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The practical solution to socks. Buy sufficient identical pairs to cover your normal wash cycle plus drying time, and a disruption allowance to suit your lifestyle. It's twelve for me. Sew numbers* into each pair, 1,1; 2,2; etc.. Wear socks sequentially in matched pairs. When the first wear out appears it's the warning to start looking for a new set. (You can spot me by keen observation: I am the man wearing what appear to be the same socks every day.)


*Delegated to the household expert with a needle.

Phew! Talk about sweating the small stuff ;)

Edited by Purley Oaks
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Not fishy at all but still my catch for today...



Another Line 11E turn to Klemmstraße, headed by 2135, was the last photo of my round today.


Thanks for looking!  :smoke:

Your photos are bringing back nostalgic memories of a time when you could go anywhere in the Glasgow area by tram.

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  • RMweb Premium

I understand it is a tradition for the Radetzky March to be played at the end of the New Year's concert in Vienna and for the audience to clap their hands and be conducted while they do.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Sooo many pages since I was able to check in last - the weekend?

Today it was "algebra" and I took the intermediary group. Would have worked out better if:

a. I'd not been awake since 03:00, 

b. the photocopier toner had been filled - algebra is much harder if you can't see tell whether the question has "+" or ". / ." (divide), and;

c. all the children are working at different paces and call out simultaneously "How do you do this one, Mr B?", meaning you need to have six answers up your sleeve. 

Top tip; if you take the "top" group then you can say "Who's got a strategy to solve this one, then?", sit back and nod sagely and say "I'm liking that!"


Busy day tomorrow, so I'll sign off now. Regards to all and hop you are all well. Andy 

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Another soaker rolling in from the Pacific today. Undeterred, I took the dogs for their daily 1.5 miles, but it turned out to be a bit more than that as is was necessary to avoid a moose that was happily chomping on a bush at the side of the road :O


Of course, Torri (the Cairn) went nuts as soon as he saw it. I think it was a lady moose (moosette?) but you don't want to mess with any sort of moose, so we executed a swift U-turn.


Somebody ran into a moose on the highway near here last week. Their car was destroyed and they were lucky to survive the crash.

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My thanks to all for your support. It means a lot and has "bucked me up"


A new job will be a bit difficult to find, given my age and degree of specialisation. Doubly so, as I must be able to work at least 2 (if not 3) days at home cos of the dogs.


I am flattered to be informed that I should consider doing something with my modelling to earn money with it. Alas I am not that good and whilst a picture may be worth a thousand words, with Photoshop you're in Reader's Digest territory!


Finally, socks: 1] note to the US, the word is socks not sox, 2] it is an established fact that socks are the larval form of wire coat hangers, 3] in the wild, socks are a favoured food of many predators, hanging socks up to dry outside is akin to tethering a goat to lure a tiger, and 4] the only way to solve the domestic sock problem is to only buy plain black socks. Them, like a flock of crows, one more or less will not be noticed.


G'night All



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Somebody ran into a moose on the highway near here last week. Their car was destroyed and they were lucky to survive the crash.

Ah, yes, the moose! Something the approximate size and weight of a small car, supported on the flimsiest of legs at a height just sufficient to clear the hood of an average passenger car. Plus they are not the brightest of animals (in both meanings of the word) and will usually take the easiest paths available - like ploughed roads in heavy snow. If you set out to deliberately design a potentially deadly road safety hazard, you would have trouble bettering it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another soaker rolling in from the Pacific today. Undeterred, I took the dogs for their daily 1.5 miles, but it turned out to be a bit more than that as is was necessary to avoid a moose that was happily chomping on a bush at the side of the road :O


Of course, Torri (the Cairn) went nuts as soon as he saw it. I think it was a lady moose (moosette?) but you don't want to mess with any sort of moose, so we executed a swift U-turn.


Somebody ran into a moose on the highway near here last week. Their car was destroyed and they were lucky to survive the crash.

As well as inventing many other vehicle safety devices the Swedes also test cars for moose collisions. They have a synthetic moose.

Aditi is still determined to see a moose. Although we have seen many "Moose Crossing" signs on our travels we have never seen a moose. The sat nav keeps saying bear left or bear right but I haven't seen a bear either,

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  • RMweb Gold

...] the only way to solve the domestic sock problem is to only buy plain black socks. Them, like a flock of crows, one more or less will not be noticed.


G'night All



I could wear what to me are identical socks and Aditi would tell me that they weren't a pair if one looked older than the other. My usual response which really irritates her is to say that I must have another pair just like it in my sock drawer.

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I understand it is a tradition for the Radetzky March to be played at the end of the New Year's concert in Vienna and for the audience to clap their hands and be conducted while they do.

I watched very closely to see if one of the trombone players tried to balance his instrument on his chin. Wrong orchestra evidently. Oh well.  

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I dunno, you drive to the next-door country and when you get your wifi working there's four pages of new posts...


Thanks for all the bons voyages, journey was (as always) fine apart from to**er truck drivers overtaking each other with no speed differential and no mirrors.


Jambon grillée frites at a motorway place (cooked to order) for €8.90. Can't odds that. Saw the neighbour (Claude) and he offered me a  cat - actually he said I could take several - and I was tempted. But not practical. Also bought a 1/43 RT = see the GBL thread.


Jock - I shall join you in a Calva as soon as the house warms up a bit!


Off to St Hilaire du Harcouet for the market and some shopping tomorrow, lunch at the Anacapri (I'll put pictures up). Grass not too bad, but we need to go and het at least one more Calor gaz heater!


Bonne nuit, mes amis, et Bonnes Reves!

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Really sorry to read of your nutcase managers ID.  I guess many of us have been through similar situations, but hopefully you will come out of it a happy man in a much better job.  These things are very painful at the time, so you have my sympathies.


Even as a Spurs supporter I can applaud Arsenal's efforts tonight.  Come on guys, you can do it!


Mrs S is purring for a change.  New shower pump is installed and I've ordered a 10mf capacitor to play around with the old one.  If it kicks into life and is acceptable, it might find its way onto eBay to recover a quid or two.


Still no further bids on the old filter front, but certainly interest.  I'm just praying for some chaotic bidding tomorrow.







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  • RMweb Premium

That's very comforting to know, I find it hard to try and not tell everybody what happened today but I don't want to ruin their day.


If you could give me todays' horse racing results before the rest of our timezone gets them, I wouldn't complain...............





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Please don't mention sox - we have three full plastic bags of odd ones here (from 5 of us, 3 male, 2 female, off and on) and once every 6 months I go through the lot and pair a dozen or so, then say I'll throw the rest away but am told not to. Problem is from the black ones which you need to match from the elastic width, heel or knit-pattern.

Nothing wrong with odd socks, sometimes do, why is the convention that socks match anyway?

Hope you have a sock-happy day - and Happy St Patrick's Day (thanks for the reminder, Pete)


I bought 12 pairs of diabetic socks. I left them in the packaging to bring to France, then I lost them. Looked everywhere. Not a sign.


Got to France and they fell out of a bag. I am, as the young people say, socked up.

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  • RMweb Premium

Another soaker rolling in from the Pacific today. Undeterred, I took the dogs for their daily 1.5 miles, but it turned out to be a bit more than that as is was necessary to avoid a moose that was happily chomping on a bush at the side of the road :O


Of course, Torri (the Cairn) went nuts as soon as he saw it. I think it was a lady moose (moosette?) but you don't want to mess with any sort of moose, so we executed a swift U-turn.


Somebody ran into a moose on the highway near here last week. Their car was destroyed and they were lucky to survive the crash.


Glad they were OK, but I couldn't help posting this...........


Woody Allen "Moose" routine




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Socks, you want socks? Look what I have to wear for the next two or three weeks or so. Not the same pair I hasten to say. They are of course elasticated support socks to prevent blood clot's after my heart operation.


I understand from my 14 year grand daughter, by the way, that the wearing of pairs of socks is so "yesterday", odd socks are in and the last time she had new "baseball" boots bought for her, she insisted on getting two pairs of different colours so as she could mix them also! 


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  • RMweb Gold

I dunno, you drive to the next-door country and when you get your wifi working there's four pages .......

I get to Italy and my phone didn't work.


Not enabled to roam I am told.


Well it was until BT Business swapped to EE. Which happened at the beginning of this month.


We dropped EE because they were less useful than a pile of rancid rat excrement, and now we are stuck with them again.


I've emailed BT to see if they can get me connected, so it will be interesting to see how they respond.


Fortunately I have free WiFi and both my tablet and a laptop.


I've also been eating real Italian food and drinking the beer......It's great!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, return of number one son Sunday and training yesterday meant a marathon catch up session but I am up to speed I think. However training folk for a day is as tiring as teaching so I am going to bed early. G'Night all.

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