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Morning all,

Welcome to Tex, possibly the first from the 'Devil's' Island on ERs? On the evidence of your first few posts, I get the feeling you will fit in very well. Feel free to pour out anything you want (although politics and religion are frowned upon as causing too much trouble!) and particularly open your heart to the company with troubles - you will find these members to be the kindest and most supportive bunch, and I do speak from personal experience!

Flávio, I am absolutely disgusted by the way you've been treated by your company. Having reached the dizzy heights of Managing Director in two different companies (one small and family, the other large), I always adhered to the principle that, if bad news had to be delivered, it had to be done man to man, face to face. To inform you by the IT route is nothing short of ignorant and cowardly - not allowing for any response from you! Your strength of character shines out from your posts and you should look on this situation positively as it may just force you to make changes that hitherto wouldn't have been considered due to inertia. It is obvious that you aren't happy with the job anyway and so perhaps it is time to get images of your (I'm reliably informed!) excellent modelling skills splashed on RMweb, using the extra hours to sell your workmanship to those not quite so gifted. Whatever course you take, I wish you luck and, as you well know, you won't be short of support and advice on here!

Off to drop Joanna at the hairdressers so for now,

Kind regards,


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Morning all,


Commiserations Flavio - sounds like the sort of bloke I would definitely not be happy to work for but I can understand your situation with two hungry dogs to feed and modelling activities to support (even if in diminished quantities).  And have a  good trip Dick.  Welcome to Tassie Tex - the pic below shows the nearest I got to that land while out in Aus, 10 years ago now (and I promise not to say anything about the Tassie jokes on mainland Aus).


BTW Tony as you've already gathered you seemed to be heading for Ally Pally on the wrong weekend - must definitely be the wrong weekend because the good Doctor says so; so see you on the 28th all being well.


Hopefully today will be a bit less wearing on the brain after yesterday's struggles with the competition crossword although I did get plenty of exercise walking from 'puter to bookshelves in the study and the dining room as well as testing the braincells (severely in several cases) and googling fingers.  All I can see is it our leader is a very crafty chap when it comes to setting puzzles and, as usual, all is not what it appears to be at first (or second, or third) sight - and for all I know probably isn't at fourth site either.  But it makes a change from sudoku and the DT's codeword.


Have a  good day one & all



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Welcome to ERs Tex. I did experience a brief moment of geographic dyslexia and misread Tasmania as Tanzania. Luckily I do know the difference between them.


Commiserations on the work front I'D, but this might be an opportunity to develop your modelling skills and earn some cash from them at the same time.

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Morning All,


I awoke to a grey and dismal day. As is my wont, I quickly looked at my work e-mail on my iPad (supplied by work) in order - as usual - to see what awaits me when I finally gear up for work.


Unfortunately, I learnt that due to the company NOT getting a particular contract, the owner/boss decided that my hours (and those of my colleagues) will be cut to 50%! To add insult to injury, the owner/boss (who is a multimillionaire) announced IN BIG BLACK CAPITAL LETTERS that their own salary would be cut to zero - as though that would make any difference to their lives . And finally, to rub salt in the wounds, it was through appalling leadership and a failure to face facts (i.e. the owner is NOT a cross between Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs). I really regret and rue the day I joined this company.


Am I upset about this? No, I'm f*****g furious, as all this could have been avoided through half-way decent leadership and a realistic appraisal of the company......


Well, time to tighten the belt (and I suppose I could stand to loose some weight <joke>). Warley will again be missed and my regular UK trips cancelled and the modelling budget has been slashed by 95% (replacement materials only, from now on). Ditto the book, CD and DVD budget. Fortunately, I stockpiled enough model railway project "stuff" to keep me going for quite a long while and I still have a few books I have yet to read.


I suppose I could look for another job - but who would would hire a brainy, fat, balding, gimpy, scientist with two mad dogs that keep him attached to the house????


Thank you for putting up for my letting off steam, I return you to your usual programming...




p.s. the cut is supposed to be temporary - we'll see, we'll see.


What a sneaky way to inform you. Shows the quality of the person involved.

"a brainy, fat, balding, gimpy, scientist"

I didn't know you were going bald.

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Morning again.

Thanks to ERs (a very special thanks to Bob for first noticing!) I now know that I somehow, even though I have a ticket have erred. Aditi arranged to go out for lunch with a friend on Saturday as I wasn't going to be around. I suspect we will now in addition meet Matthew in London on Sunday for lunch and hand over his rucksack. Otherwise he may come home and get it. The right weekend for the exhibition is going to be busy as we will be going to Norfolk on the Sunday, so I assume I will be at the exhibition on Saturday. Matthew is going to Belgrade on 1st April but won't need a lift to Heathrow, one advantage for me of his living near the Piccadilly Line.


Edited by Tony_S
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Have a  good day one & all


attachicon.gifOff to Tassie.jpg


That ferry looks a lot like one I seem to remember having sailed on the Baltic Sea. Wait a second…


Looked it up – was owned by Superfast who have chartered the largely identical Superfast VII and VIII to Estonian company Tallink.

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Robbie eats Aditi's. She doesn't want them back when they reappear.

Matthew has the same size feet as I do. His colour vision problem means he has no chance if the socks have different colour stripes so when he was at school he had socks with days of the week (from M&S) on them. He doesn't seem to care now and rarely has matching socks. If I have unmatching socks it seems to generate some irritation in Aditi. I said I don't recall "I promise to make sure you have matching socks" as part of her marriage vows but she does seem to think it is important.

The socks in drawer problem mentioned by Andrew could apply to me as I just stuff the socks I'm the drawer. Aditi would always pair them before putting them in the drawer. Any odd ones would remain out until the missing one appears (assuming no canine intervention).

The sock pairing problem is an example of the pigeonhole problem.

Where Aditi works all teaching staff have to have at least GCSE grade C in Maths and English. If not then a numeracy and literacy test is required. Aditi had to do them as the recruitment staff didn't seem to recognise O levels! She got 100% for literacy and something in the nineties for numeracy. She had been worried about the tests too!


Edited by Tony_S
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Afternoon folks,

Back from the hairdresser taxi run, and I did remember to make the right comments when madam arrived back at the car - the girl she uses is truly superb and it always looks great!

Duncan, thank you for your kind comments, the lass certainly inspires me!

Dom, how strange that you should mention the ship in Mike's excellent photo, I also felt I'd seen it or one like it before and you have done the research for me! I think it must have been when we sailed the Baltic from Helsinki to Stockholm - it really is quite a distinctive vessel.

I'm rather spoiled when it comes to all clothing related matters as Joanna has her systems, and all I have to do is open my underwear drawer and remove the next pair of socks in line! This harks back to the time when I spent most of the day at work, and she had retired, so she felt it was reasonable to take the responsibility.

I've got to organise packaging of the first two items that Ive sold on e-Bay. I made a bit of a c*ck-up on one as I thought it would run for 29 days, but it sold after 5 at a price less than I wanted. This was balanced by the other item however which made more than expected! Live and learn I suppose!

Hope the week goes well for everyone from now on,

Kind regards,


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The practical solution to socks. Buy sufficient identical pairs to cover your normal wash cycle plus drying time, and a disruption allowance to suit your lifestyle. It's twelve for me. Sew numbers* into each pair, 1,1; 2,2; etc.. Wear socks sequentially in matched pairs. When the first wear out appears it's the warning to start looking for a new set. (You can spot me by keen observation: I am the man wearing what appear to be the same socks every day.)


*Delegated to the household expert with a needle.

I see the flaw to this - in my household at least. The household expert would probably suggest where I shoved the needle if I made this suggestion....

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Well I miss a few days and there seems to be a lot to catch up on....


Welcome to Tex.


Commiserations to Flavio, not a great thing to happen and a worse way for it to be communicated.


Hope that 34B..D gets through the funeral.

And Happy Paddy's Day.


It's grey over Borough Market Junction though the sun is trying to break through. It was spotting with rain when I popped out to get some lunch earlier. Mrs Lurker was doing a nature walk with the  nursery she volunteers at - so hopefully the rain held off for them.


My trip to the eye hospital told me what I already knew - no change in the vision- but also that the vision is never going to return fully, the swelling in the nerve has gone down but its killed some of the nerve fibres so that's that. it was caused by a blocked blood vessel. I'll now be referred to see if they can find out what's caused that blockage. I guess we're looking at blood pressure cholesterol etc, none of which in the past have been too bad, but certainly the BP seemed to be quite high yesterday. Still, no brain tumours or MS (two things that cropped up when I googled and why I stopped googling).

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Been to Lord & Butler this morning. Danemouth Esplanade now has a new tank engine 6417 on the autotrain - the previous motive power, a Hornby 14xx was part-ex'd. Will chip the loco and post some images on the layout thread tomorrow.


Lurker, I've a similar eye problem to you since last September. A little vision has returned but it's obviously never going to be the same again. Have to go for a field test in early April to check I am still fit to drive.





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Dom, good to see those Tatras still running.

The Leipzig variant is expected to remain in service till well past 2020 at present, in spite of LVB having ordered five prototypes of a Solaris Tramino derivative and opted for up to 36 production cars.

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I thought after seeing Dom's photos I should post something to show where I have been today. No trams though



The object in the photo commemorates the Battle of Benfleet in the 9th Century.



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Ian usua;lly has a solution to such matters that most of us don't.   He probably takes the inflatable sofa that travels with his layout and sleeps on that.



Its got a big hole in it so think its had its time. Need ot find a better quality one or even a tent!!

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Did you accidentally find that the bar was overstocked?


Years ago when I worked for an accountancy firm, they audited the local brewery. Rumours had it the year end stock take was a very boozy affair as the amount of "evaporation" allowed for in the tanks was always an overestimate that needed to be addressed. Wouldn't want to overstate profits now would they?


Alas I never did that stocktake. I got to weigh large aluminium coils, which wasn't nearly as interesting

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Morning All,


I awoke to a grey and dismal day. As is my wont, I quickly looked at my work e-mail on my iPad (supplied by work) in order - as usual - to see what awaits me when I finally gear up for work.


Unfortunately, I learnt that due to the company NOT getting a particular contract, the owner/boss decided that my hours (and those of my colleagues) will be cut to 50%! To add insult to injury, the owner/boss (who is a multimillionaire) announced IN BIG BLACK CAPITAL LETTERS that their own salary would be cut to zero - as though that would make any difference to their lives . And finally, to rub salt in the wounds, it was through appalling leadership and a failure to face facts (i.e. the owner is NOT a cross between Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs). I really regret and rue the day I joined this company.


Am I upset about this? No, I'm f*****g furious, as all this could have been avoided through half-way decent leadership and a realistic appraisal of the company......


Well, time to tighten the belt (and I suppose I could stand to loose some weight <joke>). Warley will again be missed and my regular UK trips cancelled and the modelling budget has been slashed by 95% (replacement materials only, from now on). Ditto the book, CD and DVD budget. Fortunately, I stockpiled enough model railway project "stuff" to keep me going for quite a long while and I still have a few books I have yet to read.


I suppose I could look for another job - but who would would hire a brainy, fat, balding, gimpy, scientist with two mad dogs that keep him attached to the house????


Thank you for putting up for my letting off steam, I return you to your usual programming...




p.s. the cut is supposed to be temporary - we'll see, we'll see.

That is a real bummer and no mistake. I do hope you are able to find other employ very soon.

Several years ago my employer informed me one Thursday evening that due to a down turn in securing orders, he would have to make me redundant. Having worked at this firm for three years, I was given three weeks notice.

The following date I bumped into an old work colleague I had not seen in years and years. On me telling my tale of woe, he replied, "Well this could be your lucky day as we are looking for some-one, I'll be in touch". The following Monday I saw him again and he asked if I could call in and have a chat. This I did on the following Thursday morning, unknown to my boss. I was offered a job and asked when I could start. I explained I was in week one of a three week notice. "That's OK, you can offer him one weeks notice", was the reply! That I did that very afternoon as I  collected my pay. My boss was indignant to say the least, protesting he had a lot of work for me to complete. "Strange?" I replied, "I thought there was nothing to warrant my further employ!" After a very long week, I left and took up my new employ.

Some six weeks later, I saw a job advertised in the works newsletter at the Telephones department which the Hull Corporation ran in those days. I would have shrugged my shoulders and walked away but my long lost work colleague was looking over my shoulder and commented, "That's the job you should have applied for, and there is a works order outstanding for their office, and you can go tomorrow, get it done and get an application form". I did the job, got the form and got the job! I retired from Kingston Communications as the Telephone department became, some 22 years later.  

Always be positive, and ever hopeful. 

Edited by Judge Dread
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