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Andy - Glad to hear daughter is progressing.


ER today to the clubrooms to pack off Blackmill to it's new owner. It's been a large part of my railway modelling life for the last few years and the team are sad to see it go - but we need to move on with a new project. There was a teary wave as it pulled out of the car park........... :jester:

On the train back from Glasgow last night, a few of us were reminiscing about the various trips that Blacknill has done over the last 10 years or so. It wasn't always about the exhibition.


The first to get a mention was this one - Leeds in 2008 coincided with Halloween and our hotel bar was a good place to be.........







Did anyone else think what a good-looking bunch of ladies for an ugly bunch of blokes?


Insomniac Ed

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Morning all. Woken by shocking cramp, so a cup of coffee and some toast has helped.


Clear and very frosty in Carshalton-sur-Mer. The whelk fishermen have decided to stay abed today, so all is quiet on the picturesque quayside, save for the mournful tolling of the buoy-bell and the hoarse call of the gulls.


Andy - sounds very encouraging. It must have been hell for you both. Was it a lung infection? I had that a while back and stayed in hospital a few days - they thought it was swine flu but I'd had that - intravenous antibiotics and oxygen. I was right as rain in a week.


After a morning standing in the cold yesterday and an afternoon being disappointed (yet again) by Sunderland football team I'm planning on a quiet day today. I'm trying to persuade Julie not to do the craft market, but work indoors instead. The stall does her knees no favours!


So have a good day, everyone. Make the most of what's left.

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Morning all. Kind of a rotten night with insufficient sleep and unsettling dreams when I did sleep, so semi-awake right now at best.


Jock, I feel for you and everyone else affected by what seems like to be the inevitable. Always makes me feel helpless when all I can do is expressing sympathies and encouragement in such difficult times…  :(


Andy, I can imagine you're happy to have your girl back home and I hope she'll be all right soon!

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Morning from a chilly (by UK standards) Eastleigh. The snow yesterday was fairly localised so the journey from Leatherhed onwards was just wet.


However when we walked from the pub to St Denys station there were quite a few signs that it had ben snowing there but not in Eastleigh!!


I think the four pints that I had last night might have helped me get a little better. Will find out later this morning when we get back into the show.

Edited by roundhouse
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Woken by the noise of a house alarm. Not ours but a faulty one over the road. The household can't hear it but we can!

Smithy I am getting fed up with Sunderland too..players seem content to take their generous salaries and do little on the field.


Today I am off to the Warley open day. A long way to go but a discussion on progress on this years show is required.


As its a sunny day I hope that the roads are OK.

Have a great Sunday!


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Mornin' all,


More bracing than Skegness on the windchill constitutional this morning. Back to the surface dances around the various ice types mainly caused by field run off in sub zero temps. The local farmer who tried to carry on muck spreading after the last sub zero spell ended and the fields became too soft to take his machinery onto now has a plough field situation to repair, with trenches of churned up ground to roll and re-seed. Cold, clear, bright and calm for the calorie burns on the climbs....caster sugar snow sprinkled over the peaks. The woodpecker from yesterday seemed to still be hammering in the same spot....he has obviously picked a solid tree. We now have croci (usses) accompanying the snowdrops and cyclamen in the garden but the daffodils remain a closed yellowish hint at the end of a green stem. In Rye last week there were many daffodils out and the willow stems were showing distinct colouration in the sunshine.


The visit to our local 'Joules ales' public house in town recently brought a funny story back to mind. The Joules brand with its little red cross emblem had lapsed with the closure of the brewery in Stone around 1980 but the brand was revived post 2000. The British Red Cross advised the new brewery...now in Market Drayton that legal action would follow if they didn't remove the red cross part of their emblem. The brewers took great delight in advising the British Red Cross that the brewery emblem predated the formation of the medical organisation by many years and any further threat of legal action may result in the medical organsation having to change their logo. 


Now music....'A lovers concerto' by The Toys     


Feathered ones remembered.


Church duties call today.


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Good morning all,

Very frosty start here too but the sun is shining and the sky is blue. However cloud followed by rain are forecast for later.

Glad to hear your good news about your daughter Andy and very sorry to hear about your friend Jock.

Absolutely brilliant party here for Abbie on Friday and I eventually got to bed at 3.30 am which is why I wasn't an ER yesterday. Spent quite a while clearing up when we eventually surfaced. It seems that 42 people somehow managed to use about 70 glasses! We then had a lazy day until I took Nicky & the kids home late afternoon. (Steve had flown to Guernsey to watch Carshalton Athletic (They lost!))

Headache now gone and no more bloodletting so that's OK. General opinion is that:  1. I'm an idiot. 2 I shouldn't be left alone. 3. I should have gone to hospital to get it stitched/glued. 4 I will have a scar.

Further good news is that having checked my lottery ticket I've go two winning lines so am £136 richer!!!! :yes:  :imsohappy:

I think or pint or two will be drunk later.

Have a good one, 




Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all.

Sunny and frosty here.

I didn't do any train running yesterday as we spent some time booking a trip to France in April. Much time was spent recalling various passwords!

I'm not sure if we are supposed to be doing anything special today, probably not if Aditi finalises her timetable. She seems remarkably calm for someone whose weeks of work have been a waste of time due to "moving the goalposts" by various people!


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Morning all from poolside in Glasgow.


Was out last night at The Kitchin in Leith. First time I'd been to a Michelin starred restaurant. The celeb chef was in residence last night and did throw a hissy fit at the waiting staff at one point (visible through the kitchen window from the restaurant).


The food was very good though, I had the venison followed by rhubarb cheesecake (with rhubarb sorbet, jelly and macaroon). My friend had the sea bass followed by something apple and ice creamy.


Have managed to persuade (read bribe) Jamie to let me go to Glasgow show today so am looking forward to that, though my friend that I was dining with past night is in the trade and was disappointed by Glasgow on Friday when she was there.

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Morning all

edcayton, on 22 Feb 2015 - 10:13, said:




Fragment of poti?


Cold and clear with some residual frost. 2 months after Winter Solstice the sun at last has some guts in it. Moving the car a few feet was enough to get the ice melted naturally.


Delighted to hear Andy B's daughter is now back under parental care. Very sad that Jock's friend may have reached the end of the road. Dignity and comfort now become the watchwords, sadly.


Alison's luck in life doesn't get any better. Through an online dating site she had had regular - two or three times daily - written contact with a chap in Paris. Despite having a French mother his English was perfect. Yesterday she got the brush-off message - written in pidgin-English! Seems his lady has got wind of what he's been up to, and even deleted his profile.  hell hath no fury....


Elsewhere in Wheeltappers there is a classical music favourites thread. When I last looked there were nudging 60 contributions, each with a different preference - and not a cross word in sight. Pity some modelling discussions can't be undertaken in such an atmosphere.


Hope your day of rest meets the Trades Description!

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....I've just mucked it up Ian, by adding an apparently non-classical piece title.


Re Alison, you can tell her that I'd happily take her out for a trot, if I wasn't married.....she looked lovely in the picture that you showed us.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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I am happy to report that yesterday's weather turned out better than expected (the gaps between showers were much longer!) so in the afternoon we took a drive over to one of our favourite beaches on the West coast where, not only can you can seemingly keep walking forever, but, if it's spring tides and the tide is out, you can walk across the sand to an island for about an hour. There are a couple of houses and a farm there which are no longer occupied although cattle still graze the fields. The next blizzard arrived as we were driving home!


Unfortunately, today's weather is just as forecast, continuous heavy rain. I had a lie in and read for a while, sending Steph off to walk the dogs in the rain. I feel working people need to get out and get more fresh air!


The last (and only) time I have been to the Glasgow show was three years ago, having been released from my babysitting duties by SiL who was back from an overseas business trip in time for Lucy to come home with the twins.


The walkers are just back from the beach, so I had better go and show my face.

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Morning all,


Commiserations as due - always a sad thing when friends are suffering.  Alas Tony I'm not surprised that Aditi has hit 'user' problems with her timetable  - the fickle s*ds no doubt all think the world revolves around them so they want to make sure that it does; I do hope she doesn't try to be 'too helpful' as I think the way she tackled the job was the most sensible - do it first and then let others moan.  If she'd asked others what they wanted first she'd probably still be trying to produce the first draft!

Anyway cold here at present, lots of rain promised for later but no doubt I'll find be found something to do.


Have a good day one & all

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Morning all from an overcast village north of ikea.   It's nice outside and church duties beckon soon.  The main task is to get the sound for the music group balanced and set up before the young man who is doing the sound today arrives.   As Beth is the group leader I get it in the neck if the sound balance is wrong. 


I'll vote for "croci" as it's the plural of "us" according to my hardly remembered latin.  Though i did manage to drop latin before O level.


Very glad that Andy's daughter is on the mend and hope that things continue in that direction.


Hopefully some more modelling later today.



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all. Forgive the post before going back and having a "look-see" through the last 24 hours or so of life in ERs.

Following the sale of Louise's Fiat, I logged into ebay a while ago and was dismayed to see that amongst the "Watched Items" were several cars that definitely don't fall into Jock's "uncomplicated" category. I guess some people never learn. I don't particularly want another microcomputer attached to four wheels sitting on the driveway being all "temperemental but interesting"...

Not being in the middle of building a layout has led me to discover a fascinating new branch of the hobby... Historical research of a particular area. Not just the infrastructure, but the social history as well. Many, many hours are passing in the name of research and it's absolutely fascinating.

In other news, I need to rig up some kind of scaffold over the top floor stairwell to paint a ceiling. Deep joy. Let's hope it doesn't end badly...

Enjoy your Sunday.

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Out in the garden early today to dig some carrots and artichokes.  Then washed the car which is being passed on to No 2 son next week.  The rain started just as I was finishing the car, and it is now traditional Lake District weather - a very brisk south westerly and very wet!  Modelling beckons.

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I'm not going to list them but we are going through a cycle of folk who are 'circling the drain' and there is much sadness at present.

I may be mad, perhaps bad but certainly dangerous to know.

One can only do the best for those so afflicted and try to remain strong for others - even when there is a yearning to hide away and sob.

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Reading of the timetabling issues suffered by Aditi, I'm surprised she doesn't just tell them all to get lost and resign.


It did made my mind wander back to when I was working for a company who were forever changing the way things worked.


After yet another change, I told my manager I'd had enough and I was off, and that if they didn't sort themselves out big time, they'd be bust within 6 months.


She laughed


I was wrong!


It took 7 months :mosking: .

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We don't seem to have much of a crocus display this year but the snowdrops are very prolific.

Normally at this time of year Aditi would be very busy in the garden. I suspect if we have a few dry days I may be directed to do some tidying, usually with instructions not to touch certain plants. I have been known to confuse which clematis needs to be drastically pruned and which ones don't.

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