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Morning All,


Feeling a little tired this afternoon - I went to a friends birthday party yesterday afternoon and instead of being the one to leave first, I ended up being the one to leave last. This morning! We ended up chatting half the night and I missed the last train home.


Morning all last night some young oik tried to blind Mrs B by shining a laser pen through the window where do they get their hands on these things?


The Internet unfortunately - it is dead easy to get your hands on some pretty dangerous stuff. A laser pointer itself is dangerous enough, but I have also seen some very high powered lasers available. Anybody caught doing something like that should be prosecuted - it is after all intent to wound.


Okay, it is actually a train ;) ...420 303 working the S 8419 service to Darmstadt.


Interestingly enough, I was sitting on one of those units about half an hour ago - S8 though, not S4.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Interestingly enough, I was sitting on one of those units about half an hour ago - S8 though, not S4.



One item of interest in this context is that six 420s from the 7th batch have recently been reallocated from Stuttgart to Frankfurt. However, they will go through a major overhaul at Krefeld before they'll be put into service here. The 7th and 8th batch units have a number of differences from the earlier batches.


Back in 2005 two 7th batch 420s had briefly been allocated to Frankfurt, which was when I took this photo:





420 415 and 400 (I think it was that one) waiting at Riedstadt to return to Frankfurt on the S7 line on the evening of 25 November. Far as I remember they were only operated on that line.


Among the visible differences are the plug doors which replaced the recessed sliding ones on the earlier batches, as well as the additional brake disks - all wheels now being fitted with them, rather than just one on each wheelset. Far as I heard, back in 2005 the drivers almost fought over being able to drive these sets as they definitely are in much better shape than the ones we currently have - which is unsurprising as the 7th and 8th batch sets were delivered between 1989 and 1997.

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all last night some young oik tried to blind Mrs B by shining a laser pen through the window where do they get their hands on these things?


Don't know where he got it, but I know where I'd put it if I caught the little sod... :blink:



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  • RMweb Premium

Don't know where he got it, but I know where I'd put it if I caught the little sod... :blink:



Something tells me this might not be where you would put it, but my proposal would be before the wheels of an approaching Class 66 :lol: .

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  • RMweb Premium

I was thinking of something more complex but painful but first you have to catch them. She has a headache but her eyesight seems ok a feeling like 'arc eye'from her description probably sums it up best. The police turned up promptly and went off to search for the young offender.

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I was thinking of something more complex but painful but first you have to catch them. She has a headache but her eyesight seems ok a feeling like 'arc eye'from her description probably sums it up best. The police turned up promptly and went off to search for the young offender.


Sorry to hear about the suspected arc-eye. Hope it clears up soon and leaves nothing permanent. The police response sounds exceptional too.


IMHO, the old fashioned 'hung, drawn and quartered' method is too lenient for this type of offense.


Best Wishes

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  • RMweb Gold

One of those days today - tried to so some modelling, b*llsed up everything I did. Now wondering if in fact I'm cut out for it, so disappointing especially after the mojo uplift from yesterday at Wycrail and Gordon's with the boys. Oh well, I'm sure that a nice roast and the bottle of Chilean red which I've started will put me in a better frame of mind.

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  • RMweb Premium

As I believe I mentioned before there has been a spate of incidents involving airline pilots, and now even train drivers, having been blinded with laser pointers over here. Seems like this is a new and ugly kind of trend for youths - though it is most likely not limited to those of just a young biological age - to demonstrate their daring - or should I say, non-caring? I'm not sure if this actually started here in Germany as I also read about such incidents having occurred in the U.S., though I do not remember the dates indicated in these reports.

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  • RMweb Gold

One of those days today - tried to so some modelling, b*llsed up everything I did.

That is exactly how I feel today!

First I ripped up more filler than intended.

Then I ripped a small piece of the backscene despite protecting it

I glued an N gauge point down, point mechanism included! I think it might be OK though...


Let's hope my NG laying and infilling isn't as bad as it looks! (I'm so glad I've got all the NG track down though!)


Nevermind, i've got tomorrow off so I can get some more done well this time!


Sorry to hear about the laser incident - what on earth provokes them?!

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  • RMweb Gold
I'm sure the tooth will be much better when it is removed!


Don't forget to ask for it back so that you can put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy.


The last extraction I had resulted in the offending tooth being removed in so many small pieces I could have kept the tooth fairy busy for weeks. I'm sure the dentist was using a cold chisel and sledghammer at one point. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted this until after your appointment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't forget to ask for it back so that you can put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy.


The last extraction I had resulted in the offending tooth being removed in so many small pieces I could have kept the tooth fairy busy for weeks. I'm sure the dentist was using a cold chisel and sledghammer at one point. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted this until after your appointment.


I can't imagine this tooth is going to come out in one piece either if my previous experience is anything to go by. It is when the dentist says come back in a couple of weeks and I'll get the rest when the gum swelling reduces, you suspect that it may hurt after the anaesthetic wears off. My brother-in-law who is a GP has had some success in helping patients who are phobic about dentistry. Unfortunately whenever he has to go he can't stop thinking about the dental scenes from "Marathon Man".


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Evening all! Had a busy day out and about with Jamie. She's now crawling very happily and can now kneel. Next stop walking, I think...


Don't know where he got it, but I know where I'd put it if I caught the little sod... :blink:


He might need the snake's bottle brush to get it out again...


One of those days today - tried to so some modelling, b*llsed up everything I did. Now wondering if in fact I'm cut out for it, so disappointing especially after the mojo uplift from yesterday at Wycrail and Gordon's with the boys. Oh well, I'm sure that a nice roast and the bottle of Chilean red which I've started will put me in a better frame of mind.


The Chilean red will probably help the mood but not the motor skills...


I can't imagine this tooth is going to come out in one piece either if my previous experience is anything to go by. It is when the dentist says come back in a couple of weeks and I'll get the rest when the gum swelling reduces, you suspect that it may hurt after the anaesthetic wears off. My brother-in-law who is a GP has had some success in helping patients who are phobic about dentistry. Unfortunately whenever he has to go he can't stop thinking about the dental scenes from "Marathon Man".


Good luck with the tooth.. Got my check up due in about a month.

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  • RMweb Gold

My wife decided that something soft would be good for dinner tonight so we had what were allegedly Hungarian style meatballs with noodles. We didn't have any Hungarian wine so Australian red did quite nicely. Tooth/gums feeling quite good tonight so either Australia or Hungary deserve some thanks!


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Good morning all.

8 oktas, raining 5th day in a row and forecast to last till Friday,

Summer has been postponed indefinately!

Glad to hear about Jamies progress.Pics?

Sorry to hear about your woes Jam. Hope it all comes right!

I am following your Blog.

Hope the wife's eye is OK Mick

Any pics of the gathering of the clan Gordon? Did your trains behave? Was much beer consumed?

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Morning All,


Another damp, autumnal morning here. The temperature is hovering around 7?°C at the moment, so it isn't too cold - but it feels pretty chilly.


Off to Karlsruhe for a meeting this morning.


Have a good day everyone! :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning :icon_yawn: ...


Not quite sure what to make of the weather outside yet. Temperature sensor for my thermometer seems to need new batteries yet again, so no display from that one. Tomorrow my girlfriend will go on a short trip to her family in Leipzig till Friday - unfortunately I cannot join her due to my exam preparations :( . Guess it stands to reason I will be missing her badly...


Later ;) .

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Morning All,


Terribly Wintery here this morning! Low laying mist around and only 5 deg C with one of those biting winds to boot! It made cycling in thos morning a "Character Building" excercise - So Jam, you have been warned! laugh.gif


Weekend was good, I had a fab day at Lancing catching up with John, and yesterday for the most part was uneventful. Paraded the Scout Uniform at a rememberance parade yesterday morning. Thankfully it wasn't as cold as it is outside there now!! biggrin.gif


Ah well, Monday again folks! Just got to survive the barrage today and then MRC tonight! biggrin.gif


Have a good day everyone! Roll on this evening....

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning,


The sun is doing its best to burn the condensation off the car's windscreen. I've just made a huge amount of porridge and then I'll take Matthew to college as he informed me that there is a bus strike this morning.



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Do you reheat/cook the previous day's porridge or do you manage to consume a 'huge' amount at one sitting?


Graham, do you wear shorts in Scout uniform?

We do here in the Cape, but in the Transvaal we have longs for Winter.

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