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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, sunny on FR.


Awaiting Canadian friend visiting, then a good ol' talk about our favourite subject..... trains, silly. :O


Going to be cold tonight according to the seaweed twirlers, plenty wood brought indoors. :sungum:


Then I'm going to play with the J15 I wasn't going to buy and don't need and is the wrong region. :nono:   well, there's not many left, going out like the clappers and I'd hate to miss out, it looks like it is perhaps one of the best RTR locos made yet.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Weather a bit better, new 'sample' ready to deliver so I should beat the 14.00hrs deadline (please set your body clocks - weird lot the receptionists in our surgery) and its Friday so it's Waitrose day but which one depends entirely on our ability to find a parking space as most of the towns two 'shoppers' car parks' appear to contain the vehicles of just about anyone but shoppers, and we haven't even reached the grockle season.


Ideally I need to get down to Alton today but I suspect that might not happen due to the other tasks - we will see.


Have a good day one & alll

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Nice photos of Rye, Robert. Any idea why it's called the Ypres Tower?


If my memory serves me correctly, the town leased the building to a John de Ypres at some point in the 15th Century - and that's how it got its name.


Rye is incredibly old, having been incorporated in 1289.  I remember that, because I was at school, and a member of the Local History Group during the 700 anniversary celebrations!

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  • RMweb Gold

So there I was - "helping" with the housework. Moved a bit of furniture in the bedroom to hoover the skirting and forgot about a shelf on the wall. Head v sharp corner of shelf = claret everywhere. Still bleeding after 30 mins but is gradually easing off so sitting here with cold compress on it leaving The Boss to do everything!  Might superglue it if all else fails. :scratchhead:

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Morning all,

Lovely images of Rye, Robert! For Smiffy, my 'History of Rye' book shows the tower being built as Rye Castle in 1230 - 1250, during the reign of Edward the third. As Robert said, it was leased to John de Ypres in 1430 and henceforth became known as the Ypres tower, although still officially Rye Castle and home to a museum. No connection with the Great War disaster! My digs were out in Rye Harbour, quite a distance from the town and not as picturesque as Mermaid Street and the like. The Harbour Inn was a nice place to drink, some of the local fishermen being real characters!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Hospital considered for stitching but Chris doesn't drive and all friends/neighbours seem to be out at the moment. Also don't fancy sitting in A & E for 4 hours or so.


PS  and probably not a good idea to drive myself at the moment!

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  • RMweb Premium

Ian (OD), your story reminds me that I've recently started to watch a DVD set presented by a gentleman by the name of Clive Groome, an old-school enginman. "Driving the Big Four". Haven't got far enough into it yet to make a recommendation but it is a gentle pre-ambulation through his memories. I'd happily partner it with a nip of something golden from Shortliner's neck of the woods and settle down for the afternoon!


Railsquid, I think your missus may have meant that she'd like to travel across the US by train and for you to stay home with the "Colicy squiddling". Colic, been there got the scars!

Never found an English pub in Tokyo as my (then) girlfriend was always showing me the sights (stop sniggering, Ashers).

However, after being a good and well mannered chap on one long tour she did take me to an English pub in Kyoto. Weirdly we got in a nondescript lift which opened 5 floors above direct into an olde-worldy English-style pub.  


And for those ERers across the pond enduring severe cold, an old colleague of mine (the US army expert on the subject) has been on the radio this morning (EST between 6-9am) on the "Morning Edition of Whyy.org  I believe it is a radio station based in Philadelphia. He may have been on the  "All Things Considered" program yesterday afternoon between 16-18:00, also. 


Ahh, "The Mermaid". See above re former lady friend entry. (Oh, behave.)  

Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Premium

Daughter just carted off to hospital and may have to stay in. Could have offered GB a lift if we'd known!

He'd have been handily placed for the upcoming Basingstoke show!!


GB's injury happened to a friend of mine who I took on holiday about 12 years ago. He decided to use the lower locker in a changing room....you can guess the rest. 

Having met GB at least they won't have to cut his hair to get a plaster on. ;) 

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  • RMweb Gold

So there I was - "helping" with the housework. Moved a bit of furniture in the bedroom to hoover the skirting and forgot about a shelf on the wall. Head v sharp corner of shelf = claret everywhere. Still bleeding after 30 mins but is gradually easing off so sitting here with cold compress on it leaving The Boss to do everything!  Might superglue it if all else fails. :scratchhead:

Sorry to hear about your head wound.  They do tend to bleed profusely as there is little meat between skin and bone on the skull.  I have a supply of butterfly plasters which are very good at holding wounds closed.


If you do use super glue, don't be tempted to use the accelerator to zap it closed, as it burns somewhat. (Don't ask how i know this little gem.)


When you stated claret everywhere I was wondering why in hell's name would you dare keep claret on a shelf instead of being properly decanted and stored safely. 


I had visions of claret on the shelf, chablis on a windowsill, burgundy in the greenhouse and malt whisky in a hippo (ever hopeful)!

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Cold and windy, stormy seas and another high tide, no beach to walk on so the dogs had to make do with a couple of circuits of the dunes. Just made it back to the car before the heavens opened. Yesterday was a mix of blue skies and heavy showers accompanied by hail and thunder. I think we are in for more of the same today, so it's probably household chores and a spot of modelling today. No change there then!


Daughter Lucy is getting a visit from the BBC Scotland next week who are doing a piece on her for the Scottish version of Country File so I spent last night working out how to load the Scottish channels on to my Sky box. Turned out to be easier than I thought once I stopped trying to load the HD options.


Make the most of POETS day.

Fab, let me know when she's on Landward and I'll keep an eye out!

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  • RMweb Premium

 Very true Andy ....................



Hospital required... super glue may be used - its shows the spot a its blue (or at least it was when youngest Herbert used to require when younger -- he seemed to regularly head but immovable object like... walls...

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Morning all again,

Interrupted earlier to run Joanna to the graveyard, not for the usual jankers there, but to put flowers on her younger sister's grave as today would have been her birthday! She sadly passed away at only 54 years of age from pancreatic cancer and is buried in the same grave as her son who suffered the same fate at only 39!

Lovely story Ian (OD), we've got lots of such railwaymen's tales around the G&SWR, A great many from my father of course! There is also the one mentioned by Stewart about driver 'Mad McCann' - which reminds me, we had some posts by a member using that name but haven't heard anything since. Wonder if we offended him?

Hope the 'E' in POETs becomes reality for those at work, and I'll now look in later to see how our various invalids are progressing. I've added GrandadBob to the list with his self inflicted wound!

Kind regards,


PS, sorry to hear about your daughter's misfortune Andy, hope it isn't anything too serious and lasting. Hard to tell from a picture Bob, but my first aid training would suggest at least a visit to the surgery, if they, like our doctors have someone qualified to stitch!

Edited by Jock67B
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Technically the description of “bleeding cold” by Brits in the New York are is correct. -19C in my backyard - that’s the actual temperature not including Wind Chill.


Considering we’re on the same latitude as Barcelona it’s quite impressive. And this whole large area of the North East was the only part of the World to have a cooler than normal Summer last year.


Nearly Hi Ho time, it takes me twenty minutes to get all my “gear” on.


Best, Pete.

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Ouch GB! I bet that hurt.

My Mum was a dab-hand with Steri-strips, and I had various wounds "repaired" using them as a child.


However, I did have to have one head wound stitched after coming off my bike.  I still have the scar!

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  • RMweb Gold

Many thanks for all your concern and particularly to Dick for his kind offer. My daughter arrived a little while ago and thanks to Richard mentioning butterfly plasters has just gone to chemists to pick up some Steri strips in case it starts again..........but so far so good. I do have a mild headache though. :whistle:

Probably should have gone to hospital but too much to do here today for Abbie's celebration later.

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