a bit about pre-Inca times. However, when we were visiting a partially restored temple dating from 700AD, he explained that when the Incas conquered the area in the mid 1400's, the locals were supported by other nearby tribes, one of which was called the Huanca


Apparently the Brits snigger at the word Huanca, especially if said quickly.......


Will try and post a couple of pics if I can transfer from camera to tablet and resize.




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Mel Gibson? That well known Aussie??





Exactly. To a great many Americans, Gibson's portrayal of William Wallace in Braveheart is seen in just the same terms as Starwars movies. The real story may never be known, but I'm willing to bet it was very complicated.

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  • RMweb Premium

ER tomorrow for a flight to Cusco. Elevation 11,000 feet. I haven't yet told mrs NB that it's a particularly long runway as aircraft struggle to take off at that altitude. She's not overly fond of taking off. Maybe I'll tell her in a few days after we're returning to Lima.




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Keep your holiday snaps coming Mick.  It's great to see far flung corners of the world that few of us have visited.


Today is one of the highlights of our golfing calendar.  The Home Internationals.  96 guys going hell for leather to defend their country's reputation before sitting down to a boozy meal and the rugby.


I'll be turning out for my home country, Scotland and hoping this will be our year having finished second to Ireland in 2014.  Thankfully I live close enough to the course to nip home and walk back before the fun starts.


If last year is anything to go by, a night asleep in front of the TV is likely to follow…:-)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Cloudy this a.m. as opposed to last a.m. and slightly nippy (not that I went outside to check the latter!) . Coffee brewed regardless.


What Gordon said, Mick. Do keep us posted! I'd like to see South America myself some day. Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego would rank high on my list as I'm finding the way people at the fringe of the inhabited world live intriguing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well, my first night alone for nearly 3 weeks was dreary - but I did sleep well, at least. Sherry was on the briny back to Portsmouth, ready to return when my surgery date is known. She still has some loose ends to sort re our recent decision, and I can only support her in virtual terms, sadly. Home is much the poorer for her absence.


My urologist is male, I think, but Gordon's use of the * did put me in mind of the mythical Winkie-W*nkie bird. This has mysteriously evolved with its foreskin attached to its eyelid, thus every time it winks it w*nks, and every time it w*nks it winks. The Winkie-W*nkie bird must on no account be confused with the Oomigoolie bird, also the victim of unfortunate evolution. In this case the male has evolved sans legs, and thus on every landing makes the distinctive "Oomigoolies!" sound. As you would.


It's Saturday, which is ring-MiL day. Last spoke on Mothering Sunday, of course. She has no idea I was about to re-marry, so need not know of the delay, either. I have told her I need surgery, thus cannot visit for a few months.


Hope your weekend goes well.

Edited by Oldddudders
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Morning all. Have been enjoying newbryford's pictures in South America. I have been a little surprised at how tall "primitive" people could build with clay bricks without they bottom layers being crushed. Those old cultures knew a lot more than we give them credit for. It must have taken ages to make all those bricks, unless the Huancas stole them from their neighbours.

Stay safe all.

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. . . . . .

My urologist is male, I think, but Gordon's use of the * did put me in mind of the mythical Winkie-W*nkie bird. This has mysteriously evolved with its foreskin attached to its eyelid, thus every time it winks it w*nks, and every time it w*nks it winks. The Winkie-W*nkie bird must on no account be confused with the Oomigoolie bird, also the victim of unfortunate evolution. In this case the male has evolved sans legs, and thus on every landing makes the distinctive "Oomigoolies!" sound. As you would.

. . . . . .


In the words of Captain Mainwaring, I was wondering who'd spot that one.

I heard of those avian wonders and many other strange tales and songs in the company of Edinburgh University under- and postgraduates at Kings Buildings or in "The Digger's" or other hostelries in Edinburgh, largely from the vast repertoire of one Robin Thomas - a long, lean cross-country runner who could drink any rugby player under the table ...

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  • RMweb Premium

How nice to check in and see a post from Debs. 


Anyway, a nice sunny day here and we're still all happy after yesterday's "International Day of Happiness" 

And just to prove the old adage "Out of the mouths of babes..."


Experienced Teacher: "Has anyone got a joke to tell us this morning?"

7 y/o: "Yes, miss!"  

Experienced Teacher: "What is your joke?"

7 y/o: "Why did the flee climb up Prince Charles' trouser leg?"

Experienced Teacher: "I don't know. Why did the flee climb up Prince Charles' trouser leg?"

7 y/o: "To get to the Royal Ball!"   :angel:


Perplexed looks from 99% of the children in the audience whilst teachers were trying to eat their own fists. 

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My urologist is male, I think, but Gordon's use of the * did put me in mind of the mythical Winkie-W*nkie bird. This has mysteriously evolved with its foreskin attached to its eyelid, thus every time it winks it w*nks, and every time it w*nks it winks. The Winkie-W*nkie bird must on no account be confused with the Oomigoolie bird, also the victim of unfortunate evolution. In this case the male has evolved sans legs, and thus on every landing makes the distinctive "Oomigoolies!" sound. As you would.




Ah the old 'Wild West Show'. Brings back memories of coach trips to away matches back in my school days.

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  • RMweb Gold

In the words of Captain Mainwaring, I was wondering who'd spot that one.

I heard of those avian wonders and many other strange tales and songs in the company of Edinburgh University under- and postgraduates at Kings Buildings or in "The Digger's" or other hostelries in Edinburgh, largely from the vast repertoire of one Robin Thomas - a long, lean cross-country runner who could drink any rugby player under the table ...

Thanks Gordon. No-one ever suggested my puerile sense of humour was anything else!

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ER tomorrow for a flight to Cusco. Elevation 11,000 feet. I haven't yet told mrs NB that it's a particularly long runway as aircraft struggle to take off at that altitude. She's not overly fond of taking off. Maybe I'll tell her in a few days after we're returning to Lima.





Don't forget to tuck into the coca leaves to offset the altitude sickness when you get there!

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Dull and overcast this morning, and that's just me! Just finishing my mug of tea and summoning up the energy to take the dogs out. They will probably be breaking out of the garage if I don't let them out soon. 


I think today may see a bit of modelling followed by the rugby. Housework can wait until tomorrow, then it will still look good when Steph gets back from Dublin!


Collected the boat and trailer. Apparently the bearings were OK and have been repacked in grease. It's now back in the garage waiting to go off to Derry.


Hope all of us suffering from our various ailments will soon be shot of them.

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