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Morning all. Lovely to see you appear this morning, Debs….


I must say I share the concern re Trev.  It's so strange for someone just to disappear without trace.  Fingers crossed he will suddenly appear again and relieve our fears.


Felt for Arsenal last night and was willing them to win, but not to be.  Just Man City left tonight, but they also have an uphill task against Barcelona.


At last some movement on my filter stuff with just a few hours to go.  eBay should come with a health warning.  My dear old ticker is going like a good 'un...





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Train only a few minutes late home last night but the pavements still closed off at Redhill which makes it touch and go catching the bus if the train is late.

Managed to fit a decoder to a Dapol M7 that I purchased at Macclesfield and this morning refitted the body.

My Beattie Well tank which had a few problems has now had a its decoder refitted and a broken handrail fixed.

Just need the door problem on our train this morning to be fixed as its delaying our train heading to LBG. Fingers crossed that they don't terminate it at East Croydon.


UPDATE - we made it to LBG. Approx 15 late less the 5 minutes added to the arrival time recently!!!

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Morning all, cloudy day on the east coast of Tasmania, heading for a high of 22c. Thankyou all for the kind ratings and reply's I've received from you all on RMW and ER. I don't get out the house much due to illness so it's a great site to wile a way a few hours of the day. Keep the banter coming it's a bl#$dy good book, far cry to that Facebook. Cheers,Tex

Oh bu**er. I thought this was Farcebook.


Morning all from the boring boring borough. Tired and annoyed this morning as the magic tarmac fairies were paving our road until 2am. Grrrrrrr Not impressed.


Deb: on that note have a quacking day!


Moose, elk, elk, moose. Don't care, just cook them properly. Actually not that fond of elk, but properly done moose sausage or moose pepperoni is lovely. I'll still take a good bison ribeye steak over either though. Cousins had their car totalled by an elk just outside of Banff many moons ago. I had the wing mirror of my Previa torn off by a moose while we were driving back from Seattle along Alberta 22 just north of the Crowsnest pass. At the time the road had just become a paved road as previously it was a forestry trunk road. Slammed on the brakes and found that we were in the middle of a heard of about 20. Lucky we didn't hit one full on.


That's about it from here. I get to commute into the office for the next couple of days. Be prepared for some colourful language around the fustercluck that is Southeastern.


Have a great day all.

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At last some movement on my filter stuff with just a few hours to go.  eBay should come with a health warning.  My dear old ticker is going like a good 'un...


I wouldn't worry about it too much Gordon.  You have quite a few people watching - and so there may well be a last minute flurry of bids.


Fingers crossed!

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Morning, quick check in, off for a trip to Hawes today (hopefully a pub included) building brownie points as they say.


Nice sunshine and blue sky here.


Enjoy your day folks



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G'night all.


Definitely rising earlier than normal tomorrow but won't be reporting in here as we're taking train to Poole having duly done battle with the peculiarities of the National Rail enquiries website and it's apparent determination not to allow you to settle down comfortably in a  train for the longest possible leg of your journey but instead to split the trip up in a seemingly illogical manner which tells me to change trains at Winchester instead of taking the first one right through to Bournemouth.


Don't talk to me about train websites. I spent half the afternoon booking my tickets for my visit next month. I won't trouble you with everything that's wrong with the system but I thought I was being clever having the tickets sent to the friend I will be staying with first in the UK (no option for overseas posting) and then did all my card details. There was a little box to tick for overseas addresses so I filled in my details, etc. and selected pay now. Up came a message to the effect that cards with addresses outside the UK are not acceptable. So why the little box? I'm now picking my tickets up in Cheltenham, bah.

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Morning all, grey mist is lifting to reveal blue beyond over Borough Market Junction.


What great pictures, Dave (Tor Giffard).


AndrewC, good luck on the Southeastern trains. They ran well this morning - or at least from Sidcup they did.


I thought the Caribou was the American equivalent of the Reindeer - very similar species separated when Beringia flooded after the end of the last Ice Age. But I could be wrong - it happens!


Elder Lurker's school announced that one of his teachers died overnight. He'd been off for a week and then back in on the Monday. But not yesterday. Elder Lurker liked him, one of his favourite teachers. Very sad news.

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Mornin' all,


This weeks moment morning in The Moorlands where random, varying conditions lasting maybe just a moment coincide to make the constitutional a delight.....
















Ironically this oystercatcher won't pose for the camera but is happy to zoom through the frame in a tight circle





Now music by Suzi Quattro.....If you can't give me love


Feathered ones remembered


In school today working with the children to create the new school sign


Enjoy what you do



Exquisite photos Dave

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It is quite sunny now. It didn't seem too cold either as I trekked across the lawn to the edge of the pavement to deposit my recycling.

Not a lot happening today except for a routine visit to the dentist at 2.30.

It is very likely that a parcel (for me) will arrive today.


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Morning all from a bright suny village just north of the M62. Warming up now.   Off to the Dentist (Ugh) but hopefully the nagging toothache will get sorted.   Done some soldering already and hopefully will get some more done later.  Thank goodness i won't have to look out for herds of Elk etc as I drive int Morley through Dean Woods,possibly a rabbit or two.



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Morning all from a bright, crisp and sunny France profonde...


Mon dieu it's chilly, though. Stone house, unoccupied for six months, inadequate heating, even with the wood burner going full blast. I'm shivering as I type! We never had the cash to have central heating put in when the house was renovated, and in French style the ground floor is entirely tiled with solid walls and actualy little insulation. So we use the big Godin wood burner, calor gas heaters and electric radiators. Because we're here a relatively short time in the cold months the cost isn't the issue - warmth is!


But we do have the cluster flies back. They are a complete bloody nuisance. Not a health hazard like blowflies but they just die all over the place and we have to hoover them up. No wasps, though, or mice.


Jock - the car was flawless, garage did a proper job.


Plans for the day have changed; visit neighbours, go and buy food and heater. Watch TV and drink Calva with Jock! There may be oysters as well.


Have  a grand day.

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Thank goodness i won't have to look out for herds of Elk etc as I drive int Morley through Dean Woods,possibly a rabbit or two.



Aye but they are BIG rabbits......

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Morning, quick check in, off for a trip to Hawes today (hopefully a pub included) building brownie points as they say.


Nice sunshine and blue sky here.


Enjoy your day folks




Just don't ask for hot food after 10pm.



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Morning all


Yesterday was sublime weather for March, about 18 in the shade mid-afternoon. So I dug out the lawn-tractor, and after re-inflating a rear tyre, made a first cut of the lawns. The grass had not been trimmed late in the Autumn, as I was away in England from mid-October, so had grown quite long in places. The first cut of the year always looks dreadful, but at least it's a start.


Then I spent some time with a propane weed-wand, burning moss here and there and a few other weeds, too.


Today has dawned cloudy, despite the forecast of solid sun, and even warmer later. Off to Peter & Ivy's for coffee shortly.


I won't bore you with tales of my sox appeal.


As for teaching standards - I fail to understand how anyone with poor English grammar can be accepted in that profession, since accurate communication must be the basic tool of all teaching. Thus when Sherry told me a colleague had announced to class "Me and Mrs Burcher are ..." she should have been sacked on the spot.


Hope your week progressing in some sort of recognisable order!

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Morning all,

Although the sky cleared at around 00.30 this morning, there was no sign of the 'Northern Lights'. The light pollution to the North of us would probably have made it difficult to see them in any case. I was lucky enough to view some spectacular displays in the early seventies when work frequently took me to the North of Scotland, Orkney and Shetland. I can't believe how lucky I was in those days, being paid to travel some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, with time for a bit of 'twitching' or visiting old castles en route. Around every eight weeks or so, I'd stay overnight in 'The Braes Hotel' at Brora in Sutherland and make my first call the next day at 'Shebster' near Thurso, some ninety miles to the North, having rarely seen another car on the journey! This was followed by a trip to Orkney and Shetland to visit my dealers there, which I did around four times a year. When I look back now, I wonder if I was as moved then as I am now by the memories - especially being dive bombed by 'Bonxies'(Great Skuas!).


Lovely to see a post from Debs - for anyone who didn't know, click on the 'Speciality Gauge Products' highlighted under Debs' post and you will go to her 'Photobucket' site where, not only are her excellent 7mm/O gauge products displayed, but lots of lovely Collie images that are well worth a look!


On the subject of photographs, that is indeed a fine set posted by Dave(TG) this morning - full of atmosphere! Dave, praise from John(Killybegs) is praise worth having, particularly if you don't know that he is a professional photographer whose accomplished work can be viewed on his web site! (There is a link under his posts). I managed to make a fool of myself when John posted a beautiful shot of his local town months ago and I decided to reply, suggesting that he should offer the image to the local council for their guide book, not having read the link below his post which would have shown me that he was in fact a professional. I now tend to take more care to check any links below a post!!


Tex, can't believe Suzi-Q is still filling arenas - not my kind of music but I like her. She has appeared on our local TV channels a few times as I think she lives at Saffron Walden in Essex. Sixty-Nine, but doesn't look it - she must have followed the Cliff Richard diet!


Good luck getting over the hump folks, I'm off to prepare for the imminent arrival of great grandson Freddie, who is coming to lunch before being dropped at Nursery School,

Kind regards,


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Morning all, sun beginning to burn through the overnight mist.


I have just seen the funniest thing. My eye was caught by a bird clearly experiencing flight control problems; with the bins on it, it proved to be a magpie with a very long twig in its beak, held very assymetrically. It clearly couldn't make the heading it intended, and was struggling to maintain altitude too. And then the twig broke, leaving the magpie with a short stub only. And it followed the twig down to the ground attempting in flight retrieval. That failed, so it landed beside the twig. I should think it spent ten minutes trying every which way of picking up this twig and achieving flight, before finally giving up.


Clearly a very special and precious twig. I guess that it got airborne with it the first time by finding the twig fairly high up in a tree so it could achieve flight speed despite the load.

I could wear what to me are identical socks and Aditi would tell me that they weren't a pair if one looked older than the other. My usual response which really irritates her is to say that I must have another pair just like it in my sock drawer.

Offer her the sock-numbering option? 

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At last some movement on my filter stuff with just a few hours to go.  eBay should come with a health warning.  My dear old ticker is going like a good 'un...


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-03-18 at 07.02.08.png



I wouldn't worry about it too much Gordon.  You have quite a few people watching - and so there may well be a last minute flurry of bids.


Fingers crossed!


Yep... All the ERs... :sungum:  Good luck Gordon!


Morning all!  Another busy day here, off out to see A Streetcar Named Desire at the Festival Theatre tonight.  Didn't make the ceilidh last night after all, my dance partner was ill.  At least I can have a little lie-in tomorrow, don't need to be in the office until 10 and it's the one 10 mins walk from my flat rather than HQ.


Off to Parliament again this afternoon, second day running, to see our Minister...


Have a good day, all!

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Me and my wife agree 100% with that. :mosking:


Morning all. Just back from Norwich and heading for Lowestoft on Saturday. I genuinely think that will be the first time I've been out of Norfolk in over a year, even though I'll only be a mile or two into Suffolk. Must get out more... somewhere sunnier with cheap fizzy lager would be nice, I'm easy to please. Might have to give that nice man from Ryanair some money soon.

Enjoy your day.


BA do some very good flight plus hotel deals via their website so it might be worth you having a look - though you would have to go to Heathrow or Gatwick, and you may or may not think Willy Walsh is a nicer man than Michael O'Leary.

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- though you would have to go to Heathrow or Gatwick, and you may or may not think Willy Walsh is a nicer man than Michael O'Leary.

You seem to have similar thoughts about airlines to Matthew! It will be interesting to see what he thinks about Air Serbia who he will be using to and from Belgrade soon.

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Thanks. We're limited in airline choice as there is only one place we will be going this year (we have an ulterior motive). Unless we get a First Choice or Thomas Cook last-minute set of return flights with suitable dates, it will likely need to be Ryanair. The "nice man" comment was most definitely tongue in cheek. Faced with a Ryanair flight (and it's quite a long one at the limit of a 737's range), I'm usually in a bad mood from beginning to end. "No, I don't want a bloody scratch-card"...

Its been posted before but appropriate for Pete's pending ministrations with the nice man from Ryanair.



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Well the deed is done and am pleased to say I got £41 for the vortex and £112 for the filter system.  An absolute bargain for a nice guy in Kent who has bought both items.  Initial thoughts were not as much as I thought they may go for, but saves me having to deal with some pretty large items if they didn't sell...


Just about enough to buy a new loco….or a tank and a half of petrol…..:-)


Off to look at Killybegs photos..

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Morning all from a bright suny village just north of the M62. Warming up now.   Off to the Dentist (Ugh) but hopefully the nagging toothache will get sorted.   Done some soldering already and hopefully will get some more done later.  Thank goodness i won't have to look out for herds of Elk etc as I drive into Morley through Dean Woods, possibly a rabbit or two.



Got safely through Dean woods without any herds of marauding super rabbits (They breed in the old tunnel underneath drinking the orange water. No tooth extraction fortunately and antibiotics prescribed for the present.   So now some more soldering beckons after lunch.



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