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  • RMweb Premium

A tip for bus pass holders; the microchips in our local ones are (presumably) very cheap and tend to self-destruct. The usual cause seems to be overheating. They don't like prolonged exposure to body temperature, so don't keep them in your trouser pocket all the time!



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  • RMweb Gold

Weekly shop done and now, because it's half term week and I have nothing to prepare or mark I can relax for the rest of today.

Sundays are a totally different and laid back sort of day when you don't have work on Monday.

Now, what to do? Football? Rugby? Modelling? A little bit of all three?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Slightly later posting than usual. I was trying to stay awake last night/early morning while Aditi was finishing her timetable. She has nearly done it but it has been quite a learning experience. Staff for instance want all their teaching pushed into 4 days so they can persue scholarly activities, students want to have any possible choice of subsidiary subject combinations but classes have to fit in with the hours of child care (or being at school) availability.

Also some subjects the lecturer is "to be appointed". Considering that she was only presented with the software recently and training consisted of the program help button she has done quite well. I have only been a provider of tea.

Edited by Tony_S
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This is getting boring, I know....

More snow yesterday - today will be the coldest for twenty years with crippling wind chills in 60mph gusts.


Guess what? Life is going on - my elderly neighbors just left for Church (in their car) for the 7:30 am service!


Going to a 90 year olds’ Birthday dinner today. This is the guy you may recall whose Grandfather was the Paymaster General in the Balkans for the Ottoman Empire (see posts passim). Joe is a tremendous chap and a good example of how good people can arise under any religion.


Best, Pete.

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As throwaway lines go, that looks distinctly "cool" by ERs standards!


Would have been even more cool if it had reached the screens!

The next Executive Producer thought it might be too close to "One foot in the grave" in content.

Most of my suggested actors have since permanently left the stage.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have been up since 5am,, honest!!


Just been busy working on the layout and jsut stopped for a quick break so a quick look on here after buidling chimneys.


Love the off license name!!


Now to go do some grass.



Edited by roundhouse
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Afternoon all,

No chance to read today's input, but I'll try later tonight.

Busy morning, but I have to report that last night's dinner turned out to be an enjoyable affair. The look of surprise and joy on the lady's face when she saw us was marvellous, and the penny still hadn't dropped when she asked her husband to see if he would get the waitress to fit us in with them! I only hope that Joanna and I didn't look too shocked when we saw the deterioration in her condition since we met a couple of weeks ago. Sadly she is very poorly indeed but, typical of her, held up well for the whole evening. Sums up how caring she is when, having been offered a lift home by her husband, we approached their car and, notwithstanding her own condition, she asked me if I would be more comfortable sitting in the front!! So sad to see someone so caring suffering as she is. I am very pleased we went last night though as I don't think there will be many more chances like that.

I hope everyone has a good Sunday,

Kind regards,


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I have been up since 5am,, honest!!


Just been busy working on the layout and jsut stopped for a quick break so a quick look on here after buidling chimneys.


Love the off license name!!


Now to go do some grass.




You were working on the jsut and buidling chimneys?

 Sure you hadn' t already been doing some grass?

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Afternoon all,

No chance to read today's input, but I'll try later tonight.

Busy morning, but I have to report that last night's dinner turned out to be an enjoyable affair. The look of surprise and joy on the lady's face when she saw us was marvellous, and the penny still hadn't dropped when she asked her husband to see if he would get the waitress to fit us in with them! I only hope that Joanna and I didn't look too shocked when we saw the deterioration in her condition since we met a couple of weeks ago. Sadly she is very poorly indeed but, typical of her, held up well for the whole evening. Sums up how caring she is when, having been offered a lift home by her husband, we approached their car and, notwithstanding her own condition, she asked me if I would be more comfortable sitting in the front!! So sad to see someone so caring suffering as she is. I am very pleased we went last night though as I don't think there will be many more chances like that.

I hope everyone has a good Sunday,

Kind regards,




Over the past few months like many on ER I have been amazed by your indomitable spirit on ERs


Once again you amaze me with your generosity of spirit towards this lady.


May God bless her and you as well.




p.s. Had several attempts to find the right words - hope these are o.k.

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I'm sure they are the right words, Dave. I looked for them earlier without success - but yours are fine.





I don.t post regularly on ERs but am an assiduous follower. I never cease to be amazed by the generosity of spirit I see under really trying circumstances.


Are you in a position to announce the date you and Sherry will be tying the knot?





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  • RMweb Gold
Danemouth, on 15 Feb 2015 - 15:49, said:


Are you in a position to announce the date you and Sherry will be tying the knot?



10th April, at 11.30. A short ceremony and then a pub buffet for about 30 people. A minor irony is that the Registrar, a thoroughly decent chap, is a Mr Lemming!

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10th April, at 11.30. A short ceremony and then a pub buffet for about 30 people. A minor irony is that the Registrar, a thoroughly decent chap, is a Mr Lemming!



May you both have a wonderful day,


Doubtless the bunting will festoon ERs on that happy day!



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Congrats to Oldddudders.


Erm, long time no post or something, congrats or commiserations as appropriate. Semi-permanent baby-lag. Though I found out that by storing him in a semi-fetal position in my hoodie/fleece-thingy supported by a cushion on my lap, I can keep both hands free for surfing Ebay (dangerous place). Anyway I hate to sound like one of those parents who say things like "oh, little Jasper is soooo intelligent, he was criticizing Proust by the time he was 3 months old", but the little blighter (Squid junior, not Proust) has already grasped the concept of the bottle (we need to supplement) and is fully aware what it looks like and whether he's managed to empty it. Also spent some quality time with him showing him various random objects which attracted his interest (including several doors and walls) and even elicited a giggle/laugh. Now, where did I put those Oxbridge application papers...

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Afternoon all. I have not had much chance to catch up on today's postings. What I can say is once again Jock has shown what a kind hearted and brave gentleman he is. Thoughts and wishes to his friend as well. Great to hear the news of the forthcoming nuptials for two of regular posters. Congratulations to both and, like everybody else, I look forward to seeing pictures from the special day.


 Last night was a nice evening with a lovely meal - the first time we have done the Marks and Spencers' dine in for two offer. I have to say the quality of their food is superb. A lovely salmon fishcake with sauces for the starter, a chicken and leek pie with rosemary and garlic potatoes for main, a millionaires shortbread to follow and a very nice bottle of white wine. It was a rare moment for us to actually sit and enjoy each other's company. In the hectic schedule that is life it is so easy to become ships passing in the night so it was nice to stop and remember exactly why we are together. A much needed time.


 Sadly the back has started to play up again. This morning it was very stiff when I awoke. Not the sort of condition I needed to be in prior to my first game of football in 4 weeks. To make matters worse, with injuries ruling out three goalkeepers, it was me who had to wear the gloves. Now I am not a novice, but I have rarely played in goal since I broke my arm all those years ago. There is definite rustiness - one of my previous efforts saw me concede 10! Thankfully today was much better as we won 3-2 and I produced three saves in the first half that I was very proud of. There were a couple in the second half too. Not much I could have done with the second goal conceded and the first was a penalty so I feel pretty satisfied. Sadly the back has stiffened up a lot. Mind you an afternoon of tearing up cardboard will not have helped either. Just how much cardboard does a bed company need to use?? Five large boxes were tackled, with four destroyed and filling three sacks and the recycling box. One day we will be free of the rubbish from new items and house move stuff. One day!!!


Hope you all enjoy the rest of your Sunday. For some today comes at the start of the half term break. For us it is at the end. Back to work tomorrow!

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10th April, at 11.30. A short ceremony and then a pub buffet for about 30 people. A minor irony is that the Registrar, a thoroughly decent chap, is a Mr Lemming!

Lemming, Lemming, Lemming of the BDA.

With apologies to Messers Python.

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When the right words are hard to come by the mere presence and good thoughts helps immensely.


Well said, John.


Sky has clouded up again, so ensconced on the sofa and browsing for railway stuff and other things. Planning to order Indian food for dinner. Chicken curry, mmm...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


I've caught up again, and I can only endorse what everybody has said about Jock's spirit and supportive attitude to everybody, both in his "real" life, and also his virtual life on RMWeb.  Jock, the day you joined our ranks was a boon to many of us here - always a kindly and supportive word, and an upbeat approach to cancer which is quite humbling.


Today, spent a bit of time doing some gardening, with a lot more needed, but it would have been a waste of a good day to stay indoors, RMWeb or not - many will mention missing the rugby, but I'm not a sporting type at all - exposure to that sport while at Kilmarnock Academy did a lot to put me off it - out at the playing field (which was about a mile from the school - no doubt Jock will also remember the walk out there, and the "quality" changing room tin hut with no showers, and one pitch which was more like a cow field, and was where the novices and no-hopers were sent to muddle around.  Oh how I used to pray for rain on the afternoons when the dreaded word "field" appeared on the timetable.


I too am a twirlie, and to get my NowCard (Lancashire speak for bus pass) I just attended Customer Service at the local town hall after 20th April, the advisor took my details, and also took my photo using her webcam, my application was logged, and the pass arrived a few days before the start date of 6th May.  It has been a useful thing as I can now go into town whenever I need to do so, and if I forget anything, there's no great problem, as I can pop in again the next day.  There is one frustration which I've not been able to overcome, and that is that there is a little bus to Morecambe stopping outside the two supermarkets that I use, but it is timed to leave the village at 09.10, and the pass doesn't kick in until 09.30 - so every day the bus leaves empty, and anybody wanting Morecambe has to get the 09.45 (often doesn't turn up until after 10) to Lancaster, then change and get another to Morecambe.  This a council run service operated by the same council who issue the bus pass, and which is under threat of cancellation due to lack of use - but it's too late for anybody to use to get to work and the bus itself is "twirlie".  Though it is allowed for pass holders once it gets two villages down the road, as it's then after 09.30!?!>!


Hi Debs, I see you're lurking.


Regards to All


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