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Best flight I ever had was Lydd to Le Touquet on a Bristol Freighter. Well, it was very short anyway. It would have been perfect if my brother hadn't puked!

My first take off in control from Southend Airport was with one of those waiting patiently behind me. Only slightly intimidating. I was in a Piper Commanche...



Oh, dear, Ian, that is most unpleasant. I just suffer from the long wait. The last time I was at EMI for a meeting the chap chairing it was rushed off to Hospital mid-meeting in agony because he hadn’t had a pee since the previous night.



Where’s Mick going in South America? I’ve been around there a bit. Best beach in Rio is LeBlon!


Best, Pete. 

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all. A slightly chilly 4 degrees but at least it's dry.


Mick - Certainly sounds like an interesting journey. I hope the rest of your time is as good.


Tex - I suspect that there are a lot of us who have been caught out in a similar fashion. I certainly have.


POETS day today, lets hope it happens. Have a good day everyone

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Morning All,


It is a sunny and clear morning here today, which is good because it means there will be a good chance to see the Eclipse later on.


Ian - very sorry to hear your news.  I hope that the urologist can sort things out quickly, and that the wedding will only be delayed a little.


Anyway, time for a cup of tea!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Look forward to seeing more of Micks travels.



We normally go abroad over Easter but not this year.


Our USA 2015 part deux trip isnt till later on in the year. Cant beleive how expensive hotels are in Boston, so now just doing two nights there.


Today is just another (hopefully uneventful) trip to London Bridge!!

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Shopping, trip to Skipton, meet friends, drink beer, eat food, stay overnight then up and off to Nottingham show for Saturday and Sunday.

Could just be a great weekend.

Mick has travelled a long way to avoid sending me filled in forms....


Have a great Friday!



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Morning all. It really feels like Spring has arrived when I go to work in daylight and twelve hours later go home in daylight. When the clocks go forward it will be dark in the morning again. Google is telling me that there will be an eclipse of the sun today, the first day of Spring. I thought tomorrow was the first day of Spring . Never mind, stay safe all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

What Baz said - it's not off, just the bride AND groom will be fashionably late. More time for all of us to nip out and get hats! 

Ian, hope you get the plumbing sorted. 


Nothing much planned for the weekend, apart from to investigate the damp patch on the ceiling upstairs. 



Have a nice day everyone. Andy

Edited by AndyB
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Mornin' all,


Single figure cool, calm and dry with some sunshine for the constitutional. A 6.30am start can now be made without the need for lights on the bike.....a full hour earlier than at the start of 2015. Current markers of the years progress amongst the flora along the route include more colouration/purple-ish bloom amongst areas of previously bare branches and the swelling buds of the willow by the waters edge. In the garden the golden elder is always an early starter and is just about to leaf whilst many other shrubs have swelling/opening buds. No doubt there will be the odd casualty despite it being a mild winter by our standards.


Now music by Al Stewart....on the border.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, two delivery's due today, one am one pm sadly. So one of us has to be in, on the bright side its got me out of the shopping.


Ian I hope it gets sorted quickly for you.



Enjoy your day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I was too annoyed and irate to even switch on the computer yesterday as I got the the hospital duly starving and was admitted and saw the surgeon then, sat and sat and sat.  After what seemed like a day and a half of sitting, I was sent home, as an emergency had come in and taken my slot in theatre. 


I'll try to catch up later after I've taken Lily to the vets as she's got a problem with her lug-oles.


I've been given yet another date.......


Regards to All


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Morning all. I didn't post earlier yet, did I?  :O


Just thinking about where I might go today for some spotting. Should be interesting when the eclipse commences!


Enjoy your day, everyone...

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Morning all from the boring boring and very overcast borough. About as much chance of seeing the eclipse here as winning the lotto I'm afraid. May just stare at a light bulb with a bit of cardboard over it to get the effect.


Offline yesterday as my f*****g pile of s*** bas**** of a knee finally decided enough was enough. Spent the best part of 3 hours in A&E / Urgent care at the Queen Elizabeth II in Woolwich. In, seen, x-ray within an hour. Then nearly 2 hours for the results and home. Nothing on the x-ray, so stupidly I now have to go to the GP in order to get an MRI as the Urgent Care dept can't order one since that gets classed as a chronic condition and not an injury. Talk about lack of joined up thinking. In the mean time I get to rattle from all the pills taken to reduce inflammation, pain, etc. As explained previously getting to see my GP is a royal pain in the nether regions.


Ian & Sherry: I do hope you plan on paying out the 'delay repay'. Amphibious landing craft ain't cheap you know. :jester:


Have a good one all, and enjoy your weekend.

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Good morning.


Sorry to hear of your woes Ian. Hopefully it'll be sorted pronto.


Off to work early to hopefully see the eclipse but not holding out much hope as it's cloudy here at the moment.


Be careful out there.

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Morning all, looking out at the leaden pall over Borough market junction, no chance of skipping off a bit of work to see the eclipse here. Still, it's being streamed live on the BBC.


Sorry to here Ian's news, let's hope there's a lasting solution just around the corner.


I suppose Andrew C can take mild comfort that it wasn't Queen Mary's in Sidcup.....


right, onwards and upwards

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Rather cloudy here.

Today's programme of activities includes financial discussion with my bank manager at 9.30 and a visit to the dentist at 2.30, to do a filling repair he noticed at the checkup earlier in the week.

I don't need to do any shopping for the weekend, I did that yesterday.

Matthew rang yesterday and it was my (usually it "is Mum there?")-advice he needed as he had a document to complete for a university in the Netherlands. For some reason it let him enter his name and course title but the other boxes asking about his finances were locked. I suspect they expected it to be printed, completed,and scanned but I used the Adobe Acrobat on Aditi's PC to complete it for him. This was after we had a discussion about just how did he intend to finance a two year programme of study in Holland. One of the other places he is applying to is Stockholm. They are having a postgraduate recruitment event in London tomorrow so he is going to that.


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Commiserations to Ian and Sherry - re flights - the most uncomfortable was an RAF Hastings - allegedly designed for a nose wheel and fitted with a tail wheel - seats face the ar$e-end and on the ground you are literally hanging against the seat straps - horrid, horrid aircraft!

Edited by shortliner
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Morning all.

Up late today in time for the eclipse - what eclipse?
Sky is leaden and the heaters we bought yesterday are paying their way.

Great sympathy for Andrew - that sounds pretty horrible. What is the treatment likely to be?


It's getting dark here, now. I think I'll go back to bed...

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Morning all from the boring boring and very overcast borough. About as much chance of seeing the eclipse here as winning the lotto I'm afraid. May just stare at a light bulb with a bit of cardboard over it to get the effect.


Offline yesterday as my f*****g pile of s*** bas**** of a knee finally decided enough was enough. Spent the best part of 3 hours in A&E / Urgent care at the Queen Elizabeth II in Woolwich. In, seen, x-ray within an hour. Then nearly 2 hours for the results and home. Nothing on the x-ray, so stupidly I now have to go to the GP in order to get an MRI as the Urgent Care dept can't order one since that gets classed as a chronic condition and not an injury. Talk about lack of joined up thinking. In the mean time I get to rattle from all the pills taken to reduce inflammation, pain, etc. As explained previously getting to see my GP is a royal pain in the nether regions.


Ian & Sherry: I do hope you plan on paying out the 'delay repay'. Amphibious landing craft ain't cheap you know. :jester:


Have a good one all, and enjoy your weekend.

Sorry to the medical plights of all, but I'm amazed that the UK has adopted the Australian medical system, woeful. My son has lived in both the UK and Germany, he said if he ever falls ill he will fly back to Germany. Tex.
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Sunlight is getting darker and leaden here, too. I remember the 1999 one quite well as it was quite eerie when all the birds fell silent.


It's funny that the Wikipedia article on eclipses provides predictions for future events till 21 March, 2881. Question is, will there still be humans to witness that eclipse?

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Went outside but its just overcast and grey as if it is 6pm!!


In 1999 I was working on a 7 story offcie block near Piccadilly Circus. Had my first digital camera but the zoom wasnt much so its just a dot in the distance. The strangest thing was the shear number of people standing on the roofs of surrounding buildings

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all, looking out at the leaden pall over Borough market junction, no chance of skipping off a bit of work to see the eclipse here. Still, it's being streamed live on the BBC.


Sorry to here Ian's news, let's hope there's a lasting solution just around the corner.


I suppose Andrew C can take mild comfort that it wasn't Queen Mary's in Sidcup.....


right, onwards and upwards

I've never had an issue there. I much prefer it to the QE.


Tex, depends on what the MRI finds. Most likely though if its a tear it will mean keyhole surgery to repair. SWMBO had a similar op last year.


Here's a pic of the eclipse as seen from the boring boring borough.



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