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  • RMweb Gold

Well i got a good run out of toton in the van only to get to uttoxeter and find the back of a traffic jam, luckily i was next to the final exit for 8 miles so pulled off there and made my way home via stone and the A51 to nantwich (even managed to stop and photograph the stobart train at whitmore!) better than following all the diverted traffic along the old road to blythe bridge as i've no need to go into stoke anyway


traffic reports on the local radio say 2 crashes within 200 yards of each other on opposite carriageways (rubberneckers?), delays of 1 1/4 hour and since then the road has now shut between stoke and uttoxeter in both directions!

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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny, clear and frosty here and forecast to last.


I spent part of yesterday afternoon having a last drink at a pub that closed last night, run by a lady I've known for about 35 years and her partner. They decided not to renew the lease when it came up. It was a part of the local music scene so will be missed. The pubco have put it on the market and it's in poor structural condition, so it probably won't re-open. Going on local form I'd expect it to become a T***o Express only there's already one about 20 yards away.


In contrast, today I'm hoping to fit in a pint at a new brewpub that's opening today. Just the one. Perhaps two.


May all your lurgis and afflictions improve, and a good POETS day to those of you at work.



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I'm beginning to think that ER's spend most of their time in the local supermarket!


I always found it difficult to gauge how interviews have gone, having on occasions been offered jobs that I didn't expect to get. One position I wasn't offered was filled by someone already on the staff; as it was a private company one wondered why they wasted peoples, time. They did offer me another position, but the location didn't appeal. It was also the most unpleasant interview I have experienced, with one interviewer sitting in front of me and one behind, very unnerving!


It's a bit brighter here this morning and the birds are singing again. There's still snow on the hills and hail showers are quite likely later.


Sorry to hear the lurgy is back Jock, best wishes to you and all the other ER's suffering at the moment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, cold but sunny and blue sky, off out to lunch today as I have reached the ripe old age of 60 today, thus younger than some older than others on here .


Family due home for the weekend, model railway exhibition to go to and money in hand. Not a bad weekend in prospect.


Enjoy your day folks!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all fromn a sunny but cool village north of Ikea.   Plenty of blue skies and Carol Kirkwood telling me it's going to be nice.    Various jobs to do this morning and then a trip to the model shop the other side of Leeds to get some more thin ply for planking the goods shed.  Not a lot else to report.


As to the civil service interviews i was once interviewed for a job as the police liaison officer with our local government regional office.  I didn't get the job but the feedback was that my rather dark sense of humour might had frightened the delicate creatures who worked there.



Edited by jamie92208
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Good morning Sue, good morning everybody.


Late to report today, as I was wakened by the cries of the whelk gatherers as they poled their punts out into the dawning sky of what has become a very pleasant day. Sun. Nice.


Blood donations - I used to donate as often as possible, but diabetes means that is now forbidden. Not because of the blood, but apparently it would be bad for me. And I'm not supposed to eat crisps.


Pete - how about following the example of The Hope pub in Carshalton, where in similar circumstances the locals formed a company and bought the pub and now run it as a very successful co-operative exercise. It's been CAMRA London Pub of the Year, and is packed out.



They even have a Beercam so that you can see what's happening in the cellar.




But they don't sell whelks.


Have a good day, all. I'm modelling a bit and then a LOT of political. Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny Estuary-Land. Seeming to be recovering from the lurgy, probably because I've stocked up with Lemsips, last time it disappeared as soon as I'd stocked up with tissues. Congratulations and commiserations where necessary have a good day all.

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Morning all - beautiful blue skies over Borough Market Junction, and a bit of a frost this morning.


The nice people from Ocado deliver our groceries every Friday morning. This week they surprised me by delivering before the slot - good job I was already up!


Last day for one of my colleagues - the commuting into LBG from the Sussex downs has proved too much of a slog.


Happy birthday Shedman - and many more to come.


Amazinglywe won the quiz last night by 2 clear points. With the lack of questions on the Leeds 6 music scene c1985 I was of minimal assistance.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dick, it's a nice idea, but it's not the sort of pub that has regulars or locals who could, even collectively, put up that sort of money. The amount of structural work required would add something in the region of £100k above the purchase price (according to someone who I think knows what he's talking about). The roof is in very poor nick, in fact the landlords were in dispute with the pubco over responsibility for repairs, which never got done.


The pubco apparently have a buyer, so there's always the possibility that it might re-open be replaced by flats.



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Matthew rang home this evening. He said that he thinks there is very little chance of getting an offer from the civil service. He thought he did quite well in the group task. Another task required reading a 30 page document and preparing a policy in 2:hours. Matthew knows that one of his failings is that he isn't hasty in decision making. The individual interview didn't go too well. At the end she just said "you can go now". He said he had some questions but she said she couldn't answer them as she was an occupational psychologist.

He said he didn't feel like cooking this evening. He phoned later and let me know that he had bought a burrito. I told him I thought that was a small donkey. He may have laughed.



Has Mathew looked at multi-national publicly funded organizations such as UN or Red Cross?   They have good career paths at which a well-travelled person such as Mathew could shine.


My daughter has been earning plaudits from the UN by standing up at conferences and making speeches as if representing countries such as North Korea!!!! And I enjoyed helping....


Just a thought...


Best, Pete.

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Tony - can't remember quite as far back as my first civil service interview but I've often found that the interviews I've thought I've flunked have been the ones where I've been offered the job. I definitely don't remember an interview with a psychologist as part of my assessment!


Approaching York now, just seen some roe deer line side. Ought to be somewhere near Stevenage by now... Oops!


Hi Mike, wave as you go past! You may well see deer around here.



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Morning all,

Early visit this morning as I'm on orders to take Archie the Westie for his fortnightly 'full works' bath and trim with the lady who has looked after him most of his life.

I've caught up and followed most things on here but Smiffy has got me stumped with the reference to 'Sue' so have I missed something important?

Kelly, interested in your comment about medication - I was lucky enough to have a superb specialist bone oncologist in Dr Alan Lamont (a fellow Scot and a biker so an immediate rapport!) and he took the trouble to work on my pain control medication until a level was found which, although leaving a dull ache as a constant reminder, has meant (and yes I've been tested!) that I can still drive. I am on constant slow release morphine, with oral morphine to top up if I have any pain peaks. There are periods of weariness from the disease but these tend to be at regular times luckily and so I can plan to do things in the hours that I feel fittest! I'm sure you will know about Fibro Action, but do you have a local support group? As a matter of interest, are you a member of the Fibro Action On-line Community? My heart goes out to you because the more I read, the more I realise just how nasty the symptoms are and I urge others to Google it as there does seem to be a distinct lack of publicity around the condition. I do hope a solution can be found soon - Joanna and I will be thinking of you.

Jamie, when I had my op. (six months ago now!), the ward sister simply took my large bag of medication, complete with my typewritten list of timings, and neatly set it out in a locked cabinet near the bed. A pain control nurse then called and between them they integrated the post op. pain regime with what I'm on daily - most impressive care, but once again highlights how lucky you are to get the 'right' staff!

AndrewC, what a drama - doesn't your mandolin come with a device for holding the item you are slicing? I always use mine since I saw Rick Stein chop his pinkies on TV, so at least you can take comfort that you are in good company! Hope you aren't in too much discomfort.

Dick (Smiffy), what a lovely message from the former pupil, it truly lifted my spirits to read it, although as Ian (DD) said, you wouldn't be allowed to do that today without special permission.

Simon, sympathy due on the blood giving problem. Both Joanna and I were banned from the service some years ago, something I found particularly galling as I was going for my gold badge! Luckily the pipe work still works though as I'm going for my monthly visit to Dracula's daughter on Monday!

John (Killybegs), if Lucy knows when the programme will be run, could you give us the information - it would be rather nice to watch it!

Have a good Friday folks, I'm off to brush the mutt before leaving!

Kind regards,


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Morning all. Bright and sunny here but I'm worried about this glowing ball in the sky :jester:


Feeling a whole lot better today (at last) and hope others suffering from the lurgy are improving to.


Happy Birthday Shedman


If you're working today, enjoy POETS day

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the advice following on from Matthew's interview. I will pass on all the comments later. He is in Camden today at his work experience project. This is an option instead of writing a dissertation.


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Talking of blood, when I was in Germany I went to the trouble of phoning up the organ donation service (as you never know when you might be run over by a bus, or given where I lived more likely a tram) as I was unsure whether my prion-infested bits would be of any use, but apparently they would have been.


As far as interviews go, to date I've never succeeded in any which involved wearing a suit. For the previous job at a financial institution, I was literally suiting up when the recruiter phoned to say I shouldn't wear one, which was unfortunate as due to a clothes purchase/laundry crisis the only pair of vaguely serviceable jeans had a hole in the crotch. For the current job the interview process was entirely by Skype, so I could theoretically have been wearing anything (or nothing) of my choosing. (For the record, my early career planning involved "getting a graduate job", but by a freak series of unplanned coincidences I ended up with some specialist knowledge of something which was very obscure 15 years ago, but has become merely somewhat obscure, which combined with the ability to shower and shave more than once every week has been surprisingly beneficial to my model railway habit).

Edited by railsquid
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Morning all from the 0548 train to London. I got to the station and got on the nearest train to me thinking, that'll be the one, it's an East Coast 225. Unfortunately by the time I'd realised I was on the 0548 not the 0540, the 0540 had just set off. So I'm on the slow stopping service rather than the express one. D'oh!

The 0540 is a great service only stopping at Newcastle where it really fills up. No bargain fares, though. You'll be almost an hour later in London, too, on the 0548. Back on the 1700?


Beautiful bright day here in Edinburgh. The Ireland/England is shaping-up as the 6Nations decider and should be good. The real decider for most Scots, of course, is the England match in two weeks :training:



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Happy Birthday Sheddy (Alan)


Pete, if the pub is owned by Enterprise or Punch you can pretty much guarantee that it has served its last. By the sound of it there is no way anyone could get an Article 4 from the council to protect it as a community asset. If its structurally knackered that gives the pubco the upper hand in getting development and change of use permission quickly. Shame but there are some pubs that are beyond saving from an economic standpoint.


Jock, it does have a guard, however it snagged on the edge of the mandolin and my fingers slipped into the blade. Ouch.


Tony, Camden? Work experience? Friday? More likely either in Brewdog or the Black Heart. :drink_mini:

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  • RMweb Gold

Railsquid's mention of suits and Skype interviews reminded me that Matthew said the Skype interviews he has had have been with video! Though he did say you don't have to bother with the suit trousers!

The work placement in Camden dress code is smart casual and Matthew has no problem. Though from what I gather Camden smart casual may be somewhat more hipster chic than my idea of smart casual which is "comfortable".

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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, Camden? Work experience? Friday? More likely either in Brewdog or the Black Heart. :drink_mini:

I shall pass on the recommendations! Matthew said he has hardly been to a pub for ages. Most of the people on his course he goes out with prefer bars to real ale establishments.

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