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  • RMweb Premium

I worked at a special school and we took some kids along the Cromford canal 'Don't pick the squirrel up Simon it will bite you' I said so of course he picked it up and it promptly bit him in the hand he whipped his hand round and the squirrel described a neat arc into the trees. He stood there cursing and bleeding profusely from the bite on his thumb, I resisted the temptation to say 'I told you so'.Kids at our school were never lucky!

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Given I work in the Scottish Government division that deals with Invasive Non-Native Species I can't contradict you at all! I'm just amazed it survived being dropped from twenty feet.

so am I! If I see them, or common pigeons (aka flying rats!) on the road, I drive towards them!
Sadly I think the red squirrel is so long gone from Edinburgh, it would take the complete eradication of greys from Yorkshire upwards to give reds any chance of ever re-colonising Edinburgh!

Never say Never! The reds are in the Isle of Wight (and other locations) and are moving North! I can still visually distinguish between red and grey and know roughly where my car tyres are!

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I worked at a special school and we took some kids along the Cromford canal 'Don't pick the squirrel up Simon it will bite you' I said so of course he picked it up and it promptly bit him in the hand he whipped his hand round and the squirrel described a neat arc into the trees. He stood there cursing and bleeding profusely from the bite on his thumb, I resisted the temptation to say 'I told you so'.Kids at our school were never lucky!


Greys are also notorious for hosting a great number of fleas!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


This is going to be another warm week with some 35° by Wednesday, according to the forecast. Followed by thunderstorms, of course!


Need to have some coffee now, however ;) .



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Good morning all. A lovely weekend weatherwise and otherwise as well.

It was my sister-in-law's 77th birthday yesterday and we celebrated it with lunch at a Bavarian restaurant at the waterfronT. On a 1st floor balcony overlooking a channel between basins linked by a swing bridge. Excellent food, good wine, and good company. 14 of us in ages ranging from 3 to 80. A really enjoyable occasion.

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Plenty of grey squirrels here in Pinelands too. Can also be rabid so care needed. There is a park opposite my flat where I can watch them playing. Also subjects of road kill, but that doesn't seem to diminish their numbers.

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I have a black-o-matic. She's been my char lady for 20 years. Comes once a week and does EVERYTHING, except cooking! Washing, ironing, polishing (I have parquet floors), dusting, changes the bed linen on a regular basis etc. etc. She has keys to my flat and comes and goes as she pleases. Of course, by South African standards, I pay her very well,

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Morning All,


Another nice morning here - much more pleasant than it was last week due to the lower humidity.


Just off for another coffee - I need to catch up after the weekend's coffee shortage! :blink:


Have a good day everyone...

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Guest Max Stafford

It's a nice bright morning here. I don't go to work until 10pm, so I shall make the best of it. Yesterday, I finished the flower bed at the front. Today, I have a couple of models to finish. Not as good as Gordons though...!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It is a nice day here. It may rain later this morning but I should still manage to completely deal with the back log of washing. I concentrated on doing some pruning yesterday so we could have access to the back and sides of the summer house (shed). I was hoping Matthew would apply the wood treatment to the shed but the gap between shed and fence is too small for him to work in so it looks as if I will have to do it.


John would approve of Robbie. We used to have a lot of grey squirrels. They dug up lots of plants and made holes in the lawn to bury nuts. Since Robbie started digging their nuts up and urinating on them, the squirrels seem to have abandoned our garden. My wife wishes Robbie would find a way of dealing with lily-beetles.



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John would approve of Robbie. We used to have a lot of grey squirrels. They dug up lots of plants and made holes in the lawn to bury nuts. Since Robbie started digging their nuts up and urinating on them, the squirrels seem to have abandoned our garden. My wife wishes Robbie would find a way of dealing with lily-beetles.


Aren't dogs wonderfully anti-social when they want to be?!? :lol:


As far as the Lily beatles are concerned, get yourself some Provado...

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  • RMweb Gold



As far as the Lily beatles are concerned, get yourself some Provado...


At the moment we use an "organic method"! It is however very time consuming.






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At the moment we use an "organic method"! It is however very time consuming.


As far as I know, the only organic method for lily beetles is picking them off the leaves! That would be time consuming...


I am not aware of a nematode that feeds on lily beetles. Which is a shame - nature has a habit of being effective in its deadliness

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  • RMweb Premium

Came across a rather impressive InterCity set yesterday:




This was IC 2875, seen here reversing direction at Frankfurt Airport and consisting of engines 101 126 and 009 in a front-and-back lashup plus eleven coaches. IC 2875 replaces ICE 577 on Sundays, and, interestingly, this IC set actually had more power than the ICE 1 set it replaces! The two 101s combined have a power output of 12,800 kW, as opposed to the 9,600 provided by the two power units on the ICE set.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, quite a nice morning here. Well, both the Mid Hants boys and the Welshpool and LLanfair Railway mutually survived our visit to them, although it was touch and go at times, especially after a few hours spent in both the Black and the Red Lion on Friday night. It's a fabulous little railway staffed by some of the friendliest, most welcoming people I've ever met. It's also very challenging to drive with gradients as steep as 1 in 22 to get up and down. A small account of the weekend, with a few pictures, can be found here.


I've still got a couple of days off work,so hoping to pop up and see Dave later to see progress on Waton and run a few dismals on Cramdin. Guitar lesson tonight, then settle down with a glass of red to watch a film.


Happy days!

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  • RMweb Gold

As far as I know, the only organic method for lily beetles is picking them off the leaves! That would be time consuming...






First stage of the "organic" method seems to involve my wife telling the lily beetles to go away. If they don't immediately see the error of their ways, the next method she employs is flick, apologise, and stamp. The leaves have to then be inspected and wiped if any eggs/larvae are present. Time consuming!



Lily Beetles according to the gardening books we had when we moved to this house in 1990 didn't exist in Essex but they did! They are apparently munching their way steadily northwards!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The joys(?) of work beckon. Meeting with my management in the office this morning then I'll be "working from home" this afternoon. Looks like I have to clear the crud off Cramdin in preparation for the arrival of Mr. Harding. No chance I'll understand a word he says as I have no doubt he'll have a Welsh accent after a weekend across the border


Some of our Lillies that overwintered outside have been completely eaten by Lily beetle. The ones in pots though seem to have escaped (so far).


Have a good one all.




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I don't agree with cruelty to Grey Squirrels.


They should be compassionately shot.


Sign behind the bar in my local:


"Trespassers will be shot, Survivors will be shot again"!


Substitute 'grey squirrel', 'pigeon', 'magpie', other vermin as appropriate, for 'trespassers'!

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Guest Max Stafford

It's raining lots here now!

Unfortunately, the current direction of the wind takes it over the city's sewage treatment plant, half a mile away, before it arrives here... :bo_mini:



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