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  • RMweb Gold

A guy from up my street used to let his dog do this on the grass at the side of my place.

Until he found it re-delivered to his doorstep.

Strangely it only took the once and it never happened again... :rolleyes:




You would have probably got on well with my Dad!




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There are many responsible dog owners and there's the odd few who seem to think that just because they own a dog, they are above the law.


Even the French now provide rolls of plastic bags near waste bins so that the owners can clear the mess. That said, however, also in France, you'll see designated areas where dogs must be on a lead but most times it is not necessary because they seem to be trained to a much higher standard of obedience!

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  • RMweb Gold



There are many responsible dog owners and there's the odd few who seem to think that just because they own a dog, they are above the law.


Even the French now provide rolls of plastic bags near waste bins so that the owners can clear the mess. That said, however, also in France, you'll see designated areas where dogs must be on a lead but most times it is not necessary because they seem to be trained to a much higher standard of obedience!


Here in Benfleet there is no excuse, there are plenty of dog waste bins and the council give free bags out at libraries, council offices etc. I noticed in Austria and many of the holiday places we visited in the US that waste bags were available. Though at our local park until the council fitted secure (hopper fed) waste bins some night-time visitors to the park seemed to think it was fun to chuck the (used )dog waste into neighbouring gardens, especially the trees.


Another "pet" hate of mine is owners who try to use their dogs as threats to make themselves look "hard". I think all the "Staffies" in the park are dogs rescued from unsuitable environments. I suspect Florence and Skye had much more vicious sounding names in their previous homes.






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  • RMweb Premium

I just read an article about two level crossing accidents involving cyclists who were wearing earphones and listening to music while they were riding. Both of them were run over by trains when they were trying to cross, even though the gates were down and the lights were lit. What a particularly bad way to throw one's life away... :(

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Didn't sleep all that well - my head felt like it was going to explode from that cold I got :mellow: . Been up for about an hour from 2:30 onwards, but did get back to sleep, fortunately. Think I'm going to brew some tea now.


Have a nice day all!

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Morning All,


Another nice morning here. Unfortunately, it is due to be a lot warmer later on - it is a shame that it can't stay more like this all day!


Time for some coffee I think - I'm feeling rather tired this morning.


I just read an article about two level crossing accidents involving cyclists who were wearing earphones and listening to music while they were riding. Both of them were run over by trains when they were trying to cross, even though the gates were down and the lights were lit. What a particularly bad way to throw one's life away... :(


I don't know the details, but a friend of a friend was killed at the weekend in a very similar way. It may even have been one of the accidents you mentioned, Dominik - but I don't think she was riding a bike in this case, and from what I heard I got the impression that it was an ungated crossing - although with lights. The friend who was recounting the story was, understandably, rather upset.


Personally, I never wear headphones when I am riding. Not to get into a debate about headphones - but they make you far too unaware of your surroundings. In many ways, they are as dangerous as using a mobile phone when driving. I have had a couple of incidents on my bike where riders wearing headphones have been unaware of my presence. Mind you, still no excuse for crossing while the barriers are down.


Have a good day everyone...

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Fair weather continues! :D

I am not aware of ever being unable to sleep. I really fall asleep as my head hits the pillow. I do wake during the night, roll over and fall asleep again. Occasionally I dream that I'm awake, but the ringing alarm assures me that I was asleep.

Glad that your MiL is sorted, Gordon.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm sorry to hear that, Robert :( . The accidents I was referring to occurred on Friday and Monday respectively. The first was in Bad Vilbel, the other at Lorsch in southern Hesse.


In many ways, they are as dangerous as using a mobile phone when driving.


I only once tried driving while using my mobile many years ago (before it was banned without a hands-free set), but found it distracted me so much that I never did it again.

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Guest Max Stafford

I think I am suffering from 'gadget rage'. My employer is utterly obsessed with technology and has now thrust several IT systems and devices at me with patchy reliability and non-existent out of hours support. So much so that I'm beginning to turn away from technology out of work. At home, I've had the utterly unreliable Vista replaced by 7 on the laptop. An unfortunate knock on though was losing the permissions on half my iTunes library and despite following all the remedial advice, I'm still stuck at square one. Lately my ipod has been acting up too and not responding despite all attempts. After launching it into the floor tiles three times in quick succession last night, the funny clicking noise and red cross in the display strongly suggest that replacement is required...



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I think I am suffering from 'gadget rage'.[....] After launching it into the floor tiles three times in quick succession last night, the funny clicking noise and red cross in the display strongly suggest that replacement is required...




You and me both Dave. I think I accidentally killed my iPod Nano last night. It did a full wash cycle at 30 degrees. Seems a bit Norwegian Blue...

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  • RMweb Premium

Send a memo to the boss 'X is not working so I can't submit the reports Z + Y you wanted yesterday' you need someone smarter than me to fix your dependency on Apple technology but my guess is originally your IPod battery was failing, there are 'how to' bits on the net but you may need to be into reserection technology now.

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  • RMweb Gold

Carrier pidgeons or a fast man with a cleft stick and possibly an abacus is the answer




I think a special edition cleft stick is required to open the iPod case.


Morning All.


It is a very pleasant morning here. I've been out putting the bin bag out, had a chat with a neighbour, watched Robbie while he did his patrol of the garden (checking for squirrel incursion). Today's Telegraph has squirrel recipes, John may be interested, I don't know if they are in the on line edition.


I'm about to be chauffeur this morning, my wife is going up to central London to discuss her thesis this afternoon so is going to travel by train to work this morning and therefore would appreciate a lift to the station.





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Nice bright one hereabouts. I feel there must be an unwritten rule about all this technology malarky. The more that new technology allows us to make things simpler the more difficult life gets when some gizmo fails. Usually because some nerd has incorporated every new bit of whizzy stuff possible into the device even if there is no earthly way it will be used productively. The current economics also means that almost everything is actually incomplete when it is sold as schedules have been shortened, costs cut or plans created that were overly optimistic. Of course most people don't see what's missing (as it's buried in computer software) until it goes wrong and the thing they need to fix it isn't there.


On that positive note I'll wish you all a good one. :D




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Morning all,


Bright and sunny here already.


Never forget, Dave, that 'IT' stands for Infernal Technology! I've just upgraded my computer's operating system and lost my diary completely (even the pre-update backup failed!)


Re mobile phones and hands-free whilst driving; I do most of my driving alone so am not used to talking even to passengers in the car. If I do have passenegrs, I find my driving deteriorates as I'm concentrating on talking to them whilst driving on semi automatic 'autopilot'! The phone has the same effect!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all a bright sunny start but the youngest is going to Alton Towers on a school trip so she has a cagoule packed just in case




Sounds like a sensible child. I still remember the horror of the end of year school trip I accompanied as the "experienced " member of staff (ie I'd just passed my probationary year!) to Chessington Zoo.






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It is a very pleasant morning here. I've been out putting the bin bag out, had a chat with a neighbour, watched Robbie while he did his patrol of the garden (checking for squirrel incursion). Today's Telegraph has squirrel recipes, John may be interested, I don't know if they are in the on line edition.


Thanks, Tony, I'll check it out later! Not albino or reds, I hope! :D

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Guest Max Stafford

On the up-side, I had a nice early-morning walk with Abi after work. No gadgetary interference now, so I can enjoy the birdsong and the patter of rain on leaves. I still have a CD player, so I think I'll just burn some stuff onto discs and replace the iPod some other time. I had battery trouble before Mick, but this was unlike any other trouble I'd previously experienced. A trifle rash perhaps, but I think the hapless gadget just picked the wrong time to play up and caught the pent-up frustration of a man driven to the edge by the accumulated malfunctions of half-baked technology...! :wacko: :crazy_mini: :laugh_mini:

Now, where's that abacus - anybody want to join my new neo-luddite movement?




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Sounds tasty, Tony. Not sure I like the idea of being fined for protecting the indigenous species, but I wonder what stew of Andrew Tyler, director of Animal Aid would taset like?

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  • RMweb Premium

If I do have passenegrs, I find my driving deteriorates as I'm concentrating on talking to them whilst driving on semi automatic 'autopilot'!


Same for me, especially in dense traffic.

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