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Morning all from a misty cold and windy boring borough.


I'm beginning to think I have a trapped nerve or something in my knee. Was almost back to normal Friday. Then in the middle of the night I felt it pop and it was like my whole leg was on fire. Spend yesterday with it elevated and iced. It popped again this morning and feels back to normal. Still have several days to wait for the quack appt though.


Bit of sad but not unexpected news yesterday. My aunt passed away (95) surrounded by family. I think she hung on long enough to know that her cat Simon had found a new home.


Today shall be mostly quiet. Have a good one all.

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Morning all. I've just noticed the big headline about our tenth birthday. Shows how observant I am these days. Not to worry anyone but I used to be an inspector in a nuclear power station. More to the point is ten years of sound advice and still no sign of a layout. One day though.......


Stay safe all.

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Morning all.


Well done on moving the filter Gordon. I can't offer you advice on the electrical front but I think that Ed is probably right in that replacing the whole thing is the way to go.


Sorry to hear about your Aunt Andrew, though it sounds like quite a nice way to go. Best of luck with the knee

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Well, if I'm Generation Y I'm likely the prototype, being as Generation X was well under way as I rolled out of works a. Day ahead of D6936 in -

1964. Like me, she's still about and lives just across the road under the assumed name of 37 682. :-)

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Got home in time to see most of the Wales v Ireland game and then settled down to watch England throw away too many chances but they just about got there in the end. If they could manage to stop making silly mistakes then they could become a very good side



Managed to see the last hour of Wales/Ireland - what an exciting game, some superb rugby played.


Was expecting a whitewash as England scored so quickly against Scotland, but suddenly Scotland began to play good rugby and were the better team for the rest of the first half. Really enjoyed watching the game because it was exciting and Scotland acquitted themselves well. On the other hand, we keep hearing that Scotland "is just a young side with a lot of promise" but they have to deliver the goods one day. Possibly not in the world cup this year...


Anyone know why England don't have their own song? Used to be Swing Low, for some reason, and now it's the UK National Anthem. What gives? And what choon would you choose? (Flower of Scotland is too dirgey to me but would be better speeded-up).


Have an enjoyable Mothering Sunday



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Morning all


Mothering Sunday has never had much importance for me since my mum died in 1973, and of course Deb was never a mother - very much by choice! So Sherry opening a couple of cards today was a novelty. OTOH I shall be ringing MiL shortly - something her daughters only did in extremis.


A week ago Sherry was driving us through Torr Giffard territory, I think. We stopped briefly at Hulme End, but didn't have time to enjoy the coffee on offer there. The Leek and Manifold was a line about which one knew remarkably little!


Congrats to Gordon on managing his filter move. How gratifying it is when all seems lost - and then mates row in to help out.


Capacitors? A loud pop saw the back of a Gaugemaster controller in the '90s. Bought as an O Gauge version to help with my use of multiple HO locos, it was short-lived. DCC beckoned thereafter.


My Facebook page now includes a couple more ER stalwarts, and one learns a little more about what they enjoy in life, of course. Sherry and I found ourselves enjoying a BRM video in the same place - New Bryford, with commentary from the builder and his accomplice. No-one pretends Sherry is a model enthusiast, but she was most impressed. Great to hear that Mick's prowess on the golf-course has been rewarded with an honour.


Hope your Sunday goes well, and mothers are suitably flattered/rewarded for their undoubted hard work.

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I was anything but an ER today; I didn't get to sleep 'til the small hours started getting bigger. When I awoke I thought I'd get up but went straight back to sleep, twice. It's now dull and drizzly. I'd hoped to get to Basingstoke yesterday but it didn't happen. I did get some modelling done though. I'm trying to finish off the 'work in progress' projects parked on the desk/workbench. There were about 10 trays/boxes, all of which have to be moved before I could actually do anything. I managed to finish two with another nearly finished.


We don't do anything about Mothers' Day as we (including Mrs mole) regard it as a commercial marketing fest riding on the back of a tradition of a faith we don't follow. But best wishes to all Mums in RMweb land.


I have a cat on my lap wanting a fuss, who will probably sit on the mousemat any minute, so have a good day


There he goes...Pete

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather is as Tony said, I was woken by the rain at 6.15 this morning but just turned over and went back to sleep, at the moment its a bit dull but at least its dry. I usually cut my toenails after my Sunday morning bath though for the last few years it has become increasingly difficult due to the sciatica, arthritis and increasing age. This morning I tried something out and it works a treat, I propped the toe in question on the 'earth' prong of one of those 3 pin plug protectors that come with new electric appliances nowadays. This made it far easier and quicker to complete the chore without stabbing myself with the scissors.

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Managed to see the last hour of Wales/Ireland - what an exciting game, some superb rugby played.


Was expecting a whitewash as England scored so quickly against Scotland, but suddenly Scotland began to play good rugby and were the better team for the rest of the first half. Really enjoyed watching the game because it was exciting and Scotland acquitted themselves well. On the other hand, we keep hearing that Scotland "is just a young side with a lot of promise" but they have to deliver the goods one day. Possibly not in the world cup this year...


Anyone know why England don't have their own song? Used to be Swing Low, for some reason, and now it's the UK National Anthem. What gives? And what choon would you choose? (Flower of Scotland is too dirgey to me but would be better speeded-up).


Have an enjoyable Mothering Sunday




I remember the Billy C. routine suggesting the Archers theme tune as a substitute for the National Anthem.

Very funny - but he had a point.

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A very belated 'morning all' from sleepy-ish south Warwickshire ;)


Hope all's well wherever you are, it's been a while since I clocked in to ERs to get my card stamped. Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday.... like many here I lost my Mum some time ago now, January '93 in fact and it seems strange not having her around even now, anyway I trust all those with 'fully operating Mums' show their appreciation by unloading vast amounts of chocolate on their dear old Ma! Seeing the Mother's Day adverts on the TV brings back happy memories certainly (and a little lump to the throat if truth be told), but the hoards of flower buying folk I saw in Sainsburys this morning warmed the cockles good and proper.  


I've found myself hitting the 'friendly / supportive' button quite a bit of late with various RMWebbers feeling below par and having all sorts of grief, large and small - I always think of this device as way of saying 'chin up' so best wishes to those on here who need it.


Right.... the venrable old Jag has been washed, leathered and driven round the lanes a bit to keep the fluids flowing, the chores are all done, MOT still not done on the Mini and there's painting to be done downstairs but I think I'll nip over to Pistonheads to enjoy complete strangers arguing about Jezza Clarkson's future on the telly... ;)


Have a good day all...

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I remember the Billy C. routine suggesting the Archers theme tune as a substitute for the National Anthem.

Very funny - but he had a point.

Rumpty diddly dum de dum la la la la la la.

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Two very good matches yesterday in the RBS Six Nations rugby.


Naturally, I'm pleased that Wales won, but it was a very close game.


Commiserations to the Irish, I drank lots of Jameson's in sympathy yesterday evening.


Scotland did very well, and I watched the end of their 1990 Calcutta Cup (and Grand slam) victory this morning on the square box.


Mothering Sunday has so far been spent in the garden doing a lot of sweeping and general tidying up.  Sadly it's a little too damp yo give the lawn a trim.


I will be reasonably quiet next week as we are off to Rome on Tue.


The Obergrumpenfuhere loves Roman history, so this will be a culture fest.


Of course the real culture will be at the Stad Olympico next Saturday afternoon, when Wales play their final Six Nations rugby match against Italy.


And we have tickets!


My brother and his wife are flying out on Friday to join us, so we are busy assembling Welsh paraphernalia:


Red dragon hats, Welsh flag capes and Rugby shirts for the gentlemen, and traditional Welsh attire for the ladies.  Of course it's different because the national costume differs between North and South, especially in the hat department!


We've decided against taking a leek...................well at least in public!

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We’re planning next Sunday.


It’s the Richard III procession passing through our town (after which the Battle of 1485 was named) in the afternoon.


It’s a significant date in our calendar as it’s also our thirtieth wedding anniversary. So I’m taking Sandy to see a funeral procession on our wedding anniversary. And Richard III is important as we were involved with the Quincentenary celebrations and our son was born on the 500th anniversary of the battle (22nd August 1985) – so we missed it back then.



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Afternoon All


Welcome to the end of 45156's weekend from hell, thanks to various things that have got in the way of what was meant to be a relaxing few days.


I've alluded to the problems with the washing machine, and after THREE attempts, he finally got it wired up correctly - however, yesterday, he turned up on time, and said it was fixed, but to call if there was a problem.  There was, and when I fired up the machine, all I got was a hum from the inlet valves.  Called him back, and he said he couldn't come back as he was now on another job and would be longer than he thought - but he'd return today about 11.  He turned up at one, after not calling with any explanation, and after I'd raised Cain with the call centre, who apparently had no notes or information on what had gone on.  He started it up, and it did the same thing again - ie just humming, and he said it was fine, and hey presto after about a two minute delay, the fill valve opened and the machine started to do its thing.  It had NEVER been so long in filling, and he said that this was the correct operation of the program.  I think when he did a cleardown of the software, and a diagnostic test of all the various components and boards, etc, he probably cleared a historic fault which had been present for six years!  However, that does not excuse the other failures to get the machine working, or the late and non arrivals without explanation.  I won't name the company, but if anybody in this area wants the name of an "authorised" repairer to avoid, PM me.


I see that here has not been here for most of this afternoon, but that notwithstanding, I am just going to be too hard pushed to get caught up.


It will have to be the catch-all generic greeting, with apologies of anybody has posted anything of real significance that I've missed.


On one final point, Richard at The Train Shop is unsure of his future, and has asked that his plans and situation are not currently open to discussion, so please ignore my post a few days ago about a possible closure.


Got to go now, as I have a load of catch-up washing to deal with LOL.


Regards to All


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Oh dear God. My daughter has given me a headache. Born in Essex in 2003, it's clear that you can take the girl out of Essex but not Essex out of the girl... In what turned out to be a chaotic Mother's Day (Louise and I will be having a quiet meal out later this week), I found myself driving Gabriella to Cromer Hospital's Minor Injuries Unit this afternoon. She had a tumble and her wrist was badly swollen and black and blue. An xray confirmed there was no fracture or break, thankfully.

Whilst waiting for the xray, we began to talk about geography which was one of the few subjects (including history) that I had enjoyed at school. "We don't really do geography at school" she said. "You must do" I said...

I then asked her a simple question...

"Which countries border Spain?"

"Er... France and Moscow"

"France and WHAT?"


"Moscow isn't a country and it's nowhere near Spain"

"Oh. Why do they all wear sombreros there then?"

"They don't"

"Yes they do. Oh hang on, I'm thinking of Mexico"

"<sigh> That's nowhere near Spain either"

"It must be, they speak Spanish"

...and so on and so on...

Where's the aspirin?

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I live in Essex. So I think Spain shares land borders with 4 countries (or 5 if Gibraltar counts as a country.



Yes, but are you blonde?

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Yes, but are you blonde?

Rather blond until I started school, then got darker, turned grey around when Matthew was a toddler. Now white haired but strangely since being put on vitamin D3 supplements the white is turning grey, or at least the bits the barber removed were.

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I'm from Essex and its 3 Portugal, France and Andorra. But if you include the Spanish North African territories its 5 (Morocco and Mauritania).

I did include the Morrocan borders but don't know anything about Mauritania. Will I have to leave Essex now?

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I went for 4 (including Morocco) or 5 if Gibraltar counted. I am not quite sure which country is Mauritania. I suspect the resident geographer would know. The non resident geographer could probably recite any human rights abuses and their ability at football. Edited by Tony_S
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Evening all from the village.  We had a great Mothers day meal with kids 1 and 3.  It was a surpris for Beth and after the kids had left she had a couple of hours sleep.  I've done a bit of modelling and have spent some time wrangling cats.  the new cat flap is fitted and working but the intruder is still making it's presence felt and spooking the other cats.  As it's got no collar we think that catching it and taking it to the cats protection league is the only solution.



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Theres also Spanish Sahara that borders both Morocco and Mauritania, according to my very old atlas. And after studying it closely I see it also borders Algeria (only one tiny corner). Mind you it might no longer exist as my Atlas is rather old, it still shows Yugoslavia and the USSR as single countries. Gibralter is a British territory and not a country in its own right.

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