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Good morning, all (just in time!)


Thank you for all your kind concern re Ian's health. We discussed the implications for us and have concluded that we are lucky that this has happened at a time when we are planning our joint future, something we never thought would be possible. Also, once the welding has taken place, I only have one more Toads commitment which is with the Youth Theatre (Tadpoles) in May, after which I can offer unlimited time to be in France (and play nursey!)


In the meantime, I'm taking part in a community singing project, about which you can learn more by listening to the first part of this lengthy radio extract:-




If you've never heard of Oliver Heaviside, you should find it interesting.


Enjoy your weekend!

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Oooooh, yes!


And I am hopeful that the course of action Robbie underwent will not be offered here!

Trouble with the prostate has been a "worry" of mine for several years now and upon advice from my GP I have been having a daily glass of Cranberry juice. When I was discharged from hospital during the week, I received directions on what I should now avoid drinking and eating. There listed was Cranberry juice!

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Trouble with the prostate has been a "worry" of mine for several years now and upon advice from my GP I have been having a daily glass of Cranberry juice. When I was discharged from hospital during the week, I received directions on what I should now avoid drinking and eating. There listed was Cranberry juice!

When I was in hospital last March the physio came to me and asked what I was drinking, and how much. I gave a detailed description and quantities, which included cranberry juice.


"Do you like Cranberry juice?"


"Not really - just that it's supposed to be good for what I've got."


"Then stop drinking it - it also inflames the bladder."

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 Also, once the welding has taken place, I only have one more Toads commitment which is with the Youth Theatre (Tadpoles) in May, after which I can offer unlimited time to be in France (and play nursey!)




This sounds more serious, are Ian's metal bits giving trouble as well!

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  • RMweb Gold

Out of interest - why Japan?

Friends who have done TEFL have recommended it. When he was growing up he was always fascinated by Canada and Japan. He spent a year in Canada and survived! The only Japanese language I suspect he knows at the moment is that associated with hitting and kicking people as he did karate when he was at junior school.

He is really anxious about being unemployed next year and is thinking of all kinds of options. The emphasis on rapid decision making and action at the civil service assessment have made him doubt his ability to succeed in such an environment. Matthew isn't stupid but he does like to ponder a while before choosing a solution.


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Thank you for all your kind concern re Ian's health. We discussed the implications for us and have concluded that we are lucky that this has happened at a time when we are planning our joint future, something we never thought would be possible. Also, once the welding has taken place, I only have one more Toads commitment which is with the Youth Theatre (Tadpoles) in May, after which I can offer unlimited time to be in France (and play nursey!)



Did you mean "wedding" or is this a new treatment for Ian's problem :) :) :) :)






Edit: was typing this when Killybegs posted his reply.

Edited by Danemouth
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning, all (just in time!)


Thank you for all your kind concern re Ian's health. We discussed the implications for us and have concluded that we are lucky that this has happened at a time when we are planning our joint future, something we never thought would be possible. Also, once the welding has taken place, I only have one more Toads commitment which is with the Youth Theatre (Tadpoles) in May, after which I can offer unlimited time to be in France (and play nursey!)




By heck, they get some cold winters in france don't they?



For more howlers see:  http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com/

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This sounds more serious, are Ian's metal bits giving trouble as well!


And to other ER's  re the "welding"........... to avoid confusion, I should have used inverted commas in the first place. Ian always refers to weddings as weldings - we even had that on the title of our (emailed) invitations.

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  • RMweb Premium



Thank you for all your kind concern re Ian's health. We discussed the implications for us and have concluded that we are lucky that this has happened at a time when we are planning our joint future, something we never thought would be possible. Also, once the welding has taken place, I only have one more Toads commitment which is with the Youth Theatre (Tadpoles) in May, after which I can offer unlimited time to be in France (and play nursey!)


Isn't that slightly extreme way of tying the knot and a tad permanent.!!!!




PS was typing when the above replies were added.

Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

Poor Sherry! As she says, I have always referred to weddings as weldings, just as Paddock Wood was always Padlock Wood, and Paddington was Padlington. Ok, so I need help....


Cranberry juice and its alleged benefits or otherwise are the subject of quite a lot of reports on the Internet. Harvard Medical School seems to be involved in the debate. As we all know, studies are invariably funded by someone, so perhaps there is some motivational distortion in some of those reports and studies. And Harvard is in the same state as the Cranberry Belt, otherwise known as the 2' gauge Edaville Railroad. New Haven Neil can no doubt tell us about the NYNH&H's train, the Cranberry.

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  • RMweb Premium

Have returned from being dragged around the shops. Brownie points now at a ten year high!


managed to use a token to buy a book and .... that was it!



Edited by Barry O
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Aft'noon all,


Wishing everyone the very best of health.


The conversion of the Sanctuary lamp from oil burning then tealight burning to 9V battery powered LED is complete....see












Having tried it with the LED continuously lit (9V Duracell at £5 a throw lasted 2 weeks) the only remaining option was to run wires down to a switch at the base of the lamp, which could be reached without steps as the entire device is now chained in a fixed position. The wires and back of switch are on the altar side of the lamp and therefore very little alteration is visible from the congregation side of the lamp...just the miniature toggle switch used by the verger before and after the service. Not ideal but the only currently realistic way to keep a functional piece of church history in daily use as required. The battery is within the red globe and can be changed by lifting the globe from the top of the lamp.


The 1.5V battery route involved too small an LED to be effective and had to abandoned in favour of the switched 9V path.


Inner tube woes solved with a Rennkompressor German made standpump and two new tubes at £75.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold


Cranberry juice and its alleged benefits or otherwise are the subject of quite a lot of reports on the Internet. Harvard Medical School seems to be involved in the debate. As we all know, studies are invariably funded by someone, so perhaps there is some motivational distortion in some of those reports and studies. And Harvard is in the same state as the Cranberry Belt, otherwise known as the 2' gauge Edaville Railroad. New Haven Neil can no doubt tell us about the NYNH&H's train, the Cranberry.

Some of the cranberry drinks used by my mother for persistent bladder infections following surgery contained very little cranberry and a lot of sweetener. She was recommended some concentrated cranberry product but only antibiotics ever helped. Moose live in cranberry bogs so it would be interesting to see if they appear to have bladder problems.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning, all (just in time!)



If you've never heard of Oliver Heaviside, you should find it interesting.


Enjoy your weekend!

I had heard of the Heaviside Layer and what it does but until recently knew very little, or more accurately nothing about, Oliver Heaviside. I'm not sure what caused me to read about him recently but the quote from Wikipedia states that "Most of his recognition was gained posthumously".

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Friends who have done TEFL have recommended it. When he was growing up he was always fascinated by Canada and Japan. He spent a year in Canada and survived! The only Japanese language I suspect he knows at the moment is that associated with hitting and kicking people as he did karate when he was at junior school.

He is really anxious about being unemployed next year and is thinking of all kinds of options. The emphasis on rapid decision making and action at the civil service assessment have made him doubt his ability to succeed in such an environment. Matthew isn't stupid but he does like to ponder a while before choosing a solution.


In that case he might want to look at the JET programme as well.  I don't know much about English teaching here, other than there seems to be a lot of it about, but if there are any general questions I can help answer, feel free to ask.


Edited to add: this site may be worth a read too.

Edited by railsquid
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  • RMweb Gold

Another restless night coughing. God knows what the neighbours must think of me let alone my other half!!!


Now down on the Sussex coast in the Bull in Chi sitting next to the fire that the landlord is fighting to keep alight.


What a horrible wet day its been so far but at least the ale is good in here not that I feel like drinking much more which is unlike me!!


This morning we called in at our favourite timber merchants in Horshsm. The car is now loaded with enough timber to build the extension boards for Dobris.


A fair few emails received todayregarding various shows including a reminder to get the info back to Warley show that I had forgotten about.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Some of the cranberry drinks used by my mother for persistent bladder infections following surgery contained very little cranberry and a lot of sweetener. She was recommended some concentrated cranberry product but only antibiotics ever helped. Moose live in cranberry bogs so it would be interesting to see if they appear to have bladder problems.

my other half was recently told that Cranberry wasnt much good so maybe thats why

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, back from an enjoyable couple of hours at Preston model railway exhibition, still befuddles me why some individuals attending exhibitions  complete with back pack feel the need to wear it around the exhibition halls. Saw two individuals get clouted by a turning back pack!

Oh well, bought a few things from the Squires stand to name one so a good day.


A good tip for anyone having a prostate examination is to make sure the doctor doesn't have both hands on your shoulders so Im told.


Enjoy whats left of the day folks



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I have a language block, I just can't learn them, my schoolboy French was appalling.  I didn't learn English by reciting verbs, therefore learning another language that way did nothing for me!


The Cranberry, yes Ian, I could bore you all stupid with descriptions of the ALCo DL-109 painted in a hideous colour (cranberry funnily enough) especially to pull the train.  Quite odd for the conservative (until McGinnis) New Haven.


Glad to hear your plumbing issues are understood and under control Ian, one recent sufferer on here is enough!


Took Debs and Jayne out for lunch, Jayne is having a rough patch as Gary's photo was on the front of the local rag this week, an article about road safety pointlessly and thoughtlessly showing all those who have been killed on the roads here in the last year or so.  8 of the 10 had no relevance to the article (Gary included) but it no doubt brought it all to the surface for 10 groups of family and friends.


Spent an hour in the garage and fitted a different decoder into my Hornby 01 as it all but uncontrollable, seems to reach full speed at about 20% of the speed steps for some reason, a Lenz standard+ chip tamed it perfectly.  Brought it and the J15 indoors to programme on the SPROG now as the weather has degraded to howling wind and rain.

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