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  • RMweb Gold

Whilst I'd love to join in with the pun extravaganza, I'm not the quickest of the mark - I tend to be welded to the spot. laugh.gif



I've been seeing if I am any good with DAS modelling clay today and so have been trying to scribe it to look like a stone wall. Not sure if it is any good though. I'll leave it to you to decide:




(P.s. John it isn't fixed down wink.gif)


If anyone has any tips or advice on what tools I should use that would be helpful. Then there's a small matter of building a whole castle like this! How I am going to keep the stone courses straight on a circular castle is anyone's guess!

Edited by SouthernRegionSteam
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I don't know if this is feasible in the situation, but if you can get a strong piece if thread, dipped/soaked in water soluable ink and holding both ends stiffly apart 'wrap' it around the structure it will leave a line for your horizontal courses.

I like the stone like texture of your carving so far. You will have to do something about the right angle corners when you glue them together.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Don. smile.gif

That may well work, I guess it would be hard to get the string level on the first go unless you made a few marks on the castle to line it up with. Which ever way I do it it will be a time consuming job! I will need to mitre the corners when I glue them together. I expect they will be glued onto polystyrene blocks.

That wall in the photo above took about 15 minutes - and that's only a small section! huh.gif

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I'm sure it will get faster and take less time as you get used to doing it and develope your own technique.

I'm also sure that the end result will be well worthwhile the effort. I have great confidence in your detailing abilities

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I suppose the puns were starting to tig-gle the funny bone! Still, it was a gas (albeit oxygen, acetylene, argon or even nitrous oxide [= laughing gas!"])


I concur with Don that a length of thread is probably the best way to sort out the stonework on the castle. Tie the thread off to two pieces of wood, screwdriver or similar, mount the wet castle on a suitably flat surface and adjust the thread so that when both pieces of things it's tied to are rested on said flat surface and the thread is pulled taut then it is parallel to said surface. Now, keeping thread taut, manipulate it around the castle wall to give an indentation all the way round.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks John and Don,

Think I understand it - now all we have to do is hope it works! smile.gif (When I've rebuilt the castle that is!)


Half an hour later and...





Not looking too bad but I probably went a bit too enthusiastic with the details! Only another metre or so of walling left to do... (!)

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  • RMweb Gold

......and there's me thinking you meant navel decoration....wink.gif


Good news. Agreed a deal on my Mum's new apartment so that's a load off my mind. Just need to push the paperwork through now..


Just don't get the planning application for the woodpile defensive line mixed up with your Mum's apartment paperwork otherwise she could have a job moving in.


My mother-in-law is moving this Thursday to the flat she purchased in Enfield . My brother-in-law has arranged the removal men to take the few items (mainly dining room furniture and lots of boxes) that remain down on Thursday, dropping stuff off at other family members on the way. My wife had never really lived in that house so there wasn't anything of hers there but she was pleased to have a few gardening tools and also a large shell that appears to make a sound rather like a vuvuzela when you hold it to your ear. The huge Monstera plant we gave them years ago is making its way back south again. It outgrew our old house and we gave it to the parents in law but appaently it is going to sit in the hallway outside the new residence.

I've been allocated the job of connecting MiL's Sky box up. This doesn't require any acrobatics with aerials as there is a communal distribution system so it shouldn't take too long. I know she wants some furniture fixed to the wall but I'll go back at the weekend so it ends up where she wants it rather than where other family members tell her it has to go.



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I should add, the defensive line is not just for the log stealers. It really irks me as a dog owner, the inconsideration shown by others, sorry, one in particular.


The entrance down the footpath is less than fifty yards away and one particular dog owner does not have his dog on a lead. His dog immediately makes a bee line for our front garden, comes careering in showering everything with loose gravel and terrorises our cat who often sits in the sun on our front doorstep.


A polite word asking if he would mind keeping his dog on the lead/under control until he passed our entrance fell on deaf ears. He clearly doesn't recognise his dog is running all over our front garden. His response was simply "get a gate then".....blink.gif


It that's sort of behaviour that gets dog owners a bad name.....Two rants in one day. cool.gif

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His response was simply "get a gate then".....blink.gif


Wired to 240 volts and only switched on whenever he or the aforementioned 'pest' put in an appearance!

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  • RMweb Gold

My father could never understand why there was a lot of "dog mess" in his front garden when he returned home in the early morning (he worked nights). One morning for some reason he was home early and watched from the window as a dog owner actually sent his dog into the garden to do what it needed to do. My father didn't say anything but he did go out and follow the person home. Next morning my Dad waited until the dog had done as commanded and then stepped out and told the owner to pick the mess up. The owner made the excuse he didn't have a bag and soon realised that he was taking it anyway, especially when Dad pointed out he knew exactly where it needed to be delivered to.


I think inconsiderate dog owners probably annoy responsible dog owners even more than non dog owners.


Robbie chases cats out of our (his) garden but doesn't seem to respond to them when we are out for a walk though when we are on pavements he is always on the lead anyway. He isn't bright enough to cope with the green cross code and anyway I don't want him going into other people's gardens!

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Guest Max Stafford

A guy from up my street used to let his dog do this on the grass at the side of my place.

Until he found it re-delivered to his doorstep.

Strangely it only took the once and it never happened again... :rolleyes:



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